3 Small Flesh Colored Penis Bumps (no Itch Or Hurt)

I am extremely worried about 3 small bumps I have noticed on the shaft of my penis. I received unprotected oral sex. Two days later I noticed three small flesh colored bumps. They do not hurt or itch. I am worried they are warts. I applied vinegar to them on 3 different occasions but they never turned white. It has been a week since I noticed them and they have not changed. Could these be genital warts or something else?

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Skin :: Breast Cyst Or Cancer - Red Skin Bump?

On my right breast, I have a red skin bump. This bump is not in my breast tissue, just in my skin. It at first, looked like an ingrown hair, so I left it alone. But it's been a few months, and its still not gone and looks worse. It is red and round/oval shaped. If I squeeze it a yellowish puss will come out and maybe bleed. I have done exams on myself and never feel any lumps inside my breast. I"m really scared! I don't know what a cyst looks like and have never had one before.

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Premature Breast Cancer? Small, Painful Lump Found In Right Breast

I'm in my mid teens, and earlier on this evening, i noticed that my right breast slightly ached, so i checked it out myself and found a lump, which is not visible on the surface of the skin. The lump is located on the left hand side of the right breast, directly next to and underneath the nipple. The nipple on my left breast is flat, which i got checked out earlier in the year by my doctor. The lump inside my breast feels unmovable, possibly quite large, and aches even when its not touched.

I am also two weeks late for my period, which hasn't occurred before.

I need to get this checker out, however, beforehand, i would like some advice on whether or not it could be premature breast cancer, and whether or not it can be treated. I have also read up on the possible link between breast cancer and infertility.

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Breast Cancer :: Indentation In My Left Breast - Family History

I have an indention in my left breast,right above my nipple. it's like a hole. I have family history on my mother's side of breast cancer. Besides cancer what else could it be?

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Breast Cancer Family History - Ache In My Left Breast

Hey, so breast cancer runs in my family and so I check myself regularly. Lately tho I keep getting an ache in my left breast and sometimes the right one. I have had children so they have changed a little but when I feel them I keep feeling lumps and can't tell if they are normal or not.. Sometimes it is tender to press.. I have noticed also my nipples go a little crusty almost (I am so sorry for that info :-/).. I know I should see a doc but I suffer anxiety badly to the point I can barely leave the house alone and my husband is about to start a new job so he won't be able to come with me.. I am so scared!! I don't want to tell any friends incase it's nothing but then I'm freaking out about going alone esp with my children .

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Breast Cancer And Intense Tightness Breast

My mother is taking tamoxifen, I want to know more about this breast tightness, she says it's so uncomfortable that she doesn't want to take tamoxifen anymore.

Does anyone know more about this tightness?

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Women :: Bleeding Itchy Bump On Bikini Line

Okay so I am pretty worried. I shave my bikini line every now and again when needed. This morning i woke up with a little spot in my underwear that was bleeding. I haven't shaved in a few weeks. I checked down there to see what was up and right on my left side of labia there was a red bump. It feels really smooth and it is a tad bloody. It also itches. I AM NOT SEXUALLY ACTIVE.

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Vaginal Health :: Itchy Red Bump On Labia, Irritated Vagina

Well for the past year on and off i've gotten urinary tract infections and they always come back because i guess I wasn't clean enough, I'm sexually active and I've been irritated for the past few months down there and no one seems to have any answers for me. I went to the clinic and they told me i had no infection in my urine but i had a cut so she gave me lidocaine cream and i've been using that but it hasn't helped at all. If anything it made it worse. I now appear to have this itchy red bump on the outside labia and I'm scared I don't know what it is and I don't know what to do. Because every time i have sex it burns I cant enjoy it and i want this to go away once and for all...

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Breast Cancer :: Lump In My Right Breast

I have a weird shaped lump on my right breast on the lower left side. And it feels like I have a big mass besides that. I'm 22, and its causing me a lot of pain in my ribs and back, and is swollen and red.

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Breast :: Itchy White Spot On Nipple

have had this small white spot on my nipple for about two weeks. It is sometimes itchy. I've never been pregnant and I'm not breastfeeding.

