Bad Breath - Lactose Intolerant - Nappy Breath After Eating Chocolate And Ice-cream

For as long as I can remember I have suffered with fart/baby nappy breath especially after eating chocolate and ice-cream, but worst of all even after brushing teeth and drinking water etc. I'm lactose intolerant, but never really had stomach pains unless I drink milk or eat ice-cream. Also my saliva stinks and I have a whitish tongue.

I'm now in my 40's and finally plucked up courage to go to my GP.

I had an h-pylori breath test in July this year and surprise, surprise was positive. I had metronidazole, Amoxycillin and omeprazole for 1 week. At the time my saliva stopped stinking and I thought I was getting better breath. However a few weeks on and my mouth tasted horrible again and I could smell my own fart/garbage stench when talking to people.

I asked my doctor to retest for h pylori, but he said I need to wait a year, even though the test kit says you can repeat a month after taking antibiotics. How else can I tell if the treatment worked, and then tell if it is the culprit of my bb?

I know this is nothing to do with my mouth care as I have an immaculate regime and people often say how white my teeth are. Unfortunately people also keep brushing their noses when I'm talking and I get the odd "have you farted?" comment.

I am married with kids and it never bothers me when I'm at home, but I know the problem exists and am desperate to solve or at least reduce the problem. 

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Pregnancy :: Anyone Developed Lactose Intolerance

Has anyone developed lactose intolerance while pregnant? And did your baby have it after being born? My husband has always been lactose intolerant and just recently I've become the same way and wondered if it was actually the baby's way of making me avoid it..

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Pregnancy :: Constipation Any Advice?

Any advice or tips to get things moving?

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Pregnancy :: 5 Weeks With Severe Constipation

I am only 5 weeks along and haven't gone in a week! I'm so constipated and have eaten tons of fruit. Nothing's working ! Please Help! I'm losing my mind!

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Pregnancy :: Remedies For Constipation And Bloating?

I will be 8 weeks tomorrow and I have never been so constipated and bloated in my life. Do anyone know of any remedies for some relief?

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Diverticula :: Wheat, Lactose, Sugar Intolerance

i was diagnosed with significant diverticular in jan 2013 each time I have a flare up I require augmentin antibiotics these flare ups seem to be every 2/3 months now hence I am left with horrendous ibs due to the antibiotics .  Today I went to a natural fitness centre as I could not convince my gp I thought I had food intolerances now. I biofeedback scan was done on me and the results were wheat intolerance lactose intolerance and refined sugar intolerance!!!!!! My question is my ibs is not constipation or diarrhoea just the need to have BO a lot especially after meals but I have been told by drs I need a high fibre diet to prevent the pouches becoming infected how can I have this type of diet if I am intolerant to wheat ?

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Lactose Intolerance Anyone? Pain In Upper And Middle Abdomen

I have been diagnosed recently with this as an adult. I am a little confused as my pain is in my upper abdomen, right in the middle, about 2 inches above my belly button and below the ribs. Anyone else get pain here?

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Lactose Intolerance - Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Cramps, Brain-fog, Anxiety Attacks

I have just been diagnosed with lactose intolerance. After, literally years of suffering, I finally have an answer to my problems. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has this and what you suffered? I mean, this seemingly little thing has caused me to become bedridden! I ate a diet LOADED with lactose prior to diagnosis and honestly felt like I was dying over the last two years in particular. I had severe diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, brain-fog, anxiety attacks...the list goes on... I had my appendix out in Oct 2013 too, which I can't be sure was related, but it was horrendously painful any way!

The symptoms I had, I put down to various things and was convinced I had parasites, which I don't have. I just could not fathom why I was so ill. I had a food intolerance test and eggs came up positive, so I eliminated them from my diet at the time, but I had little relief as I was still eating a high-lactose diet, not knowing that I was intolerant. 

I have now eliminated all lactose AND eggs from my diet and in one day, I felt better. I had no abdominal pain, no urgency to poo, and no headache - which I have literally, constantly had for years. It's remarkable. I also didn't suffer bad dreams, which is so weird, as I have actually become used to my dreams being bad/negative and it became normal for me. It's such a relief to be able to rest without disruption!

Did or do any of you suffer with really bad symptoms down to lactose intolerance? Also, as I am new to this and have had to overhaul my diet, does anyone have advice on foods I should avoid, etc?


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Constipation Every Day Even After I Poop

I'm 15 and i get constipation every day even after i poop how do i stop this its ruining my life ...

