Beta-Blockers :: Trouble Sleeping

I am taking beta blockers. I have had a heart attack couple of days ago and I guess beta blockers I have to take as prevention. No one needs a heart attack, right? But, even in that short period of time, some side effects occurred, I had trouble sleeping. Although, I have to admit that I am not sure if this was because of the stress or because of the beta blocker.

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Autoimmune Disorders :: Tired Of Being Sick And Tired

I have been having joint pain, general body pain, fatigue, depression and anxiety for years. I was dx with fibro about 3 years ago. It was first suspected almost 20 years ago. My mouth and eyes are painfully dry. My lips constantly crack. I recently had a PAP done and the GYN remarked how dry my vagina was (I'm not sexually active so I never noticed).

I recently saw a rheumatologist here in the State (I had previously seen one in Korea). She did a bunch of blood work. My Vit D was 28 (reference range was 30-70). RF, ANA were negative. CRP not done, but has been elevated in the past (multiple draws over a two year period, but none in the last year). ESR was 58 and has been elevated for 20 years (I went through a lot of blood work in high school and nothing was ever found, but it was with ID, not Rheum).

Rheum was next to useless. She said the sed rate wasn't relevant and that there was no need to worry about the Vit D (which was lower in the past) even though I was taking 2000 IU a day.

After talking to my GP, he had me increase the D supplement to 4000 IU/day. He also wrote me a new referral to a different rheum. This one specializes in seronegative arthritis.

I try to be an informed consumer. Current rheum just wants to throw more pills at the issue without getting to the root of it. It seems like if I go in with a fibro dx, everything must be fibro. How do I approach this new appointment (in September!!) to finally figure things out? This new doctor will be in the UH system as are all my other docs. I think she'll have access to previous lab results, if not I can pull them up in my EMR.

I could use words of wisdom, advice, a kick in the butt (if necessary), etc.

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Beta-blockers :: Ramipril - Very Congested Cough

My experienced with ramipril for high blood pressure was that I had a very bad cough, not a dry cough, but a very congested cough which I suffered for about three months. Although I returned to the Doctor after having the cough for about 6 weeks they still didn't take me off the ramipril - but gave me antibiotics this was despite me saying I felt it might be the ramipril - sometimes they don't listen. I was told to come back after 3 weeks which I did the anti biotics has done nothing - what a surprise and I was beginning to think I had developed some sort of severe Lung problem. I could hardly speak without coughing, I could not sleep for coughing, my chest felt like it would burst, I was physically sick from coughing. Doctor then thought it may be a good idea to stop taking ramipril I am now taking Atenolol - watch this space.

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Overactive Thyroid :: Stopping Carbimazole - Only Beta Blockers?

I was diagnosed with overactive thyroid 6 weeks ago, i was put on carbimazole and beta blockers. Initially i felt loads better and could actually function nearly as normal. the beta blockers were stopped after 4 weeks. after check up 3 days ago they have stopped the carbimazole completely and put me back on beta blockers as my thyroid is nearly underactive but my heart rate is far too high. Im now back to how i was before. tired, giddy, nauseous, sweating and shaking. I have a 15 month old son and struggling to function. Can this be good just stopping carbimazole just like that i m back to square one!

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Beta-blockers :: Weight Gain/loss On Atenolol Dosage

I was taking 100mg for 3 years and had tremendous weight gain and began getting numb toes and fingers. My GP reduced the dose to 50 mg and within the first month I lost a whole kilo and my bp dropped. Now trying to stop smoking too and with Zyban, and sleeping tabs I am getting night sweats and feel generally wiped out, so with gp's consent we are dropping the Atenolol totally and see what happens. Good luck to all out there who have found problems and I hope you find suitable solutions without the side effects.

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(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: Tired Of Being Tired And Not Being Able To Sleep

I can't wait to be able to sleep any position I want especially on my tummy. 10 days till due date.. I know I'll be able to sleep better whe. Babe is here eve with having the nightly feeding.

