Hypothyroidism At 14 - Levothyroxine Forever

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 14, and since then i have been taking Levothyroxine to help with it. I am wondering, will I need to take levothyroxine forever? Or is there a fix for thyroid problems? I don't see my weight going down at all, or my thyroid level. My doctor has been increasing the dosage of my levothyroxine, and has three times now. I recently got Levothyroxine in 0.137mg dosage, and it smells terrible. My old ones were 0.125mg. Is this a very small change, and will it even do anything?

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Hypothyroidism :: Gluten Free And On Levothyroxine?

I've made an appt with a naturopath next week as I'm having an increase in bad symptoms since starting levothyroxine 4mths ago and cannot stand it any longer.

I'm expecting to be told to go gluten free. However there's corn/maize starch (contains gluten) in the meds so I'm wondering about those of you who are gluten free - what type of meds are you on?

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Hypothyroidism :: Levothyroxine For Underactive Thyroid

During a routine blood test in August I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid. I wasn't feeling ill so was quite surprised when I read the symptoms. I've been on Levothyroxine for 3 months now and I feel terrible. I'm so drained and exhausted, angry and frustrated, bloated, fat, stomach pains and unhappy, I keep going back to the doctor but she just pops me more pills and I don't feel she is very understanding or sympathetic. I didn't feel this bad before I started the medication so I'm going to stop it. I was placed on 50mg and two weeks later my blood tests were normal and have been since so for such a small dose does it really matter? I'm so low, sometimes it's all too much I want to have a paddy and a tantrum and smash the place up and if anyone gets in my way then they'll get it too.

The doctor wants me to try CBT self help courses to understand what troubles me. When I'm not having some kind of flip out I know what troubles me - things are a struggle and I hate being ill and I want to be better.

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Hypothyroidism :: Ongoing Symptoms Despite Levothyroxine

After many years struggling with ongoing Hypothyroid symptoms, despite continuous treatment with Levothyroxine (125 mg daily) I came up the plethora of information, mainly from the USA challenging the efficacy of the current tendency of GPs to test only T4 and TSH Levels and to prescribe only Synthetic Thyroid Medications (like Levothyroxine) despite evidence that people so treated continued to suffer from many Hypothyroid symptoms. I asked my own Doctor- apparently, tests for T£ levels are "very expensive" and so won't be offered on the NHS, and even if I had private blood tests done, he wouldn't be able to prescribe additional T3 (Cytomel) or Natural Thyroid Extract for my condition. So, I'm left with a choice- self medicate, buying these products from possibly "dodgy" online sources, or continue to take my Levothyroxine and suffer from ongoing symptoms in silence. Not a great choice, is it? I'd be interested to hear about fellow sufferers experiences and advice, please, on what I should do.

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Hypothyroidism :: Levothyroxine Recommended Dose?

Diagnosed hypothyroid >10 years. I have struggled all of this time to feel 'normal'. Drs have continually increased Levothyroxine to attempt to normalise TSH. Six months ago they prescribed 300mcg. The pharmacist queried this! I take it regularly, without food etc.  I am still symptomatic and free T4 & T3 still low. Anyone else on this dose without effect?

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Levothyroxine For Hypothyroidism And 40mg Of Atorvastatin For Cholesterol

So my latest blood work revealed that I need a dose change and that I'm insulin resistant. I am now taking 200mg of levothyroxine for hypothyroidism and 40mg of atorvastatin for cholesterol and fatty liver. I also take fish oil, multivitamin, D3, allegra, and baby aspirin. My medical provider is focusing on my thyroid before tackling everything else. I should also mention that my mother has non alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, dementia, diverticulitis, and myopathy. I'm considering taking coQ10. I'm just wondering what is the safest otc pain medicine for me to use(ibuprofen, goodies), and is there anything else I should know?

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Hypothyroidism :: Levothyroxine Hair Loss Is Normal?

Hello I am 30 years old and a smoker for about 14 years my results came back for my ct spine scan and an incidental finding of a 9mm cyst in my upper lung should I be concerned that this maybe cancer? Will they remove the cyst if at all anyways thanks for any information I appreciate it.

