Headaches / Migraines :: How Long Do They Last For?

When you get headaches, how long do they last for? I've had a pretty constant one for about a month! Sometimes it goes away at parts during the day, but it has been pretty constant. Its very dull and always in the same spot at the back of my head. Like me thinking about them constantly probably doesn't allow them to go away either.

I just fear a brain tumor! Can tension headaches last a very long time and be constant?

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Headaches / Migraines :: Pressure In My Temples

What is wrong with my head?

For the last month how I feel has just become worse (today being the worst I have ever felt) everyday I feel like I am going to pass out, vision goes blurry and feels like the room goes dark and closes in. I feel weak and constantly fatigued. I have pressure in my head and nearly everyday have woken up with a very bad headache, I am now getting stabbing like pains in my head (it feels as if a knife is being dragged at the top of my head) pressure in my temples. My head feels as though there is fizzing in it.

My muscles feel weak and achy my legs feel like I have been doing a workout down the gym, my eyes are very heavy and sore.

I have tingling sensations through mainly my left arm (like pins and needles) I have vomited a few times.

A few times I have had pains in my chest (like pressure and shooting pains) and have had to take deep breathes to try get it to stop.
When I bend down my head feels like it is going to explode and my vision is very disturbed, I have had to hold on tight to stop myself from falling at times.

I have no energy and just cannot carry on like this.

Just now I have had a fizzing feeling at the front of my head (left side of forehead, feels a little like something is crawling inside my head).

Any insight would be appreciated.

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Headaches / Migraines :: For 15 Days Or More In A Month

I'm a 19 year old female and suffer with headaches and have done since I was 9 years old. I have been passed from pillar to post by doctors and they all have different opinions. I have periods of time where I have a 24 hour migraine for about 6 weeks and then I'm migraine free for a month or two , its a pain at the front of my head accompanied by a pulsating pain which is made worse with movement . It makes me feel sick and I'm sensitive to light and sound . Id love to speak to anyone who is in the same boat, and can enlighten me as to treatments ? It has such a strain on my day to day life and the maintenance of my relationship.

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Headaches / Migraines :: 19 Years, Narcolepsy

I'm 19 years old. Since I was little I have suffered a few things: Firstly, I have narcolepsy, and suffer from sleep paralysis. I also get dizziness and fainting spells (although sometimes I can still see just not move) as well as anemia (which I understand is common). On top of that I get bouts of terrible chest pain on my right side when I can't breathe properly, migraines and at times my heart beats irregularly. I was a premature baby and suffered jaundice when I was young, but that's it really. I have gone to the GP about all these problems, the doctors have been treating them as separate issues and I worry that they may all be linked. When I last said this to my GP he told me I might be a hypochondriac and it's all due to stress, which I don't believe. I don't really want keep having it at the back of my mind, should I just forget it or pursue my case further with a different doctor?

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Migraines :: Headaches With Flashes Of Lights

For years now I have experienced pretty regular headaches and occasionally I would get migraines. But when I was in a car accident in June, where I fractured my skull, had right temporal lobe hemorrhaging, and about a 9 day laps of time that I remember nothing off, I of course had terrible headaches right after the accident but when those went away I began to get frequent migraines. My mother, being a nurse told me to keep track of them because my injuries and symptoms put my at risk for seizures. Last week and this week I have experienced severe headaches or migraines almost every night but something has been different. These headaches have only been coming late at night, almost early morning, and when they happen I try to go to sleep. When I close my eyes (while the headache is still happening) I see flashes of light, like a strobe. They are very fast, one after the other. The flashes only stop when I open my eyes or when I finally drift off to sleep. I've never experienced anything like this. I am aware that many migraines can cause auras and flashes of light but I have never had that happen before and it's never when my eyes are open. My vision itself is never effected. Only when I close my eyes. Is this something I should be concerned about? Is it normal?

