Hemorrhoids :: Grape Sized Red Fleshy Things Coming Out If Anus?

Ii have had itching and irritation for quite sometime now and never thought about it until I started researching. well yesterday I made a bowel movement and now I have two grape sized red fleshy things coming out if anus. It hurts so bad I can barely walk. I have a picture to give full explanation

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Hemorrhoids :: Blood Coming Out At A Sizable Amount

I am bleeding sizable out of my anus every bowel movement, it's freaking me out. I'm still trying to recover. How should I approach toilet breaks im general? Keep passing stools even as I bleed a considerable amount without a care?

Just a bit of background, I'm currently 18 and male. Since the issue I have right now is more than likely haemorrhoids, I think it's also important for me to say that my granddad died from cancer (specifics which I do not know) but my mum has told me he used to go to the toilet and lose blood to the point of passing out during his battle with cancer.

A few weeks ago, I started to notice small patches of blood on my toilet paper as I wipe, I paid quite little attention to it at first but was absolutely shocked when once, blood started coming out along with the stool. To describe, a line of blood would follow the walls of each stool and blood would drip out from my anus and change the bowl of water into red. The blood is also bright red. There was a slight sting as the stools moved.

I approached my mum who's a trained pharmacist and she diagnosed me with having internal haemorrhoids since there weren't any physical bumps along my sphincter muscles and decided to put me on a good diet. I'm now having quite alot of vegetables and eating a good 8 or so nutritional tablets such as omega oil as an example.

But the problem still persists and I'm still seeing blood. literally in the way I've just described, the problem hasn't returned to its previous condition of just a patches on tissue.

I am absolutely frightened to even use the toilet and it's getting to the point thinking about it makes my heart race and my knees weak. Imagine going to the toilet itself. It's bothering me both physically and mentally. To make things worse, I have my high school finals in just about a week from now!

How do I go about this problem right now? Should I just keep passing stools even when I see blood coming out at a sizable amount?

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Hemorrhoids :: Lump After Anal Sex?

I had anal sex for the first time 2 days ago. We used a condom but we skipped the lube part. I'm not sure how far he got as it was painful and we stopped.

The morning after I went to the bathroom for #2 (been a little constipated for the past few days) and there a small amount of blood when I wiped. I also just noticed a pea sized lump just outside the anus. It's pink/purple/skin colored and sensitive to touch. I also feel discomfort when I sit or go to the toilet but it's bearable.

Is this consistent with hemorrhoids?

What can I do about it and when should I see a doctor (I don't have an insurance yet)?

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Hemorrhoids :: Gone But Hard Lump Remains?

I am a healthy 26 year old female and i had my first bout of hemorrhoids about a month ago. they came on suddenly with pain, swelling, and itching. i don't remember being constipated prior to the hemorrhoids but i do sit and drive for long periods of time due to work. i treated the roids myself with sitz baths, apple cider vinegar, and witch hazel. i also paid much closer attention to my diet to ensure being regular with a soft stool. it's about 5 weeks later and i feel as though the hemorrhoids are gone, but i believe i am still dealing with a fissure that will bleed just a little bit after a bm. this fissure is located closer to my perineum. i also have a skin tag on my perineum because roids basically stemmed from that area. i continue to have a sore lump (pea sized or smaller) next to the fissure i'm dealing with. it typically hurts more and swells a bit after i have a bm. i'm nervous this is an abscess but i'm wondering if maybe it's an internal hem that just gets swollen after a bm?

additionally after a bm i have a pain in the anal area but it feels a little higher up and like there is a ball inside my anus. i did research on this as well and believe i found a diagnosis that is really close to what i'm experiencing called levator ani syndrome. does anyone know anything about this and if my roids could have caused this condition? i have muscle relaxers in my medicine cabinet because of a back injury. i find that after i have a bm and this pain increases i take a muscle relaxer and the pain subsides...

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Fleshy Lump?

Today after passing a stubborn stool I noticed a small, soft-ish fleshy lump outside of my anus. From what I've read I think it might be a hemorrhoid, but I don't know for sure since it seems like those are supposed to be hard. There is not bleeding, it is painless and is most noticeable just after using the bathroom or straining, and I suspect will retreat entirely if I leave it alone and go back to my usual diet. (I ate horribly today because of the holiday. I am prone to digestive issues and what I find I need to avoid persistent abdominal pain and stubborn stools completely includes 4-6 servings daily of fruit, 3-5 of veggies, and yogurt a few times a week. I ate almost none of those things today or yesterday.) Finding a lump down there has me really nervous, and I wanted to make sure it will be okay if I don't rush off to the doctor to get it looked at immediately. Obviously if it becomes painful or bleeds I will go ASAP. If it doesn't go away in a few days would it be safe to just leave it for two weeks while I finish my classes? If it does appear to go away should I still be concerned?

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Lump And Cancer Scare

Dr has assured me that it is one pile but after a bowel cancer scare, I worry about anything abnormal! It is just inside my anus and no pain, itching or blood. The ointment has had no effect after 10 days or so. It could have been there for much longer, I just might not have noticed it. I did strain when I was able to have bowel movements again after the tumour was removed but usually they are quite soft. I think I panicked and overdid it in case there was another blockage. How long before they disappear? I am worried that it is not piles but the beginning of another cancer problem.  I just wish it would go away! 

