Cannabis Addiction :: Insomnia After Quiting Smoking

When first I quit smoking I don't have any insomnia, but after 5 months my insomnia starting now one day I just can sleep 2hour. any body got the same symptoms like me?? Hopefully this will not be a serious illness.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Insomnia After Quitting (non-heavy Smoker)

For the past 3-4 months, I have smoked pot ONCE (depending on mood 1-3 joints) every night to help me go to sleep faster. I've never had insomnia problems or addiction problems before these few months (smoked 2-3 times a week for 6 months prior; and once or twice a month for 5 years before that). Now I find it extremely difficult to go to sleep. My body feels warm everywhere and even if I manage to fall asleep eventually, I never managed to fall into deep sleep and normally wake up within 4 hours feeling unrested. Any advice or similar experiences?

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Depo-Provera? Constant Migraines, Bloating, Irritation And Unexplained Anger

I was on the depo for a year. The first 3 months were fine, no side effects at all. The second month started the pain. Constant migraines, bloating, irritation and unexplained anger, depression, mood swings, panic attacks, and severe hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia so bad that I had to eat ALL THE TIME or I would be close to fainting.

I never got the 4th shot. Coming off of the depo was complete torture. I was more depressed, I was fighting with my fiance so much that we almost broke off a multiple year relationship.. I was suicidal for a long time. But the problem is, the symptoms from coming off of it never got any better.

It's been 2 years, and I"m still depressed. Almost suicidal most days. I"ve been off and on a few different antidepressants and mood stabilizers but they only help until something triggers me into a depressive-bipolar state. I've also gained close to 50 pounds since coming off and that hasn't helped the depression either =/ (no real change in diet or exercise. I exercise the same but honestly eat better than I did when I was on it)

Is it even possible for the depo to be affecting me still? Could it have permanently affected me?

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Menopause :: Magnesium Supplements To Help Insomnia / Restlessness?

I've been reading a lot of ladies posts about insomnia and restlessness at bedtime.  I'm murder:  my legs seem to have a mind of their own, they're all over the place!

I think I probably sleep better some nights than I imagine. But I suppose as I can sometimes get up for a wee up to 5 times a night at certain times of the month, I deem 2 trips to the bathroom in the night a good kip!

Well someone suggested Magnesium Citrate to help with insomnia.  I did a little Google research and found it could be good for a myriad of my Peri symptoms, not least the restless legs and bouts of insomnia.

My husband and son are pretty fit and go to the gym 4 times a week. Both have had occasional bouts of cramp and now my ol' man has a problem just above his achilles tendon area (hoping its a torn muscle above). 

Well, my point here is that it would appear that Magnesium may help them with their problems too! 

I'm taking Menopace Original for B&D Vits.  Notice it has 100mg of Magnesium too.  I read that women's RDA for Magnesium is 350mg, so I'll supplement my Menopace dose with the tablets I got today.

Oh, and before I forget, it also talks about helping digestive transit, which is great seeing as most every month I change my name to Mrs Constipated.  At this rate I'll be swinging from the chandelier in no time!!

I'll report back in a week or so to give it time to work - or not. Be nice to hear from anyone else who's had good results with Magnesium.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Anxiety After Weed?

I shared a joint (weed + tabac) with a few friends about 2/3 weeks ago (my first time), and I'm scared because my body just doesn't feel right ever since.

Because I do have Obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety problems, the immediate hours following the smoke I just couldn't relax and paranoia began to hit me. I had a bit of a panic attack, during which I was disturbed to notice these tiny flashes or floaters in my vision and a slight loss of concentration in 1 eye.