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Headaches / Migraines :: Fruit And Vegetable Headache

I can only eat very, very small amounts of fruit and vegetables--even organic ones, otherwise I get a headache 8 to 12 hours later. Does anyone else suffer from this condition? Is there anything that can be done to lessen the effect?

Cooking the fruit or veggies does nothing, and I am desperate to find a solution.

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Posterior Scleritis - Confused With Migraines Or Cluster Headaches

Around 5 months ago out of nowhere, I started having immense headaches which at first I mistakened as just migraines or cluster headaches. I'm not sure how but I managed to endure the severe pain for 8 whole days by staying in bed (This was during exam break so I had no school). I've never suffered such a gratuitous amount of pain in my life! I could barely make it to the bathroom or even sit up to eat (I was 94.5 lbs after not eating for so long!!). After those 8 days I finally accepted the fact that it was not the typical migraine and was rushed to the emergency room. After going through numerous examinations with multiple doctors and specialists, I was diagnosed with posterior scleritis. It was really puzzling to hear that I had such a rare form of scleritis and at such a peculiar age since scleritis usually occurs at ages of 40-50 years. I was then put on 80mg of prednisone which relieved the pain. It was great at first but the heavy side effects eventually caught up with me. Anyways because of my condition, I was physically unable to show up for one of my exams although I wrote all the others while in such an insane amount of pain. I tried to explain why I wasn't able to attend but ended up getting yelled at and disrespected. I was deeply hurt and frustrated that the educators at my school didn't care for the health and safety of their own students ....

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Headaches / Migraines :: Headache And Blurred Vision For A Month

