Eye Care :: Optic Nerves In My Eyes Are Swollen

I went and do a check up on my eyes and the optic nerves in my eyes is swollen ...I did a CT scan and the results was clean...so I want to know what causes the swelling.

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Optic Nerves Swollen With MS?

The Drs thought I had Pseudotumor Cerebri, since my optic nerves have in swollen since Oct 2013. I had a MRI and Spinal tap. Found out my pressure was too low. But they found oligoclonal bands in my CSF. BUT concluded not enough evidence for MS. I have many symptoms of MS. My leg has been numb and burning in my thigh all day. Has anyone experienced their optic nerves swollen with MS? I'm not talking about inflammation in the nerves just swollen. Worried about going blind and trying to figure out what's wrong. I'm waiting for the Michigan head and pain neurology clinic to set me up with an appt.

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Thinning Of Optic Nerves

I went to a neuro-ophthalmologist due to some issues with my right eye. Blurry spot. Nothing too crazy, but annoying.

He did Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and vision field test. The vision field test came out fine, but the OCT showed thinning of the optic nerve. He told me he wanted me to be seen for an evaluation of possible MS.

After posting here a earlier this month about whether or not to go see a neuro, I had made an appointment with an MS Specialist. I see him on June 3rd.

Any idea what thinning of the optic nerves can mean?

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Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension :: Optic Nerves Were Swollen

I was diagnosed 3 years ago and recently spent a week in hospital due to a headache not moving my eyesight went with it this time for the first time ever and I was driving with my 7 year old in the car it really scared me yet I had a lumbar puncture pressure was only 24 but my speech has been effected my eyes keep blurring this headache has been here for 10 days now and still no budge when I was in hospital they said both my optic nerves were swollen and I seen my neurologist today and he says it's just a migraine. The first 4 attempts at lumbar puncture they did in the wrong place so was unsuccessful and have left me in agony can anyone suggest what I can do I am not overly obese but all's my specialist says is lose weight they will stop

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Eye Exam :: Swelling In The Optic Nerves And High Pressure Cerebral Fluid

A $60 eye exam revealed swelling in the optic nerves that got me a referral an eye specialist, the eye specialist then told me I most likely have high pressure cerebral fluid that is causing the swelling and need a CAT scan to look for brain tumors, no brain tumors were found ....... but the cerebral fluid must be drained to prevent continuous swelling of the optic nerves that will cause separation & blindness.

The CAT scan cost me $1,000

The cerebral fluid draining cost me $1,700

The cerebral fluid draining required a large needle to puncture through the lumbar area into my lower spinal cords, as the lumbar area does not have 1 solid nerve as the upper portion, it is basically like spaghetti so there is NO risk of paralysis when done by professionals with a live X-ray machine to line up the needle between vertebra for safe insertion.

I don't know what measurement scale they used, but the pressure reading was above 40+. They told me normal pressure should be between 8 and 12.

They then drained the pressure to about 18

As I was walking out of the hospital, I had never in my life had such extreme mental clarity and excellent vision.

Shortly afterwards, I noticed that my normal clumsiness was gone that I had dealt with all my life.

Physical agility
too many to list

As I know all my life I was mentally slower than average until that procedure. It has been 1 1/2 years since then, and starting 2 months ago I noticed diminished capacity slowly creeping up as before, as I probably need the procedure done again and don't have the money to do it.I realized that if this high cerebral pressure would have been detected as a child, I could have gotten a better education if it had been corrected.

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Eye Care :: Optic Nerve Been Blocked - No Treatment

My mother can't see anything clearly for 3 to 4 years. Doctor says that her eyes nerve are been blocked.

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Eye Care :: Neurocysticercosis On Left Optic Nerve - No Improvement

I m diagnosed  neurocysticercosis on left optic nerve n m having blurring of vision.

Drs have put me on steroids past one year ,but no Improvement is seen.

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Neurological Disorders :: Discolouration On Optic Nerve With Septo-Optic Dysplasia

I have Septo-optic dysplasia, and I'm lucky if I ever get to see someone who's even heard of it because it's apparently one of those rare and awkward conditions with varying symptoms. But basically, in my case, the nerves in my eyes didn't develope well or at all. 

I have 6/60-6/48 vision in my right eye and 0 in my left eye; as in I don't even see black or anything at all. I don't think light could ever get in there.

My most recent check up at the Optician showed some discoloration on the optic nerve in my left eye (the blind eye). It appeared black, apparently, which my Optician said meant it had been there a long time, as opposed to grey? But no one seems to know if this is normal for an optic nerve that never formed properly. 

Apparently the discoloration is not mentioned in any of my letters on record, though. Is that weird? That's the only thing making me worried. Some people say it should be obvious so not included, but others say that means it's new?

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Pregnancy :: Sciatica - Baby Been Pushing My Nerves

My little girl has been pushing on my nerve since i was 11 weeks. (Now 24wks)

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Coming Off Gabapentin - L5S1 Disc Has Collapsed Trapping Nerves

I have only been taking it for less than 3 weeks and only managed to get to 300mg a day but the side effects are awful. I have now found out what is causing my nerve pain in back and leg ( my L5S1 disc has collapsed trapping nerves) and GP says that I would need a very high dose of gabapentin to ease this nerve pain so I might as well come off it ( waiting to see neurosurgeon).  Today I dropped down to 200mg ( 100mg morning and then I was going to take other one before bed). I would normally have taken another one at 5pm.  This evening I have had a bad headache around my eyes. like shooting pains. I have now taken the second 100mg tablet to see if this stops the pains. 