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Lupus :: Tired Of Being Tired All The Time

i am new to these discussions but I do know how many of you feel. I have mentioned that I was diagnosed with mixed connective disease, lupus, fibromyalgia and who the hell knows what else. I can't work becuause if I sit to long, my legs start falling asleep. If I stand to long, my legs start aching. I feel exhausted all the time like when I wake up in the morning, I could just as easily go back to bed and sleep my entire life away. I wish there was something in a bottle that gave you energy. I miss my old life when I used to work out all the time and had enough energy for 10 people and then one morning I woke up and couldn't bend my leg back, it just wouldn't work so my family doctor sent me to a rheumatoidologist and he is the one that took all my blood from my body, that's what it feels like sometimes, and gave me the great news of having all these diseases but no medication seemed to work. I went to another rheumatoidologist and he put me on Lyrica which helps my upper joints but my legs were in such pain I felt like it was to much to even walk down the hall. Now along with my family doctor, my rheumatologist and my pain doctor, I take Lyrica for joint pain and oxycodone and fentenal patches for pain, especially when my mixed connective disease starts up, it just brings my systemic lupus to life and I get the butterfly rashes mostly on my upper arms which adds to my stress which makes my fibro flare up and gives me pain in my legs and then it just starts over. It seems to be a cycle especially when it's hot. I also start sweating like I was in a sauna all day just on my head and face. People look at me like did you know your sweating like a pig. It's embarrassing but I don't know what to do about that so I put ice on my head at night to keep my head cool so I won't start swearing. I've never had that problem before but only since these diseases came and decided to stop on my little doorstep. I am a true believer that stress can cause all sorts of bad things including diseases. I am just going to try to start yoga but I have to absolutely force myself to do this. I start next week. The worse thing I could have done 12 years ago when I was diagnosed with all this crap was to stop exercising.

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Depression :: Depressed, Got Better, Depressed Again


Yes, I was one of those annoying people who all the teachers liked.

Once, one of my professors even told me I was one of the "golden children" of my year. I suppose I worked so hard to get good grades because all my life I had been encouraged and enabled to do my best. I was used to success. In college I even overcame my shyness and gained a lot of good friends and a handful of real, true friends who I deeply care for. I had a part-time job in my fiend that I worked between classes, and I was looking forward to continuing my upward climb to success.

So when I lost my out-of-college job because the company had a financial catastrophe that made it impossible for them to hire me, I figured, "Hey, I'll just get another job and move on with my life. No big."

But almost a year later I still didn't have a job, and because I'm inherently introverted I had lost touch with most of my friends because they were all too far away to see in person and I'm terrible at keeping up with social media. I was living at home with my parents, sleeping in the spare bed in my sisters' room, and slowly realizing that all the people who were "Looking forward to seeing me succeed in the future" were going to be direly disappointed in me.


New Year 2013 brought on odd feelings. I still had hope that things would improve, but they consistently didn't. I lost a few big freelance clients that I was counting on because I made a few dumb mistakes, and that made things worse. I started crying in the bathroom for "no reason," not understanding why I was feeling so down and out when I still had potential, I just wasn't living up to it yet.

Fast forward a few months and I had basically given up on myself. I believed I was a loser, someone who had let down the many people who had trusted me with their wisdom and advice. I wasn't one of the "golden children," I was a pathetic fake who couldn't even call someone on the phone without feeling incredibly anxious, much less actually interview for a job. All the confidence I'd gained in college was gone and I felt even less sure of myself than I did in high school.

It was like the "real me" got locked in a room somewhere and I couldn't find her.

My mom noticed I was moody and finally confronted me about it, but instead of helping it only made me feel like she was even more disappointed in me and fed my unconfidence even more. Then, one day, after my mom got angry at me once again for being unable to communicate my real thoughts because I was so confused myself, my dad came out and let me sit there and cry until I had composed myself enough to speak. He was calm enough to keep me relatively calm and we discovered that the depression was probably coming from a few different sources. I was feeling lonely without my friends. I was back in my childhood home and reverting to the unconfident person I used to be. I was disappointed in myself and projecting imagined feelings of disappointment from others onto myself. I never got out of the house so I felt isolated. I wasn't making a steady income and that was stressing me out. Etc.

I decided to stop freelancing full time and get a job so I could at least get out of the house, make a steady income, and be around people. But after several interviews that were just awful because I either didn't have enough qualifications for that particular job or because I was having an off day and feeling really socially awkward, I didn't get any of the jobs.


