Neurology :: Muscle Fatigue And Perceived Weakness And Twitching

I have been having a slew of health problems recently but am still awaiting further testing. In the meantime, I am very stressed and having a hard time managing. I keep getting worried that my symptoms could be onset of ALS despite knowing how illogical it sounds. I am a 25 year old male.

First, I was diagnosed by my doctor with a sinus infection, although it was probably very slight. She prescribed me Augmentin and I took it for 5 days and immediately started feeling bad on it. After I quit taking it, I noticed some tingling in my hands and feet at work on Thursday the 11th. The next evening, Friday, my legs started to feel unsteady and heavy when I walked and my hands and arms remained tingly and had perceived weakness. On Monday morning, the 15th, I went to the ER and they believed I had Lyme Disease and prescribed me doxycycline. I took this for 7 days, but did not feel any better. I remained having perceived weakness primarily in my legs accompanied by muscle tightness, muscle soreness, and very slight, sporadic twitching all over. On the 19th, I saw a neurologist who dismissed my symptoms as not serious as my reflexes were ok (knees were slightly weak, but I was very tense during the test) and I was able to walk normal, it just felt strenuous. My lyme test came back negative and a second western blot also came back negative.

Currently, I continue to have all of my symptoms, including perceived weakness, muscle fatigue, soreness, tightness, and twitching.  Symptoms are present all over my body, but concentrated in my legs. When I lay down at night, my whole body will feel as if I had a sunburn and I am having difficulty sleeping because of my worrying. If I go out and walk, my legs gets very sore and tired much quicker than they ever did before. Additionally, I have been having a very dry mouth and tight feeling throat. My PCP believes it to be either post-viral syndrome, mild MBS, or the least likely, MS. Others have suggested b12 or vitamin d deficiency. I have an MRI scheduled next week and an appointment with a different neurologist.

Other info:

-Was prescribed zoloft and am less than one week in to taking it. I believe it may be increasing the shakiness of my hands and my stress, as it takes some time to adjust to it.

-Was prescribed ambien to sleep. I'll sleep for about four hours straight, but then have a hard time continuing to sleep once I wake up. I believe I might be twitching or jerking in my sleep which wakes me.

-I tried to go to the gym on the 24th and run and lift weights. The next day, it felt like it really set me back, as I was much more sore and my legs seemed more unsteady.

-Began taking b12, b complex, magnesium, D vitamins.

-Had multiple blood tests. The only abnormal result was a positive ANA for speckled at 1:80. I read this can be a pretty common result.

-Less than 2 years ago, I had shingles.

Any thoughts on what could be wrong with me?

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Lipitor - Muscle Soreness And Weakness

I have been advised to take Lipitor but experienced muscle soreness and weakness. My doctor then reduced dosage, but it still had the same effect. He then recommended I take a low dosage two times a week as long as I could tolerate it. Will such a low dosage have any positive effect on reducing bad cholesterol?

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Neurology :: Memory Loss And Muscle Weakness

Three weeks ago I noticed my daughter (age 38) could not remember anything from 10 or 15 minutes and kept asking the same questions - She seemed confused.   I took her to the hospital and they began running test.  After 2 days she was having difficulty standing so I had to help her stand and then she could walk -  after 4 days she could not stand or walk at all.     Her legs and arms both have some numbness, burning sensations, and pain.    The MRI scan shows no issues - they have run MRI, CatScan, EEG, EMG, Muscle Biopsy, Spinal Tap,  all sorts of blood work and after three weeks have found nothing except some vitamin deficiency.   She still cannot walk and has confusion and short term memory -   Has anyone heard of anything like this.   Is it possible that is vitamin deficiency? 

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Muscle Weakness And Twitching

I'm trying to be diagnosed, my doctor is that loss, extreme muscle fatigue for 2 1/2 months and now I started twitching. Of course I am freaking out I could be ALS, I feel always exhausted as if a truck as one over me, I soon as I come home from work I have to take a nap, but Dr. mention CFS but he's very worried about the twitching , Any of you have CFS with twitching of the muscles?

