Cramps :: Leg And Foot Cramps

I've suffered from these for years. When I told the GP he prescribed 200mg quinine sulphate but I still had cramps - albeit fewer. so he prescribed 300mg tablets. I still get the cramps, perhaps not as frequently but it's quite distressing.

Leg cramps can be eased by standing on the leg and stretching it. Foot on the leg and stretching it. Foot cramps are quite different, my foot turns inwards and my toes turn position. Nothing but time can resolve it, my husband watches in amazement, as do I. It's quite painful.

A son says that lack of salt can cause cramps, might this be so? We have very low sodium chloride intake.

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Thyroid Disorders :: Leg Foot And Toe Cramps

i have my lab results, and the same goes for me my dr. changed my prescription from .5 to .75, i think .75 is to strong for me so i talked him into me alternating .5 one day and .75 the next. i did this for 60 days and felt pretty good, i had leg cramps but not as severe as now. i am back up to .75 because  of my lab test showing me to have very high numbers. its pretty much just my right leg cramping , you can actually see the muscle tighten up starting at my lower calve and climb right up yo my knee. my foot contorts and stays like that  for a few minutes , its unbelievably painful. what should i change, I'm willing to do anything .

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Thyroid :: Synthroid And Foot Cramps

Well, after a year and a half on Erfa Thyroid, I had to switch back to Synthroid because the heart pounding at night on the Erfa just kept getting worse and worse.

Of course, with the Synthroid I'm now back to having severe foot cramps all night; by that I mean that my foot twists around on the ankle and I have to stand up and push my foot down to get it to go back into position. Sometimes it's both feet at once. Try sleeping with that going on!

Not sure which side effect is worse, and I feel as though I can't win, since neither medication allows me to sleep.

My doctor doesn't believe that switching back to Synthroid would result in foot cramps and won't offer any help. When I was on Synthroid previously my old GP game me quinine sulphate, which keep the cramps down to once or twice a week, but this one won't prescribe it.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution? I take lots of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D, and B vitamins, so I should be okay on that score.

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Cramps :: Toes, Foot And Calf Muscle

its great to know i'm not going mad thinking i'm unique in this - i get cramp in my toes every single time i go to bed, if i dont try to nip it in the bud within a few minutes it moves to the rest of my foot and then to my calf muscle, i am wondering if i have a circulation problem, i did have Quinine for this and to be honest i noticed a reduction in the amount of times per week i got it then my husband said try an Aspirin which i did and noticed an aspirin in the morning then one at night reduced it even more than the quinine but, after a month of doing this, my cramps have increased to every night again whether i take aspirin or quinine, i am thin, relatively healthy but i am not a drinker of water so wonder if i should try that one next and maybe get hold of some concentrated Magnesium Citrate, i'll do anything to stop this, i even get it come on when driving and putting my foot on the gas pedal occasionally.

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Foot / Ankle :: Pain Outside Of Foot After Flat Foot Surgery

I am 7 1/2 weeks post of from Flat Foot Surgery and the outside area of foot from where my incision ends from the double calcaneal osteotomy up to my little toe the soft tissue is halfway numb and very painful. Has anyone else experienced this and if so how long did it last.

I am not sure how long it takes the soft tissue to heal to a point where it does not hurt when you are not walking. Or is what I am feeling nerve pain. I started PT this week and am PWB. My doctor thinks I will be in a shoe in 3 weeks and I don't know at this rate how that could be possible. I am icing a majority of the day for sure after I do my PT exercises.

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Carbimazole :: Painful Leg Cramps (not The Usual Night Time Calf Cramps)

I was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and I have been taking Carbimazole since Aug 6, 2010, since yesterday I have been experiencing painful leg cramps (not the usual night time calf cramps) that begin just above my right knee and travel down to my foot sometimes 5 or so in quick succession - this is really painful :? and I wondered if anybody else has these or should I go back and see my GP?

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Muscle Cramps All Over Body, Upper Thigh Cramps So Severe

Cramps so bad in thighs, I can't take the pain anymore

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Post Menopause Bleeding After Cramps Like Ovulation Cramps

I had what felt like ovulation cramps last week and tonight have vaginal bleeding, fresh blood not old.

I did this in 2012 after my mom died, was checked pap smear, uterine biopsy and I feel those hurt, it was all good, they thought it might of been stress related because it lasted only one day.

My abnormally normal periods were only 1-3 days, they were one coming in, one day of heavy bleeding, and spotting on third day. But every 28 days like clockwork with no issues there. In my 20's I was told I had endometriosis and when they went to do the ultrasound the cyst had went away. I didn't take it any further than that but never had children and never took birth control. Cramps were always very painful, had to curl up in a ball, always had severe back pain with them as well.

Last week they were like that not quite as bad but nearly.

Is this just a fluke you all think? Even menopause I had no symptoms, when I turned 50 it shut off like a faucet never again until 2012, and now.

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Menopause :: Stomach Cramps VS. Uterine Cramps

I'm having a hard time distinguishing between cramps from the intestines/stomach and slight cramps from my "female parts"... Sometimes I think that I have a regular stomach pain, but I'm wondering whether the pains could be slight cramping from my uterus instead? Right now I'm most likely just passed the ovulation and should have my period in about 13 days. Would slight cramping during this time be normal for someone in perimenopause?

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Foot / Ankle :: Flat Foot Reconstruction, 8 Weeks Postop With Heel Pain

I am currently 8 weeks post op from a very extensive flat foot reconstructive surgery . I was excited to start partial weight bearing this week starting w 25 percent in a boot.

My problem is I have sharp pains coming from the bottom of my heel which I am thinking may be from the screws from the calcaneal osteotomy. This is making it very difficult to put any pressure on my foot when weight bearing ?