Anyway,anxiety hit me BIG TIME the following week when I noticed this things were still in my field of vision ! I was absolutely terrified, an emotional wreck because I believed (still sort of do) that I had made a huge mistake and screwed up my vision and life for good. I started having periodic shooting eye pains as well which added to the anxiety. However, I went to the opticians and was given the all clear. After this I told myself to relax and began to feel a bit better.....the pain in my eyes eased up. the 2nd week more symptoms started to follow. I became light headed and weak, periodic ear pain, changes in heart rate and had cold shakes many times during the day. I also began to experience chest pains and pressure on my head developed. It's been a horrible chain reaction, as the symptoms intensified so did the anxiety and that led to me having horrible nightmares and difficulties getting a good night's sleep
I can't believe I'm saying this but my body shape is also slightly out of line. The head and neck are titled slightly away from body. And that's not something im imaging, because my friends have said that when they look closely they can spot it too. When I do force my body to align itself properly, I feel discomfort in my chest. The pressure on the head is still there, especially coming from the back. Sometimes when I bend down or I move my jaw when eating.....I don't know it's really difficult to explain but I experience pressure changes on my head and things just feel wrong.

I suppose my question this sequence of symptoms all to do with my stress/anxiety and my mind?.....Or has the marijuana created all or parts of this and messed up my body?

On a broader note.......should people like myself with OCD/anxiety brain chemistry smoke marijuana. Are the risks greater for us?

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Cannabis Addiction :: Anxiety Caused By Marijuana Abuse

I'm 19 years old and began smoking weed back when I was 16. It all started for fun and the first 2 years of the weed use were pretty normal, you know smoking a few times per month but no dependency or any abuse from the drug. Within time I began smoking more and more until I got to the point of smoking every single day on every single occasion. I began abusing of weed back in October 2012 and kept increasing my drug usage within time. I smoked every single day.. From monday to thursday I would usually smoke every night and on weekends I would smoke all day long. I kept this habit for around 6 months. (Some days I would smoke in the morning and all day long). Anyway, I began feeling paranoid on my last months of using weed. It all changed back in June. I was in the car on a long road trip together with my brother and my mom. My mom was driving and I was not high at all.. I had smoked a little in the morning from that day but nothing to worry about. Anyway, when we were traveling in the car, I began feeling pretty scared about a thought that came in to mind. The thought was about me punching my mom, although I love my mom with my entire life and would never do anything bad to her. I didn't know what a panic attack was at all, I didn't know what the symptoms of anxiety were and didn't know what the hell was happening to me. Anyway, I began to feel very very scared. We got to the hotel and I tried to forget about that scary thought my smoking later on that day. On the next day, the thought was still in my mind and I kept fighting with it until I researched and knew I suffered from a panic attack. I never in life had experienced anything similar to it and never had any type of anxiety issues. Since that experience, I decided to quit smoking pot so I did cold turkey. I also quit smoking cigarette and reducing my alcohol usage. Later on, I began experiencing the withdrawal symptoms. Extreme anxiety, panic attacks every day, and began to feel weird around my parents since I got that scary thought. I coped with it and the symptoms reduce their intensity one month after. I was feeling pretty good a month ago, coping with a little anxiety but everything seemed ok. But two weeks ago my anxiety was raised and worsened again. Now I'm feeling very scared because I'm not sure if I'm still experiencing withdrawals or if I really developed and anxiety disorder because of my weed use abuse. I get anxious every time I remind myself that I'm anxious, I'm scared of feeling this way my entire life and scared of thinking I screwed my life up. Has anyone experienced anything similar to this and cured from it????? Was my anxiety caused by my drug abuse or am I only experiencing withdrawals? Any recommendations? I pray everyday and try to keep myself positive every day. I'm a normal guy.. Some days I feel well but some days are the hell to me. I don't have social anxiety and I keep living my normal life.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Depersonalisation And Anxiety After Smoking Marijuana

