Menopause :: Stuffy Nose And Sneezing In The Morning

Since my last post about the horrible and scary anxiety/dizzy episode 4 days ago I've felt just so awful! woozy lightheaded, hot and flushed really off & out of kilter...NOW this running stuffy nose & sneezing in the morning! (it's now Spring here but this only happens in the mornings) this too doesn't help with my already woozy head...always blubbering "I've never felt so off n sick n weird before" hubby just says 'you've never been 55 & menopausal before' true, but when is this going to stop, does it all get worse before getting better? I wonder if I can or will survive this? Will I ever feel well & normal again, I'm fast losing hope & positiveness...think I'll dig a big hole & climb in. I've been told to ignore it all, just carry on normally but It's hard to live & carry on normally when you feel so off & 'un-normal' if that's a word...

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Menopause :: Sore Ears / Canal And A Blocked Feeling

Has anyone had ear problems with menopause?  I have sore ear canal and a blocked feeling.  First in right ear now in left.  When I try to unblock by holding my nose it feels sore inside....yet another possible problem with this phase of life?

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Cardiovascular :: Head Gets Warm, Ears Red And Hot Strong Pulse In Ears

Hearing heartbeat in ears. Sometimes it gets stronger First symptom is face gets very warm no fever, ears get hot and red and sensitive (right one) and whoosh or tzzing hearing in ears like pulse. It subsides after 8 hrs or less. Impossible to sleep. If I sleep flat on back am awakened 2 hrs later by
very strong heart beat like its forcing a lot of blood thru. Subsides with exercise. Condition goes away for 48 hrs so heart system not fighting infection. If I sleep with upper torso at 45 degree angle still wake after 2 hrs but pulses not as strong. Then after I can sleep for hrs no problem. Dr checked ears ok, did all blood work ok, I'm male 67 yrs and in gen good health. Did ultrasound on abdominal kidneys bladder ok. Seems like some chemical command triggering heart to pump harder and faster not too fast. I tested things to try to determine what triggers the face heat, ears hot and harder beats, chocolate, caffeine, pepsi's, salt, coughing, cigarette smoking, stressful video games have no effect.  BP normal am taking Ramipril 10 mg Altace nothing else. Dont think its heart but something telling heart to work hard, feel it thumping in chest. Just repeated T3's blood test..and 24 hr urine special test..awaiting results. Reg urine test showed nothing, and abdominal ultrasound clear. No dizziness, nausea etc. Bowel and urine movement perfect, no pains or lightheadedness.

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Undiagnosed :: Body Aches / Headache And Stuffy Nose

I'm a 19 year old male in college and I have had symptoms for about a month and a half now. I got my flu shot in mid November and exactly one week later, I developed flu like symptoms. I felt warm (no fever though), body aches, bad headache and stuffy nose. I laid down for a couple days and went out two nights to visit friends. I was feeling okay, thinking that it was just a bad cold. A week passed and I didn't have much relief. I decided to go to the nurse the next week with little relief. I went there and had a 99.2 fever and still stuffy nose and headache and some body aches. She thought I had sinusitis and put my on amoxicillin. I took this for 10 days and still did lot have much relief. After being on winter break for two weeks and just basically relaxing and drinking a lot of fluids, I finally went to a doctor. They did blood testing for mono. I got the results back and they said everything was fine with my blood work. Ever since then, I still have had headaches, on and off stuffy nose and feverish feeling with no actual registered fever and fatigue. Recently, when I have blowed my nose, I have had some blood and I have tried taking multivitamins, vitamin C packs and Zinc pills. I've tried almost everything and I can't shake this. It gets worse with activity but I have been working out and for some reason, that helps. Has anyone had symptoms like these? I'm at a loss right now as to what this is as I am a generally healthy person who works out every day.

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Pregnancy :: Tap Water Is Nasty - I Boil Water And Freeze

tap water is nasty if I boil water & freeze it would that be a good idea?

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Nasal Polyps :: Breathing Difficulty, Stuffy Nose, Facial Pain And Post Nasal Drip

I have just been diagnosed has having Nasal polyps. My symptoms have been so bad that I haven't worked in 14 years.  I have the usual symptoms of breathing difficulty, stuffy nose, facial pain & a post nasal drip.  I also have other symptoms like dizziness/lightheadedness, blurry vision, pressure in my head.  I feel like I am walking on a bouncy castle 24/7.  i wanted to know if anyone else who has nasal polyps, has ever experienced any dizziness or eye sight problems. I have had my eyesight checked recently and its near perfect yet I cannot see properly.

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Pregnancy :: Non Sterile Water Or Sterile Water For Formula?

Which one is best for formula

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Menopause :: Period - One Year Post-menopause

Three weeks ago, to my great surprise, I started to bleed after one year. The 2-3 weeks preceding this, my breasts were so sore, I was bloated and I has the typical "stringy" discharge that I used to get before my period. I was really not expecting another period but the bleeding was heavy and lasted for just over a week.

I saw my doctor a few days ago and she that she is obliged to send me for an ultrasound and possible biopsy if the lining looks thick. She said she is not worried but I am freaking out.

