Penis :: Puberty - Done Growing?

Idk if my Penis is done growing its 6" and I'm 15

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Puberty (penis Size) - 12 Yo Nothing Comes Out On Masturbation

I'm 12 13 tomorrow and I've got Pubic hair and armpit hair my voice is getting a little deeper but the one problem is my penis and ejaculation I I masturbate but sometimes nothing comes out sometimes a little comes out and my penis is quite small but gets about 3 times as big when erect I've had armpit hair for about a year now could someone help me?

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Puberty :: How To Make Your Penis Bigger At 13

How to make my penis bigger I'm only 13 and have not yet hit puberty but I don't want to wait I want to make it bigger now? what should I do?

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Men :: 17 - Late Puberty, Small Penis And Baby Face

Im 17. Voice really high. baby face. Got patchy pubic hair. 5'11 100 pounds. My penis hasn't grown since like the age of 13. Grown a little bit but not much. am I hitting puberty or in the starting phase for it thanks.

My parents said that my uncle and my dad were late bloomers as well thanks for the help have a great day.

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Puberty Early - Teen With 7-8 Inches Penis And Thick Voice?

I'm a teen with a penis that measures (when erect, obviously) between 7 1/2 and 8 inches in length, depending on the environment or how excited I am. I hit puberty very early, and I can already grow a thick beard (not a long one though!!). I'm a little over 5'8, too. I have a pretty deep voice.

My main concern is that I'll stop developing early. Will how early I hit puberty effect when both my body and my penis stop growing, and will my voice stay this deep or only get a tiny bit deeper? I'd really like to know, and I think the size of my member right now is a GOOD size, but I'll be honest and say that I'm rather ambitious. I would also like to be able to reach at least six feet tall by adulthood.

That being said, is there any way I'll be able to grow taller than I would if I continued as normal? I've heard that certain types of food give you the correct vitamins or minerals to help you grow. If any alteration is possible, I'd be happy to go through with it and get a few extra inches on my current height.

BTW, my last question is concerning my strength. I'm a football player, but when games aren't in season I don't do much but sit on my computer at home. Even given the circumstances, I somehow have one of the strongest arms (strong throw, whatever muscles you use during arm-wrestling) in my school, and in the school I went to last year. I'm also one of the fastest people in my school. I'd like to know why this is. Is it because of genetics, or maybe because of what I eat

teen White Caucasian Male, 5'8, 155-160 pounds

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Thyroid :: Goiter Went Away And Then Grew - 2nd Surgery

20 Years ago I had My thyroid partially removed now they tell me one side was never removed and the other side that was, grew back they want to do a 2nd removal what are the risks

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Headaches :: Thyroid Grew Nodules And Became A Goiter

I suppose a little history would be fitting first...I've been hypothyroid since birth (born without thyroid function), and was placed on a regimen of Synthroid for years. From there, my thyroid grew nodules and became a goiter, and at the age of 23, had to be removed completely. Since then, I struggled on the Synthroid, and finally found a doctor who agreed to try me on Armour. At first, I seemed to do well on it. I've been on Armour for about 2 1/2 years now.

Over the past year, I've developed migraine- like headaches that completely incapacitate me. For the most part, these would come on a frequent basis but I could go about my daily routine without disruption...until about four months ago. The headaches became non-stop. There is no break in the pain (the doctors don't understand this concept- they keep calling them "episodes"). The intensity changes, but the pain is ALWAYS there. I've been treated for migraines, but the medication for it doesn't work, and the pain isn't quite the same as a migraine. It's very hard to describe...almost like a twisting sensation in my skull and across my forehead.

That's not all of it. The pain gets worse with exertion. If I try to go out and run a few simple errands or do some household chores, my body heat goes through the roof- along with a lovely fever and I'm done. I can't do anything else for the rest of the day because I'm in too much pain (from the headache AND body aches from the fever).

I'd love to say I'm making this all up. But would I really put myself through all the blood work, a lumbar puncture that went awry (yes, it was downright awful), and bounce from doctor to doctor? I finally found one who had a brain in his head that said "it could very well be your thyroid!"

The biggest problem I've had is that every doctor I've seen has said "your thyroid levels look fine!" But they've only tested my T4 and TSH...shouldn't they be testing my T3 as well? I know I'm no doctor but...

I know I should be under the care of an endocrinologist, but they are really hard to find around my part of town (at least one that's any good). I just want some other points of view here before I subject myself to more poking and prodding.

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Lipoma :: In My Back Grew From Pea Sized To Golf Ball

I recently had a Lipoma in the middle of my back to the left of my spine, which was pea sized but noticeable to the touch. Over a period of about 5 years it grew to become about the size of a golf ball or slightly larger (things always feel larger inside don’t they!)

