Breast Cancer :: How Long For Radiation Treatment After Lumpectomy (stage 0)

How long after a stage 0 lumpectomy , can you wait befor you receive Radiation treatments !! mine is held up due to my HMO Ins. I didnt need Chemotherapy!

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Breast Cancer :: Benign Biopsy And Lumpectomy - Experience / Feedback?

So after my discordant biopsy that showed only benign fibrocystic changes, surgeon scheduled me for a lumpectomy! I have never been more scared or confused, and she seemed to dodge all my questions about why I need a lumpectomy. So my question is to the people on this board- what is your lumpectomy experience was and why you need it also, is lumpectomy same as excisional biopsy. I read different things on the internet , and frankly it all doesn't make sense to me.

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Medical Abortion Experience - Step By Step

I need to share my experience. First off I want you to know that I have read so much about this pill everything about it, including the risks and its side effects. After searching so much about the abortion pills I kinda freaked myself out. There were a few stories that were calming and made me have hope but I would say the majority of them were terrifying! And I am a scaredy cat when it comes to this stuff. I googled everything when I was going through this. I google everything about the abortion pills, abortion surgery, abortion pill side effects, abortion pills painful, everything you can think of and I'm sure all of us have searched!

I would say my overall experience wasn't that bad. The most pain I was in would be working myself up but searching on the Internet and making assumption before actually doing anything.

I had the most anxiety before taking the pill. It's time really. I made the decision to have an abortion it was just the process that stressed me kinda. But after I did I am so happy with my decision. I have no regret from an abortion or termination. The only thing I can say is it is a learning experience and I wish I was smarter with my partner. But hey accidents happen.

We are old enough and can totally have a child if we wanted but I am still young and I would like to experience more to my life before having to take on that responsibility.

It is a lifelong responsibility. I took care of children for a good amount of years and know the work it entails. Right now just isn't my time. I have plans and goals I want to achieve before I have a child and I would also like to share those experiences with them when I do decide to have children.

This was my decision. Go with your gut and do what you feel. Remember, there is no wrong decision. Just make sure you do what you want and most importantly what is right.

My doctor said to look at this way, you know you are able to have children and an abortion will not cause risks if and when you plan on having children in the future.

We are so fortunate to have the choice these days. After you make your decision you will feel more relieved than upset. Then you know which way you should be thinking.

So let me start off with my visit at clinic. Is it just me or does the clinic just happen to feel a little sad when you are sitting there. I started to feel better seeing the strong women in there probably doing or went through what I was about to. But I still do get anxious at any doctor's office or clinic because waiting seems like forever when all you want to do is take care of business and get out of there. You want it to be over before you even start. So that part is annoying for me.

They ask you a bunch of questions, fill out papers, and take a pee test to make sure you are pregnant. And an ultrasound.

I was 5 weeks pregnant and took the pill at 6. They base it off your last period not the day you actuaLly conceived. You also have the choice of a hiv test which is a great idea just to do I mean unless you are afraid of needles.

You will still need a blood test regardless. They want to make sure you are not anemic. Not sure if you still have to of you know.

I am scared of that stuff but I sucked it up and just reminded myself that if I can't do just a finger prick then what makes me thinking having a baby would be easier. It was done in less than 7 sec I would say.

After this you then talk about your options. You can do surgical or medical. The medical abortion is the at "home abortion"or "abortion pill".

I decided on the pill.

I had to make an appointment to see the doctor another day. When the day came and I finally got the doctor she came in and we talked for a few minutes. Ask as many questions as you want it will make you feel better and you will also find out a doctor might tell you some information that might calm you down especially after reading so much on the Internet. I know it put me at ease.

Everyone's experience is different.

But there are ways to make yourself comfortable and prepare so it's easier.

I went out and bought a heating pad, pads and a candle. The candle was a strong scented one so that it would distract me from any smells. I am very sensitive I can smell everything which can be great but also horrible at times.

The doctor was very informative and explained the process. She also answered every question I had and asked me if I had anymore. You take a pill at the clinic and then 24 hours later at home or wherever you are comfortable and have an amazing relative or friend around and then you take the four pills.

I took my first pill (the abortion) at 1230pm in the clinic on a Friday. I kept my entire weekend open and planned for this. Then the following day I decided before I took the pills I wanted to do something active and be outdoors before I isolated myself. So in the morning I took a hike. Nothing intense just a up hill walk I guess. I truly believe working your body a little bit helps with the cramping so that was what I decided to do and it also relieves stress so this is good for you mentally.

I took one of the antibiotics prescribed (doxycycline hyclate) and about 2 hours later at around 430pm, I ate a good meal. Nothing too filling, I just I knew I wanted something and something my stomach wouldn't get upset from. I made myself a bowl of rice, with beans(for iron), some tomatoes and avocado. And a glass of juice and water. I am a vegetarian so my options are kinda limited but hey you can also think of this type of food to be healthy and you are preventing yourself from any worries of having a tummy ache. And drink a lot of water.

I wanted to be the most comfortable.

