Prinzmetal's Angina - A Benign Condition?

Does anyone have information about this type of angina? Mine is quickly getting more aggressive in nature and my most recent episode two days ago caused me to nearly pass out with the pain. I do know that it is caused by a spasm and it is generally considered a benign condition, but it is not feeling that way anymore. Please share any real knowledge you may have on this topic with me. I really hate to call the emergency services if there is something else I can do to alleviate my pain beyond using my nitroglycerine spray and chewing the aspirin.

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L-arginine Helps Prinzmetal Angina?

I have Prinzmetal angina.  My first attack was when I was 44 but not diagnosed until I was 51.  I just recently found out i have eNOS T786C mutation which most likely is causing the vasospasm.  I'm curious if anyone else has been diagnosed with this mutation.  A doctor that is doing research on Prinzmetal patients recommends taking L-arginine.  Anyone else take this supplement?  If so has it helped?  I have never had an EKG during an attack and was wondering if ST segment elevation is ALWAYS present on an EKG during spasm?

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Correlation Of HIV And Gonorrhea?

I was  recently diagnosed with Gonorrhea, the doctor gave me antibiotics. I was also got tested for HIV and the result was negative. But right now, I am terrified because CDC links gonorrhea and hiv co-infection. I don't exactly when I got the gonorrhea, but I believe maybe within 2 months only, and I got treated. My question is, was there a chance that I might have been exposed to HIV as well? assuming the person who gave me gonorrhea was also co-infected with HIV? I am very terrified now as the negative result I got from HIV was too soon, and the test might have not picked up. Please advise on this as I'm really scared. The past 3 months I only performed unprotected oral sex, no orgasm inside my mouth, but there could have been cuts and I didn't notice. I had done oral sex with different persons lately. What are the chances of me getting the HIV as well?

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica And Macula Edema - Correlation?

Is there any correlation between PMA and Macula Edema, my hands become very swollen and

I have a mild episode of PMA after having an eye injection of Lucentis for macular edema.

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Correlation Between Implanon (nexplanon) Birth Control Implant And Panic Attacks?

Has anyone heard of the correlation between the birth control implant and severe anxiety and depression? I have had the implant place in Feb, and panic attacks have started with a vengeance, everyday and sometimes multiple times in a day for almost a month. I have read articles that it can cause an increase in anxiety and blood pressure (mine his been unusually high). Does anyone else have experience with this? 

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Unstable Angina From TAKING Bisoprolol

I am 56 on statins and aspirin for cholesterol. ~2 months ago I got tinnitus out of the blue, thought it was hypertension, so I bought a heart monitor and found out that in fact, to my surprise, my blood pressure was 170+/90. Went to the doctor and he put me on Bisoprolol, first month 2.5mg/day (no change in blood pressure), last 30 days 5mg. My blood pressure has now lowered to 140/70 so I should be quite happy BUT 1, 2 and 3 weeks ago I got three scary episodes, waking up in the middle of the night with a feeling of severe tightness in my chest, very bad cold sweats etc. Back to the doc he thinks it's unstable angina and scared the &***!? out of me and that I should have called 999 etc. He's referred me to a cardiologist next week. My question is, since I've never had angina or heart problems in my life, could it be that Bisoprolol itself is causing these episodes and it is not angina at all? I know it is prescribed FOR angina but I also see it has a huge list of side effects.

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Angina Or What? Nitro And Aspirin Not Working

I am 52 yrs old, I currently have 5 stents placed over the past 5 years. I still suffer angina a lot. Goes in bouts, sometimes numerous times a day and some days not at all. Monday morning I was woken at 3 am with bad chest pain. I laid there for a few minutes to see if it would ease. Finally got up and took a nitro. It didn't help, over the next 3 hours I took 7 nitro and chewed 3 baby aspirin, all to no avail. Off to the ER, EKG was fine, blood work showed no heart attack, but they wheeled me into the cath lab again. My cardiologist performed the procedure and found nothing out of sorts. I just don't know what to do, I take a ton of drugs, am diabetic also, but still suffer chest pain much too often. Am so limited on what I can do physically because of this.

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Angina ? Chest Pains During Swimming

I have chest pain after recently swimming, it's not too painful but i have some symptoms of angina, except for the tightness/squeezing feelings in my arms or legs, I only have it in my chest. I only notice it when i take deep breaths or when I'm standing.

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Acid Reflux Confused With Angina

I am a male 33 year old with 5'11" height, weight 84 Kg. I have acid reflux and mild hypertension(125/90). I daily feels acid reflux sometimes with pain in chest & anxiety. Should i worry about Heart Disease too due to High BP & Pain in chest. Doctor diagnosed with NAFLD with SGPT 59 & SGOT 45. Random Insulin was 90.6. I m non diabetic & a little over weight. ECG shown Mild LVH. Sometimes symptoms of Low Blood Sugar occurs. Sugar remains normal most of the time except one day it was 64. Is it hypoglycemia or acid reflux mimics the symptoms of low blood sugar ? I am so depressed these days.