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Hypothyroidism :: Armour, Synthroid And Levothyroxine Has No Effect

I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto.  Everywhere I read it is controlled with Armour or some kind of thyroid medicine.  I have tried Armour and Synthroid and Levothyroxine and have had no change in my leves.  One is suppose to be a 4 and mine is a 7 and one is suppose to be less than 9 and mine is greater than 900.

What happens when it us uncontrollable with Medicine?

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Hypothyroidism :: Antibody Levels Decrease On Levothyroxine?

I was diagnosed only yesterday and took my first pill today. I have been quite worried to hear about people's experiences levo, but more importantly I'm worried about the antibody attacks!

I don't have many symptoms except feeling the cold - that's the main one. 

But my results were really bad: TSH 79.9, T4 6.8, AntTO 4777.7

My question is, while the thyroxine will regulate my hormone, what do people do about the anti-body attack? I'm getting a coeliac test done, although have previously come out negative.

What do people think? I've read about functional medicine practice is to heal the gut and cut out grains, which I will certainly try. Just wondered because no one seems to be questioning this and it's the antibodies causing the destruction!!

Do antibody levels decrease on Levo? What do you do about this? Anyone else gluten free?

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Hypothyroidism :: Vitamins - Taking Levothyroxine Lowest Dose?

Not sure what vitamins I should be taking as doc diagnosed me and prescribed me and off I went , ive no idea what my TSH level is either, just that i have underactive thyroid, I'm taking Levothyroxine lowest dose? I'm feeling cold and tired most of the time too.

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Anxiety :: Physical Anxiety Symptoms 24/7 - Stomach Butterflies And Shaking

Hi. I just wondered if what I'm experiencing is normal. For the past 2-3 months I've had constant anxiety symptoms. I'm not just talking anxious thoughts (although I have those all the time), I'm talking physical symptoms. All day long, I have a horrible tightness in my chest, butterflies in my stomach, dry mouth, internal shaking in my legs and adrenaline rushes up and down my body. I can't control the symptoms, no matter how hard I try. When it first hit, it was different. I had constant nausea & a general feeling of not being able to cope. But I could switch out of it sometimes and feel normal. Now I can never switch out of it. It's there all the time, although the nausea has stopped. I even have it in my sleep because I've actually felt it in my dreams and when I wake up, it's still there. (Not that I can sleep much in this state. 5 hours is the most I ever have.) I'm on Citalopram but if anything, it's made my anxiety worse. The leg symptoms weren't there before I went on the drug and nor was the chest tightness.

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24 Hours After Masturbation :: Anxiety, Shaking, And Vertigo Attack

19 year old, white, male.

This is kind of long. But I’m desperate and I need help. Thank you for your time!

First of all, a brief history of my medical issues.

6 years ago, I started having chest and back pains.

* Visited many doctors: Cardiologist, General Physicians, Chiropractors

- Figured out it was skeletal issues

* Found an osteopath who was able to "adjust" me every few weeks. Good temporary relief.

Began seeking out a more permanent solution.

* Heard of The Yardley Institute - a specialty chiropractic center that focuses on the Atlas bone

- Turns out my atlas bone was twisted 5.5 degrees, and was pinching my spinal cords, causing all kinds of pain

- They were able to adjust it, making me feel normal again.

- Unfortunately, the adjustments haven't really been holding, and I've been having to be adjusted every week or so.

Naturally, this has caused me some stress. I am constantly tired and unmotivated to do anything. I find myself short of breath, and in pain when simply standing. I loose balance, as if I were out at sea - my legs feel like they’re swaying underneath me. It’s difficult to walk very far because of this.

A month or so ago, I began having these strange attacks:

- Heart rate elevates significantly

- Excessive shivering/shaking. (Feels like adrenaline throbbing throughout my entire body.)

- I get clammy and cold to the touch

- Short of breath

- Pressure in head, like blood isn't escaping

- Pressure in chest and shoulders

- Naturally, very fearful of death.

- Absolutely no energy. I can barely move without being exhausted.

- Very dizzy + a lot of vertigo.