Has anyone experienced this ? Did it go away on its own? Was there anything that helped this . I am afraid I will not be able to proceed the wt bearing with this continued heel pain.

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Foot / Ankle :: Bunion Surgery Pain & Swelling In Ball Of Foot

I am 7 and a half weeks post op after a Lapidus & an Akin procedure. I was in cast until last week and have managed a tennis type shoe and a sandal on so far.

The swelling has been bad as expected with full weight bearing, but the real pain is in the ball of my foot and my big toe does not lie flat, but rather sits elevated. I think the ball of the foot under the big toe is swollen so that may be the cause? I can only walk for a few minutes properly before the pain becomes too much and I am limping and walking on the outside of my operated foot. I can usually cope with pain so know this must be fairly severe.

I am doing my toe bending exercises and think that already the range of motion is not too bad.

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Foot / Ankle :: Broken Calcaneus Bone Right Foot 2 Screws Put In

I had broken my right calcaneus the doctor put 2 screws in. I'm at 8 weeks just started putting weight on it and walking with 1 crutch. Started doing stretching exercises. My question is I'm having pain in my foot now that I have started walking with 1 crutch. Very uncomfortable walking with boot so I changed to my tennis shoes with gel long does it take before I can walk with little or no pain. Does anybody know.

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Foot / Ankle :: Ball Of Foot Sore After Metatarsal Surgery

After having surgery on both the 4th and 5th metatarsal with plates and screws holding everything I have pain on the ball of my foot. I haven't yet started walking, I've been in no weight bearing. It's been three weeks and a half since surgery and the bottom of my foot really hurts when pressed upon. After almost a month this doesn't seem normal. Should I be worried. I will ask the doctor about this on my next visit when he pulls out the k wire.

The ball of my foot hurts also when I do toe exercise such as curling in and out.

Each visit to the doctor he tells me not to walk and put put weight on my foot. I tell him each time that I can't if I wanted to as it hurts to barely try.

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Plantar Fasciitis :: In Right Foot, Pain In Left Foot

I have suffered with plantar fasciitis in my right foot for about a year now.

It originally started after a knee operation and a torn calf muscle after an accident.

The pain in my right foot is so unbearable that I opted for a steroid injection last year. I watched some of the youtube videos to see that some numb the area first then inject.. Not my GP...Straight in with the steroid and it was so painful I kept saying "Oh my god oh my god". Well it didn't work and I know that I will NEVER have another one. The pain is more than before.

My left foot has now got a pain across the top of the foot.inferior extensor retinaculum I think it's called.

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Foot / Ankle :: Heel And Bottom Of Foot Pain

It is my right foot only. Heel pain, and basically all of my foot. I wear inserts plus an extra heel cushion. I been to the foot doctor and gave me a antibiotic and he recommended icing and heating and stretching bottom of foot. Any other suggestions?

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Foot / Ankle :: Pain On Outside Bottom Of Foot! Is This Normal?

I had PTTD reconstructive surgery on Feb. 24th. I am still NWB and in the hard cast.

I have been good about icing and elevating, and now the swelling is rarely an issue. However, now that the cast is much looser, I am very aware of the feeling that my foot is turning inwards... as in...It feels like i'm "standing" on the outside of my foot. If I prop the foot up so that the bottom of my foot is all fully touching the bottom of the cast, I have significant pain along that outside area from what feels like right under my ankle to just below the ball of my foot. Is there any chance that I am healing "crookedly" due to the cast being loose? Although I can't put weight on it, just straightening my leg completely will cause that "rolling out" and pain.

On an unrelated note:

Is there anything that I can do for nerve pain at this point in my recovery? I am no longer taking the "heavy" pain medication. I am just taking Advil and Tylenol. I am finding, however, that these do nothing for the nerve pain. Is there anything that I can do besides going back to narcotics? I'm wary of taking them for too long, but the real issue is that I would rather be clear-headed.

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Foot / Ankle :: Foot Still Hurts 5 Months Post-op

My foot still hurts when I walk, in a week I'll be 5 months post-op and I was suppose to see my surgeon on Friday but it got rescheduled to October 3rd. I'm trying to phone my surgeon to see if I can get an earlier appointment because October 3rd is really a long time to wait!

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Foot / Ankle :: 7 Weeks Post Op - Reconstruction Of Foot

I had reconstruction of my left foot. I am 7 1/2 weeks Post op. I was in the hospital for 4 days with a nerve block behind my knee and drugs through a pushbutton pump. pain was managed. I was sent home with perks and vicodin.

For the first week I was told to take the pain meds before I felt the pain which was every 4 hours. After the perks I was able to use vicaden, however I didn't like the vicodin so I went to tramadol. That was only for the first two weeks. My dr does not believe in hard drugs after that. I was in a cast for two week which was the worse for me😔I felt very confined and tight.

Went back to the Dr to only find out an additional 4 more weeks in the cast. Total of 8 weeks, I am now in a boot an able to bear 1/3 of my weight along with PT and exercises at home.Weight bearing is gradual. Takes 3 months for full weight bearing. It is a very long process with lots of patience.
My knee roller is a blessing.Before weight bearing I tried hopping on crutches and fell, please don't try that.

Be honest I haven't felt myself since surgery hope it's part of recovery...I would like to know if you feel not yourself yet after 7 weeks. I am the type of person that loves to run out every chance I get and sometimes I am not up to it because it's tons of work with the boot. I sincerely hope after 3 months I can work by myself. Let me know if anyone feels the same.

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Foot / Ankle :: Unable To Do A Heel Raise On That Foot

Today the PT had me try a heel raise standing just on my operated foot and I could barely do anything. When I do both feet together it goes pretty well. Just curious to know how long it took others of you to reach that point where your foot & calf were strong enough to do it just on that one foot.

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