I am 19 years old and have been smoking marijuana for a year.  I have now taken a break from smoking weed for the past 2 weeks and  a month ago I had a severe panic attack. I am still somewhat feeling the effects of depersonalisation but they were much more severe a few weeks ago and I have a doctors appointment on the 25th of April. I have never felt panic in my life but on Wednesday over a month ago. I have always felt great when I smoked weed but for some reason this time I felt awful. I had woke up on a March break morning around 11 am and I smoked this good weed that I had never tried before. I always smoke out of bongs and I had smoked right when I woke up so I probably was dehydrated and my blood sugar was low. I know weed lowers blood sugar and it was on an empty stomach. It took about ten minutes and eventually I had tunnel vision, I couldn't look at my tv because the screen was too bright, felt like a mini seizure, heart was racing, sweating, felt like I was choking and I was going to have a heart attack. I realize that you cannot die from a panic attack but it was very uncomfortable. The weird thing is that I have never felt panic at all after smoking weed. I smoked half a bowl of this good weed I had never tried and shortly after I smoked this good regular weed that I am used to. I went to ER and took some tests but I eventually left as I did not want to wait there all day. The first week back to school was frightening but now a month later, school is almost over and I am starting to feel  somewhat normal. Do you think this will just take time for me to completely get over? I have been feeling depersonalisation because things didn't seem real and everything seemed like a dream. I would have to touch myself to see if I was real it seemed and I had bad anxiety ever since. I feel almost normal now but I am wondering if I just need to wait for the weed to get out of my system in order for me to feel normal again. I smoked weed about a week ago and ever since I think I should quit until I figure out my personal life. I have always felt depression even before I started smoking weed. Growing up as a child my mom was an alcoholic and she would give me suicide notes, my brother died when I was 13 and I was attacked by random people near my street a couple years ago which caused some paranoia and increased anxiety about walking outside at night. It's not like weed caused this, I think that it brought out the real me, it brought out my actual problems and I think the herb is just telling me to fix my issues that I have been having for so long. It's been just over a month and I am starting to feel much better. For the longest time my subconscious mind was paying attention to every breath which was hard and annoying to sleep. I still somewhat feel like this but I am starting to accept it and not care. I have a driving test in a couple weeks and I am scared to be honest. The weird thing is, I have always been scared to do new things like driving or getting a job. Even when I was a kid I was afraid to talk to girls, I know this may sound like I am crazy. I have gotten over the fears of talking to girls now though because I am 19 and not 14 any more.  I am hoping to see a psychologist shortly after my doctors appointment which I am hoping to get some clarification and advice to fix my issues. I was also very bullied as a child during elementary school because I was overweight which I think is the reason why I lost a lot of weight and I am now working out daily, mainly running. But, I am very self concious about my body now, I always look in the mirror at my body because I still worry about looking fat and what others think of me. I have always cared about what others think of me which I hate. I think I am getting better at thinking positive now. Another thing is, even before I started smoking weed, I was a very stressed person from school and my personal life. I get in fights with my mom and it stresses me out. She is no longer an alcoholic but it really bothers me even if she has one drink. What I think is weed is not bad for you and cannot harm in very many ways. It can trigger certain things as it had happened to me, but it is physically impossible to die from marijuana. I have smoked weed after my attack and I was fine for the most part. All marijuana does is relax you and increase the serotonin in your brain. It gives you the ability to think more outside the box and it makes you focus on things more which can create a paranoia. Anxiety and depersonalization are in your head. If you think negatively you will react negatively. I want to become a psychologist and I am going to university next year so I know a lot about the mind. I am just wondering if I will get over it and most people say it takes time which I agree with. I will not permanently stop smoking weed but I will definitely cut back drastically.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Fear And Thoughts Of Death - Weed Anxiety

I know the title is a lot to take in but I am hear because it is going on 3 months that I have been going through this. I smoke weed not for the first time or anything but in a while. And I felt like I was actually dying. Now I am not dead at all but this sh*t had me scared to death. And now it's been 3 months and my thoughts won't go back to normal. And I am scared. It's like I can't be happy because what if I just drop dead and die. And I am scared that I will drop dead at anytime. And then I had thoughts like is it really my time to die and I say no. I have to much to live for.

I know I sound like I am whining but I am on here looking for someone who has been through this. Someone who has had these thoughts, panic attacks, head aches, and chest pains. And how they dealt with it and/or got over it. I will also keep posting my progress if its get good or bad. Because I seen some forums and they just stop messaging back and I was scared what happened to them through time.

