Migraine - Nortriptyline :: Suffering With Severe Dizziness For 9 Months

I am taking nortriptyline which has been no help at all i feel suicidal i've lost my job because of it can anyone help?

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Ocular Migraine - Visual Disturbances And Bright Zigzag Lines

I've had migraines throughout my life. Mine really peeked in my early 40s going through peri menopause they would be 3 days long. Now the painful migraines have gotten so much better and shorter. I also use Imitrex as needed.

I would also get an Ocular Migraine (visual disturbances such a bright zig zag lines, vibrating bright lines in vision) about every 4-5 years. They were checked out the first time and the doc said they were not harmful.

Recently my dog decided to put me on Atenolol to prevent migraines. After 3 days of being on them I started to have the Ocular Migraines every single day now! I've never had that happen. The Atenolol has stopped the painful migraines completely but I don't think I can handle something like an LSD trip every single day. This doesn't seem right. My doc doesn't think it's causing it but suggested I go off of it to see.

Anyone else with Ocular migraines?

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Migraine :: Withdrawal Information On Nortriptyline?

I was on Nortriptyline for a year for migraine prevention.  I found it was making me extremely tired and my heart race.  I unfortunately stopped it two weeks ago abruptly.  Does anyone know how long withdrawal symptoms last for.  Still feel jumpy, brain zaps, insomnia and headache.

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Visual Symptoms Characteristic Of GCA ?

Yesterday a rheumatologist diagnosed me with GCA and, in an attempt to remove any threat to my sight, put me on 60 mg of prednisone immediately.  He based this on the PMR symptoms and some visual symptoms.

He advised me to see my eye doctor.  She did not see anything at all in my visual symptoms characteristic of GCA.  She was surprised and disturbed that he made this significant diagnosis without more blood work and a biopsy.

Now that I have been on the prednisone, though only 2 days on 60 mg, the inflammation will be gone and there is no way, she says, we will ever know whether I really had/have GCA.  

She will talk to him today to see if he had any other information she does not know about.

I'll trust my GP to sort out the best thing to do.  I certainly am not staying on 60 mg of prednisone a day longer than I have to!

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Nortriptyline - Did It Help The Dizziness And Anxiety?

I have MAV, and recently tried amitriptyline and had increasing anxiety on it, so the ENT took me off of it. He said the nortriptyline is in the same family as the ami but has less side effects.

I am afraid to try it, I don't do well on meds have lots of side effects. I've tried many SSRI's but cant take any of them.

I wondered if any of you have been on the nortriptyline and how you did, did it help the dizziness and anxiety? When you stopped using it was it hard to stop? Did you have side effects and which ones?

The Ent says the only way to know if its MAV is to try the meds. The ami stopped the dizziness and my tension headache but boy it activated some awful anxiety. So he said yes you have MAV coz the med stopped the dizziness.

My symptoms are, started out with this awaul rocking and swaying sensation that lasted for months, I've had this for a year in July, dizziness of course, falling feeling, I get slight dizziness that is preceded by either headache with neck pain or dizzy with upper shoulder pain and tightness, vision is off at times, when sitting feel like I'm moving and that goes thru my entire body, fear and worry, legs ache sometimes from having to stabilize my balance, off balance when walking, feels like the floor is going up and down, when I bend forward in the shower or vacuuming or mopping I get bad dizziness that will last for hours to days, just showering make me dizzy when washing my hair, I don't even have to put my head back just moving my hands up and down on my scalp will do it, doing dishes the looking down can cause it, looking down to write will do it, sinking feeling when sitting and more but thats enough I think. Do any of you have these?

Does your dizziness go on all day and sometimes on and off? Do you have anxiety with it? Gosh I had awful anxiety for months I just couldn't get use to the thought of having this forever. But my ENT and VRT therapist say it will go away.