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Muscle Disorders :: Muscle Wasting And Weakness

Although I try to be as active as possible my muscles are making life for me difficult, as for years they have been wasting, causing pain and tiredness. All other symptoms point to Fibromyalgia, which I believe doesn't cause muscle wasting.....also have Osteoarthritis.  My muscle problems started in my mid. now 63 and is much worse.  Recent blood tests show normal muscles values....but something must be wrong as my energy level is very low.  Has anyone been /going through the same??


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Lupus :: Severe Joint Pain And Weakness, Muscle Weakness, Bone Pain

for the past week I had severe joint pain and weakness, muscle weakness, bone pain in extremities ( had a blood test for lupus and RA[ no family history of either] Starting to get a bit better as long as I rest. recently sexually active with one person, now I just noticed feeling swollen like I was getting a UTI ( hurt when I urinate), but noticed it hurt in my vagina not urethra, checked and there are 4 small red bumps in my right labia minora and 1 in my left labia minora-odorless, feels inflamed and hurts now. Is this related to possible lupus or separate problem? I feel exhausted and run down.

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Nervous - Muscle Spasm, Twitching And Burping

For the last 3 days I've had muscle spasm on my right side-it doesn't hurt. It's more like twitching. I have been burping-maybe gas. I have worked out a lot but haven't since this started. I was just wondering if anyone gets these. I did soak in Epsom salts tonight but the twitches still happening. I have read people do get these-it just makes you nervous as you feel a loss of control over your body.

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Calf Muscle Twitching In Both Calves For Years

I have had for many years twitching in both calves. The twitching looks like a rippling motion, primarily when at rest, but I can feel the ripple when the calves are not at rest. I have not seen anyone about this and am not aware of what may be causing it.

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Neurology :: Loss Hand Muscle But Results Are Normal

my daughter is 18 years old and has lost muscle tissue in her left hand the doctors recommended x-ray and MRI and also EMG all the results came out normal. the problem is she cant put her socks on and hold things with her hand at times. so I guess my question is has this been heard of.  also we went to even a centre for reconstructive surgery and he was also confused saying he has never seen a case like this. My daughter is frustrated and we have no answers.

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Lyme Disease :: Persistent Middle Ear Infection With Muscle Twitching And Fatigue

About 6 weeks ago I began to experience some ear problems. It started with muffled hearing, tinnitus, and mild pain. I went to primary care provider and she prescribed amoxicillin three times a day for the middle ear infection. A couple of days later my symptoms got a lot worse. I lost most of the hearing in my right ear and I had severe jolting pain that radiated to my whole head and eyes. I went to the ER and was given a shot of penicillin and was also diagnosed with strep throat. I was referred to ENT because my eardrum had actually burst. The ENT doc prescribed ear drops and a higher dose of amoxicillin with clavu k. Another week passed and the symptoms continued to get worse. I followed up with ENT last week and he said my right ear looked really bad inside and I am probably going to need surgery to fix it. He also said to stop taking my antibiotics and ear drops.

Okay, this is why I think I may have Lyme. Throughout all of this I was experiencing flu and other symptoms that I didn't pay much attention to because I was focused on the ear infection. In the beginning I felt unusual muscle twitching in my limbs with achy pain. I just dismissed it as normal body functions. Fast forward to this week, the muscle twitching is now more severe and present all over my body (almost every voluntary muscle). There is some accompanying pain/soreness from the constant twitching. I am also having heart palpitations, anxiety, depression (a first for me), joint pain, dizziness, painful headache, and brain fog/"out of it" feeling. I am also unusually sensitive to cold and some of my muscles feel "electric." I went to the ER yesterday and they did some bloodwork, an EKG, and a chest x-ray but everything was normal. The EKG showed a left axis deviation in my heart but the doc said it was nothing because I am a little stocky.

I don't know what to do. I am getting worse everyday, especially after stopping the antibiotics. My doctors appear to think that my symptoms are psychosomatic even though my anxiety has been under control for weeks. The only thing they're sure I have is an ear infection, but even that isn't responding to antibiotics.

