Pizotifen Destroyed Our Marriage

I am amazed and horrified to find that this drug is still being handed out to people with out proper supervision and advice. My husband was prescribed the drug a few years ago by his G.P. as his migraines had become more frequent, due to stress at work etc. He changed from someone who had little trouble getting up for work to a groggy, bleary eyed creature. Over the next 12 months he became increasingly belligerent, aggressive and unbearable to be around. He also experienced almost permanent numbness down his left side, like a mini stroke. I was just at the point of leaving this dark, brooding monster who was the antithesis of the funny, loving, intelligent man I married, when it occurred to me that this personality shift had taken place since he'd been taking this drug. Having picked one of his better moments to talk about this, he decided to stop taking the drug to see what happened. Within 24 hours my beloved husband was back. I got hold of the drugs and the information leaflet contained within it and realised that almost every side effect listed applied to my husband. Having been back to the G.P. together to discuss the effect this dreadful stuff had, she thought he should still take it and take anti-depressants as well, no thank you.

I had always suspected that many of his migraines were triggered by low blood sugar, no breakfast, missing lunch etc. and now he has adopted regular eating patterns in combination with the herbal remedy Feverfew he has only had two migraines in the last year. We were told subsequently by yet another G.P. at the practice that Pizotifen is only supposed to be prescribed for people with debilitating serotonin triggered migraines, that it is a drug of last resort for people who cannot function on a daily basis due to persistent attacks. He also pointed out that not only should it never been given to someone with the level and type of migraine he had, but also as he drives to work every day he should never have been prescribed this drug as it renders you unfit to drive or operate machinery, which the original G.P. should have known but never mentioned. . Thank goodness he didn't come to harm or cause any!!! We recently came across a couple pulling their hair out over their migraine suffering teenage son. He has recently been prescribed Pizotifen and has become so awful that they were considering throwing him out. We couldn't believe that it was happening to someone else and hence I searched out this site. It is a serotonin inhibitor. So unless you have migraines every day and you can't have any kind of life because of them find another treatment. Believe me when I say don't take this drug, not if you love your family.

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Pizotifen :: Increased Sex Drive

I have only been taking 3mg for a couple of weeks, but the benefits are huge so far. I suffer from a continuous migrainous headache with regular migraine attacks, but atm I am totally headache free.

This past week I have noticed that my sex drive has increased, much to my husbands delight. I think this is probably because I am feeling so well and full of energy. But I also wonder if this is a possible side effect of the drug?

Has anyone else felt that Pizotifen has affected their sex drive?

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Pizotifen :: Consequences Of Stopping Sandomigran

I was taking Sandomigrain for 10 plus years (0.5mg per day – I could not increase the dose as it made me too drowsy to function) and decided to slowly wean myself off as I was still having fairly regularly occurring Migraines that included visual and stomach symptoms. Over a period of a year I slowly cut down the 1/2 a tab in size and frequency till finally in December I was Sandomigran free. For the first 3 - 4 months everything was great, I had less migraines and headaches than I had ever had. Then in March, I woke up with an almighty pain in my head in the front half of my head. My blood pressure and pulse kept spontaneously elevating especially when I was asleep. This intense pain lasted for 2 weeks. Since then, I am left with a permanent Migraine which fluctuates in its severity and my brain (the front half) permanently feels as though it is in a contraction. I also have facial numbness and a sense of cold on my front and back periodically. After many tests (which have all come back clear) I am beginning to think that what is happening is a result of stopping the Sandomigran and of its consequential withdrawal. Has anybody else had these symptoms after stopping Sandomigran and if so, do the symptoms ever go away?

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Pizotifen :: Alternatives Due To Weight Gain?

I've just started taking the medicine and I'd like to know about any other drug without this side effect.

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Migraine :: Pizotifen And Maxalt (Rizatriptan) No Relief

I have been taking pizotifen for three months now, still no change. I get migraines everyday (3-4 episodes), and gaining weight by the second. I'm taking Maxalt (Rizatriptan), but nothing seems to make them go away. I have an MRI scan next month....

