Lichen Sclerosus :: Menopause Make Things Worse?

i had my last period at the beginning of the year and although I'm happy to see the back of them I have since had numerous flare ups and the itching has been ridiculous, it has me demented through the night. Has anyone else had the same experience.

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Sinusitis :: Can Neti Bottle/pot Make Things Much Worse?

I know this sounds weird but my chronic sinusitis has me completely bedridden and has been for almost 2 years now and I haven't been able to work etc. anyway, my last CT scan showed massive inflammation and infection on the left side of my head primarily in the maxillary sinus.

It seems since I've been using the Neti bottle every day that I've gotten so much worse and consequentially my fatigue and weakness has been absolutely debilitating. My question is, has anybody ever heard of the Neti bottle or Neti pot making their sinus infection worse?? Thanks for reading.

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome :: Seizure And Pain Getting Worse

I have just got worse throughout the day I had a seizure early this afternoon and the pain has just got worse. I have to stay strong for my husband and kids but inside I am crying right now . I am completely fecked off with it. I confess I am due on and the pain all over seems to be stronger. I am 42 and I am sitting in a chair propped up by cushions a blanket and a hot water bottle for my arms watching emmerdale , tried knitting a bloody scarf but my hands/ arms hurt.

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Alzheimers :: Antidepressants Make You Worse

My grandfather is taking one and he is becoming way worse and just lays in bed all day and doesn't eat anything at all. And looks like he''s going to die soon. Only reason why I'm asking this question here too is because he has Alzheimer's too.

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Fibromyalgia :: Brain Fog, Forgetting Things And Constant State Of Confusion

My physician hasn't been very helpful on the matter of brain fog. I can't focus. I am constantly losing my train of thought and half the time can not speak without sounding like I just had something along the lines of a stroke. I sometimes can't form a complete thought. I've had Fibromyalgia since I was a child and I'm used to the pain, it's just a part of my life now, but the fog seems to be worsening. It's hard to even write this because I keep losing track of the topic.

It's putting my job on the line. I can barely function. I'm feeling like I can't do anything right. I have a hard time processing what people are saying to me and everyone is so tired of having to repeat themselves, and people are always yelling at me for constantly forgetting things and it's like I'm in a constant state of confusion. It's like my brain is tired. I had to make a PA a while back to the customers at work and I had to have someone help me because I couldn't think, and I couldn't get the words out and I told them, very slowly, "help please make this PA, I can't do words right".
Before I forget what my point was, I'm asking if there's something that can be done, on my own. I'm barely functioning, and need some advice. My doctor wasn't very helpful at all, and he won't hear me out. He won't refer me to pain management because he wants to take care of this himself, which he isn't doing. He has me on Tramadol and while it helps take the pain from a 9 to a 4, it definitely makes the fibro fog worse.
Is anyone else dealing with this? What do you do to help it? I'm only 22 and I feel like fibro fog is going to destroy my future.

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Does Alcohol Make Anemia Symptoms Worse?

The other day (Sunday) I did something stupid and had a few beers (about 2 pints). Yesterday and today I noticed my symptoms have gotten a bit worse. Does alcohol make anemia symptoms worse?

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Computer Use Make It Worse

I have been off work since the end of May and Cervical Spondylosis was diagnosed by the Occupational Health doctor via the Local Authority for whom I work. This discomfort and pain started and deteriorated whilst working on the computer at work. The OH doctor says it is age related and will not attribute this problem to the fact that I spend most of my working life in front of a computer. I have had physio and acupuncture and they say it is to do with posture. This treatment has not resolved the problem and I have now been referred to the Orthopedic Service. I am fighting this with the help of Unison. Has anyone out there had a similar experience.

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Venlafaxine :: Does Coffee Make Withdrawal Worse?

I'm so used to having a couple of cups of coffee a day but since i started withdrawing it seems to make my symptoms worse...especially the buzzing in my brain. Has anyone else found this? Any tips?

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Endometriosis :: Does The Pill (Cerazette) Make Endo Worse?

My GP gave me cerazette, and after taking it for a while I broke out in acne so stopped. But the pain then got miles worse. Last night I had an ultrasound which showed my left ovary has moved to the back of my uterus, causing me awful pain.

I am wondering now was it the Cerazette that caused this, or was it going to happen anyway and should I have persevered with the pill.

I have read so much conflicting information so I wondered if anyone knows?

Also, I have been told by 2 doctors that laparoscopy makes the problem worse, but one told me it doesn't. I am so confused.

Lastly, has anyone tried the estrogen metabolism tablet DIM Plus? I read the reviews and it sounds good but I am so nervous to try any other tablets.

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Exercise Helps Diverticular Disease Or Make It Worse?

It may seem a silly question but I would like to get fitter - take up running - in my fifties and just wondered does exercise help with DD or make it worse?  Anyone out there exercises avidly?  I feel so depressed since my diagnosis - like my life is over!  I suppose this is a bit dramatic but anyone got advise on exercise?  


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Colonoscopy :: Inaccurate Information And How The Sedation Can Make It Worse

I had a colonoscopy with sedation (midazolam and fentanyl) in Chorley Hospital a few days ago and I still feel as if I had a PTSD. I read the information sheet and expected to be relaxed after sedation, with maybe some discomfort. When I was injected with the drugs (midazolam and fentanyl), I suddenly felt very anxious. I tried to seek reassurance, but the physician was talking to somebody else, busy preparing for gastroscopy. I think it could have helped if somebody asked me how I was at that point. I also had some trouble speaking – I think I was able to speak, but I could not hear myself so it made me feel very strange. Later on I read that difficulty speaking is a side-effect of midazolam. I felt quite intense pain during colonoscopy and the kind student nurse was talking me through it. I recovered well, I think, but I remember the whole procedure (so the amnesia that the leaflet talks about obviously doesn’t happen in every case). Next day I was very irritable and anxious and sick later on.