After I ate, I took two 400mg ibuprofen and one (acetaminophen-cod) Tylenol with codeine. These are pills the doctor prescribed. After 30 mins I was ready to take the four pills.

This is where a little bit of panic started. I decided to let myself relax before I started because you don't want your body overwhelmed, it will only make things worse.

Just try and remind yourself that you are fine. I told myself that it wasn't going to be that bad and it was only temporary. Things will only get back to normal. Remind yourself why you are doing this. It isn't bad. You made the choice. Go with your gut.

So around 5:30pm I finally calmed down and placed the pills in my mouth. Two on each side.

You can't talk or drink so I already set myself up. I set the timer on my phone to know when I could swallow the remaining of whatever was leftover from the pills after the 30mins and I had a heating pad, a pad on, started a movie and I was ready for the pain.

I would say about 15-20 mins after the pills were sitting in my mouth I started feeling some cramping, I then decided to sit on the toilet.

I had a candle lit, some water to drink, a towel to hug, pads nearby and wipes in the bathroom and whatever you need to make your self comfortable. I even brought the heating pad along.

Just relax. You will make it through this. So many women have, you can too.

I know it made me feel a little better knowing it was all coming out of my body. I didn't want to feel this way anymore and I was ready for all of it to leave my system.

I started to pee and blood started coming out. Not like explosive, it just like pee. Maybe a little like uncontrollable pee. I felt like I do when I have my period and happen to get on the toilet right when blood is coming out. Just a little more blood then normal.

If it makes you feel more comfortable, leave the lights off and just flush. You don't have to check it out. I mean you don't have to analyze it but do make sure you know you are bleeding.

I sat on the toilet for about an hour maybe more.

After I felt a good amount was out I decided to leave the bathroom for a little bit. Don't freak yourself out because you might start thinking things and get worked up I just told myself hey this is now like a normal evening I would have when I have a period. Your not completely yourself but you know you have your period. I watched another movie and ate something. Make sure you drink a lot of water. It is always good for you. It also helps with cramping. Your body wants to be hydrated.

Around 7 I started to feel achy and cramps were creeping up this is when I start to get scared because I knew the painkillers were probably almost done. I do remember feeling the way a lot of people had said when they feel a clot pass through as you pee. It wasn't bad, just different. You feel it. I decided not to look. But that's just me.

I toughed it out a little longer and then decided to take another ibuprofen. Had a piece of toast and fell asleep.

The next morning I was tired but my body wasn't in terrible condition. I am still bleeding, not crazily and this is normal. For some it may stop after a few days, for others it can lasts a little longer.

I hope my experience and advice on how to prepare yourself helps.

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Premature Breast Cancer? Small, Painful Lump Found In Right Breast

I'm in my mid teens, and earlier on this evening, i noticed that my right breast slightly ached, so i checked it out myself and found a lump, which is not visible on the surface of the skin. The lump is located on the left hand side of the right breast, directly next to and underneath the nipple. The nipple on my left breast is flat, which i got checked out earlier in the year by my doctor. The lump inside my breast feels unmovable, possibly quite large, and aches even when its not touched.

I am also two weeks late for my period, which hasn't occurred before.

I need to get this checker out, however, beforehand, i would like some advice on whether or not it could be premature breast cancer, and whether or not it can be treated. I have also read up on the possible link between breast cancer and infertility.

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Breast Cancer :: Indentation In My Left Breast - Family History

I have an indention in my left breast,right above my nipple. it's like a hole. I have family history on my mother's side of breast cancer. Besides cancer what else could it be?

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Breast Cancer Family History - Ache In My Left Breast

Hey, so breast cancer runs in my family and so I check myself regularly. Lately tho I keep getting an ache in my left breast and sometimes the right one. I have had children so they have changed a little but when I feel them I keep feeling lumps and can't tell if they are normal or not.. Sometimes it is tender to press.. I have noticed also my nipples go a little crusty almost (I am so sorry for that info :-/).. I know I should see a doc but I suffer anxiety badly to the point I can barely leave the house alone and my husband is about to start a new job so he won't be able to come with me.. I am so scared!! I don't want to tell any friends incase it's nothing but then I'm freaking out about going alone esp with my children .

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Cancer :: Swollen Lymph Nodes And Liver Not Functioning

I have had swollen lymph nodes now for around 6 months in my neck head and behind my ears.

My Liver Function is 3 times higher than what it should be and is getting higher every blood test I have.

My spleen is swollen.

Im suffering night sweats and breathing difficulty.

I am suffering severe headaches and my head is swollen all over the shape of it changes weekly with one side swelling or the top swelling etc.

My vision has depleted considerably over the last six months.

I am suffering ear ache because the nodes behind and in front of my ear are pressing against it.

My Doctor sat on this for 5 months saying it must be an infection and it would go down. When two nodes popped up in the top of the back of my head 2 weeks ago he booked me in for a biopsy on the nodes in neck and for some blood test and a x-ray on my chest.

My bloods have just come back and for the first time in the last 6 months the test for glandular fever has come back positive. I am still having a biopsy and my doctor suspects it is not just glandular fever.