I have pets and they play in a backyard that is filled with squirrels, rats, opossums, and birds. I sleep with one of my dogs and I have found a few ticks in my bed before. I didn't think they bit humans but about 2 months ago I did develop a weird rash on my upper buttox that became a huge cyst (I sleep belly-down). It lasted a few weeks but it completely disappeared a couple of weeks ago. I just thought it was a big zit and didn't think much of it. Maybe this could have been a bite?

Sorry, about the long read. I am a recently discharged disabled veteran and I receive healthcare through the VA. Appointments are always weeks away due to huge backlogs, which makes it even more frustrating. The appointments are also always rushed and my doctors are quick to make the "anxiety" diagnosis if they don't find anything obvious.

I am not looking for a diagnosis. I am mainly seeking advice on what I should do and if my symptoms may sound like Lyme. I would also like to ask how I can approach my doctor with the possibility of Lyme Disease without being dismissed right away. I am really starting to get scared because I have been getting progressively worse over a period of almost 2 months.

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Candesartan 8mg :: Arm Muscle Weakness And

for a few days candesartan was helpful then the side effects set in. especially dizziness and arm muscle pain and elbow joint anyone else have this problem

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ALS :: Muscle Weakness And Burning

I've been having muscle weakness and burning in my arms and legs and back for about 8 months now and am so afraid that I have als or ms. I was wondering how long does it take for als and ms to manifest ? This is causing me great stress and depression.

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Prednisone :: Muscle Weakness In One Leg?

The last 2 months I've had tightness in my left buttock while on Prednisone.  For the first while I could walk if off but for the last month it is constantly there but only when I walk, and sometimes shifts to the left leg's inner thigh, the result being I find I'm sort of limping.  Has anyone had something like this?  It could be a disc in the lower back pressing on a nerve affecting the muscles in the buttock and thigh, or maybe it's just muscle weakness resulting from the Prednisone.  I'm in a quandary how to tackle it, see a physio, chiro, massage therapist.   I've found that since I've had PMR 2 years ago anyone working with their hands on me greatly aggravates things so I'm unsure where to turn.

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Autoimmune Disorders :: Muscle Weakness

I am a 29 year old female and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis at the start of the year. I have been having problems with my right eyelid in that over the course of the day it progressively becomes droopy and the only thing that relieves it is when I close it. When it becomes droopy it makes my eye feel like there's something in it and I end up rubbing it. It's only when I look in the mirror that it's droopy.

In January  my endocrinologist ran an autoimmune profile (but not for every single antibody) and rheumatoid factor and these are the results of it:

Rheumatoid Factor - 9IU/mL (<20 negative)

HEP2 - Positive

Type - Speckled

Anti-DSDNA - 7IU/mL (<30 negative)

(Positive antinuclear antibodies but no significant disease association found)

ENA screen - Negative

Autoimmune profile

Antinuclear Abs - Positive

Anti-Smooth muscle Abs - Negative

Anti-Parietal Abs - Negative

Anti-Mitochondrial Abs - Negative

Anti-LKM Abs - Negative

Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Abs (Anti-TPO) - 141 kIU/L (<34 negative)

I am posting here because I have a suspicion that I have Myasthenia Gravis. Not only have I got the problem with my eyelid but I tried to follow some physical tests for muscle weakness such as holding my arms out straight in front of me and deep knee bends.The results of these home tests I did:

Holding out arms stretched in front for 60 seconds - pain in both arms when it came up to the 60 seconds and left arm dropped slightly

10 deep knee bends - did all 10 knee bends but the last 3 made my legs feel weak and shaky

5 sit-ups (sitting from lying down) - could only manage 4 sit-ups

I have an appointment with my GP on Friday and since this has now appeared I'd like to mention my concerns to them.

My main concerns are :

Wouldn't my endocrinologist have tested me for Myasthenia Gravis if it's an autoimmune condition? If so what antibodies would she have tested and would any of the ones I had tested have shown I have Myasthenia Gravis?

Who do I need to request to see to get a confirmed diagnosis?