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Angina Due To High Cholesterol Levels

Hubby has had a few chest pains, so we went to the GP where he had an ECG, all pretty normal but we got referred to the hospital anyway, where hubby had another ECG, blood test and we were told that he may have Angina also his Cholesterol levels were high? i am puzzled as to why, we eat a healthy diet, we eat lean proteins, no fats, fruit and veg, we never eat fast foods and all our foods are home cooking and no fats, hubby doesn't drink or smoke, so why? we can't eat any better also he can't exercise as he has chronic Degenerative disc problems which makes him very immobile!!!! so can anyone tell me ,what i do now, how can i lower the cholesterol levels, hubby is a bit overweight but only due to his back problem, not food! he has to go for an Angiogram in a few weeks.

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Angina :: Shock Feeling Through Left Chest

I was walking through my house not doing anything abnormal and got this sudden sharp lightning bolt like pain in my left side from around the bottom of my neck down through the left side of my chest.  It was very quick and so far only happened once but it was painful and really scared me. After it happened the muscles in my left leg seemed to tense up.

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Angina :: Sleepless Nights For The Past Three Weeks

I have been having sleepless nights for the past three weeks, and having this pain and tightness on my chest. which sometimes affect my arms and shoulders. I don't sleep at night because I feel as if I will have a heart attack. I am 37yrs old male . the pain usually occurs when am not doing anything or under emotional stress. please what should I do and what do you think it is.

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Angina ? Sharp Pain In The Middle Of Chest

I am a female that is 23 and I am quite overweight (BMI around 47). I would like to know if I am experiencing angina or if it could be something else. My stomach doctor has ruled out a hiatal hernia. I've also had EKGs and two heart ultrasounds and they were all fine.

So the symptom I'm having is just sharp pain in the middle of my chest. It comes and goes, but is frequent. I've been having this since I woke up about 11am and it is 4:30p now. I've not felt right all day. I've been to sleep twice since I woke up and still it is happening. I've been having a little trouble breathing as well. My forehead felt weird this morning too. I couldn't describe how it felt to my mother.

There is a clinic nearby and I don't know whether I should go to it. Every time they do a test on me for anything, it is always negative. I just don't want to make them waste their time or make myself look like a fool/hypochondriac.

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Angina ? Discomfort Between Ribs And Left Arm Aches

I am a 34 male with no family history of cardiac issues. I quit smoking 6 years ago. Recently, when running in had a discomfort right in the bottom, between my ribs. My left arm also aches, though the pain varies with position. I took a echo stress test in Jan 2015 and passed with flying colors. Also my most recent cholesterol were as follows: total cholesterol 181, HDL 41, LDL 108 and triglycerides 130. My BMI is 22.3. What are the chances, it can it be angina ?

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Iron Deficiency Anaemia After Angina And Stent

66 year old husband who has always been fit and healthy developed unstable angina and within three days was fitted with a stent.  This was at the end of January.  Not been feeling too great since a few days after and now the doc has said he is suffering from anaemia and will have to go for a colonoscopy.

hubby cant understand this as he was never anaemic before.

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Could It Be Raynaud's Syndrome?

I am 14 nearly 15 years old and for as long as I can remember i have had this problem and my father also has the same problem but I seem to have it on a much larger scale.

My feet do not warm up naturally, even in bed at night they are freezing cold and if it is cold outside my feet are purple and I have very blotchy looking skin on them and my hands, when they are like this they look like the feet of a dead person.

Also, when it is cold, my hands go white, purple, and then bright red. They are numb during this and when they become bright red, my fingers swell slightly and it looks like they are about to burst. Also at this point, if I touch my hands or fingers together, they will sting and the pain is unbearable, it feels like stepping into a hot bath after being in the snow all day, but 10x worse.

I haven't yet been to see a doctor although I know I probably should. The problem with my hands doesn't affect me unless it is unusually cold, mostly during the winter and the problem with my feet is constant, during all weather and all seasons. I have had multiple friends and family members say it could be circulatory problems but I am yet to know for certain

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SLE, Raynaud's And Sjogren's Together

I have the SLE-Raynaud's-Sjogren's package of auto-immune illness (listed in the order of diagnosis). The Sjogren's is the latest and most burdensome flavor of the decade for me. I was diagnosed with it about 3 years ago but was probably suffering from it for several years prior before the symptoms persisted enough to result in a diagnosis. I guess that's typical. It was with the SLE and the Raynaud's.

I can't imagine it could get any worse, but I get the impression that I might be "early" in the cycle and that scares me. No tears, corneal erosions, no spit, heroic (expensive and painful) dental treatments to save teeth that may already be doomed, pain, fatigue. Little annoyances that by themselves are "nothing" all together its a spirit crusher. Can it possibly get worse?

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Could It Be Secondary Raynaud's?

I was diagnosed with raynaud's back in 2010, but have suffered for about 7 yrs - I'm currently 36. I suffer with typical raynaud's in my hands & feet, they get cold whether it's been outdoors to walking in the fridge isle of a supermarket to holding cold cutlery and now even when I get out of the bath/shower. Back in 2010 my bloods tested positive for the antinuclear factor, so it suggested I had a connective tissue disorder, but with no other symptoms other than raynaud's was left as that. However, I've recently started getting pain in my finger joints - the pain is unrelated to when I have a raynaud's attack. I've been referred for further bloods & X-rays. Anyone else suffer with secondary or similar to my symptoms?

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Raynaud's - Will Gloves Help?

I have trouble writing, cooking, even sleeping and living a normal life generally due to my cold hands.

Has anyone found and eventually bought any gloves that helped hands get warmer and be able to work with them on as well?

I am a student and I have great trouble to do my work.

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