Chest Pain :: Shortness Of Breath Back Pain

I've been having a squeezing pain below sternum for 2 weeks it comes and goes and in the middle of my chest to and sharp pains on the sides I get lower back pain and my upper abdomens get really tender and the worst part is my breathing it's been harder to breath lately and I get fluttering in my chest I got 2 kegs and 2 X rays and blood tests I had a little bit of a abnormal rhythm the dr said nothing bad tho I'm worried about heart problems or cardiac arrest but they keep saying its stress and to go talk to my dr for more tests

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Anxiety :: Chest Pain, Shortness Of Breath And Pounding Heart

Hello I am 22 and I've been suffering from anxiety for about a year! I've been through it all, 5 hospital visits, various doctors, and I still don't believe it's anxiety but I have been proven it is! I've also been on various medications and I had been doing very well until the past month! My husband's brother age 23 passed tragically from a gun accident and my grandpa passed of cancer the next week! Since then I have had chest pain, shortness of breath, pounding heart and just an uneasy feeling! In general I thought that I handled all this very well but my symptoms say otherwise! I guess what I'm asking is can death cause my anxiety to increase even if I didn't notice! The chest pains are what scare me the most but I keep telling myself it's just anxiety because I've had a sonogram some of my heart and he said it's perfectly fine and I have no family history of heart problems and I'm only 22, went to doc yesterday and blood pressure was 124/75! I guess I don't understand how all my medical tests can be perfect but I don't feel perfect! Advice anyone?

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Postmenopausal :: Anemia - Extreme Fatigue, Shortness Of Breath, Chest Pain

I am 56 postmenopausal woman, having these symptoms: extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, left side headaches, tingling on left side of face, nausea, hair loss, intense all over pain, bad memory and concentration. The gp did blood work and my iron was 56, the transferring was 307, saturation was at 13%, ferritin was 16. She wasn't concerned until I pushed the issue of feeling so bad and she added 325 of iron tablets everyday. Been taking this 3 weeks now and feel worse. Gp says probably my fibromyalgia and wants me to see a neurologist. I'm at my wits end, I cannot function anymore from the exhaustion, pain and headaches. Any info would greatly be appreciated. Thanks, Pam

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Chest Pain :: Coughing On Deep Breath And Pain

Whenever I take a deep breath i begin to cough. and whenever i cough i have this pain in my chest. i haven't exercised in a while and just started playing tennis again with my friends. this didn't occur until that day but it even continued days after i played. Should i be worried?

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General :: Joint Pain, Back Pain, Chest Pain, Fatigue

I'm a 17 year old female and I'm hoping somebody can help me out. I've been sick and out of school for over a month now. It all started with severe back as chest pains that were diagnosed as pleurisy. We later found out that I did not have pleurisy though. Through a series of blood tests my ANA came back very positive (I took it twice just to be sure, 2 weeks apart from each other) so my doctors were looking at lupus. Those were my only symptoms at the time though. Starting this past Sunday I've been having joint pains particularly in my wrists up my forearms to my elbows and in my hands. When I move my wrists they keep popping too which is strange to me. I'm always exhausted now which is so unlike me. I play lacrosse and am an in shape teenager but everything seems to be spiraling downward for me.

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Backache :: Thoracic Back Pain And Sharp Chest Pain?

quick history:

- I had a minor chest pain for a year where this was investigated via ECG and appeared no cardiac issue.

-In January 2016 went back to my GP regarding chest pain and lower back pain. Referral request to physiotherapy was made.

-early March, I had what I believe to be chest infection coughed up mucus with blood, NHS 111 advising that this is fine.

- In March 2016, still on physio waiting list and went back to my GP again because the chest pain became very sharper accompanied by sharp upper back pain. At this point no paint at the lower back. GP believes there's nothing they can do apart from just to wait for physio. I was told that the pain is likely from structural problem so no point in investigating further.

-now mid April, I'm still waiting for my first physio appointment and I'm concerned that during this waiting period my thoracic back pain got worse as well as chest pain to the extent that it even hurts when I move eg deep breathing. 

