Pregnancy :: Anyone Developed Lactose Intolerance

Has anyone developed lactose intolerance while pregnant? And did your baby have it after being born? My husband has always been lactose intolerant and just recently I've become the same way and wondered if it was actually the baby's way of making me avoid it..

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Lactose Intolerance Anyone? Pain In Upper And Middle Abdomen

I have been diagnosed recently with this as an adult. I am a little confused as my pain is in my upper abdomen, right in the middle, about 2 inches above my belly button and below the ribs. Anyone else get pain here?

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Lactose Intolerance - Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Cramps, Brain-fog, Anxiety Attacks

I have just been diagnosed with lactose intolerance. After, literally years of suffering, I finally have an answer to my problems. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has this and what you suffered? I mean, this seemingly little thing has caused me to become bedridden! I ate a diet LOADED with lactose prior to diagnosis and honestly felt like I was dying over the last two years in particular. I had severe diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, brain-fog, anxiety attacks...the list goes on... I had my appendix out in Oct 2013 too, which I can't be sure was related, but it was horrendously painful any way!

The symptoms I had, I put down to various things and was convinced I had parasites, which I don't have. I just could not fathom why I was so ill. I had a food intolerance test and eggs came up positive, so I eliminated them from my diet at the time, but I had little relief as I was still eating a high-lactose diet, not knowing that I was intolerant. 

I have now eliminated all lactose AND eggs from my diet and in one day, I felt better. I had no abdominal pain, no urgency to poo, and no headache - which I have literally, constantly had for years. It's remarkable. I also didn't suffer bad dreams, which is so weird, as I have actually become used to my dreams being bad/negative and it became normal for me. It's such a relief to be able to rest without disruption!

Did or do any of you suffer with really bad symptoms down to lactose intolerance? Also, as I am new to this and have had to overhaul my diet, does anyone have advice on foods I should avoid, etc?


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Rhinitis :: Facial Sauna And Heated Wheat Bag Helps

i suffer from persistent rhinitis, i find that a heated wheat bag definitely eases the horrid soreness that i get at the top of my nose and headaches, also find that eating cold yogurt temporarily soothes this sinus pain, also going to the steam room really helps so heat is definitely temporarily relieving. my nose also constantly drips which is very annoying, but i find doing facial sauna helps with this or placing a heated wheat bag over my nostrils and inhaling the heat through my nose. regular dusting of the house helps, and if you can change your carpet for wooded floor boards this will help, because sometimes no matter how much you may hoover, dust and mites will still remain. also the doctor prescribed me fexofenadine tablets these are 120mg tablets which i have found the most effective out of any other tablets or sprays that i've tried over the last 8 years.

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Fissure In Ano :: Diltiazem Cream, Nifedipine Suppositories, Wheat Bags ?

My daughter has tried the Diltiazem cream again recently - but this time she has come out in a very itchy rash so had to stop this. I spoke to the pharmacist & they have changed the brand of Diltiazem tablets they use - so I am wondering whether she is allergic to a different ingredient that the different brand is made from ? Again if anyone has had this issue - please reply. She has been getting some relief (after painful bowel movements) with a warm wheat bag (it is long with 3 sections - so can be moved to fit the painful area) I have just been reading about Nifedipine suppositories - does anyone have any experiences with these ? Thanks for any info - in fact it is so helpful to read anyones stories of what works/doesn't work

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Coeliac Disease :: Weight Watchers Diet / Stopped All Wheat

I've just been diagnosed with Coeliacs disease and am finding it very stressful shopping so far. I am following the weight watchers diet as well but all the GF breads seem high in calories. Also I've had headaches for the last couple of days and feel like I'm in a world of my own. Could these be coz I've stopped all wheat or just coz I'm stressed. I've joined loads of groups online and have all the info but it seems like information overload.

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Pregnancy :: Lactose Intolerant With Constipation

The doctor wanted me to do milk since I'm gestational diabetes but I'm also lactose intolerant and now constipated I took a stool softener 6 hours ago, drank close to 2 bottles of water,  holding food down for now but I need remedies please

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Bad Breath - Lactose Intolerant - Nappy Breath After Eating Chocolate And Ice-cream

For as long as I can remember I have suffered with fart/baby nappy breath especially after eating chocolate and ice-cream, but worst of all even after brushing teeth and drinking water etc. I'm lactose intolerant, but never really had stomach pains unless I drink milk or eat ice-cream. Also my saliva stinks and I have a whitish tongue.