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Pizotifen :: Wake Up At Night And Can't Go Back To Sleep

I've been on Propranolol 80mg for my migraines which have worked very well. One issue with them is that I can wake up during the night and I have great difficulty in getting back to sleep. This results in me being quite tired during the day, as I drive 45mins to get to the office and sometimes 4-5 hours if I'm on site then it was a concern.

I saw the doctor on Friday and he suggested trying Pizotifen, he told me they can cause drowsiness but if I take it at night then I should be OK by the morning.

I've been reading through the experiences here and I'm not too sure about taking them now, I haven't been to the pharmacy with the prescription and I'm unsure whether to bother.

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Migraines :: What Are Common Symptoms?

I'm only 23, but I hope someone will take me seriously.

I've had a constant headache for about four weeks. It kind of fades in and out, but is still always there. I've had streaking pains in my head for about a year. There is also a spot on top of my head that sometimes feels like someone is drilling a hole in it, and I sometimes get this with the headaches. The top of my head is sensitive to the touch in some spots.

Also, I've had stomach problems for about two years now, and the doctors can't figure out what it is. I've had just about every test done, and everything says I'm fine. But I get nauseated and sometimes throw up after every time I eat, and sometimes when I just smell something bad or think something is going to taste bad.

I also have a very bad short-term memory and dizziness. I also can't keep my balance a lot. I've noticed some changes in my personality/thinking patterns. I keep thinking it's my bipolar disorder, though my psychiatrist is not sure I even have that. Anyway, I get very paranoid, I'm very obsessive and impulsive. I also have this thing with my speech where I sound like I'm dyslexic, but I've never had that until all these other things started happening. Oh, and I've had episodes of non-stop emotion/incessant crying and episodes of no emotion whatsoever.

The question I have is does any of this sound like something you're going through or symptoms?

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Headaches / Migraines :: How Long Do They Last For?

When you get headaches, how long do they last for? I've had a pretty constant one for about a month! Sometimes it goes away at parts during the day, but it has been pretty constant. Its very dull and always in the same spot at the back of my head. Like me thinking about them constantly probably doesn't allow them to go away either.

I just fear a brain tumor! Can tension headaches last a very long time and be constant?

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Prescribed Steroids For Migraines

i have been prescribed Prednisolone a short course of prednisolone in order to wean me off the tablets i take for migraines. What i do not know is if the steroids will work in getting rid of migraines while i am taking them. Has anyone been prescribed steroids for this condition. Help please.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Migraines Gotten Worse

I had terrible migraines before I was pregnant but now that I am they have gotten so much worse. In my line of work I can't afford to be any less than my best and have only heard of Tylenol that I can take. Is there anything else anyone has ever known of that a pregnant woman can take for migraines nothing is working not even all the natural home remedies...

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Nonstop Migraines Every Day For Years

I know people have migraines on occasion, but I seriously feel like I have it nonstop every day for years. Nothing that I try has worked or made them less strong.. Has anyone experienced this and what was your solutions? Also, there is absolutely no doubt that there is pain, but is it somehow possible that I have convinced myself that I have headaches and that is what is causing them (a friend suggested this, kinda makes sense). I hate living like this.

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(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: Headaches - Painful Migraines

Did anyone get extremely painful migraines? I am on my first trimester and for the past two days I have been having painful migraines. I have taken Tylenol and also placed cold towels on my head but nothing seems to release the pain.

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Migraines :: Why Am I So Sensitive To Smells Suddenly?

I am a 54 year old female who has suffered from migraines most of my adult life. Smells have been a trigger for them. Lately I smell things no one else does and always followed by a migraine.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Any Relation With Migraines

initial trigeminal neuralgia in my case may have been triggered by a gum infection.

I have suffered migraines since the age of eight. Is this condition related, a correlation between the two ?

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Migraines :: Headache That Lasts 3+ Years?

For over the past 3 years (starting around July 2010) I have had a constant headache. It is not extremely intense but is dull and always present. Along with this headache I am also constantly fatigued and my head feels very fuzzy, like it's stuck in a cloud. I should also include that I am otherwise in good health, I am a normal weight, I eat properly, get enough sleep, can run around 7-8 miles without stopping, etc.