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Nortriptyline - Did It Help Your Dizziness And Or Headaches

My ENT gave this to me today because I had worsening anxiety on the ami. He said this has less side effects. I'm wanted to know if anyone took ami and had to switch to nortriptyline and how did you do? Did it help your dizziness and or headaches? Did you have anxiety done fire taking it and did it affect it?

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Migraine :: Nortriptyline Mild Side Effects - Numbness In My Legs, Feet And Hands

I've started taking 25MG of nortriptyline for migraines- my dosage goes up to 50 MG at the end of the week. The first few days of taking it, I experienced physical exhaustion and grogginess, as well as numbness in my legs, feet, and hands, but nothing too bad that impaired me. I also have felt more mentally focused. Any thoughts?

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Migraine?

I'll start at the beginning last December I woke to go to the toilet and the next thing I new was my husband asking me if I was ok ( I had fainted) . Passed no remarks thought I had stood up to quickly, went to work the next day and felt lightheaded and even though my colleagues were talking to me I couldn't process what the were saying. I went to the doctor and explained what happened and she said it was vertigo. At this stage it was xmas week and I started taking serc but the didn't seem to be working. Went back to work in the new year and after 1 hour I was totally disoriented so I went back to the doctor and she sent me to a neurologists who said I had migraine. He prescribed me with amitriptyline starting at 10mg and I have slowly worked up to 40 mg but still not feeling right in the last few months I have facial numbness. My neuro is sending me to see a a neurophysiologist but my appointment isn't until February of next year and that's going private.


Lightheaded /dizzy
Stiff neck
Blurred vision
Extremely tired
Stiff ankles and hip joints in the morning
Facial numbness

Pain in my head sometimes like ice cream headache but only a few times a day. Have had mri which was clear and all my bloods are normal

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Depression Due To Migraine / Dizziness

I'm 23 suffer with serious migraine / dizziness. Which has caused depression.

I have no life what so ever and constantly having blood tests, ENT ect ect. I keep a food diary and waiting on MRI results.

Here's everything iv been putting down ...

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Perimenopause - Dizziness, Bouts Of Vertigo, Vision Getting Worse, Hair Loss

I'm 47. Have had PCOS since I was 13. No kids due to infertility, most likely caused by PCOS. OK, now onto the joy of being me part.

Been sick for over 20 years with various and sundry health issues, i.e, Lyme, Epstein-Barr, adrenal fatigue, MTHFR, etc. to name a few, but the last year or so I'm feeling sooooo much worse. Never had PMS, and now I get cramps a few days before the witch shows up. When she does show up, before when she would show up, she would last 5 or so days. Now she hits hard and fast, heavy for a days or so and then stops on day 2 or 3. Digestion has been horrible. I have so much gas and bloating in my upper stomach that I could power a small city and it's very uncomfortable. Total carb and sugar intolerance. My doc thinks it could be a bacterial infection called SIBO, but after reading everyone's symptoms here, it makes me wonder if it is Peri related. The worst anxiety and panic attacks of my life that hit out of nowhere, even when I am not worrying about stuff. Heart palps galore and according to numerous docs and tests, my heart is fine. Reflux. Overweight and can't lose weight. Emotional instability of a newborn. My mom died a few months ago and while I know grief can be at play, I can cry just watching a commercial. Dizziness, bouts of vertigo, vision getting worse, hair loss more than usual, chapped lips and back of hands, 0 and I mean ZERO sex drive. I almost feel repulsed by the idea. Luckily I have an incredibly understanding husband. Muscle and joint pain. Zero motivation to do anything. I am an incredibly creative person and have lost all my passions in and for life. Bone crushing fatigue. Sometimes wake up feeling like I'm trembling inside. Frequent waking up in the middle of the night.

These are the primary symptoms, though there are others. It's hard for me to tell which of these are Peri related and which are due to the other issues. I had a bunch of labs done in May and all my hormones were normal, including extensive thyroid testing. Can you be Peri and have normal labs? Very confused and ******. This crap is ruining my life. I can't even drive anymore due to the anxiety and dizziness and thus feel trapped in my house. I need to get this fixed as soon as possible. My doc thinks I am Peri and says we will work on it, but is trying to detox some of my other issues first.