I'm now in my 40's and finally plucked up courage to go to my GP.

I had an h-pylori breath test in July this year and surprise, surprise was positive. I had metronidazole, Amoxycillin and omeprazole for 1 week. At the time my saliva stopped stinking and I thought I was getting better breath. However a few weeks on and my mouth tasted horrible again and I could smell my own fart/garbage stench when talking to people.

I asked my doctor to retest for h pylori, but he said I need to wait a year, even though the test kit says you can repeat a month after taking antibiotics. How else can I tell if the treatment worked, and then tell if it is the culprit of my bb?

I know this is nothing to do with my mouth care as I have an immaculate regime and people often say how white my teeth are. Unfortunately people also keep brushing their noses when I'm talking and I get the odd "have you farted?" comment.

I am married with kids and it never bothers me when I'm at home, but I know the problem exists and am desperate to solve or at least reduce the problem. 

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Depression :: Alcohol Intolerance ?

I have an asian friend and everytime he drinks alcohol, not much, maybe 2-3 ciders, he seems normal drunk for a little while, like just running around for a little while except that he goes very bright red Then after about half an hour he suddenly collapses on the floor. We can't wake him up. Sometimes he will come round and open his eyes or talk for a little while but then he will lose consciousness again and won't be able to walk. Then he will sleep for around an hour and wake up completely normal. I know one of the symptoms of alcohol intolerance is flushing but haven't seen one of the common symptoms being losing consciousness. Do you think it is just alcohol intolerance or there is something underlying? He did drink quite a lot once and he also vomited as well as being very flushed and losing consciousness for a longer period of time

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Coeliac Disease Or Just Gluten Intolerance

My youngest son is 3 years and 3 months old. He is very tiny and under weight and is diagnosed as failure to thrive.

For over 2 years he has been, very cranky all the time and emotional, poor appetite refusing to eat any thing apart from bread, cereal and pasta. He has low iron and is taking iron supplements and is tired a lot.

He us under the care of two paediatricians and a dietician who so far have not been able to find a cause for his problems and why he is so small.

One of the paediatricians came  to our house to see my son. She examined him and felt his tummy etc. then asked is he had been tested for celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Which he hasn't. 

The paediatricians said it would be a good idea to get him tested and she would refer him to other paediatrician to arrange for tests to be done.

She also said it might be a good idea to try removing wheat and gluten from his diet.

So we removed gluten and wheat from his diet straight away. He has had no wheat or gluten in his diet for 4 weeks now and we are seeing big improvements. He is like a different boy, he is a lot more happy, less tired, he is doing normal poos fro the first time in a very long time and he is getting his appetite back. He is finally for the first time in over 2 years not refusing food and is starting to eat proper meals.

Although we are seeing big improvement I am beginning to think that the paediatricians advice to remove wheat and gluten from his diet was perhaps bad advice as I realise now that you need to be eating gluten and wheat to be tested.

My son is due to see second paediatrician in 3 weeks time. I don't know if they will do tests then or if we will have to come back another time. Should I re add wheat to his diet now so he can be tested, will 3 weeks be long enough.

Was it a bad thing to remove gluten and wheat from his diet.

Does it sound like he might have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance


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Thyroid Disorders :: Intolerance To Levothyroxine

how do I control hypothyroidism when I can't tolerate the meds?

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Intolerance To Alcohol

I was never a big drinker, but lately I can't drink vodka or tequila without immediately getting a headache and pain behind my eyes. I'm talking one, maybe two drinks and I feel miserable. Some beers have the same impact - I always loved a good stout, but now I get a headache before I even finish one. I can no longer go out and enjoy a few drinks with friends. (They love it - built in DD).

I was diagnosed in 2011 - and this intolerance to alcohol has gotten worse in the past two years. Is there a possibility that MS can cause this??? I can't imagine it would, but not sure what else could be going on.

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Fibromyalgia And Intolerance To Thyroid Meds

I am dealing with an intolerance to Thyroid meds. Having been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis 5 years ago my family doc has prescribed every Thyroid med she could think of and various strengths. Side effects were thick itchy rashes, shakiness, massive headaches and tremors. I stopped taking the Thyroid Meds for 2 years and believe me it was no picnic. I had no strength, terrible digestion, heat and cold intolerance, memory loss and on and on and on. I am now on a very low dosage.025mg. My last t3 & t4 test indicates that my levels are very low but because of all the negative side effects I have experienced my doc is terrified to increase the dosage. Along with Fibro,Celiac,Diverticulosis and Hashimoto's life is a bowl of cherries . I would like to hear from someone who is also iodine intolerant and is there a different path I could take..