My Gp said " oh you can just stop taking it after such a short time" but I said I have read it gives back withdrawal if stopped suddenly and he didn't disagree!

So could the headache be withdrawal?

After no advice from GP I was thinking of dropping to 200mg a day for a week then 100mg a day for a week then 100mg every other day until I stop - does this sound good?

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Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - Cortisone Shots Irritate The Nerves - Surgery?

I was recently diagnosed with this in both feet. I'm still not sure what caused it though I am postpartum, have flat feet and wore poorly fitting shoes. I had cortisone shots which only seemed to irritate the nerves in both feet. I just started PT but am desperate to hear that others have recovered without surgery. I know that only the horror stories usually make it online but I'm getting very depressed about all of this

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Elevated Right Diaphragm And Liver

A C/T of the thorax, done because of shortness of breath, showed the right diaphragm and liver situated in the chest cavity. Other tests of the thorax and abdomen, including a PET SCAN, have not shown any reason for this.

What can be the reason for the elevation of the diaphragm and liver?

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Kidney :: Elevated Creatinine And Urea

I was urinating very frequently, usually small amounts. Did a home urine dip test and found white and red blood cells (no nitrate) so went to Dr. who took blood. Blood results = slightly raised creatinine, urea and potassium. What could this mean?

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Abdominal Pain :: Elevated Diaphragm?

My doctor says I have this but it's nothing to worry about. What causes this?

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Thyroid :: Thyroglobulin Ab Is Elevated At 1074.0

I was diagnosed with hypothyroid about 6 months ago and put on synthroid which has started to to bring the number down. I just got back my recent lab tests and my thyroglobulin ab is very elevated at 1074.0 and my thyroglobulin is low at 0.62. I am very confused as to hat this means. I would so appreciate any help understanding this I am so nervous.

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Kidney Disease :: Elevated Sugar /AST / ALT

I have uric acid kidney stones and recently I had Ureteroscopy to remove one. Actually when they got in there they couldn't find it in the ureter as the CT scan had shown so we don't know what happened to it.

I'm disappointed that I had the stone as I had been on a low purine diet which includes very little meat (6oz a day).

After this bout, I tripled my efforts, stopped all sugar intake unless it was natural in foods, no added salt and meat 6oz or less 2 times a week only.

Several weeks followed since the Ureteroscopy and the extreme diet change and my eyesight changed where I could not see out of my contacts or glasses. In fact, my eyesight changed 3 steps for the better and had to get new eyeglasses and contacts.

I'm also now taking twice a day Urocit-K (potassium citrate).

I wanted to know a baseline for my sugar and potassium so they did bloodwork and sugar was 145 which doesn't sound right, it should be lower and in the 65-100 range. My eye doctor said my vision shift was consistent with lower blood sugar.

My AST was 64, should be 13-40 and my ALT was 70 which should be 7-52.

For one thing I'm wondering if having the blood tests about 4 weeks after the Ureteroscopy may have skewed the results of the blood test but also what caused the drastic eye change, it was quite an extreme diet change for sure and the eyesight has stabilized and I continue to stay on the diet. I've also lost about 25 pounds in the last few months on the low purine diet. I also drink lots of water, no soft drinks, only unsweat tea on occasion.

The last CT scan before starting the Urocit-K still showed kidney stones in my kidneys which I had been on the low purine diet and I have more than before I was on the diet which doesn't make sense.

All these changes doesn't add up. Why more kidney stones? Am I starving for no reason as I can't eat hardly anything on this extreme low purine diet? What's up with the vision change and elevated blood levels?

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Arthritis :: Does Osteoarthritis Generally Cause Elevated Sed Rate

Does osteoarthritis generally cause an elevated Sed Rate and and elevated C-Reactive Protein?  Anyone have these tests elevated with your condition?

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Shortness Of Breath And An Elevated Heart Rate

I am a 27 year old male. I have a resting heart rate around 70 and healthy blood pressure. I am about 5'8" 150 pounds, I eat healthy and exercise 3-4 times per week.

Despite this, I often find myself short of breath despite not doing any strenuous activity (climbing a single flight of stairs). In addition, when I exercise my heart rate becomes elevated very quickly, even when I go at a moderate/slow pace (if I'm running 3 miles, it gets up to 130~ after 1 mile and is near 180 after 3 miles). My heart rate won't return to normal for several hours. 5-6 hours after I'm done exercising my heart rate will still be 15~ beats per minute above normal.

Does anyone know if these symptoms are all normal to have as you get older or should I go see a doctor? I mentioned these symptoms to a friend of mine who has a thyroid condition and she said it sounds like what used to happen to her before she was diagnosed and prescribed medicine.

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Kidney Disease :: Elevated Creatinine Level (1.15) And GFR 57

I had some blood work done last week any my Creatinine was 1.15 and my GFR was 57. I know these aren't alarming numbers necessarily, but 6 months ago my Cr was .72 and my GFR was 100 so it's a huge change. Everything else (BUN, BUN/CR ratio) were normal. Doctor was unconcerned and wanted to check in 3 months. Anybody have any thoughts on this?  I do take lots of supplements but have taken them for years with normal kidney function. Also have taken a lot of Benadryl lately. I'm stumped at this big change. Also I am not diabetic and do not have high blood pressure.

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