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Raynaud's And Symptoms Getting Worse

I am currently a 21 year old part time student and full time worker, my symptoms started off with Raynaud's and have progressed. I feel like every time i go to one doctor i just get referred to a different one. I am miserable, and i can't afford to go to all these different doctors. I don't know where i should go next. A few years ago i was tested for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and my thyroid has been tested all have come back negative.

My symptoms are:

Numbness, tingling, burning in fingers and toes
Toes turn red when hot or at night and burn, blue when cold, purple in the shower
Cold hands and Feet, Stiff Fingers
Clammy Hands
Legs, arms, feet, and hands fall asleep very often
Stinging in legs, legs sensitive to touch, sometimes I will have the same sensation in arms but not as often
Runny Nose every day especially in morning
Dizziness/ out of it feeling, (happens randomly), always dropping/breaking things (may just be clumsiness or sweaty hands)
Weakness, Especially in legs
Stiffness in legs
Knee Pain
Odd Sensation in right knee
Face gets flushed often
Nose turns red all the time, if I'm cold, if I'm hot, if I drink, doesnt hurt but is embarrassing
Right lymph node swells randomly
Abnormal stools/ mucus in stools
Diarrhea was getting it very often, recently its been better
Stomach bloats after eating, Stomach pains and cramping after eating certain foods
Cannot get comfortable in any temperature I am always to hot or to cold, mainly have trouble staying warm except for at night
Always Feel like I havent gotten enough sleep, I have the most energy in the morning

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Does Alcohol Make Anemia Symptoms Worse?

The other day (Sunday) I did something stupid and had a few beers (about 2 pints). Yesterday and today I noticed my symptoms have gotten a bit worse. Does alcohol make anemia symptoms worse?

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LPR (Laryngopharyngeal Reflux) Disproven :: Still Symptoms Getting Worse

I just received the results of my rapid spot tests, manometry and impedance tests all at once. They're all clear, but my LPR continues and is worsening greatly. I figured out something important. My symptoms can change in a matter of minutes based on whether or not I use Gaviscon Advance. They're equally distressing, but I keep bouncing between them, I just have no idea why:

With Gaviscon Advance:

- Extremely tight throat (much less mucus)

- More burping

- Hurts/hard to swallow

Without Gaviscon Advance:

- Thick, heavy amounts of post nasal drip

- Difficulty breathing

- Tight chest

- Some difficulty swallowing (no pain)

A single gulp of alkaline water can bring in the mucus/tight chest/breathing problems on in seconds, but Gaviscon Advance sometimes takes a few uses to make things change. Why would 2 things reknowned for LPR treatment make me worse in different ways?!

Also I wake up perfectly fine in the morning, until I swallow, which kick-starts the symptoms. No clue why, especially since the evidence says I don't have reflux.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Worse Symptoms Since Taking PPI

for over a week I have been on pantoprazole 40 mg and zantac 150 at night in an effort to get acid under control. before that I was on prevacid 20mg for 3 weeks. It really seems that my symptoms are worse since I started taking the PPI?

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Atrophic Vaginitis :: Drinking Alcohol Make Symptoms Worse?

When i drink..sometimes urethra burns..irritation vulva etc..anyone else?

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Ulcerative Colitis :: Salofalk Enemas Seem To Make Symptoms Worse

My son had a colonoscopy and told may have Colitis..he was prescribed a month's supply of Salofalk enemas and took first one last night...but today he has had to poop about 7 times with some blood ...the frequency of the pooping is now more than it was before using the Salofalk and I'm wondering has anyone else experienced this...he is only 18 and afraid to leave the house..It is not diarrhea but it's just he needs to go so often...I am afraid he will loose a lot of weight...If this is normal using this product I can relax...can someone please reassure me

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Migraine :: Migraine Attacks Are Back / Menopause

I never suffered from migraine attacks until I was in my mid-40's.