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Am I Pregnant? :: White Discharge, Tender / Itchy Breast

I started with white discharge for about three days. I have irregular period my last period Feb 4. I had cramping, pain in my lower left side of my back. I also had some nausea for 2 days tender sometime itchy breast and going to the bathroom more often took a test said negative.

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Breast Cancer :: Granulomatous Inflammation

Last December I opted to have a core biopsy after finding a small size lump 12 o'clock position just above my nipple. The radiologist was able to take 6 samples. After the dreaded wait it was found to be benign and was diagnosed as granulomatous- inflammation. Has anyone ever heard of this? Also, I am currently 2 and half months post biopsy and I did a self examination yesterday and found the lump in the same place. Is this something that isn't going to go away and am I always going to need to remember that I have it for future exams?

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Breast Cancer :: Hot Flashes After Mastectomy

My Dx. Was DCIS, grade 3, negative HR.,After having a bilateral mastectomy 8 months ago, I keep having hot flashes and night sweats. My concern is not how to control it but WHY is this happening ? Exactly was is going on in my body to create this reaction.

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Breast Cancer :: Chest Tightness With Exercise

I had bilateral mastectomies ten years ago.  I first had reconstruction with implants a year and a half after the mastectomies, and then I had the implants removed (they felt tight and uncomfortable) and DIEP reconstruction (where they used my abdominal tissue and fat for reconstruction) about two years after the initial mastectomies.

Now, ten years later, I experience chest tightness when I run.  It is very uncomfortable, and I have trouble catching my breath.  It feels like the muscles tighten up as I run.  When I slow down and walk, the sensation abates.  I even saw a cardiologist because of this uncomfortable chest tightening sensation with exercise.  

Is this related to the intitial breast implant surgery, where the surgeon placed the implants under the muscle tissue?  

How can I know if I am having cardiac symptoms vs. muscle tightness due to all the chest muscle and tissue manipulation after the mastectomies?

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Breast Cancer? Lump And Sharp Pain

I'm 18 and worried about breast cancer, is it possible? I know it's very unlikely but I can't help worrying.

I do tend to be overly anxious and paranoid about myself, to the point where I feel nauseous and short of breath and perhaps even imagine symptoms. 

A few months ago, back in March, I had sharp pain in my chest on and off but pretty regularly for a few weeks until it gradually went away. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I thought I'd mention it just in case!

About a week ago, I started feeling sharp pains in my chest, on the left side, when I'd sit up or lay down or move a certain way. That night, I noticed a lump under my left breast- pretty hard, and I can't tell if it moves slightly or not. It's a bit sore now, but only because I've been worrying and checking it, it didn't hurt on its own. I'm feeling sharp pain throughout both of my breasts and further below as well. I feel like there's a tightness in my chest, but that could very probably be my anxiety's fault. (I did feel like I noticed the bump a few months ago, but it was much smaller. I brushed it off as my being too nervous, and I could be wrong.) 

Coincidentally, I have a general physical scheduled for Friday, so I'm definitely going to have it checked out, but I'm worrying myself sick because I think it might be breast cancer. I know it's extremely unlikely that someone as young as I am has it, but I'm so paranoid!

Am I being crazy? Every time I feel that stabbing pain I feel like I might have a heart attack. Is there anything else it could be? 

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Breast Cancer :: Tubal And Ovary Removal

I have had breast cancer and have been on lupron shots. I can't be on these shots forever so my doctor and I Have talked about tubal and ovary removal. I have had terrible joint pain in my knees from the shots which prevent me from walking and doing the active sports I love to do. Has anyone who has had this surgery experienced the same joint pain and have long term problems?

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Breast Cancer :: Lumpectomy, No Sentinel Nodes/next Step?

I just had lumpectomy and "attempted" SLND, but surgeon could find no sentinel nodes (both radioactive tracer and blue dye were used). What would the next logical step be?  I'm scheduled for full course of rads in a few weeks.

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Breasts :: Throbbing Pain - No Breast Cancer History

I have been having throbbing pain left side of my breast for almost 2 days. I'm only 22 no history of breast cancer in my bloodlines before .

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Breast Cancer :: Chemo - How To Manage Mouth Sores?

My best friend is going through this ordeal of BC, you all are very brave and I admire you very much.

Would any of you have any suggestions about how you manage mouth sores?


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