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Always Suffering From Constipation

I am suffering from constipation and i cant figure out why because i drink a lot or sufficient water and fluid and eat a good fibrous meal and normal meals what my family eats then why am i constipated.Just once i loose the schedule the whole week i am constipated rather my family sleep and wake up at random time and yet they are good then why i have to follow so hard unchanged routine to not to be constipated.

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Constipation Due To Orlistat?

Started orlistat 5 days ago, my doctor said for one week take1 tablet, then 2 in 2nd week and so on, but i have been constipated, usually i go like clock work, why is this happening?

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Constipation For A Month

So I started a new job in December. It's an hour away and is a desk job, so for 10 hours (basically), I am sitting. I do stand when I can, but I don't have a desk that allows me to stay that way. I wish I had one, but they're too expensive for the work budget. Before this job, I was constantly walking around or standing at the very least.

About three weeks into this new job, there was one day where I felt horribly bloated and gassy. I was wearing a belt and felt like I needed to take it off and unbutton my pants immediately, but I couldn't until I went to my car. After that, I noticed I was constipated and gassy once I made it home.

I figured it was okay since that has happened before (but for only two days). Over the weeks, I realized that whenever I DID pass stool, it was flattened and very difficult unless my morning coffee was able to dislodge it. There has never been any blood or mucus. It has just been really hard to pass bowels over the last month. My stomach hurts a little after straining, but the frustrating thing is that I feel like I need to go sometimes and feel like I could pass a stool if I stood up and did it. That just isn't possible...

At any rate, I don't know what the problem is... I'm in my late 20s. I drink lots of water. My diet depends on my time...

Flat stool
No blood
No mucus
Only felt bloated twice (including the initial bloating)
Stomach pain only after straining
No nausea

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Early 20's And Constipation

I am a female in my early 20s. I lead a very active lifestyle, drink water exclusively, and have a very healthy diet (no processes foods, lots of fruits and vegetables). However, I'll go days without a bowel movement. It's so uncomfortable that I can sometimes barely get my pants buttoned in the morning.

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Severe Constipation And Having Piles

I am suffering from long term constipation. Everyday I have to move bowels at least 4-5 times a day. My bowels just won't empty in 1 go in morning. The stools I could not pass in one go then become harder. Now I got piles because of this. I try to eat 2 carrots per meal and an apple after meal. But the condition does not improve. I get immediate relief with a laxative - laxido. However I cannot use that forever. And when i leave the laxative, the constipation and piles returns in a week's time. Please has anyone seen such a case of constipation?

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Constipation Due To Genetic Illness

Because of a genetic illness, I'm chronic constipated. (for 3 years)

Probably because of a coordination issue in my bowels and reduced muscle strength.

I take Molaxole every day but it's not enough, I often have to take 8 Molaxole-doses in 6 hours to empty my bowels.

Is there something else that can help me have a good bowel movement?

Is there something that improves the movement of the muscle tissue in my bowel wall?

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Anxiety :: Constipation For A Week?

him I'm a 14 year old female and and last week or so I had diarrhea for first 2 days then it stopped then it came back again For one more day but with normal poop first but then after that I've been constipated and having to strain and squeeze and my poop has been like small ball I know this is gross but I don't get I've tried eating somewhat healthy and drinking more water I don't why I'm experiencing this at a young age my brother eats junk food all the time and still poops...

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7 Years Old With Constipation For Two Months?

i've been constipated for nearly 2 months,I read a lot in google, Nothing helps and it gives me anxiety, can someone help me please ! Im 17 years old male. And this is my first time of having constipation.

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Constipation And Bloating Before And During Periods

I am 22 years old and for about the past 6 months Ive been getting REALLY bloated/constipated the week before my and during my period and it just keeps getting worse and worse as the months go on. I have not had a bowel movement for a week now. My stomach is twice the size it normally is and I weigh seven more pounds than normal. It is so uncomfortable and it has gotten to the point where I am scared to eat or drink anything else because I just do not think it will fit in my stomach; I think I might literally throw up if I try. My stomach feels like it is going to explode

I've tried taking a laxative in the past but that didn't help much (possibly because I only took one does of it?) and yesterday I tried taking a diuretic. The diuretic also did not help. I've been eating fiber one cereal for the past 2 weeks because I though that may prevent it but it did not.

Has this happened to anyone else before? Does anyone have any suggestions about what to do for a long term fix? I was thinking maybe try eating activia or taking Metamucil?

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome :: Constipation

I've had problems all of my life and at the moment my condition has worsened, but unfortunately it's something that we don't talk about. I've got fibromyalgia, arthritis and herniated discs in my spine consequently I'm in a lot of pain all of the time so it's a catch 22 situation my tablets cause the constipation but I need my tablets! What's the answer?

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