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Hemorrhoids :: Spot/lump On My Butt Crack

I've been in a bit of pain for the last 2 days, when I noticed yesterday a spot like lump has appeared just above from my anus, along my butt crack. I've researched online and several medical sites have advised that it should disappear after a few days but itself. But the pain is unbearable when sitting or lying and I'm really starting to worry. Anyone know how to reduce the pain.

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Spot Like Lump Next To My Anus

I have a small spot like lump next to my anus and I have no idea what it could be. I am so embarrassed to go to my doctor straight away and was wondering if anyone could be of service?

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Lump Right On The Opening Of My Anus

I have discovered a small lump right on the opening of my anus.

It is about the size of a pea and looks almost blue or black in colour.

It feels exactly the same as a pea - solid behind the skin covering it.

I am extremely worried as I don’t know what it is. It is very sore, especially when passing stools.

Initially it wasn't painful at all and now it is. Yesterday I got it little open using surgical blade and small amount of blood came out.

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Hemorrhoids ? Swollen Anus - Now Pea Sized Lump On Opening

I have had a swollen anus for about 2 months now, it was painful to begin with and then settled down but now there is a little pea-sized lump on the anal opening that is tender. I can push it back in and it usually come out on the toilet along with some swelling. My knickers are wet today, also with slight urge to itch anal area. What could this be? Is it haemorrhoids? How should I treat it?

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Lump On My Anus Which Is Extremely Sore

I have a small lump on my anus which is extremely sore. I was hoping to get some advice of a diagnosis and treatment required to get rid if it. I have recently had anal sex. It's almost like a swollen blood vein that has popped out.

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Hemorrhoids :: Bean Sized Lump Around My Anal Sphincter

Hello. Today While showering, I noticed I have a strange bean sized lump around my anal sphincter. The lump moves under my skin when I touch it, and seems to not be stationary. The lump appears to be white in color, although I admittedly have had trouble getting a good look at it.

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Hemorrhoids :: A Lump/cyst Looking Thing On The Opening Of My Anus

I am a 28 year old male. I have a lump/cyst looking thing on the left opening of my anus. It was red in color yesterday and very sore. Today when I got off work, I found that half of it is black. It bleeds very little ( only when wiping) and I am not sure if it leaking some clear fluid or not. It is about the size of a quarter. Is there any diagnosis you could give me. Or possible home remedies to try and fix the problem.

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Hemorrhoids :: Flesh Coloured Lump At The Opening Of My Anus Hole

I'm 14 i had for about 3 days now!!! I don't know what to do when i sit it hurts but only when i sit it's almost covering my whole anus hole, I'm embarrassed of telling any one, I don't wanna trouble my parents either, should I pop it, what should I put on it, can I use hydrogen peroxide. This lump I have is pea size skin colour unnoticeable even when I poop( I know don't judge) only when I sit down, what are the procedures, how can I avoid this or is it permanent......

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Hemorrhoid Vs. Rectal Prolapse - Grape Size Round Something Popped Out

After a bowel movement few days ago, I now have a large (large grape size), round, firm protrusion. I have always had a tiny "tag"/hemorrhoid since childbirth, which never really bothered much. But this new thing that has popped up (out, lol) is awful. It hurts to sit, touch, especially to stand up or sneeze (since such movements need to squeeze) and its difficult to bend down etc. However it does not hurt to go to the bathroom, does not itch or anything. It's just in the way and highly sensitive. The doctor's office (via email) thinks it's probably Hemorrhoid. It's just that the symptoms seem to match up more to prolapse which scares me. And will it just get better on its own, with proper diet and rest?

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Painful Lump Turned Painless And Armpit Or Breast Lump?

My mom has a lump in her sides, i couldn't quite understand if it is considered as a breast (because it is in the side and not literally on the breast) or armpit (because it is already below the armpit) lump. It started to be small but then grew bigger after a while it also became painful and suddenly looked like a bruise, she also felt a little numbness in her arm, after some time putting organic medicine it turned smaller and painless but right now it is not yet gone. 1st question: is it to be identified as a breast or armpit lump? 2nd question: what might be the diagnosis for both cases (or what is the difference of diagnosis if it is identified under armpit lump or if it is identified under breast lump)? i really couldn't find any reference to a lump that is painful then turned painless

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Hemorrhoids :: Internal Hemorrhoids Can Give A Positive FOBT?

Do you know if second degree internal hemorrhoids can give a positive FOBT test if you do not have noticeable blood.

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Hemorrhoids :: Thrombosed Internal Hemorrhoids Not Responding To Injections

My internal hems. are not responding to a doctor's injections. They (3) are not major, but I wish (almost) they would become thrombus so it/they could be cut out. I had that years ago.

The pain is not so great as to cause bleeding, toilet trouble but the pain is there every day for two months.

Putting on ointments in public toilets all the time to cool the pain. Awful. Inconvenient and interferes with daily life.

Gets worse with stress.

Getting desperate, looking online - Venapro. But online wonder-meds never seem to work so I'm sceptical.

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Lansoprazole :: Coming Off It

I have been on Lansoprazole since I was 7 (now 22) varying from 15 mg to 60 mg depending on the severity of my GERD. I am thinking after controlling my lifestyle (e.g. foods, fitness, alcohol intake) of slowing coming of the medication.. I was wondering if anyone else has also been on Lansoprazole for years! and then decided to come off it? If so did you experience any nasty side effects?

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