I don't know if im posting in the right place, but here it goes!! So this all started about a month ago, all I noticed was I was a bit more tired, no big deal I thought it was the change of season or something. I was like this for maybe a week before I woke up march 20th and felt very off. My normal routine is to go the gym in the morning, so I got myself up to get ready and realized I didn't think I could go, I felt very dizzy, lightheaded, pressure behind my eyes, stuffy nose, extremely heavy eyes, very fatigued, and a little spaced out. I drove to a walk in clinic by my house, they did routine blood work, checked my thyroid, checked for Epstein barr, and for mono, all negative. I did have a low grade fever if even that it was like 99.5. Now lets go back a few months...i have had a stuffy nose since November constantly blowing it with bloody discharge and i attributed it to the dry heat and the winter weather. I have also had many sinus infections in the past year. I didn't realize it until I thought about it. I also had a concussion, my third one back in August. Went to the ER and got a CT scan, everything was normal and they released me. 2 days later I went back to the ER, I was nauseas and it felt like my head was on fire and on CT scan they said I had inflamed nasal sinuses. Everything else was normal so they gave me antibiotics and i was released again. At that time I thought nothing of it and I got better in a few days. Now back to march 20th and the Dr. They knew of my previous sinus infection because I had went to them in December and they were surprised that since I saw them I was still stuffy, they gave me nasal spray and sent me home. A week later I still feel the same, exactly the same, maybe a little worse. I saw an allergist who tested me for allergies and of course everything was negative. I was so tired at work one day I had to lay down and close my eyes. Im just exhausted even after a full nights sleep and my eyes are so heavy. My headache lasted from march 20-27th and then subsided but still had all the other symptoms. Over that weekends I actually started feeling better everyday! I was sk happy and thought it was some sort of virus or something and it was going away. I still felt off but it started getting bad again April 3rd. This time it was all my symptoms but very exaggerated. Extreme fatigue, extremely heavy eyes, poor concentration, confusion, blurry vision in my right eye, spacing out, brain fog, sensitive to light, pressure behind my eyes, im forgetful, still a little stuffy but not nearly as bad, im a little pale and my headache is gone but my head still feels weird with weird pains that last a second. I went to my pcp on Monday and told him the whole story. He put me on a strong dose of antibiotics and some steroids. The next day I saw an optometrist and i am nearsighted and have an astigmatism in my right eye so i'm getting glasses. It was weird to me though because my vision just became blurry a few days before, unless i just didn't notice it before that and my eyes are always heavy, even as soon as I wake up which I think is weird. So the next day I saw my ENT and told him the whole story and he looked in my nose, flushed it, and took a sono of my sinuses and said my right paranasal sinus in very congested and I need a CT scan of my sinuses. I'm nervous about the CT scan because that will be the 5th CT scan I have had since my first in 2010 from my first concussion. I feel like that's a lot of radiation to my head and face i'm only 25 years old and I feel like that cant be the only reason I have all these symptoms. As soon as I got home from my ENT i noticed this painful hard lump next to my ear on my jaw. my dentist told me to come in and he said my TMJ joint was inflamed on my right side only and that it should go away in a few weeks, I do grind my teeth at night, but I think its weird that my right eye is now bad, my right paranasal sinus is very congested, and my right TMJ joint is inflamed! I see my neurologist. I have a neurologist in the first place because back in 2009 I had a what I thought was a vaccine reaction to the HPV vaccine. A few hours after I got it the room was spinning and I was so nauseous and weak. A week after that vaccine I was having trouble walking, tingling in my legs and arms, severe fatigue and weakness, severe headache. I got an MRI back then to rule out MS and did an EEG and an EMG all normal and after several months all the symptoms went away. So yesterday my neuro did a vertigo test which came back normal, now she wants me to get another MRI next week to rule out MS again and I'm terrified. I don't have any numbness or tingling or trouble walking but i'm so scared. My life was so normal and I was actually in the best place I've ever been in my life before this happened and now its all turning to ****. Im crying everyday because from the moment I wake up until the second I fall asleep I feel all the symptoms. They are getting worse, I am getting more frustrated, I am getting more scared that this is something serious because its not going away. Did this ever happen to someone else? Does anyone think this is really MS? I'm assuming my optometrist looked at my optic nerve and would have said something if it looked weird. I have also heard of silent migraines where u have all the symptoms of the migraines except the headache because I have also recently felt like im seeing flashing lights or its hard to explain but its like when im looking at a bright wall, its like I was just staring at static on a tv and then looked at the wall, except im always seeing it I find myself staring into space I have to like snap myself out of it. This whole experience is driving me crazy and i am so irritable and upset. I've also lost my appetite and i cant stop crying because this feeling wont go away it is affecting my life so negatively. I don't even know what to think i want to feel normal and I want my life back its affecting my job, my relationships with everyone, and myself and my happiness I want to do the things I used to. Im sorry for all the jumping around in the story and how long it is, I am very overwhelmed.

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Headaches / Migraines :: Possible Occipital Neuralgia? Pain At Base Of Head

I have not officially been diagnosed with Occipital Neuralgia, but I am beginning to think that that is what I have been suffering from. I will be going back to a doctor soon (husband is military and we are currently getting ready to move to a new country...so it will be a few months before I settle and can get to specialist). In the meantime, I wanted some advice from others who deal with this. I am curious if this sounds like ON to you (I know you can't diagnose me...just curious if my story is similar to anyone else's) and what you do for the pain.

I am 25 years old right now. The headaches started when I was about 18 or 19 years old. It started on the right side of my head right at the base of my head and neck. I got them almost everyday. It was just a dull ache. Nothing awful, but definitely annoying enough that I would have to take advil (especially when I had class or work or something). As months went by and the pain continued, I started getting nervous that I had a tumor (I am a pretty big hypochondriac). I went to my doctor and he sent me to get a CT scan. Everything came back normal. The headaches continued. Went to a neurologist and got an MRI. Again everything came back normal. The headaches still continued. Went to physical therapy. Still not much improvement (granted, I don't practice the exercises he taught me very often). At this point, to be honest, I gave up hope. I took advil almost every day and learned to deal with the pain. I assumed it was just tension headaches. The pain has now gotten worse. The headaches are still only that one side of my head, but the pain spreads behind my ear and up to my right eye when it is at its worst. It feels like a deep ache and I constantly want to stretch or crack my neck or something (which doesn't work). I have a "knobble" that I use to massage the area. Applying a lot of pressure on it hurts...but in a good way. It sort of relieves the pain for the time being, but unless I take advil it will usually come right back and it will last for a few hours if I don't do anything.

