Thyroid Disorders :: Using Iodine, Selenium, Sea Salt And Hashimoto's

I've read recently that iodine is not necessarily bad if you have hashi's.  I found other articles that say too much iodine is the cause of many hashis  cases. Nothing better than getting feedback from those that are living with hashish. My questions are:

Should I not be using  regular iodized salt?

Will using uniodized sea salt be better than regular salt?

Do I need to be concerned at all with my salt/iodine intake as long as I'm taking 200 mg selenium now?

Are these articles about iodine mainly  referring to iodine supplements and not what a person consumes through diet?

I understand hypothyroidism is not necessarily hashimoto's thyroiditis but quite frankly, my head is spinning right now. I don't want to aggravate my hashi's  but on the other hand, maybe I'm overly concerned.  BTW, I am currently not taking any thyroid medicine.  Other than having difficulty losing weight.

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Thyroid Disorders :: Hair Loss With Levothyroxine

Hi everyone! I am totally new to this group and excited to get input from everyone! I'll try and give you a quick synopsis of the past year and a half for me when I gave birth to my first child....

Initially I felt fine, until about 4 months after I gave birth.  I had initially lost all the baby weight and then I started gaining again, had major brain fog, dry skin, cold, crazy water retention and bloated face, unmotivated, etc.  all the usual symptoms.  In February I was diagnosed with Hashimotos by my regular doctor and here are my levothyroxine dosages and blood results since...

Feb 2015    Tsh 269.    T4. <0.11.  T3. <20.      (No meds yet...initial blood work)
Apr 2015.    Tsh 156.    T4.   0.45.  T3.  42.       (25 mcg)
May 2015.   Tsh 6.69.   T4.  1.83.   T3.  96.       (75 mcg)
Sept 2015.   Tsh 2.89.   T4.  1.59.                      (100 mcg)
Oct 2015.     Tsh 8.61.                                         (75 mcg)
Nov 2015.    Tsh 1.21.                                         (100 mcg)
Feb 2016.     Tsh 2.36.                                         (100 mcg)

So my original Doctor began my levothyroxine regimen at 25 mcg for 6 weeks. I immediately felt much better even though my numbers were still going crazy.  He upped my dosage twice then sent me to an endocrinologist.  Both agreed that my numbers were so bad it could not be postpartum hypothyroidism and I had probably had this for a long time undiagnosed and the pregnancy made it officially just turn off.  In October we lowered the dosage to double check this theory and I felt terrible and my numbers changed right away so my endo put my meds right back up.

Now, hair loss was actually never one of my initial symptoms and I am convinced that it began when i started my medication, but both doctors insist that it's my body getting used to the meds and my levels getting better and better. My endo thought perhaps it's was especially bad because I was also experiencing postpartum hair loss.  But at this point it is now a full year since I have been diagnosed and on medication.  Coupled with the hair loss I also started getting serious joint pain, but again my endo said I was adjusting and this was a common symptom of hypothyroidism.  

So basically, I am wondering how after a year of medication I would still be experiencing symptoms with levels that are now perfectly fine? Unless it was related to the medication??....I feel very guilty bringing it up all the time to my doctor because I know I should be glad that the huge issues of brain fog, concentration and mood are generally good (I still say I am not exactly myself yet).  I feel silly bringing up something cosmetic but it is so depressing to look in the mirror.  I hate doing my hair, washing it, sometimes just running my fingers through my hair I get five more.  Even though now I can say it's less, it's definitely still happening and I don't see any new growth.  But, on the flip side, hair loss is associated with adjusting to armour and I am terrified to lose any more.

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Thyroid Disorders :: Hair Loss With Ferritin

I am hypothyroid/hashimotos.  I have been experiencing significant hair loss for over a year. I'm young and female so having sparse hair is NOT ok.  I've read one needs to have their ferritin at 70 or 80 to experience hair regrowth.  When I first met with my naturopath and got diagnosed this year I was put on 25mcg of Levothyroxine and I told her my main concern was my hair loss. My ferritn was at 32.  I was put on a daily elemental iron supplement.

A blood test a month later and I was already at 54! Two months after that i was at 68.3!  I was getting close to my goal but at that test she didn't like how my iron and iron saturation went too high/out of range.  So she told me to only take my iron pill ever OTHER day and lo and behold two months later my ferritin was down to 45.1.  Super frustrating. I am trying to bring my iron UP! So how does this work? How can my iron and iron saturation be so high and my ferritin so low? Is it actually dangerous for me to take the pill daily if my iron saturation and iron are above the limit? I'm not going to be able to fix my hair loss and bring my ferritin up if I am only taking it every other day! HELP!