I revamped my hope. But then it got crushed.

I'm still not as bad as I was last year, but I'm starting to feel like randomly crying again and sometimes my skin feels like it's going to wriggle off with how much I just want to get out of my house. I'm so afraid that I'm going to delve back into self-loathing-ville again, and I know that I sabotage myself when I'm like that. I so do not want to lost this tiny bit of momentum I've achieved, but I can't make things move faster. I can't get a job any faster, I can't get a car until I have money from a job, I can't get a job sometimes because I don't already have a car, I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm going crazy.


I know a lot of people around my age are going through things like this but for my particular situation does anyone know how to help me push through until things improve? I'm getting so tired of feeling so bad and I'm losing my energy trying to keep going. My parents are enabling me to stay home and do nothing but I don't want to stay home and do nothing! I want to get a job and be independent and have autonomy and start becoming who I used to be again so I can be a confident, awesome person! AAH!

Also, right now I'm not feeling so bad so I have a sense of humor, but in an hour or so I might be curled up in the bathroom crying into a towel so no one will hear me. I got on this forum in the first place because my skin was feeling antsy and I wanted to get away so badly and I wanted to know if other people felt the same way. Crazy mood swings, anyone?

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Thyroid :: Tired Of Being Tired

Here's a brief background and symptoms I've been having. I've been a migraine sufferer since my preteens. Mainly migraines with aura but also morning headaches etc. about 7 yrs ago I gained 40 lbs very quickly over a 1-2 yr period and was exhausted all the time. I went to pcp office and saw a dr other than my own. She commented on my weight gain like she was appalled and asked if I was depressed. I did not feel depressed just frustrated mostly. She did a tsh test and said it was normal. I was also having what I was told was possibly ibs (mostly d but also c) and have dealt with this for the past 7 yrs as well. Skip ahead a couple years I noticed a correlation between the ibs and eating gluten products. I visited with my dr and he had me get a celiac panel. The results came up negative. I should also mention I was eating gf before the test so wonder how that may have effected the results. Fall/winter 2011 I was extremely fatigued, sore joints, muscle aches, hard time falling and staying asleep, noticed cold bothering me more ( I live in New England) so in January I found a new dr near where I lived. He basically said that it may be seasonal affective disorder even tho I told him I really didn't feel depressed just exhausted. After basic bloodwork as well as tsh and the wrong vitamin d test he said all was normal, get some rest. All I could think was gee thanks. So I saw another dr shortly after who was great but he tested me for Lyme and lupus which were both neg and also the correct vit d test which showed I was at a 6 and severely deficient. After a few months 50000 iu and then continued 1000 iu daily with some results of less fatigue. A couple months ago I started to feel the extreme leg cramps again, joint pain especially in knees and wrist, extreme fatigue as well as new symptoms of ringing in ears, dry scaly skin that I can literally rub off. I have always lost a lot of hair with showering and brushing but it seems like more lately. I called my pcp and asked for another vit d test thinking it may be related. come to find out it was a 17 so not as low as before but still low. I've done a little research and I feel like it could be hypothyroidism but I am unsure exactly what I should request for tests from my dr. I don't want to waste money on something if it doesn't seem needed. Any advice would be greatly welcome. I am just tired of being tired and frustrated.

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Depressed And Don't Know Why

So I really didn't know where or how else to express this but this seems like a good place. To be honest, I have a great life. I absolutely love my job, have amazing friends and my home life is wonderful. I'm not to happy about being a little overweight but guess what? I'm hitting the gym and have already lost 5 lbs. In the money department I'm doing okay, could always be better but I'm paying my bills and saving where I can.

Yesterday I woke up exhilarated and ready to take on the world. I had a great day at work and a good work out. This morning I woke up completely depressed and bummed out. I have no idea why this happening. I honestly have no reason to be upset or depressed yet I just wanted to crawl into a hole or be invisible all day long and just had this feeling of depressed all day long, even as I'm writing this.

This seems to happen to me a lot! Sometimes it's like the example above and sometimes it can be multiple times a day. I'll go for a couple hours feeling blessed and happy and then out of nowhere it goes away and I'm depressed and feel like I want to disappear. This can go back and forth several times in a day sometimes.