They seemed to be linked to the beginning of hormonal changes related to the start of menopause. I would get a pain over my left eye (usually, though right occasionally), with a feeling of nausea and sometimes slight numb feeling on the side of my face. I would turn quite a pale white colour, and also feel very tired, yawning a lot. I would take medication, migraleve tablets and lay down in a darkened room. Usually, I would recover within 24 hours, though I would feel 'worn out' for a few days after the attack.

Since I have discovered by self analysis, that citrus fruits, especially orange juice (which I no longer drink), chocolate and strong coffee all seem to be triggers, which I try to avoid.

For the last five years, I have been clear of migraines, but have now started to get them again. I have passed the menopause but have had a lot of stress in my life recently, so I wonder if this is the cause of the recurrence? My last attack was quite different from the others I have experienced, in that I was feeling fine (though had been really tired the day before for no apparent reason) when I suddenly developed black zigzag lines across my left eye (very frightening at first). These went on for about 10 minutes and then slowly I developed a severe migraine, though this was not over one particular eye, but both. I had feelings of nausea and also felt cold at times. I took Migraleve pink and yellow but the headache is still persisting the next day. I wonder why I developed these other symptoms of visual disturbance. Can stress really do this to your body?!

PS I know there is a family history of migraine.

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Classic Migraine Changed To Silent Migraine In 30's

I had classic migraines through my teenage years which stopped for a couple of years before continuing at on average one every couple of months with the odd instance of a back to back cluster of 3-10 at once. They were always the same 20 minute aura then axe in the head pain and repeated vomiting for 6 hours followed by a 24hr hangover.  Over the years I have tried all preventers with only Epilim and Topiramate working for 18 months. I built up tolerance to Epilim and Topiramate gave me side effects that ended in a blood disorder so cannot take either any more. Beta blockers and antidepressants never worked and Lisinopril was also a short lived waste of time. The only triptan that ever worked was Maxalt rizatriptan but again it lost its effect after 6 months. Something weird has now happened and I wonder if others have had this? I am now 36 and in the last 6 months my migraines have totally changed. I still get the aura but if I take Express Nurofen and an anti sickness tablet straight away or use a heat pack on the back of the neck no pain or sickness comes just 6 hours of extreme tiredness. I always used to throw up any tablets so this is a miracle however the frequency has stepped up to between 5 and 20 a month so it is really impacting on my life. I have had an MRI and all is normal. I have also tried supplements and alternative therapies with no success. Botox and nerve blockers are the next suggestion but will they treat this scenario if there is no pain? Will it stop the aura too and prevent the whole episode? Help!

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Schizophrenia :: Visual Hallucination After 5 Years - Possible?

I was diagnosed 5 years ago as a paranoid schizophrenic. I have allot of auditory hallucinations, but never once a visual one.

A week ago when I was in my room I stared at the ceiling, I have a wood one. Suddenly the marks and patterns on it started to move, then dance. I just thought that I must have been tired and went to sleep.

Since then it got a little worse. Every night the ceiling would dance for me. Then inanimate objects would start to bend and move around. The weird thing is that when my keyboard against the wall moves, the shadow casted on the wall by it, moves with it. I found this a bit odd.

Tonight was the worst case. The blanked on my bed puffed up and moves around, exactly like there was a dog underneath. My closet door handle would move up and down while the closet opens and closes, with no sound.

When my laptop's light went down and I stared at my own reflection, things got weird. My reflection's hands would move while I am sitting still. "He" would blink when I do not. Then my whole face started to change. It puffed up and my hair was longer. When I turned my face one way, he turned a different way and started smiling at me. And our eyes never made contact. When I looked into "his" eyes, he would look to the sides or roll them back.

Because I have had this illness for a long time I didn't go into a panic as I kind of got the jest of what was going on.

Since this was my first visual experience, I just want to know if this is the "norm" of it. I did not see anything that was not there, just things moving and getting distorted.

And does anyone know if the visual part can come for the first time after me having this illness for so long?

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