Migraine :: Nortriptyline - My Dizziness And Visual Symptoms Have Gotten Worse

Recently I have been diagnosed with a daily type of migraine which causes imbalance, dizziness and visual blurring although I don't always have a headache. The doctor put me on nortriptyline 10mg once a day at night. I'm on my second day and my dizziness and visual symptoms have gotten far worse? Is this normal and does it go away after a while? Feeling rather panicky as I struggle to even go to the shop. Nothing feels real. Any advice out there?

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Migraine :: Withdrawal Information On Nortriptyline?

I was on Nortriptyline for a year for migraine prevention.  I found it was making me extremely tired and my heart race.  I unfortunately stopped it two weeks ago abruptly.  Does anyone know how long withdrawal symptoms last for.  Still feel jumpy, brain zaps, insomnia and headache.

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Nortriptyline - Did It Help The Dizziness And Anxiety?

I have MAV, and recently tried amitriptyline and had increasing anxiety on it, so the ENT took me off of it. He said the nortriptyline is in the same family as the ami but has less side effects.

I am afraid to try it, I don't do well on meds have lots of side effects. I've tried many SSRI's but cant take any of them.

I wondered if any of you have been on the nortriptyline and how you did, did it help the dizziness and anxiety? When you stopped using it was it hard to stop? Did you have side effects and which ones?

The Ent says the only way to know if its MAV is to try the meds. The ami stopped the dizziness and my tension headache but boy it activated some awful anxiety. So he said yes you have MAV coz the med stopped the dizziness.

My symptoms are, started out with this awaul rocking and swaying sensation that lasted for months, I've had this for a year in July, dizziness of course, falling feeling, I get slight dizziness that is preceded by either headache with neck pain or dizzy with upper shoulder pain and tightness, vision is off at times, when sitting feel like I'm moving and that goes thru my entire body, fear and worry, legs ache sometimes from having to stabilize my balance, off balance when walking, feels like the floor is going up and down, when I bend forward in the shower or vacuuming or mopping I get bad dizziness that will last for hours to days, just showering make me dizzy when washing my hair, I don't even have to put my head back just moving my hands up and down on my scalp will do it, doing dishes the looking down can cause it, looking down to write will do it, sinking feeling when sitting and more but thats enough I think. Do any of you have these?

Does your dizziness go on all day and sometimes on and off? Do you have anxiety with it? Gosh I had awful anxiety for months I just couldn't get use to the thought of having this forever. But my ENT and VRT therapist say it will go away.

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Nortriptyline - Did It Help Your Dizziness And Or Headaches

My ENT gave this to me today because I had worsening anxiety on the ami. He said this has less side effects. I'm wanted to know if anyone took ami and had to switch to nortriptyline and how did you do? Did it help your dizziness and or headaches? Did you have anxiety done fire taking it and did it affect it?

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Suffering From Vestibular Neuritis

Mine started with buzzing in my left ear, flickering in the left eye. I've had numerous exercises which worked at first but not any more. I feel like I'm walking on sponges and had went to see a physio and she is referring me to a specialist in Birmingham. She said it's the signals in my brain and a lot of things going on. Apparently its trying to compensate for my weak balance system. No one can give me a definite answer and its been going on for 7 years now! Anyone else out there who can relate?

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Migraine :: Nortriptyline Mild Side Effects - Numbness In My Legs, Feet And Hands

I've started taking 25MG of nortriptyline for migraines- my dosage goes up to 50 MG at the end of the week. The first few days of taking it, I experienced physical exhaustion and grogginess, as well as numbness in my legs, feet, and hands, but nothing too bad that impaired me. I also have felt more mentally focused. Any thoughts?

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Migraine?

I'll start at the beginning last December I woke to go to the toilet and the next thing I new was my husband asking me if I was ok ( I had fainted) . Passed no remarks thought I had stood up to quickly, went to work the next day and felt lightheaded and even though my colleagues were talking to me I couldn't process what the were saying. I went to the doctor and explained what happened and she said it was vertigo. At this stage it was xmas week and I started taking serc but the didn't seem to be working. Went back to work in the new year and after 1 hour I was totally disoriented so I went back to the doctor and she sent me to a neurologists who said I had migraine. He prescribed me with amitriptyline starting at 10mg and I have slowly worked up to 40 mg but still not feeling right in the last few months I have facial numbness. My neuro is sending me to see a a neurophysiologist but my appointment isn't until February of next year and that's going private.