I have talked to a few doctors, had various tests done including a CAT scan but none of the tests ever gave any results. I was diagnosed with migraines (even though its not plural, it's just one that has never gone away) and given multiple migraine medications. Sumatriptan does not work and actually makes my head hurt significantly worse. No pain medications have any effect on the pain, I have tried many OTC and prescription meds, from aspirin and ibuprofen to stronger stuff like norcos and percocet, but nothing has had any positive effect. I have been prescribed two different antidepressants but they have the unfortunate side effect of making me tired and drowsy, which when added onto my already fatigued state makes it nearly impossible to get out of bed in the morning.

I am writing this because in the past few months my head has been hurting me significantly more and to be honest it is scaring me pretty bad. I have not had much luck with any of the doctors I have seen, they have no idea what is wrong with me and just give me scripts that don't work. I am not too familiar with migraines but I don't seem to fit the symptoms, except that my head hurts. A doctor at UCSF told me that migraines come in cycles but I could not find on the internet someone who had cycles with constant pain lasting many years at a time.

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Headaches / Migraines :: Pressure In My Temples

What is wrong with my head?

For the last month how I feel has just become worse (today being the worst I have ever felt) everyday I feel like I am going to pass out, vision goes blurry and feels like the room goes dark and closes in. I feel weak and constantly fatigued. I have pressure in my head and nearly everyday have woken up with a very bad headache, I am now getting stabbing like pains in my head (it feels as if a knife is being dragged at the top of my head) pressure in my temples. My head feels as though there is fizzing in it.

My muscles feel weak and achy my legs feel like I have been doing a workout down the gym, my eyes are very heavy and sore.

I have tingling sensations through mainly my left arm (like pins and needles) I have vomited a few times.

A few times I have had pains in my chest (like pressure and shooting pains) and have had to take deep breathes to try get it to stop.
When I bend down my head feels like it is going to explode and my vision is very disturbed, I have had to hold on tight to stop myself from falling at times.

I have no energy and just cannot carry on like this.

Just now I have had a fizzing feeling at the front of my head (left side of forehead, feels a little like something is crawling inside my head).

Any insight would be appreciated.

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Headaches / Migraines :: For 15 Days Or More In A Month

I'm a 19 year old female and suffer with headaches and have done since I was 9 years old. I have been passed from pillar to post by doctors and they all have different opinions. I have periods of time where I have a 24 hour migraine for about 6 weeks and then I'm migraine free for a month or two , its a pain at the front of my head accompanied by a pulsating pain which is made worse with movement . It makes me feel sick and I'm sensitive to light and sound . Id love to speak to anyone who is in the same boat, and can enlighten me as to treatments ? It has such a strain on my day to day life and the maintenance of my relationship.

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Migraines - Increasing In Frequency And Intensity

Any advice welcome. I gave a 12 yr old son who has suffered from occasional migraines for a couple of years. They are now increasing in frequency and intensity. GP has prescribed tablets to reduce symptoms and referred us to the hospital for further investigation. At the moment have no idea of cause/triggers but seem to occur in afternoons/evening. He just wants to go to a dark room and sleep mainly to avoid nausea. Would like to hear from other parents who have children in similar situation. Foods/stimulants to avoid?. Treatment that has worked? Possible questions to ask Consultant when we do eventually receive an appointment. No family history of migraines.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Anyone Developed Migraines?

Ok, has anyone developed migraines with FS?  After my cortisone shot fiasco a few weeks ago, I have been having awful headaches. I have never  had migraines before, and had one yesterday.  Called the doc and she wanted me to go to ER, but I frankly could not drive and no one was home. Finally just fell asleep (somehow). I feel so off today. Will call doc in a bit, but wow, really do we need to add more to FS? At least it took the focus off the pain in my shoulder and arm! LOL

I have never had a headache that bad in my life.  Maybe it was something from the Kelalog 40 they injected in my joint, I did have an allergic reaction to the iodine or something and ended up in ER same day as the injection a few weeks ago. Is this a normal thing the, the nasty headaches.. that rest of you have experienced?

Mind you, I have no curve in my neck right now (doc said due to the severe pain I am in) and the headache  yesterday was from my shoulder, up my neck to the back of my head. 

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