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Cannabis Addiction :: THC, The Psychoactive Chemical In Cannabis Sativa, Cause Diarrhoea

Does THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) the psychoactive chemical in cannabis sativa cause diarrhoea as well?  I have no idea if thisis the case as all I know is that every time I use Cannabis, well I have to make several urgent detours to the loo!

If not THC, then what else could be in CS that would cause diarrhoea?  (Some people claim that they experience real bad cases of the runs upon discontinuing the use of pot. Now in my case as I do NOT smoke the stuff, as there is already enough air pollution to go around, why pollute the lungs even further? Therefore I eat it in certain baked goods such as the old fashioned Alice B. Toklas brownies. (Could this be the cause of diarrhoea)?

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Cannabis Withdrawal :: Cold Turkey - No Sleep And Appetite

i'm 18 years old and i have been smoking weed a little over 2 years but i have been smoking HEAVY a little over 1.  i stopped smoking weed cold turkey ill say about a week ago.. and i have been experiencing no sleep and no appetite. i know that those are due to not smoking marijuana but i have been getting short of breath lately and having chest pains and my heart is always pounding.  it feels like i'm gonna run out of breath and die. i went to the doctor and had an xray done and they said my lungs are fine.  the doctor said its most likely just the marijuana leaving my system so they treated it as asma and gave me an inhaler. this has been going on about 4,5 days ill say.. sometimes my breathing is fine but most of the time i feel short of breath IS THIS MARIJUANA WITHDRAWAL? 

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Cannabis Addiction :: Getting Paranoid On Pot

i recently went on a bit of a bender on weed this week. i don't normally smoke it, maybe once every 2 months or whenever i get offered some, i stayed round my mates and we did a fair bit, i had about 10 or so cones (that doesn't really sound a lot does it).

i got home later that day, and just started freaking out, i felt sh*t, and then i kept on thinking 'im gonna stay this way forever' and 'you've changed permanently, you're not you anymore' i started sitting on the computer and started telling my friend my problem and got even more freaked out, even now im freaking out, i was shaking thinking im gonna stay like with this sort of paranoia.

is this normal?

i stopped taking anti-depressants a couple months back as well.

is there anything i can start taking to stop me feeling this way or will i get over it in a couple days, this is eating me from the inside.

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Cannabis Addiction :: How Long Does Withdrawal Last ?

So i'll get right to the point. I've been dependant on Marijuana to help me cope with various issues for quite a while now; my last breakup, low-mood (not depression) and social anxiety due to a speech impediment.

I've been using for 6 months now with week long breaks every month or so. 2 weeks ago (when I stopped) out of my own choice I started noticing withdrawal symptoms.

These include - increased heart rate, irritability, insomnia, nausea, lethargy, acid-reflux and decreased appetite. Now out of all these symptoms have dissipated (including social anxiety) with only lethargy (no motivation and energy), irritability, low-mood, anger issues and sore throat remaining. I'm on day 13 of withdrawal.

My question(s) are how long does Cannabis Withdrawal last? Will my low-mood and anger go away and sore throat go away? If so when? The thing that is troubling me the most is my sore throat. It's not extremely bad but it's enough to increase my anger and irritability. 

In regards to low-mood is this normal? I've usually been a happy go-lucky kind of person but now i'm just enraged sometimes and I hate it.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Marijuana With Porn

Substance abusing and drug addicted. marijuana at the moment but adderall and Percocet in the past. Alcohol when I have no marijuana. Marijuana controls my life and I am high 24/7. Developed a porn addiction as a result of my marijuana addiction. I drive high everyday and can't function without my weed. I suffer from diagnosed depression, anxiety and undisguised bipolar disorder. I just broke up with my girlfriend because she was smothering me by trying to get me to get help but she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't care because I need my weed.

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Cannabis Addiction :: First Time Smoking

My boyfriend is 15, he just had his first time smoking marijuana, he do not hide me  anything, he told me everything, but I am worry, i know that each person has a different reaction in the first smoke, he felt totally fine even with more energy and he want to do it another time, I do not want him to become an addict, what I can say to him?

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Cannabis Addiction :: High Protein In Urine?

