Angina :: Feel Pain Which Is Sometimes At Left Or Mostly At Right Side Of Chest?

Question: Does angina happen during extreme exercise to a healthy man without any heart disease/plaque build-up

Background: While running when i am extremely tired and exhausted(after running for long time)  i feel pain in chest which is sometimes at left or mostly at right side of the chest. the pain goes away as soon as i stop running and doesn't return even if i start running after resting a few minutes. I can't say that it is heart pain as it is mostly at right side of the chest.  
note: The pain does NOT spread to other areas and i am just 16 years old with a healthy weight, active life style and i don't smoke/drink; it all makes any heart disease very unlikely.

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Angina? Dull Ache In Left Chest Area

I'm a 34yr old female and for the last few months i've been experiencing a dull ache around the area of my heart.

It comes and goes throughout the day and is never really painful just achy if you know what i mean?

I also get occasional palpitations, my worry is that both of my parents suffer with Angina!

What are the chances of me developing angina at my age?

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Angina ? Chest Pains During Swimming

I have chest pain after recently swimming, it's not too painful but i have some symptoms of angina, except for the tightness/squeezing feelings in my arms or legs, I only have it in my chest. I only notice it when i take deep breaths or when I'm standing.

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Angina ? Sharp Pain In The Middle Of Chest

I am a female that is 23 and I am quite overweight (BMI around 47). I would like to know if I am experiencing angina or if it could be something else. My stomach doctor has ruled out a hiatal hernia. I've also had EKGs and two heart ultrasounds and they were all fine.

So the symptom I'm having is just sharp pain in the middle of my chest. It comes and goes, but is frequent. I've been having this since I woke up about 11am and it is 4:30p now. I've not felt right all day. I've been to sleep twice since I woke up and still it is happening. I've been having a little trouble breathing as well. My forehead felt weird this morning too. I couldn't describe how it felt to my mother.

There is a clinic nearby and I don't know whether I should go to it. Every time they do a test on me for anything, it is always negative. I just don't want to make them waste their time or make myself look like a fool/hypochondriac.

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Angina ? Discomfort Between Ribs And Left Arm Aches

I am a 34 male with no family history of cardiac issues. I quit smoking 6 years ago. Recently, when running in had a discomfort right in the bottom, between my ribs. My left arm also aches, though the pain varies with position. I took a echo stress test in Jan 2015 and passed with flying colors. Also my most recent cholesterol were as follows: total cholesterol 181, HDL 41, LDL 108 and triglycerides 130. My BMI is 22.3. What are the chances, it can it be angina ?

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Angina ? Chest, Neck, Upper Back And Jaw Pain - GERD With Prilosec

I am 26 almost 27

Overweight (working on it)

On anxiety med and blood pressure medication.

For 6-8 years I've had on and off chest pain, left arm pain, neck pain, upper back, even pain in both jaw sides.

I've seen 3 cardiologists in the last 4 years. Blood pressure is a little high and also cholesterol is a tad high (again working on it)

They all say my heart checks out (like 6 ekgs, treadmill stress test, ECHOs and all checks out clean) been about 2 years since last echo and almost 3 since that stress test.

I also have GERD. Take Prilosec.

The last 2-3 weeks tho... On and off I've been having left arm, left breast pain. Throbbing. Stabbing. Aching. On and off. My neck has been hurting on and off too. My upper back, same thing. My jaw both sides on and off.

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Angina :: Lots Of Pain In My Left Arms, Neck, Both Legs, Shoulders

I am in my early 60s and have had facial paralysis (left side) and mini stroke in 2005. I have recently been diagnosed with Angina. I also have high blood pressure, diabetes and sciatic. Recently I have been getting lots of pain in my left arms, neck, both legs, shoulders, chest and ribs and pain has woken me up. I am due to have angiogram soon. Dr has given me GTN and Nicorandil. On my left side I get pain in my temple this side is affected by facial paralysis. I find it very difficult to walk and get very breathless. Just walking up the stairs I get very breathless. Does anyone else suffers from same symptoms? I feel I have no energy and I am housebound.

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Feeling A Burning In My Stomach And Chest?

I ve been feeling a burning in my stomach and chest for a week now..what is the cause of that?

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Ataxia :: Getting Cramp Feeling In Left Leg?

I don't know which form of ataxia i have, but i get a cramp feeling in my left leg.

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Chest Pain :: More On The Left Side - Under Breast

chest pain ... more on the left side - under breast. sometimes, and the middle. Pain is sometimes sharp, sometimes just like pressure. hardly other symptoms. This has been on and off for a while ... (8 months or more)

Triggered randomly (usually at night, especially if sleeping late like 4-6am) ...