I am a teacher and I obviously have to be at my best everyday. The pain makes it impossible, which is why I usually give in and take meds even though I KNOW I should not be taking it everyday. If I am just at home and have nothing to do, I try to massage the area and relax until it dies down.

Does this sound like it could be Occipital Neuralgia? Does anyone have any other idea of what it COULD be? I haven't had much help from doctors, so I sort of want to be armed with information the next time I go see one. I am sick of being told it's nothing when I am spending every day in pain.

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Headaches / Migraines :: Mild To Severe Head And Neck Pain Only On Right Side

For the past year I have experienced mild to severe head and neck pain only on right side. What would cause it and can I get rid of it completely? Some things help but it always comes back. I have not had any injury to my knowledge if so it was due to possible moving wrong or something. I can relieve the pain slightly by pushing my head down and to the left with my left hand. It's really bad if I cough or sneeze. If I massage the indentation on the right of spine on neck at base of skull it helps a little. A chiropractor has helped as well as using a water pillow but the pain eventually comes back.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Migraines Gotten Worse

I had terrible migraines before I was pregnant but now that I am they have gotten so much worse. In my line of work I can't afford to be any less than my best and have only heard of Tylenol that I can take. Is there anything else anyone has ever known of that a pregnant woman can take for migraines nothing is working not even all the natural home remedies...

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Severe Headache And Migraines?

For the last 3 days I have had a horrible headache, it's one of those you wake up with it headache behind the eyes and forehead. And gradually it will wave in between a little better then by the end of the night it is borderline migraine nausea, sensitivity to lights and sound. Today was the worst and I went to bed crying because it hurt so bad, I also noticed if I'm laying down I'm fine but AS soon as I sit and stand up there is a rush of pain right back to my forehead. I've read varying things that could cause this,and if it matters I will admit I haven't been eating a lot the last couples days, and I'm almost positive I'm low on iron. But any advice or tips to help would be wonderful I do have an obgyn appointment Thursday so I will ask her about it as well.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Painful Movements

Am I the only one whose baby just moves and it hurts soooo much. Its not even cute anymore, it just hurts. His kicks are soo strong, and he moves sooooo much.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Painful Baby Movements

So for a ffew weeks now everytime my baby moves its really slow and it either hurts or is very uncomfortable. Majority of the time its very very uncomfortable. Im 34 weeks. Is there something wrong?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Extremely Painful Calves Cramp In Legs

I know leg cramps are apart of pregnancy but I feel like I'm willing to saw to leg off at this point. I hydrate a lot and just have no idea how not to wake up with excruciating pain in my calves every morning !

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Pregnancy (6 Weeks) :: Heavy Bleeding, Painful Cramps, No Clots

I'm 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I'm experiencing heavy bleeding and really painful cramps but no blood clots. I'm very afraid I may be having a miscarriage. The bleeding has been going on for 4 days now and my cramping started tonight but it's a very sharp constant cramping. Nothing like my period cramps.

There are many websites but non explain on bleeding, cramping but no blood clots... Am I or am I not having a missed miscarriage?

My doctor gave me an apt for 2 weeks from today!!! He knows about the bleeding however not the painful cramping since it started late tonight...

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Pregnancy :: What To Take For Headaches ?

I know I cant just take anything. What can I take for headache?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Constant Headaches

Im 14 weeks and I keep having constant headaches any ideas how I can get rid of them ?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Headaches Getting Worse

My doctors told me i cant take anything for headaches unless they were really bad and today my headache has just gotten worse by every hour and I cant deal with it anymore. What can I take?

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