I went to my doctor last week, and because I am almost 9 months pregnant, they always do a routine urine sample at the beginning of my checkup. I already know that I have extremely low iron levels, and am taking 3 iron supplements a day. Well during this visit, my doc told me that my urine shows that I have high protein levels, and has made me do a 24-hour urine sample for my next visit. Anyways, I was wondering why I might have high protein in my urine, considering I don't eat more meat than the average person, and I'm not generally very active. My father in law said it could be due to too much sex, and I was wondering if this is true, because my fiance and I haven't seized having sex at all during my pregnancy.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Cure To My Derealization / Depersonalization?

I'm 16 years old. I only smoked weed from the middle of September to November 28th and since I quit I've had some withdrawal symptoms: headaches (went away), sleepiness throughout the day (still there), insomnia (I got this like a week and a half ago and I'm pretty sure this is over now), depression (still there), short term memory loss (this just came about a week and a half ago and it's still there), & anxiety/derealization/depersonalization (still there and is the worst of it all)

From a lot of what I read a lot people who go through derealization from weed had experienced derealization while high, never touched it since, and then go through derealization sober (because their brain is still "scared"; that's just my thought on this). I feel like what happened was that a "switch" was turned on in my brain from too much weed, and smoking (just a little bit) again and getting a good, pleasant high would turn that switch off and basically tell my brain that everything's ok as long as I don't overdo it (my panic attack came from smoking WAY too much good weed at once). It makes sense to me but I wanted other opinions on this

Now I know you're probably thinking this is stupid, but I just don't think that since I only smoked for 2 1/2 months I should still have derealization after almost a month and a half of being sober. Now it has gotten better in the past 45 days; I've even seen an improvement since New Years but this is taking a huge toll on me. Now for the reason I say weed could possibly be my cure: From what I understand about DP/DR, it's something that "gains it's power" from worrying about it. And I know when I smoke weed I forget all the BS.

Then again I feel like weed could possibly make things worse than they already are and I don't wanna make these past 45 days wasted time and end up back in square 1. I read that it could take 6 months for this to be over but those were cases for 1+ year smokers. Will it still take 6 months for my 2 month use??? And because I still feel this way I feel like I messed up my brain for good. I just want my memory and sense of reality back!!

PS: I'm planning on going back to weed in the future (I'm talking once a month/every other month, maybe every 3 months) so should I start in moderation now or wait 'til everything's over?

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Cannabis Addiction :: Forget A Lot After Smoking Weed

I'm a 17 year old girl. Im 5/7 and 120 lbs. I don't normally smoke weed I've maybe done it around 4 to 5 times in my life and 2 of those times I had bad relationships but it's been 6 days since I smoked last and I don't feel normal! I feel numb and disconnected I also forget a lot. But yet at times i have moments of clarity. I talked to the people who partake in smoking with me and they feel fine however they also have a high tolerance for it.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Made Me Smart And Creative But ....

I'm 21 years old. I have been smoking hash/pot/cannabis/weed for a year now and I feel that it has changed me psychologically. I fell in love with the herb the first time i smoked it and started doing it regularly thinking it was harmless. Since I believe the drug made everything more interesting I started reading books, music, poetry art in an intoxicated state and enjoyed it quite a lot, particularly I made myself believe that all it did was make me more creative and smart . But without my knowing I started feeling that whether i'm sad or happy I needed to smoke pot. I started doing bad in college and messed up relationship with my friends and parents (although most of them don't know I had started smoking pot). Now I want serious help regarding this? I still believe i'm blaming the herb solely for this damage and that isn't true. But does anyone experience the same scenario? if yes how to cope with it?

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Cannabis Addiction :: My Heart Starts Racing

I smoked some cannabis about 5 days ago and that night my heart starting racing, burning a little. It was doing it for a while so I went to sleep, and when I woke up my chest hurt it wasn't pain that bothered me, I could live with the pain because it wasn't bad. But I was worried, and now it still hurts on the left side, and every now and then I get a little pain in my head. None of this is pain that really bothers me, I'm just worried what should I do?

I've bin told by people that smoke it too that it will go soon, I just want to make sure.

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