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Can Chest Pain Be Linked To Shoulder And Back Pain?

can chest pain be linked to shoulder and back pain?

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Chest Pain :: Very Acidic And Lower Back Pain

Firstly i suffer from Bile Acid Malabsorption i have no idea if these things could be linked to this but i thought id mention it, i have had issues with acid reflux or just having a lot of heartburn for a long time, and have been using things like zantac daily for a while, but normally the heartburn and chest pains pass, but currently i am having severe chest pains multiple times a day as well as being very acidic, and the tablets don't help, i am also having bad lower back pain but only on the sides where my kidneys would be, and when i bend over i get a stabbing pain there.

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Chest Pain :: Smoke Too Much - Sometimes Find Difficult To Breath

i smoke too much these days, i tried to leave but that's too not very easy. i felt some pain in my chest and sometimes find difficult to breath.....can you please answer my question

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Pleurisy? Short Of Breath, Bad Coughing And Chest Pain

History. About 3 months ago I started coughing really bad. Mostly getting out in the cold and talking or laughing triggered it. After 2 visits to the doctor, was told I had adult onset asthma. Went on albuterol inhaler. Within a few days, was coughing green (sorry to be gross, but you get the picture now!) and was very congested. Went back. Now I had asthma, ear infections, sinus infections, bronchitis. Antibiotic, decongestant and antihistamine were prescribed. Next the breathing symptoms got much worse. Short of breath a lot. Went back. Now I received a nebulizer, a new antibiotic and steroid for the severe asthma. Breathing got worse. Now chest x-rays and new antibiotic and new steroid.

Fast forward 3 months. Coughing is better. I'm not on an medications now. But I have this very sharp pain in the left side of my chest, just beneath the breast. While it doesn't hurt to breath, it is VERY painful to cough and sneeze. Turning a certain way or lifting something feels deadly. Also, I cannot lie down flat. Somehow lying down makes this pain so much worse.

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Abdominal Pain :: Pelvic Pain, Frequent Urination, Stomach Pain And Back Pain

I have had issues with a frequent urination and a constant pressure on my bladder for over a year now. But since January of this year I have been experiencing extreme pain in my low low abdomen (like groin/cervix area). The pain also resides in my stomach and back. My ribs are sore to touch and I am constantly achy. I have been to the doctors who have done internal exams and say that everything LOOKS ok. I am 20 years old and my periods are regular. The pain is becoming a real problem and I'm becoming increasingly concerned. I have had ultrasounds on my pelvis and kidneys and they were fine. I've been put on meds to stabilise my bladder, but the gynaecologist won't see me for another 4 months. I know there is something further wrong with me - I can't understand why the pain keeps occurring. I don't enjoy having sex due to pain and a constant discomfort and pressure-like feeling. I'm starting to get very depressed as there is no diagnosis being made and all the tablets I am given do nothing.

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Anxiety :: Ongoing Heart Wall Pain, Chest Pain, Radiating Pain, And Headache?

After my mistake (HIV scare) I have all these symptoms heart wall pain, chest wall pain, radiating pain to the whole body, and headache, and cough and sputum.  X-ray 6 times in 6 months and doctors can not see what is wrong with me. Do I have a virus going inside my body? A viral infection?

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Chest Pain :: Sharp Pain / Piercing Pain In My Heart, Lungs, Or Liver

i am 18 years old, but the symptoms start from when i was about 13 years old. the occurrence of the symptoms was seldom, but now since i was in senior high school, it started to occur more often. sometimes it will attack several times a day but sometimes it will attack after several days had passed.

the symptoms are pierced-like pain in lungs, heart, or liver. sometimes it happen in my stomach but i assumed that it was because i eat something. sometimes a shortness of breathing happen and i coughed a lot, i didn't cough blood though. can you help me?