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Hair Disorders :: Copper Toxicity From The Pill

Any females out there who have lost all or most of their hair on their body? Look at copper toxicity from the pill.

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Hair Disorders :: 19 And Hairier Than Average Girl

I am 19 years old and am hairier than the average girl my age. I have chin hair and mild lip, abdomen, foot,arm and leg hair. I went to my GP who said that since I have regular periods and such that it doesn't have anything to do with PCOS or anything. I've read that as I age, the hair is going to get worse and worse, is that 100% true? I can handle the hair I have now as it's not too too bad, but the thought of it getting worse makes me even more depressed.

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Thyroid Disorders :: Prevent Hair Loss With Methimazole ?

Right now I'm in hypothyroidism mode. I was taking methimazole due to it being severely hyper but now am not on anything because of waiting 6 weeks until blood work to be done. My hair continues to fall out. Has anyone had issues with this. If so what supplements can be taken or what can I do to help slow the hair loss down? Will it grow back?

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Autoimmune Disorders :: Hair Loss - Diagnosed With MTCD

I was diagnosed with MTCD 2 years ago. My case is lupus and they don't know what else. My case is mild. I really don't have much pain but I can feel something is there. Over this past year, 2013, I noticed my hairline is receding and now the whole top of my head is thinning. I always had a really beautiful thick head of hair and took great care of it. I keep it short but kind of spiky. Always looked good. But now as I stated my hair is thinning so much you can see my scalp. Just wanted to know if this is happening to anyone else. I am currently taking plaquenil, prednisone, cymbalta and imuran. Very low does. My doctor told me to cut down on the prednisone but after 4 days without it, I felt bad. I visited my dermatologist last year for a scalp biopsy but he said I didn't need it and I agreed. No thyroid problem yet but my numbers keep getting high. I'm thinking it's all of the above but don't know what to do about it. Any suggestions besides a wig?

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Pregnancy Age 35+ :: Gave My Dog A Flea Bath Using Shampoo

Not thinking yesterday I gave my dog a flea bath using shampoo containing pyrethins .15% and piperonyl butoxide 1.5%. I'm nervous of the effect this may have on my pregnancy and brain development especially at this time. I'm reading these chemicals can cause autism. I washed my hands repeatedly after I realized this was a stupid thing to do. But I also had a small cut so I'm more worried about the chemicals absorbing in my skin and blood. Do you think I caused permanent damage? I'm a nervous wreck.

I gave her a bath today with regular shampoo and used a glove.  However I reached my hand into the rise water to pull the drain, would that be a second exposure if flea shampoo was in the water?  I washed my hands again repeatedly.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Best Brand Shampoo And Wash For Baby?

I would like to get ur advice on the best brand of baby shampoo and wash to get for my baby.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Mayonnaise Or Head Lice Shampoo Treatment

Im 18 weeks pregnant. And i have acaught lice from my youngest cousin. I was asking to see if were allowed to do shampoo treatment or just use mayonnaise which i know never works.

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome / CFS :: Have You Tried Selenium?

Selenium deficiency is considered by some naturopathic doctors the key to Fibromyalgia and CFS.  

Some even relate it with animal “Nutritional muscular dystrophy” AKA “White muscle disease”.

Should we go to the vet?

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Hyperthyroidism :: Benefits Of Selenium?

My daughter has hyperthyroidism and thyroid eye disease, her Ophthalmologist suggested she take selenium, along with her usual block and replace medication. Is anyone else taking this? Any comments would be welcome. 

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Pregnancy :: Best Moisturizer, Shampoo And Rash Cream Detergent For Baby

Already mommies help me...

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Blepharitis :: Clean And Stimulate Glands With Baby Shampoo And Tea Tree Oil?