I was annoyed because a doctor at my surgery explained that it couldn’t be removed by the NHS, only private as it was classed as a 'cosmetic' operation. I sought a second opinion from my own doctor who said no, it should be removed and could be removed on the NHS; as it was causing such discomfort. I couldn’t believe the first doctor could even think that something ‘about the size of a tennis ball’ (as she put it), which was obviously causing discomfort and could be seen through clothing, could be was classed as cosmetic! (If this happens to you, demand to go on the NHS or see another doctor!)

It was uncomfortable, not really painful, but it certainly felt like someone had left a tennis ball inside my back! I could feel it as I leaned back in a chair and with deep breaths, it felt like it was pushing against my insides (not very pleasant). By now it has also started to be visible when wearing a T-Shirt (as a bump), so I decided it was time to get it taken out.

Within 2 weeks of visiting my doctor I was in surgery. The operation was no problem, even though the anesthetic did hurt!!! (but I’m a man so I’ll soldier on!) After the op I was in Tesco’s shopping … but about 8 hours later, when the anesthetic had worn off, it bloody hurt! It was hard sleeping – I had to sleep on my front for weeks!

It still feels like something remains – its like a 6th sense and I can still feel something in there, but that may either be my imagination or, as I was told, part of the Lipoma that couldn’t be removed.

At the end of the day though, there’s no need to worry about the op (and I’m the biggest coward going when it comes to hospitals!) – it was simple and not too painful … and the hospital staff were very friendly.

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Men's Health :: 24 Yo Adult But No Puberty Changes

I'm 24 but there are many things that make me think the last 10 years were all a dream and I'm actually still 14.

- I never grow a single facial hair, so never used a razor on my face to this day.

- My voice didn't change too much, many people still mistake me for a female on the phone.

- My manhood hasn't grown in size, so I still have a D the size of a 12 years old (HAHAHA).

- To compensate for the previous point, fortunately I don't have any libido either. I have no desire to sleep with women, and have zero interest in what other men are obsessed with (porn, sex, etc), pretty much like most pre-puberty boys.

- I have abnormally thin arms like children's, even though I workout frequently, the muscles just don't seem to grow there.

- My face is still that of a 15 yrs old. Though maybe that's just because I have a babyface...?

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Breasts :: Man Boobs At 13 - Puberty?

So I am 13 about 5 9. I have slight man boobs. It drives me insane because I have a skinny face. I have no sign of a double chin. I weigh 163 lbs. I feel out of proportion. I'm not so fat anywhere else but my upper chest. I started eating healthy and completely cut soda from my diet and only drink water. Is it because I'm in puberty or what? I wanna look normal!

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Men's Health :: 19 And No Signs Of Puberty Yet

I am 19 years old and have yet to see any real effects of puberty on my body. I have a little pubic hair, armpit hair and slight facial hair, but my Penis has yet to really grow and my testicles haven't dropped. My family, on both sides, have men with a lot of facial and body hair, so I find it odd that I do not, I am also worried about my genital growth, as all males are, and am concerned I have not yet gone through the entirety of puberty.This article says that obese children go through puberty later, I have been obese since I was in elementary school, could this be the reason? And if so, will I eventually go through it and have my genitals grow as well? I am trying to lose weight now as well.

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Mental Conditions :: OCD Developed After Puberty?

I recently noticed that some mild OCD I developed before entering high school has gotten worse. While it used to be compulsive list-making about memories it has turned into touching things/thinking things/blinking/breathing/walking either two or four times. If I touch something on one side, I have to touch it on the other. Many rituals have to do with time, and sometimes if I'm reading a page it's more about completing a symmetry task than actually reading. Memories are "things" which can be visualized like I'm currently living in them. This gets worse during times of high stress.

My question is, why did this develop when I was fourteen? I was always a bit sensitive to certain sounds and dirty surfaces, but those mild obsessions are NOTHING like what I experience now. I assume that every ritual is a stress-relief technique and that since my mind's always racing, my brain feels a need to organize things. But I'm not an organized person, and when I'm feeling low, I almost never complete my work. I can obsess over certain past actions for hours and analyze situations to the point where I'm practically making up other people's reactions or pretending I'm inside their head.