Lightheaded /dizzy
Stiff neck
Blurred vision
Extremely tired
Stiff ankles and hip joints in the morning
Facial numbness

Pain in my head sometimes like ice cream headache but only a few times a day. Have had mri which was clear and all my bloods are normal

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Depression Due To Migraine / Dizziness

I'm 23 suffer with serious migraine / dizziness. Which has caused depression.

I have no life what so ever and constantly having blood tests, ENT ect ect. I keep a food diary and waiting on MRI results.

Here's everything iv been putting down ...

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Migraine :: Charcoal Helps But Constant Headache 5 Months

I'm a 25-year-old female that lives at altitude. I am mildly overweight, have low end of normal blood pressure.  I exercise approximately 5 days a week and walk about 1.5-3 miles a day during work hours --otherwise I have a desk job. I eat primarily whole grains and foods, whole goats milk, and only drink 1-2 times a week and typically not heavily.

I've had a constant headache since September 20, 2015. It started in the middle of the night and increased in severity throughout that month. The pain is at the front of my head varies from a 2-9 typically getting worse throughout the day and into the evening.  Other symptoms include dizziness and nausea, lightheadedness-- sometimes extreme and debilitating.

After 1 month, I went to the doctor who had a MRI done, several blood tests, a nerve block, a hospital DHE treatment, every painkiller and triptan/migraine drug in the book. I went on a course of Phenergan and diclofenac, and also had IV antibiotic in the hospital. I started taking magnesium supplements. I assessed the stressful elements of my life (at home and at work), began meditating, and lowered my overall stress. I did yoga and stretched did neck exercises which both reduced some of the pain. Nothing helped, and they recommended Topamax, but as nothing made a dent before, I decided to question their diagnosis of intractable migraine. Since then, I had my Nexplanon implant removed (received it July 11th, 2015, removed it November 22, 2015). And started acupuncture. The acupuncture achieved some considerable relief, but after a month of treatment twice a week, I went on a business trip and took charcoal several times during the trip to help with a hangover (I don't drink much). During the end of the trip and the 5 days following it, I didn't have a headache. At the time, I concluded that the acupuncture had worked.

After the headache returned, I started to go through possibilities and took myself off of gluten. After a week, no change in headache. Then I started taking charcoal again after a eureka moment and then went 2 weeks without a headache. Yesterday I forgot to take my charcoal for 28 hours and my headache returned. I'm back on the stuff, and now feel like I'm narrowing in on finding the culprit!

I was hoping for medical advice on the appropriates steps to take to find out what is causing these, given that Charcoal seems to alleviate the symptoms. I'd like to be able to alter my lifestyle to improve the situation.

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Constant Severe Dizzy Spells

I've been suffering from brief and extremely intense dizzy spells for about the last six months now, which are becoming more and more frequent. During a dizzy spell, my ears feel very full, my eyes stop focusing/text becomes very blurry, and I can't move without losing balance. Triggering factors include:Eating (usually a severe spell after every meal) Drinking cold water Listening to the radio/watching TV (my job requires that I do this all day) turning my head or changing position quickly music or concerts (I am also a professional musician and spend 10-12 hours per week practising or playing gigs) Fluorescent lights Alcohol (I can't drink more than half a pint of beer in an hour, or I get particularly extreme waves of dizziness)

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Severe Concussion Head :: Headaches, Loss Of Memory, Passing Out, Dizziness

Yesterday me and my friend were riding bike we were crossing and she crossed before me. When I went to go this lady cut me off with her car almost hitting me in the process. I started to ride and I think i may have passed out while riding because I remember my head hitting the concrete but it didn't hurt. I heard people yelling and my friend calling my name. I think I blacked out for a few seconds. I then stood up like nothing was wrong muttering I was fine. That's all I really remember for the next few minutes. I was told some lady was asking me my name but I wasn't really responding. My friend called her father and my mom. My mom was on her way to work she stopped by and I refuse to go to the hospital. I remember my mom leaving and my friends dad holding me against his chest. They took me to her house and I passed out on the sofa. Apparently I was shaking and I had half an eye open twitching while I was sleeping. My friends dad wanted to take me to the hospital but I convinced them I was fine. Now a day later I'm starting to worry because my symptoms include extreme headache loss of memory, passing out, dizziness extreme sweating in a cool environment, trouble falling asleep, but once asleep trouble waking up trouble moving my neck and head. My mom is the type to not worry about this thing she's convinced it's just a concussion, but I've done my research and I'm a little bit worried .