In from my evening shift at work, and I have got to say that I spend the time before I had to go in, scrubbing my eye lash margins with a wet cotton ball and baby shampoo (the old standard) both top and bottom, then after rinsing it off, I proceeded to wipe the rest of my face with some full strength tea tree oil on a cotton ball, and let it sit for a while before I took a shower.  Scrubbing the margins (insides where the oil glands are) really was a bit uncomfortable (it didn't hurt though) and it did produce some of that lovely old whitish stuff, but I cannot believe how much better my eyes felt all night long (and they look better too) after doing this.  Now I am going to hit this full force and keep doing this every single morning and every single night and see what happens.  (I fell by the wayside on the Wet Ones, b/c they dried out my skin in the eye area too much, sadly).  But I did mention in a previous post that my skin under my eyes felt like it was "pulling" and it was VERY crinkled looking and pulling upward.  After doing this, it seemed to lessen that feeling (and it looks better too).  I am hoping and praying that with dedication and persistence in encouraging my m glands to produce oils again, this could be something to get excited about.  I sure hope so, but wanted to share. Has anyone else had success in doing this persistently?  What inspired me to really get to it was watching the video today on the BlephEx procedure.  I can't afford to get that done so I thought to myself, well I can certainly deeply clean and stimulate those glands on my own at home (especially after I saw all the gunk that the lady in the vid had come out of those areas).  I saw some of the same thing with my own eyes after doing this and it is giving me some hope so I thought I would share.

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Blepharitis :: Wet Ones, Baby Shampoo, Antibiotics, Steam, Oils - Nothing Works

I am a 42 year old male that has been battling Blepharitis for over 7 years.  It started with severe insomnia and stress in my life.  I thought once I fixed my life and my insomnia my eyes would get better.  Well guess what? I was wrong. I have tried everything from Wet Ones, baby shampoo, antibiotics, steam, oils, every eye drop you can imagine even dandruff shampoo.  Nothing works, nothing.  I just want to rip my eyes out.  This pain is so bad that I would cut off a toe or finger if it would make the pain go away.  These doctors just look at it and say oh it looks really inflamed try some natural drops or baby shampoo.  That’s like telling a cancer patient to take some aspirin and see how it goes.  If they only knew the pain I was in each day they would find a cure for this.  I refuse to accept that I am going to live the rest of my life like this.  Every hour I am awake I am in constant pain. I have now keep ice cubes with me and rub them on my eyelids whenever I can. That is the only thing that sooths them.  Please God find a cure for this I can’t go on much longer with this constant pain. 

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Vitamins / Supplements :: Hashimoto's And Selenium

I've been struggling with my Hashimoto's diagnosis. I am actually "alright" at this present moment, but it was a long and rocky road. My Endo is not very informative at all and does not answer my questions. Last time I asked her about taking supplements. She stated she is biased because she practices Western medicine and won't comment on whether or not she thinks it's a good idea to take supplements.

I decided a little over a year ago, to take 200 mg Selenium as an added supplement, because I've been reading on here, that it will help with getting the antibodies down and I must say, I can tell a difference in how I feel today from before.

Now here is where I'm confused: my best friend since Kindergarten got diagnosed with Hashi's last year. She's really been having a hard time with it. Last time she saw her Endo, she asked the Selenium question. Her Endo said don't take it, because your risk of developing diabetes increases! That's something I've never heard about. So all day today I've been reading and researching this and I'm reading either it's so good to take when you have Hashi's and then some study they did that confirms my friends' Drs' point about the increased diabetes risk. Any thoughts?

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Thyroid :: Selenium For A Month - Feeling Bit Shaky

So my doc said I was Vitamin D deficient and has put me on 5000 vitamin D3. Which is fine I've had to do that before. Then he suggested selenium which I got 200 because I couldn't find a 100 mcg of selenium. I've been on selenium for a month but I've been feeling a bit shaky. Can selenium do that? Some days I feel ok but a little nervous. My hands aren't shaky just feels like I'm shaky inside. Does that even make sense? LOL! I even started taking selenium every other day instead but I still have this feeling.

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Hyperthyroidism :: Selenium And Zinc For Overactive Thyroid?

This is my second time having an overactive thyroid in about 4.5 years. The first time I was totally new to it and had horrible symptoms and took a few trips to A&E for the doctors to diagnose me. This time around wasn't feeling great and said i would go get bloods done to check my thyroid, as hadnt gotten it checked in maybe 2 years! So the first time I had it I was living in a different city in Ireland so i was seeing a different Endo, which opted for Block and Replace treatment, which I found really good - was on this for 18 months and given the all clear. This time around I am seeing a different Endo who would not put me on the Block and Replace treatment, so am just on 20mg carbimazole now the last month and 10mg for a month before that. Still not feeling great, have good days and bad days, but I just remember feeling a lot better when doing the B&R. So i have started taking some supplements too, Omega 3, a multivitamin and a selenium & zinc tablet also, has anyone else ever tried the selenium and zinc that could share their experiences? Or any other supplements that has made an improvement on their health and wellbeing?

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Thyroid :: Take Selenium Supplements And Avoid Gluten?

Take selenium supplements and avoid gluten

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