My main grievance is about lack of information beforehand concerning pain and the nasty side effects of the sedation. The leaflet mentions that you might feel ‘discomfort’. Of course you will feel discomfort – you will have a camera up your bum, what are supposed to feel? There is no ‘may’ about it. However, there is a difference between ‘discomfort’ and ‘pain’ and these words should not be used interchangeably. The leaflet and what you are told by the medical staff makes you believe that you will be drowsy and relaxed while medication works, and then back to normal after. I got quite a shock when I had the anxiety attack after the drug was injected and realized how vulnerable and helpless I was. I was also very unpleasantly surprised at how awful I felt the next day. Had I known this could happen I would have opted for entonox. Unless something changes dramatically in the way they perform colonoscopies, there is no way I’m having another one any time soon.

I would not like to discourage those for whom colonoscopy could be beneficial from having it. However traumatic it is, it is preferable to dying from cancer. However, I think that medical staff are not well trained in empathy (only student nurses seem to have it) and you have to be very assertive with them in order to receive honest information. If you are unlucky enough not to experience post-colonoscopy amnesia, the feeling of being at the mercy of medical people who are inflicting pain on you can be disturbing. It might be preferable to experience the pain whilst being alert and able to speak, and thus having some degree of control.

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Atrophic Vaginitis :: Drinking Alcohol Make Symptoms Worse?

When i drink..sometimes urethra burns..irritation vulva etc..anyone else?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Zantac And Prilosec Make It Worse?

I've never ever had heartburn, or throat irritations (that weren't from a cold) in my life, and suddenly in January I started getting a lump in my throat feeling, that felt better as I ate, but came back when I was done. I was also noticing a dull chest pain on my left, but i figured it could had been from working out. It wasn't a big deal at the time, and I saw my GP about it. She couldn't really help me, other than refer me to an ENT.

A day after I saw the GP, I ate some instant ramen and got my first episode of heartburn/acid reflux. I went back to the GP shortly after, letting her know about the heartburn and she put me on 150mg of Zantac. Over the next few weeks, it didn't help much (neither did the constant Tums), and I had several more episodes of heartburn/reflux. It was always the same, I'd have the episode, the next few days I'd feel sore in my esophagus, and I'd almost get to the point of feeling better, then I'd eat/do something that would make me flare up again. It snowballed to last weekend, when I woke up on Sunday, drank some water, and just had the most acrid backwash. I panicked and went to the ER, where they put me on 20mg of Prilosec.

First few days were terrible nausea, migraine, chest pain and tense/twitchy muscles. Those went away, but now I always have the acrid backwash at night (I did get a wedge to keep my upper body slanted up), lots of throat gurgling/burps when I eat, and little-moderate acrid/stingy taste afterwards. It also feels as if my throat tenses on and off, and sometimes "clicks" when I dry swallow.

I'm having some other weird little side effects too, but I'm bothered that this reflux seems so constant now. I've already worked on cleaning up my diet, quit coffee, don't smoke, no fatty/greasy/sugary foods in the past week since starting Prilosec. Both parents have acid reflux, and my mother has GERD (a side effect of migraine meds). I'm not sure if this is made worse by Prilosec, or if I just suddenly have severe acid reflux no matter what I eat, and this is life now.

I'm seeing a gastroenterologist next week, but I'm afraid she's just going to up my dose and send me off. I want to get off all medication, and deal with this by diet change. I guess I'm asking if anyone has gone through something similar. In retrospect, I wonder if all the bad foods I was eating over the holidays set things off. In retrospect I was having a lot of "solid burps" through december, but no irritation till January.

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Ulcerative Colitis :: Salofalk Enemas Seem To Make Symptoms Worse

My son had a colonoscopy and told may have Colitis..he was prescribed a month's supply of Salofalk enemas and took first one last night...but today he has had to poop about 7 times with some blood ...the frequency of the pooping is now more than it was before using the Salofalk and I'm wondering has anyone else experienced this...he is only 18 and afraid to leave the house..It is not diarrhea but it's just he needs to go so often...I am afraid he will loose a lot of weight...If this is normal using this product I can relax...can someone please reassure me

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica :: First Flare This Morning, Can Cold Make It Worse?

I'm now one week into my first taper from 15 down to 14 preds, for the last 3 days I felt really well, in fact began to think my diagnosis was wrong.

Silly me, woke up a 3 am feeling sore, by 6 am I was at 7 out of 10 on my own pain scale, so depressed but now certain I do have a problem.

Just wondering if cold could spark a flare? before the diagnosis I suffered aches and pains when the weather changed, this week I've enjoyed pottering in the greenhouse with the lovely sunny weather making it a joy to be outside, yesterday back to really cold weather and I got very chilled. Is there a relationship with temperature and PMR?

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Anxiety/stress Levels Spike With Dried Fruit - Raisins

Has anyone noticed their anxiety/stress levels spike considerably after eating dried fruits such as raisins etc?

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Legg Calve Perthes' Disease :: Running Hurt Me Or Make My Condition Worse?

I was diagnosed at age 9 and had surgeries at ages 9,11, and 15. I quit running because i would get to about a mile and it would catch with pain. I love running though and am trying to lose weight so i am curious if running would worsen my condition?

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Eating Gluten Makes Fibromyalgia Worse?

Does anyone find eating gluten makes their Fibromyalgia worse?

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome :: Wrist Hurts Onl Lifting Things

So I've had constant pain in my wrist for the last 6 months, more often when I bowl, it's very sharp pain and the more i bowl the more it hurst, it also hurts when I lift things as well.

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