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Undiagnosed Severe Left Flank Pain For Months - Kidney Related?

I have had severe left flank pain for 3 months now and still not been able to get a diagnosis. I am a 24 year old usually fit female.

The pain started towards the end of April while i was in work (an office desk job). It was on my left side in between my hip and ribs, spreading down to my groin. The pain got worse over the next couple of hours, and it has been a constant dull ache since then. The pain is most strong on the back of my left side but i can also feel it from the front.

I went to the doctors with this pain where i done blood and urine tests and got put on antibiotics for a suspected kidney infection, as well as codeine to ease the pain. The results came back with an apparent slight kidney abnormality showing, but a week later, i was still in a lot of pain and unable to move much, so i went back to the doctors where i got referred into hospital. I spent the night in hospital where i had more blood and urine tests, as well as an ultra sound. The hospital told me my results showed a UTI, but the ultrasound was clear, so i got put on another course of antibiotics and sent home. A week later, i was still in a lot of pain so i went back to the doctors where i was put on another (stronger) course of antibiotics for 2 weeks. The pain eased slightly above the groin, but the main pain on my left side was still the same.

My doctor then referred me to gastroenterology at the hospital where i had to wait weeks for an appointment, only to be told that he didn't think it was bowel or stomach related (as i can still eat and pass stools normally) and that i should have been referred to urology.

My doctor referred me to urology where the waiting list was 2 months, so i decided to get a private consultation with a urologist. The consultant done a urine test, which confirmed i had blood present in it. He went over my symptoms and suggested a CT scan in case i had a small kidney stone stuck which had been missed by the ultrasound. He was also concerned at my frequency as passing urine (this is usually over 20 times a day with anywhere between 3 to 8 times through the night). He referred me back to the NHS for the CT scan which i had a few weeks ago.

The CT scan results came back clear of kidney stones. My consultant now thinks the issue could be musculoskeletal but he still wants to see me to do some bladder studies as he is concerned about the frequency of urination. I have an appointment with my urology consultant for a few weeks time, but to see someone to investigate if the pain could be musculoskeletal there is a 3 month waiting list.

I am still in a lot of pain, both when moving and sitting (it never eases), and it is effecting my every day life. I can't go into the office to work due to the amount of pain i am in, i can't drive with it, and i haven't left the house the past few month apart from doctor or hospital visits. I am constantly feeling down and tired, and often get spells of dizziness and my eyes blacking out when i stand up (i am unsure if the tiredness and dizziness is related or not). I had a breakdown the other weekend where i cried for 2 days straight with the pain, the frustration of not being able to get a diagnosis, and not being able to do anything. I am worried that depression is kicking in with how long this has dragged on for.

I had no injury or knock to the area before the pain started. My mums side of the family also has a history of nephritis (kidney disease) with 4 of my aunt and uncles having it, but my urology consultant doesn't think there is a connection.

Is anyone able to provide any help or suggestions on what they think this pain could be as well as how to help ease it (the codeine doesn't help)? I feel like i have been passed around so many different people who still have no idea what is causing this pain.

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Migraine :: Migraine Attacks Are Back / Menopause

I never suffered from migraine attacks until I was in my mid-40's.

They seemed to be linked to the beginning of hormonal changes related to the start of menopause. I would get a pain over my left eye (usually, though right occasionally), with a feeling of nausea and sometimes slight numb feeling on the side of my face. I would turn quite a pale white colour, and also feel very tired, yawning a lot. I would take medication, migraleve tablets and lay down in a darkened room. Usually, I would recover within 24 hours, though I would feel 'worn out' for a few days after the attack.