I'm not sure if I'm just nuts or if this is normal. Anyways, I figured I'd put up a post and see what you all have to say. If you're the same way, if you've gotten any good advice. Thanks for taking the time to read though.

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Hypothyroidism :: Am I Depressed?

I have been on meds for just over a year now, tsh now down to 0.62 was 69 when diagnosed have made lifestyle changes as in reduced working hours started on 150mg then put down to 100mg now back up to 125 mg I do feel better but still get very tired and anxious about the silliest of things almost paranoid have no self confidence or sex drive (just as well I'm single) have zero interest in a social life and will make any excuse to avoid going out apart from going to work, the mother of ones of my sons friends is hypo and her gp prescribed antidepressants alongside her meds just wondered if anyone has any thoughts on this due to see GP again next week and thinking of asking if I may have a touch of depression.

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Depressed After Break Up

This friend I had she stayed with me and my boyfriend for a week and a half because she broke up with her boyfriend. She really hurt me badly. She told me and my boyfriend that she needed a break from her boyfriend and then she starts calling him and going back to his place to spend quality time with him. She does not keep to her word she said she was going to go out for Easter with me and my boyfriend and her young son then she changes it and says that she is going to spend Easter with her boyfriend and son. This girl does not know what she wants. She leaves him every time they fight and then she gets back together with him. 

My boyfriend and i heard her say that she was back with her boyfriend so yesterday we asked her to leave 

She told me all i do is tell stories which i do not and she called me a bitch. 

We opened our place to this girl and her son and it hurts me so much i could not even sleep at all last night. I was crying, I was angry and hurt and this is the second time she hurt me because last year she harassed me over the phone and said verbally abusive stuff to me last year in texts messages to me to where i had to take her to court 

After all that i have done and been good to her she treats me and my boyfriend like dirt and it hurts 

It hurts so much The her boyfriend goes to the same mental health facility me and my boyfriend goes too and I don't want to go back there at all while he is there because he has caused me pain too and my boyfriend does not like that 

I have been crying all night and just so angry i don't understand why she does this to me and my boyfriend 

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Am I Depressed? Suicidal Thoughts Every Day

I have suicidal thoughts every day, real vivid ones, I know where, when, how etc. sometimes I cry and I'm not sure why and when i start it can be hours till I've stopped completely, I don't mean all out bawling btw, just teary really, but that's the bad days most the time I feel fairly content, I can laugh and joke and go out with friends. I think I've lost my purpose in life I feel like I don't know why I'm here or what I'm meant to do but I don't feel what I imagine depression to feel like. 

Throughout this though the good and bad I think of suicide every day like I said but every thought ends with me being found in time, ends with me being saved.

Do you think I need help and if so where do you go and what do you say? I'm not good at expressing myself or talking to people, none of friends or family know I feel this way. Is this normal ?

Do I just need to man up and get on with life?  

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Am I Depressed? Cry All The Time - Have No Patience

I really dont know whats wrong with me. I'm 24, have a good job and work 33 hours a week. I have a 4 yr old daughter who is at school and a partner.

I feel really down and upset most of the time. I can't shake it off. I'm miserable. Cry all the time. Have no patience. Want to be on my own. Don't want to be with my partner and been having an affair for 12 months. The littlest thing really annoy me.

all my family live close by but i rarely see them. I have a mother that chooses her wife beater of a bf over her children/grandchildren. I have a dad that i used to be really close with to now a dad that doesn't speak to me doesn't care. I need my parents support but i don't have it. I see my friends have such supportiveparentss and i just wish i had that. I know im 24 but i still need them.

I got pregnant at 19 and was not ready. My partner pretty much said he would finish it if i didn't have the baby. I had no support during or after the pregnancy. I used to cry every day of my pregnancy and every day whilst on maternity.

i gained 4 stone during that time but lost it after 1 yr on slimming world. The past 9 months i've been feeling lost and all along and slowly piled two stone bk on.

I wanna go to the docs and get help of to someone for help i can cope anymore. I thought i cud but i can't. I don't have any time for me. On my own.

My day consists of waking up getting ready and my child. Breakfast dropping to school. Start work finish work. Pick child up. Go home tidy up. Feed dog cook tea. Bath and bed for child. Cook our tea. Have a shower go to bed.