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica :: Chest Pain And Painful When Coughing Or Taking Deep Breath

I was diagnosed with PMR almost two years ago , now down to 4 mg of prednisone a day. I generally am feeling very good except I have some chest pain when I breath deeply and cough. At times it feels like I have a lung problem caused by smoking except I never did smoke.  I have been fully checked out by cardiac specialists and they tell me my heart is excellent. I am careful regarding diet and exercise regularly. Have anyone had similar pain ?  Thanks


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Heart :: Chest Pain, Left Shoulder Pain And Jaw Pain

I saw a cardiologist in september of last year and he assured me everything was normal. I see a cardiologist every few years to check on my arrhythmia that has been a pain in the butt for years.

I am 28 year old female. I have been having pain in my left chest, left shoulder and right jaw for about 5 days now. Yesterday, I went to the ER because it felt like someone was stabbing me in between my shoulder blades and I couldn't catch my breath.

They did a rapid EKG and a blood test when I walked in the door. The nurse said, I doubt anything is wrong with your heart its probably an ulcer or something. So they took me to a room and got me settled in. The doctor comes in a tells me my blood test showed that I either had a heart attack or I am going to have a heart attack!! Really?!?? Totally started freaking.

They re-ordered the blood tests twice after that. They came back normal. Both of my EKGS were normal and a CT scan with contrast of my chest came back normal. They sent me home.

I am still freaking out. My left arm/shoulder is really sore. I am trying to re-assure myself that nothing is wrong or else they wouldn't let me leave, right?
I just need re-assurance to trust the doctors and not let my mind go to that place....What could be the problem?

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Chest Pain :: Hard Lump On My Chest - Pain On Breathing, Exercising Etc

I am a 27 years old male and have been suffering from some left chest pain for the past two weeks. The pain worsens when taking a deep breath, exercising, lying down, and even talking. Along with the the chest pain I get a sharp stabbing pain in my back when doing all the same activities. The weirdest thing is I have a hard lump on my chest that is painful to touch. It doesn't get better with ice or heat and pain medications don't seem to help either.

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Ovarian Cysts :: Lot Of Lower Back Pain, Side Pain, Abdominal Pain

I recently had a CT for another issue, however the CT showed a 6 cm cyst on the left ovary and a 3 cm cyst on the right ovary. I have had a lot of lower back pain, side pain, abdominal pain and constipation. Should I be concerned??

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Back Issues :: Chest, Arm And Upper Back Pain

I am 29 and Female. I have been under a great deal of stress lately. I have been having some minor health problems that cause my mind to go to that dark place. I am having very irregular periods and GERD/Gallbladder issues. Also, I am planning a wedding and my mother was just diagnosed with Lung cancer about 2 weeks ago.

My upper back across the "meaty" part of my shoulders has been so tight and painful. If my fiance rubs them, he finds all kinds of trigger points that are so painful to the touch I can't breathe. In the middle of my upper back I feel a sharp pain sometimes. My neck muscles are tight as well as the tops of my arms down to my elbows. On occasion my fingers tingle.

As of the past 2 days I feel a pressure on my chest right below my collar bone. If I yawn I can feel my throat muscles get sore. The very top of my sternum is tender to the touch. It almost feels bruised.

I did a little bit of research and it seems that all of these problems are connected. The scalene muscle group can cause all of these problems. I am going to see a massage therapist on thursday. Hopefully I get some relief.

Another bit of info, I have a desk job. I am at a computer for 10 hours a day. I work 60 + hours a week. I had a chest CT scan with contrast in July and it came back clear. ( unrelated incident ) So I believe I can rule out anything major. The scan is only 3 months old.

My question is; has anyone else experienced this? If so, what did you do to ease your symptoms? I have tried muscle rub so far. Doesn't help much...I am going to ice the areas today and see if that helps.

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Back Pain :: Sciatic Pain Has Gotten Severe, Sharp Pain In My Pelvic

I have had lower back pain for years. It always gets worse when lying down for long periods or bending over for long periods. I've also had sciatic pain in my left leg for years. It comes and goes. Recently I have started to get the same pain in my right leg. The sciatic pain as gotten severe. I also have some other new symptoms. One new symptom is searing pain in my knee sometimes when I'm standing or when I bend my leg all the way in. The other is sharp pain in my pelvic area. Are these connected? Can you please possibly tell me what is going on? The only notable health history I have is ovarian cysts.

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