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Yeast Intolerance Due To Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

I have suffered for the past 2 years with bad stomach cramps , diarrhea , and bad wind . this would occur every week and mostly every day . i went through the doctors and they just saw it as "oh you have Ibs there really isn't a cure just deal with it ". i knew for a while that it really wasn't just ibs but something more , i started looking at food allergies and decided to take a food intolerance test. They found out i had a really bad yeast allergy!!??. Does anyone suffer with yeast allergies?? i have started a new diet cutting out yeast and trying  to cut down on sugary foods ( this is impossible!) however i do feel a lot better and i have been taken medicine to kill of the bacteria in the gut. 

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Diverticula :: Lack Of Iron

could i ask other sufferers of D.D If they are suffering from iron deficiency due to drastic change in their diet ? Due to not eating vegetables and other iron producing foods ,and would it be wise to take an iron supplement?

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Can Diverticula Become Inflamed Without Infection?

Over the past two months I've had 2 colonoscopies and a sigmoidoscopy. The sigmoidoscopy found diverticular,( I wasn't surprised). Routine biopsies were taken at the time which came back normal. The first colonoscopy following this found no diverticular, it was completely clear and no biopsies were taken. Because of this I queried whether other things could have been missed ( I've had mild rectal bleeding for months). Because of this they decided to do a second colonoscopy which I had yesterday. Apparently I was in so much pain that I asked the doctor to stop the procedure ( I can't remember as I was sedated). The report I received after said diverticular disease noted and routine biopsies taken. The nurse also mentioned inflammation (which wasn't on the written report). I'm just wondering if the diverticular could have been inflamed and caused the pain? My last two procedures weren't painful at all. Guess I'm scared of IBD, but thinking that this would have been picked up before?  I've had lower left pain intermittently for years but never sought any treatment as it usually lasts for a few days the resolves. Can diverticular become inflamed without becoming infected? I'm really confused as to what is going on

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Diverticula Diet :: What To Eat And Avoid?

I have now had diverticular disease for the last 12 years and have a flare up every 6 months. I have apparently 6 pouches in my colon. I still do not know what foods to eat and to avoid. I have from my own experience stopped eating certain foods. I do not eat anything with seeds in ie some fruits have seeds so the only fruit I eat is melon pineapples bananas. The doctors say you should have a high fibre diet then they say do not eat seeds. I have just discovered that I should not be eating rice. How about baked beans should I eat these or not? Please could someone tell me as at the moment I am going mad not knowing what I should be doing.

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Stroke :: Hit By Glucose Intolerance With Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

My mum had a huge haemorrhagic stroke in November 2011. It took a long time for mum to recover much of anything and was left completely disabled on her left hand side. To add to this she was left handed and had to learn doing most things the wrong way round. She has been attending physio, trying to learn to walk again and will finally be getting a splint to hold her ankle in place to make this easier for her. Is it just me or should this not have been done sooner? Anyway, to add insult to injury, she's been told she has a glucose intolerance, was given the information from this website as her leaflet to read and take action from. Yes my mum is slightly overweight but has been on a balanced low fat diet for years and not lost a thing, but neither has she gained weight. She has a glass of wine occasionally and doesn't smoke. She is on tons of medication to keep blood pressure low, pain killers as she is in pain daily and her cholesterol is 3. Apart from the exercise which is impossible to do more, what can I do? our GP hasn't bothered to make any further contact or offered any further advice. I only got an appointment for her because I screamed down the phone.. Not a good start.. I'm so frustrated with it all and the bit in the leaflet that says that if left untreated, there is a higher risk of stroke!!

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Coeliac Disease :: Gluten Intolerance With Tummy Bubbles

my leg is five and half years old and for as long as I can remember she has had bowel trouble. It started off as constipation which the GP prescribed movicol for. She was weaned off if this and over time her symptoms have worsened. She suffers from terrible bloating, wind and constipation. She complains of "tummy bubbles" I have asked what she means by this and says either her tummy hurts or she thinks she needs to go to the toilet. We are at a loss as to what could be causing this?

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