Since I have discovered by self analysis, that citrus fruits, especially orange juice (which I no longer drink), chocolate and strong coffee all seem to be triggers, which I try to avoid.

For the last five years, I have been clear of migraines, but have now started to get them again. I have passed the menopause but have had a lot of stress in my life recently, so I wonder if this is the cause of the recurrence? My last attack was quite different from the others I have experienced, in that I was feeling fine (though had been really tired the day before for no apparent reason) when I suddenly developed black zigzag lines across my left eye (very frightening at first). These went on for about 10 minutes and then slowly I developed a severe migraine, though this was not over one particular eye, but both. I had feelings of nausea and also felt cold at times. I took Migraleve pink and yellow but the headache is still persisting the next day. I wonder why I developed these other symptoms of visual disturbance. Can stress really do this to your body?!

PS I know there is a family history of migraine.

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Classic Migraine Changed To Silent Migraine In 30's

I had classic migraines through my teenage years which stopped for a couple of years before continuing at on average one every couple of months with the odd instance of a back to back cluster of 3-10 at once. They were always the same 20 minute aura then axe in the head pain and repeated vomiting for 6 hours followed by a 24hr hangover.  Over the years I have tried all preventers with only Epilim and Topiramate working for 18 months. I built up tolerance to Epilim and Topiramate gave me side effects that ended in a blood disorder so cannot take either any more. Beta blockers and antidepressants never worked and Lisinopril was also a short lived waste of time. The only triptan that ever worked was Maxalt rizatriptan but again it lost its effect after 6 months. Something weird has now happened and I wonder if others have had this? I am now 36 and in the last 6 months my migraines have totally changed. I still get the aura but if I take Express Nurofen and an anti sickness tablet straight away or use a heat pack on the back of the neck no pain or sickness comes just 6 hours of extreme tiredness. I always used to throw up any tablets so this is a miracle however the frequency has stepped up to between 5 and 20 a month so it is really impacting on my life. I have had an MRI and all is normal. I have also tried supplements and alternative therapies with no success. Botox and nerve blockers are the next suggestion but will they treat this scenario if there is no pain? Will it stop the aura too and prevent the whole episode? Help!

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Unbalanced Feet - Dizziness While Walking And Standing

I have dizziness everyday while walking, standing as well as feeling off balance, unsteady on my feet like I am gonna fall over. I have had my ears checked by an ENT doctor in 2014 and he said I had meniere's disease so he treated it as that but medicine didn't help so went to another ENT doctor in 2015 who said I don't have meniere's disease but have hearing loss in both ears and did a test on my vestibular function which he said was normal so he referred me to a neurologist and I went and had an MRI done which was normal as well. I have had blood work done in November last year and my white blood count was a little high but not concerning and everything else was normal....no diabetes. Also had a stress test done on heart and was normal. I am at my wits end with this cause I don't know what's going on. I plan to see an eye doctor soon. Oh and I was diagnosed with anxiety 4 months ago but this dizziness and off balance feeling has been going on for 2 years now. I am on blood pressure medicine too. don't know what else to do. Does anyone have these same symptoms ?

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Constant Dizziness - Not Just Episodes Of Dizziness

I've been dizzy and "drunk" feeling since the end if march every day constantly. I don't know what it could be. I haven't gone back to the doc since they told me it was inner ear fluid build up. It came on after some extreme stress in my life started. What should I do? Go back to the doc?

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Always Suffering From Constipation

I am suffering from constipation and i cant figure out why because i drink a lot or sufficient water and fluid and eat a good fibrous meal and normal meals what my family eats then why am i constipated.Just once i loose the schedule the whole week i am constipated rather my family sleep and wake up at random time and yet they are good then why i have to follow so hard unchanged routine to not to be constipated.

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Hemorrhoids :: Anybody Suffering With Piles?

Anybody suffering with piles? Do you get pain in your tummy from this? What do you use to ease them ? Help going away 8 th not looking forward to a week of suffering.

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Suffering From Chronic Angioedema

I am suffering from chronic angioedema. They are not sure that causes it, even though they did several tests. Anyway, they suspect on food, so I cut of egg, milk, fish, shellfish, nuts and seed for now, to see what will happen. Why is so difficult to find the cause of chronic angioedema? What can you tell me about it?

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