Can anyone share a similar experience? I read on one website that it is actually possible to ovulate and have a period after you stop menstruating for a year. I have not had any spotting - just this one "period". Of course, everything I have read says how abnormal it is to bleed after menopause and now I'm scared that there is something serious going on. My ultrasound is booked for two days from now.

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Peri Menopause/menopause :: Trying To Conceive

I'm 42 and recently had blood work to check my hormones. My GYN said my labs suggested post menopause. I have yet to stop having a monthly. My periods are starting to range from 30-45 days but I've yet to skip a month. My husband and I were considering trying one last time to have another baby. Very confused

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ENT :: How To Unclog Ears?

Ears are clogged up. How can I unclog?

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Cholesteatoma :: BOTH Ears?

Has anyone experienced a recurrent cholesteatoma in one ear and now a cholesteatoma in the other?

I experience chronic pain and chronic migraines as a result of the 3 surgeries I've had in my right ear. I have severe tinnitus. So severe, that there are times when I literally cannot hear anything around me. Another thing is that sound gets extremely distorted should a voice or sound be too high or too low - you can imagine how difficult this is being a PreSales IT Architect who speaks with a number of people every day.

Also, my right eyelid and right side of my face fall a little lower than my left. In addition to this, I feel pain outside the ear as well and in the muscle that has been relocated three times for each surgery. This causes me pain when I simply move my head in any direction...even when I make facial expressions. Dizziness and vertigo are almost a daily occurrence with some days worse than others...It feels like the room is in a blender. Driving is also becoming increasingly difficult as I often feel like the car is still moving when I come to a stop and vice versa....It's a laundry list of things, I know.

I now have a cholesteatoma in my LEFT ear with my 1st surgery on that is on 11/13/15.

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Having Noises In My Ears

I am now having noises in my ears, like an engine running etc. I use oxygen and a nippy ventilator so I don't know what to do. Its really getting me down, not sleeping much which I need to do.

I am 49 years old. The specialist couldn't do AN MRI scan on my ears as I couldn't lie flat, don't know whether they can do a CT scan either, I thought he would have offered something when I couldn't have the MRI, I am a bit cross, I am worse since having the hearing aid, my hearing was going but at least I could use the phone which I can't now, that is really getting me down as I'm not always with my partner so we contact each other by telephone, that is the only way I communicate a lot of the time as I can't always go out with my breathing problems.

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Ringing In Ears And Clicking

i have had ringing in the ears (tinnitus) now for like 6 month and i also just noticed a few months ago everytime i swallow my ears click very very loud does anyone know what this could be?

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Both Ears Have Been Crackling For Months

I got a bad cold several months ago and developed fluid in both of my ears. My ears felt clogged and they crackled. some of the clogged sensation went away, but the crackling remains. I went to the doctor and they found a little fluid, so I was given a steroid shot but didn't work. The crackling drivers me crazy. What can I do?

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Dizziness After Wax Build Up Out Of My Ears

I went to the ENT to get the wax build up out of my ears as I have to do that once or twice a year. This last visit was a bit unusual because the Dr said to put cotton in my ear when I got home but can't remember why he said that and the fact that I didn't do it for whatever reason. Anyway, ever since that visit, I have been having bouts of vertigo to where I toss and turn at night and the room starts spinning or if I am up and around, I'll look up or down and get that moving sensation. My ears are constantly ringing even as I type this and they feel full, I am getting over a sore throat which I think is allergy related and never ran a fever and overall feel headachy off and on and just feel blah. My ears feel stuffy as well. Any thoughts on what this is and what I can do to alleviate the dizzies?

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Hyperthyroidism :: Ears Pop When Swallowing

i was diagnosed with hyperthyroid 6 weeks ago, started taking metoprolol 25mg twice a day... on the 4th day i noticed my ears were popping every time i swallowed... and have been ever since.  went to ENT today and had a scope done of nose and throat w/everything fine... anyone else had this type of issue?  

I finally see specialist tomorrow and hope to get on meds... i have tremors all over body, anxiety, fatigue, high heart rate (120 at times)

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Ears Blocked Laying Down

When I get up in the morning my ears are blocked (especially the right one),they clear within about an hour and stay clear during the day.  I have been using olive oil for about a week now - as suggested by my doctor but it is not making any difference. 

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Ringing In Ears - Wax Built Up?

I have been experiencing a ringing in my ears, mainly by the left one for about a month and a half now. Sometimes is better some others worse, I have also been experiencing a sense of queasiness. At times feel slight fullness around my ears, and around my nose and face when i bend over.

Went to the GP once and was given ear drops as the Doctor suggested it was built wax in my ear. The drops didn't seem to do much so went back and got an ear spray, antibiotic. I have been taking it for a week now and to be honest, might have done something, or so i thought but the last two days I have been feeling queasy again and the ringing in the ears isn't going away.

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Whistling In Ears When My Head Down?

In the last six months I have developed an annoying problem which is whistling in my ears. It comes on for no reason often though when I have had my head down. I know if I go to bed with it, it will be there when I wake up. Sometimes it goes during the day only to return later. I often have a muzzy head when the whistling is at its worse. My ears do pop a bit as well. I do have occasional bouts of vertigo, whether this is related I do not know. Has anyone come across this ? 

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