I'm female, 30, asian, 1.58cm, 48kg. Not exercising. Slightly depressed. History of panic attack.

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Anxiety :: Chest / Stomach Tight Feeling

I was driving my dad to therapy and halfway while driving I felt like a stinging/electrical pain like pulsating a few times and it went away. It lasted a couple of seconds. But it freaked me out. It was like in middle of my stomach like in a straight horizontal like.

I fear a heart attack and idk what to do.

I had 2 blood test done, 2 chest x rays, 1 EKG and they said everything we normal.

I'm not feeling pain now, no weakness, not nauseous, no tingling

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Undiagnosed Numbness And Tired Feeling In My Left Arm And Leg

About a year ago I had what they originally thought was a stroke but when I had mri and cat scan they showed nothing. Since whatever happened I have a numbness feeling in my left arm and leg and they feel very tired (as if I have done a hard workout at the gym) which has never improved. My right arm and leg has started having a burning sensation. None of these symptoms ever go ever when I sleeping is making nights hard. Doctors keep saying they can find nothing wrong. So what do I do........ I am starting to get panic attacks now as i don't trust my own body I have 2 young children and I am getting extremely frustrated. Is it nerve damage? Why are tests showing nothing up? And now doctors saying is it in my head?

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Light Ache Feeling In Left Testicle

I'm 15 years old and I know that this feeling is not from intercourse. So to begin, this is a very strange feeling. It's going to be hard to describe but I'll do my best. It is almost as if there is a ghostly feeling in my left side where the left testicle will enter the body. Like how they normally will enter the body when they are cold. Except there is nothing there. Both of my balls are hanging loose but there is just a very irritating and creepy feeling like there is a testicle just sitting there. So I can only describe it as feeling like I have a ghost ball there. Maybe it is the vein I'm not sure. There is also a small ache in the vein as well. Nothing bad but just enough to keep my mind on it and it's starting to drive me insane.

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Cardiovascular :: Heavy Crushing Feeling In Chest And Back

I'm looking for some advice i have suffered palpitations for years but have been told its nothing to worry about, however recently its been happening more often and also a very heavy crushing feeling in my chest but blood tests and ecgs are all normal. I cant believe this feeling is normal?

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Health Anxiety :: Sensations And Sore Feeling In Chest

I'm just sitting around thinking about my situation..worrying about my health all the time has taken a toll on my body..i'm always achy and sore everywhere..back pain neck shoulders..i just wanna be my age..young and energetic..i have improved a lot from the first time i got my panic attack..nowadays i don't get panic attack anymore..but i'm still very worried and i still do get sensations and sore feeling in my this really normal for anxiety? will i ever be normal again..i have done 5 ecgs,why can't i trust the fact that my heart is fine.

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Cardiovascular :: Pain In My Chest On Left Side Near My Collar Bone

I'm having a pain in my chest on left side near my collar bone stings when I move my arm it burns a little in that spot I'm scared its heart related

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Propranolol :: Chest Pains, Headache And Feeling Sick After Stopping It

Have been on propranolol for about 6 months 40 mg twice a day, have been put on 5 day heart monitor and told to stop medication while on the monitor , is that not too long a time to do without, only on day 3 and woke up during the night with the old chest pains,headache, feeling sick and confused.

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Anxiety :: Extreme Pain In Chest, Left Side Of Neck And Shoulders

For the last month or so. I have been experiencing some very extreme pain in my chest. That travels basically all over the left upper side of my body. It virtually takes my breath away. It hurts worse whenever I go to get up or lay down. Or when I lean my head over to the left.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Pain Pattern - Left Sided Chest Pain?

i've just been diagnosed with FS. severe shoulder/neck (left side and back of neck) pain with very little arm/shoulder movement range.

however, can anyone say, if it's 'normal' for FS to cause left-sided chest . chest pain that radiates to shoulder blade, down (L) arm, elbow, wrist, palm of hand, up the left side of neck, ear & face culminating in a hemi -cranial headache?

whilst i know the scapula, elbow,wrist & palm are pretty classic of FS, however, i'm worried re the chest pain/left sided neck, ear pain & headache. it fluctuates throughout the day and is worst in the pm & at night. i did have an ambulatory ECG some 9 ago. it was considered within the normal limits. that was before to-days diagnosis. my GP made a v. quick diagnosis based on 3 arm movements this evening and wasn't interested in the chest pain aspect.

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