The first time it happened, I went into the ER, fearing heart problems again. They tested heart, blood, lungs, and did X-rays. Everything came back perfectly fine. They gave me some anti-anxiety medicine via IV in the hospital which seemed to calm me down and made me feel normal again. They dismissed me from the hospital without any medication because they didn’t want to say it was anxiety without more proof.

A few weeks later, I saw my life-long physician. He seemed to think it was anxiety, and gave me some minor anxiety medicine: Fluoxetine Tablets USP (10mg). I take these once a day, and they seem to calm me down overall, but do not prevent the attacks.

ALSO, I think the attacks I’m getting now that I’m on Fluoxetine are different than the attack I had which put me in the ER, even if they were extremely similar.

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed something a bit concerning. Exactly 24 hours after I masturbate, one of the attacks happen. I notice that it originates in the back of my head, right where my neck connects to my skull. It always happens as I’m trying to fall asleep. Everything tenses up, and I feel as if I have to clench every muscle in my body in order to relieve this throbbing, dizzying sensation. It hits hard at first, causing me to jolt up, as if I wasn’t in control of my muscles, and then settles into the shaking, pressure, and clamminess. It comes in waves, each wave lasting 5+ minutes until it works it’s way all the way through my body after 3-5 cycles. I often have to hold someone’s hand or have physical contact with something sturdy in order to feel stable.

It is absolutely miserable and terrifying.

The last time I felt one of these attacks coming on, I was able to stand up, clench a pillow, and walk around for 4 hours, which prevented the full attack from kicking in. I was able to sleep eventually, but as soon as I woke up, all the symptoms came back, and the attack hit me. It’s was like I was able to hold it back long enough to sleep, but it HAD to get through my system, so it did so as soon as I was conscious again.

As far as diet and exercise: I do cardio nearly every day as well as take multi vitamins, fish oil, D, and C. I haven’t had alcohol or a smoke since my ER visit, but I hardly ever drink or smoke anyway. I’ve also avoided caffeine except for the occasional soft drink. I eat healthy, especially of late. I try to limit cheap, processed food, as well as sugar, just because I feel like it only makes my symptoms worse. I have been tested for allergies and anemia, both of which came back negative.

Some more - possibly helpful - information:

1. Throughout all these skeletal issues, I have had my neck cracked and twisted in many ways by doctors and myself. I try not to crack it, but sometimes, It helps reduce tension that builds up.

2. Occasionally, I get muscle twitches. My tricep, under my eye, my neck, etc. They don’t go away until I wake up the next morning.

3. For the last 6 months, I have been trying to find work and a car. On top of this, I am hung up on a girl. I want to ask her out, but I am unable because of all these physical and work/car issues. Spiritually, I am constantly terrified and confused. Basically, I have major worry about my future, and I can’t fix it.

4. My anxiety and symptoms always get worse near the end of the day. Sometimes, I can’t focus on anything during the evening’s without feeling vertigo/dizziness.

5. I’ll often wake up with symptoms, but they’ll go away as soon as I eat breakfast.

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Propranolol :: Lowered Blood Pressure But Breathing Issues

I suffer from anxiety and my doctor has prescribed 40mg of Propranolol to be taken once a day. He said it would reduce my heart rate as a side effect however said it would be fine as I naturally had a fast sinus rhythm. I do feel my heart rate has slowed however I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen into my lungs and am gasping for my breath? Is this normal?

It's my second day and I feel weird. It says on the leaflet with the medicine that would should be weary if you're a smoker. I never smoked a lot probably 5-6 rollies a day. My doctor never mentioned my smoking so I have just stopped. I don't know whether that would make a difference?

I am feeling drowsy and my vision is hazy. Is this something that wears off? I'm worried as I'm back to work Monday and cannot be going in all over the place.

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Hypothyroidism :: Extremely Bad Anxiety And Panic Attacks

I would be grateful if anyone could offer me advice. I am 27 years old and was diagnosed as having an overactive thyroid at the beginning of March which was due to having Graves disease. Since then I have been on 20 mg of Carbimazole alongside beta blockers. However apart from a few days I have not felt well since then. I am exhausted every day, I have heart palpitations and often feel dizzy. I feel like I am constantly living in some sort of fog, I know that sounds strange! I have extremely bad anxiety and panic attacks, which is the prime reason I first went to the doctors as they came out of the blue.