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Am I Depressed? Don't Get Enjoyment Out Of The Activities

Basically I feel like I may have had depression for a long time and not realised it. My parents divorced when I was at school and I was definitely depressed after that as I was diagnosed by a doctor, but I thought it had gone away. However recently I have been reflecting upon myself and have come to the realisation that I don't get enjoyment out of the activities that I do and the people I interact with. I have a full social life and am sure to make my schedule busy however I feel that this may be me trying to give myself something to feel happy and excited about in order to try to get myself to feel some positive emotion. I find myself not really caring much about a lot of things. For example I have always been very passionate about the environment and wanting to get a job as a conservationist however since starting university I don't really seem to care that much about it any more or about studying hard go get the grades to achieve my goal. I am tired of feeling anxious about every situation and like people are judging me all the time; I know these feelings are ridiculous but I just cannot shake them and they are interfering a lot with my ability to function as a normal person and to be myself. I am so worried about what other people think that I tend to make a mess of things which just exacerbates the problem. Also I feel quite empty inside and like I don't really know what I am about any more, which holds me back from making any meaningful connections with people as I am unsure as to how to portray myself as I don't feel like I really know who I am any more. Basically I feel like I have the potential to be much better as a person but there is something that is holding me back and I cant seem to work out what that is. I used to be an extremely expressive and eloquent person who could speak their mind but somewhere along the line I lost that and now I seem to hold myself back and am full of constant worry. I am at the point where I just need something to change as I cant stand to continue to feel like this. Also I oversleep all the time and struggle to get to sleep at any time before midnight, and I am also constantly achy and tense. I feel like I am different from my peers just in my daily life and I feel like I stand out when I used to feel like I fit in and was just like the people around me. Any advice and help would be really appreciated.

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Depressed Because Of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

I'm 22 years old. But i feel like I'm older. Last year they diagnosed me with hs. I had out way before that but never got it treated because i was embarrassed. I have it everywhere. I have open wounds in both armpits. I have some in the back of neck, groin and under breast. They are extremely painful. I don't even go out anymore because i tend to start smell bad due to my armpit lesions. I've also have a lymph node on the side of my neck that is worries me. Idk if it due to the open wounds that i have in my neck. I'm so embarrassed to go to the doctor again. But i see no way out. My primary doctor is useless he doesn't know about this and just send me to the ER. I'm so depressed i don't know what i can do. This wounds won't heals.

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Depression :: Very Depressed And I Hate Myself

I'm a 60 year old woman and I really cant cope with the fact that I'm old and gaining weight.  I just cant stop eating chocolate and other snacks it's really hopeless...I so wish I was dead,  this time a year ago I weight 10 kg less and the last year I have seen my body change so much.I wish I could lose weight.

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Depression :: Depressed - Hate Being Alone

I'm a 20 year old guy...I'm at a point in my life where ive realised that i had to get rid of my old friends in order to be happy.My old friends were all losers,they were all pessimistic,never got girls,always complained,never wanted to go to parties etc. I live in greece and during summer its really beuatiful here,lots of people,lots of parties and fun..All those summers i spent with my old friends and them compaining that in order to get laid or be accepted in a group you have to be "in" or have a car,a hot body,money etc.We never did anything..Just moaning and complaining...Whenever i was with them i always dreamed of being somewhere else..With other people,doing trips around the beautiful beaches,go to parties etc. I decided i have to get rid of them because i want to make a new start in my life.. The thing is im completely alone at the moment..And its making me really depressed..Depressed because now im alone with my thoughts....Where should i meet new people?? I want to meet optimistic,outgoing people...I don't want to look back

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Pregnancy :: So Depressed - Unplanned Baby

I'm 29 weeks today and my mood is so low. I just want to cry. This is my first baby and it wasn't planned. I even had the morning after pill. I'm very lucky to have a supportive husband but I can't help feeling so anxious and depressed. I should be over the moon. We did want children just not yet.
Pregnancy isn't the wonderful experience I'd always imagined.  I'm finding it difficult and debilitating. But I do want this baby. I'm just scared.

I don't know how to improve my mood or way of thinking.  I really am in a bad place and I feel selfish for feeling low. I'm pathetic

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