If it is indeed Myasthenia Gravis would it be because my current autoimmune condition made it worse? I have read that this is possible and I became very hypothyroid yesterday as I had very bad Reynaud's flares when out and about.

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Thyroid :: Joint And Muscle Weakness?

I was diagnosed about 4 months ago with Hashimoto's. I'm on 75 mcg of Unithroid. I've started having extreme joint pain and my hands are always swollen. Some days it's a chore to walk up the stairs at work. The only time I feel really good is in the evening about 7pm. Any suggestions on what this could be? Who do I see for my joints to rule out other autoimmune disorders?

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Thyroid :: Muscle Weakness After Surgery

Help! In 2001 I had a thyroidectomy. Immediately, my blood pressure, (which had always been remarkably low), shot through the ceiling and I've been on BP meds ever since. But I digress...

I was always super active. I skied, ran, kite boarded, hiked, biked... all a healthy and important part of my life. I even had booked a trip to climb Kilimanjaro for my 60th birthday in 2010 when I came down with Swine Flu, followed by a couple bouts of pneumonia. When I recovered, I tried to go back to skiing about three months later and found that I had lost muscle strength! I couldn't make turns (and that's a bad thing...) I got weaker and weaker. My doc had no clue. We checked heart, lungs. I was at low end of thyroid and adrenal levels, but "not a problem", I'm told. I'm not a drama person at all, but I really began to believe I was dying because I was getting weaker and felt like my energy was draining away.

At wit's end, I went (for the first time) to a brilliant naturopath who drastically improved my already good died and put my on Chinese meds. It took about three months, but I eventually stopped getting weaker and became stable. That was HUGE! Since, however, I've remained pretty stable and we keep trying other things but nothing has put me even close to where I was.

The best guess is that its related to thyroid or adrenal function. I dunno...

I can now make between 6-10 stairs before I have to stop for a few seconds to regroup. I can swim very short distances but never alone because when I run out of energy, its GONE and I have absolutely nothing left. This has drastically impacted my life and I want to be strong again!

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Hyperthyroidism :: Tremor And Muscle Weakness

I was diagnosed as hyperthyroid about five months ago. I am so much better now however the tremor in my hands and the muscle weakness in my arms and thighs doesn't seem to have subsided (or even lessened) at all like the rest of the symptoms. I am really worried that these are going to be permanent problems. Has anyone else had tremors and muscle weakness from this condition, and did it eventually go away or should I be preparing for this to be a lifetime issue? If yours did go away, how long did it take and did you need to take any particular supplements or do any particular exercises to help? 

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Muscle Cramps And Weakness For A Week ALS?

I've been worried sick about my health condition these days I can't function well in school. My arms and legs have been feeling weak and have been getting short but sharp cramps. They would also feel numb sometimes along with a tingling feeling. I also seldom feel some muscle twitching which are not painful.

This happened a day after a very mild workout. Since then I haven't exercised due to the weakness of both my arms and legs.

The results I've been getting from the internet had made it difficult for me to sleep and go out. I am terrified this could be ALS. Is there any chance, even a slight one, that this could not be something serious? I am almost convinced that this is ALS but I still have a small dash of hope that it isn't.

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Hypothyroidism :: Muscle Weakness And Fatigue

I'm feeling alone and not sure who to turn to ask and feeling like no one quite understands. My main concern is that sometimes when I get muscle weakness and feel tired, I start craving to eat and I can't stop myself even if I have already eaten well. Yesterday evening was the perfect example, Having eaten a full meal with vegetables, rice, noodles and chicken, I then followed it with a bowl of fruit with yoghurt. Very healthy, should have been enough. I then had a bowl of cereal with milk, handful after handful of cereal from the cupboard and other food I could lay my hands on. I managed to stop myself when the feeling of wanting to eat spoonfuls of sugar and golden syrup and sweets and chocolate out of the cupboard. I think felt overwhelming tiredness and ended up lying down unable to move all evening eventually falling asleep.

Today I am so shattered, I feel weak, tearful and tired and I have just been eating and eating all morning. I can't cope.

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