These have still not gone away and it makes getting out of the house very hard, although I dont have the energy to do so anyway!

I saw a consultant last week, who had no time for me and seemed to be in a hurry, he didnt ask me any of my symptoms simply checked whether my hands were shaky and then told me to have a blood test.

He then e mailed me to say that I was now under active and to take Levothyroxine as well as Carbimazole. I just want my normal life back I was constantly on the go and now I barely leave the house! I am at the end of my tether I feel like its all in my head Has any one else been similar to this?


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Sertraline :: Anxiety And Leg Cramps After Starting

I've been horribly depressed for the last six months after stopping Zoloft which I had been taking, successfully, for years. Thought I might not need it anymore but I definitely do.

I remember feeling horrible the first time I started taking Zoloft. I was nauseous, nervous, shaky, dizzy and had horrible anxiety. I was given an antianxiety medication to help me cope back then .

Today I just hit three weeks and have been titrating my dose each week to where I am now at the dose I had taken prior to stopping Zoloft. Overall I've had a bit of nausea but nothing like the first time. The symptoms that seem at their peak at the moment are chest gripping anxiety, a feeling of internal shakiness, and leg cramps.

Anyone had these symptoms and remember if, and when, they went away or what you did to cope with them?

I live by myself after being divorced and feel frozen a lot of the time. I think I'm suffering from PTSD due to traumatic events of the past.
Thank you!

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Lactose Intolerance - Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Cramps, Brain-fog, Anxiety Attacks

I have just been diagnosed with lactose intolerance. After, literally years of suffering, I finally have an answer to my problems. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has this and what you suffered? I mean, this seemingly little thing has caused me to become bedridden! I ate a diet LOADED with lactose prior to diagnosis and honestly felt like I was dying over the last two years in particular. I had severe diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, brain-fog, anxiety attacks...the list goes on... I had my appendix out in Oct 2013 too, which I can't be sure was related, but it was horrendously painful any way!

The symptoms I had, I put down to various things and was convinced I had parasites, which I don't have. I just could not fathom why I was so ill. I had a food intolerance test and eggs came up positive, so I eliminated them from my diet at the time, but I had little relief as I was still eating a high-lactose diet, not knowing that I was intolerant. 

I have now eliminated all lactose AND eggs from my diet and in one day, I felt better. I had no abdominal pain, no urgency to poo, and no headache - which I have literally, constantly had for years. It's remarkable. I also didn't suffer bad dreams, which is so weird, as I have actually become used to my dreams being bad/negative and it became normal for me. It's such a relief to be able to rest without disruption!

Did or do any of you suffer with really bad symptoms down to lactose intolerance? Also, as I am new to this and have had to overhaul my diet, does anyone have advice on foods I should avoid, etc?


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Carbimazole :: Painful Leg Cramps (not The Usual Night Time Calf Cramps)

I was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and I have been taking Carbimazole since Aug 6, 2010, since yesterday I have been experiencing painful leg cramps (not the usual night time calf cramps) that begin just above my right knee and travel down to my foot sometimes 5 or so in quick succession - this is really painful :? and I wondered if anybody else has these or should I go back and see my GP?

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Muscle Cramps All Over Body, Upper Thigh Cramps So Severe

Cramps so bad in thighs, I can't take the pain anymore

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Post Menopause Bleeding After Cramps Like Ovulation Cramps

I had what felt like ovulation cramps last week and tonight have vaginal bleeding, fresh blood not old.

I did this in 2012 after my mom died, was checked pap smear, uterine biopsy and I feel those hurt, it was all good, they thought it might of been stress related because it lasted only one day.

My abnormally normal periods were only 1-3 days, they were one coming in, one day of heavy bleeding, and spotting on third day. But every 28 days like clockwork with no issues there. In my 20's I was told I had endometriosis and when they went to do the ultrasound the cyst had went away. I didn't take it any further than that but never had children and never took birth control. Cramps were always very painful, had to curl up in a ball, always had severe back pain with them as well.

Last week they were like that not quite as bad but nearly.

Is this just a fluke you all think? Even menopause I had no symptoms, when I turned 50 it shut off like a faucet never again until 2012, and now.

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