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Urethral Disorders :: Hypospadias And Puberty

my son was diagnosed with Hypospadias after a lot of pushing by me and my husband all medical staff thought there was nothing wrong we new there was and eventually got transferred to Mr Malone at Southampton he new what he was talking about.Our son had the snood grass procedure at 13 moths old and recuperating wasn't nice but the hospital were great.There was no talk about what would happen in the future and we were sent on our way.Our son is now 10 yrs old and I went to see our dr concerning puberty,our son has quite a small penis maybe an inch long,this didn't seem to concern the dr no mention of whether this is a micro penis and she just said keep an eye on what happens through puberty.NO HELP whatsoever.I have read about hormones being tested and things to do with testosterone but I don't really know if I should push this because I'm not great at explaining this.I am absolutely dreading him going to 2ndary school he's very sensitive about life in general and his penis size has not started to become an issue yet he's still a child but you know what kids are like any feedback would be lovely no one else to talk to.

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Puberty :: Over 30 And No Facial Or Pubic Hair

I am a male over 30 years, married and have a 2 year old kid. However i do not seem to grow any facial hair and have very minimal/no pubic hair over my body. I have little on my private parts and under arm... but absolutely no public hair on my face or legs. I wanted to know if there are any tests to determine my problems and to fix them. Just for a record, my dad and other close family that i know of have very good pubic hair.

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Sexual Health - Men :: How To Speed Up Puberty?

How to speed up puberty

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Women's Health :: Puberty Symptoms? At 8

I want to ask abt my daughter she is 8 complete on jan and she is 30 kg, height 126cm,my worry is she is having very fine underarm hairs but one side more and another side very less,no pubic hairs and also there is no any noticing breast development,she is very active,i want to know is this symptoms of puberty.

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Hormones :: Low Testosterone, Incomplete Puberty

I am 28 years old, male, and was currently told I had Hypogonadism and incomplete puberty upon physical examination and blood results due to low testosterone. I went to see a general physician due to being symptomatic (Lack of body hair, balding, Gynecomastia, very sparse facial hair, underdeveloped sexual organs, Tired, Moody etc). I have been symptomatic since around age 12 so it has been ongoing for quite some time. I had 3 doctors all tell me that there was nothing wrong and the issue would correct itself. They chalked it up to a hormone imbalance.

My current doctor is running some more blood work and wants to do a karyotype to rule out genetic problems like Klinefelter's. I suppose what I'm trying to determine is if pituitary or thyroid complications can be ruled out by blood results? My doc says that it doesn't seem to be pointing to thyroid or pituitary issues but that the only way to determine truly is by doing an MRI for my brain and having a karyotype to rule out xxy.

He did mention that my testosterone levels are abnormally low for my "age group" and that I am underdeveloped and have incomplete puberty or lack of secondary sexual characteristics for my age. I do look quite young. I do recall having a stroke and facial paralysis when I was 2 years old, maybe I have some brain/gland damage. They never were able to determine what caused the stroke and paralysis. I recovered for the most part and have about 90% function on the affected area of the mouth and face.

I'm just thinking whether I should go see an endocrinologist or continue with this doctor. This doctor seems to want to put me on testosterone therapy which I've heard terrible things about. He feels that I would benefit from it. I'm really shooting in the dark here as I have no idea what to do next. Below are some of the results back from the blood work, Don't know what to specifically look for so I'll write what I see or think is related to the subject at hand. Could this be Pituitary or thyroid related? Does blood work accurately help determine pituitary and thyroid disorders?
LH 4.4
TSH 0.90

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Premature Puberty :: Breasts And Pubic Hair At 7

i went through premature puberty, but my mom ignored it. I started showing breasts and pubic hair at 7. i had my first period at 9 and a half. i achieved my adult height by 12 years. i still fit into clothes i had at 12. my breast size, height hasn't changed since i was 12. i'm 25 years now and my 6 year old daughter is showing signs of premature puberty. i know how harrowing the experience is and i will help her fight this. mothers and parents in general, don't ignore this, help your children!

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Early Puberty Anxiety And Panic Attacks At 13

Until I was about 13, I was mentally fine. One day, I had a massive panic attack for literally no reason and for a few years afterwards I did nothing but have random, bad panic attacks and I had very bad OCD. I saw a variety of councillors who all basically told me I have to deal with this for the rest of my life and it will never really improve. I turned 21 a few weeks ago and in recent years, my panic attacks have improved but I still have anxiety, depression and OCD. I recently had a nexplanon implant fitted and it was a nightmare, my anxiety and depression increased dramatically. I had it removed 5 days ago and am seeing slight improvements. This has lead me to wonder if hormones are a possible cause of my anxiety? Maybe I am being naive and stupid but part of me hopes that there is something I can do because even though I am much better than when I was 13/14, I cannot bear the idea of living the next 50-60 years like this.

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