I have been reading up on lymphoma and personally think I have lymphoma of the brain. Could anyone give me a second opinion on this I would really really appreciate it. I am 20 year old fairly fit male.

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Breast Cancer And Intense Tightness Breast

My mother is taking tamoxifen, I want to know more about this breast tightness, she says it's so uncomfortable that she doesn't want to take tamoxifen anymore.

Does anyone know more about this tightness?

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Vulvar Cancer? Labia Lump And Painful Lymph Nodes

I'm 15 and right now I'm cry my eyes out. For about a year, I've had a hardish, moveable, painless lump under my left labia majora. I am not sexually active and suffer with anxiety so I'm freaking out in case I have vulvar cancer. I have no symptoms, nothing is out of the usual, I'm just really scared. Also there seems to be some kind of painful lymph node on the top of my inner thigh, near my vagina, which swells up when I'm sick, it's quite painful but goes down and only seems to come when I have an infection.

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Breast Cancer :: Lump In My Right Breast

I have a weird shaped lump on my right breast on the lower left side. And it feels like I have a big mass besides that. I'm 22, and its causing me a lot of pain in my ribs and back, and is swollen and red.

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Breast Cancer :: Granulomatous Inflammation

Last December I opted to have a core biopsy after finding a small size lump 12 o'clock position just above my nipple. The radiologist was able to take 6 samples. After the dreaded wait it was found to be benign and was diagnosed as granulomatous- inflammation. Has anyone ever heard of this? Also, I am currently 2 and half months post biopsy and I did a self examination yesterday and found the lump in the same place. Is this something that isn't going to go away and am I always going to need to remember that I have it for future exams?

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Breast Cancer :: Hot Flashes After Mastectomy

My Dx. Was DCIS, grade 3, negative HR.,After having a bilateral mastectomy 8 months ago, I keep having hot flashes and night sweats. My concern is not how to control it but WHY is this happening ? Exactly was is going on in my body to create this reaction.

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Breast Cancer :: Chest Tightness With Exercise

I had bilateral mastectomies ten years ago.  I first had reconstruction with implants a year and a half after the mastectomies, and then I had the implants removed (they felt tight and uncomfortable) and DIEP reconstruction (where they used my abdominal tissue and fat for reconstruction) about two years after the initial mastectomies.

Now, ten years later, I experience chest tightness when I run.  It is very uncomfortable, and I have trouble catching my breath.  It feels like the muscles tighten up as I run.  When I slow down and walk, the sensation abates.  I even saw a cardiologist because of this uncomfortable chest tightening sensation with exercise.  

Is this related to the intitial breast implant surgery, where the surgeon placed the implants under the muscle tissue?  

How can I know if I am having cardiac symptoms vs. muscle tightness due to all the chest muscle and tissue manipulation after the mastectomies?

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Breast Cancer? Lump And Sharp Pain

I'm 18 and worried about breast cancer, is it possible? I know it's very unlikely but I can't help worrying.

I do tend to be overly anxious and paranoid about myself, to the point where I feel nauseous and short of breath and perhaps even imagine symptoms. 

A few months ago, back in March, I had sharp pain in my chest on and off but pretty regularly for a few weeks until it gradually went away. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I thought I'd mention it just in case!

About a week ago, I started feeling sharp pains in my chest, on the left side, when I'd sit up or lay down or move a certain way. That night, I noticed a lump under my left breast- pretty hard, and I can't tell if it moves slightly or not. It's a bit sore now, but only because I've been worrying and checking it, it didn't hurt on its own. I'm feeling sharp pain throughout both of my breasts and further below as well. I feel like there's a tightness in my chest, but that could very probably be my anxiety's fault. (I did feel like I noticed the bump a few months ago, but it was much smaller. I brushed it off as my being too nervous, and I could be wrong.) 

Coincidentally, I have a general physical scheduled for Friday, so I'm definitely going to have it checked out, but I'm worrying myself sick because I think it might be breast cancer. I know it's extremely unlikely that someone as young as I am has it, but I'm so paranoid!

Am I being crazy? Every time I feel that stabbing pain I feel like I might have a heart attack. Is there anything else it could be? 

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Breast Cancer :: Tubal And Ovary Removal

I have had breast cancer and have been on lupron shots. I can't be on these shots forever so my doctor and I Have talked about tubal and ovary removal. I have had terrible joint pain in my knees from the shots which prevent me from walking and doing the active sports I love to do. Has anyone who has had this surgery experienced the same joint pain and have long term problems?

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Breast Cancer :: Itchy Flesh Colored Bump?

I had a lump on my left breast. I had it evaluated by my doctor who said it was a sebaceous cyst. Since the appointment, the lump has gotten smaller so I put my mind at ease and left it alone. Now, out of nowhere I start itching on the same breast with the lump. I looked at where I was itching and found a perfectly round, flesh colored bump on the skin of my breast. I don't think it could be a bug bite, and no irritation from my bra since I haven't worn a bra in a while . I am scared this is breast cancer because the flesh colored bump is kind of close to where the lump is. Could this be breast cancer?

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Breasts :: Throbbing Pain - No Breast Cancer History

I have been having throbbing pain left side of my breast for almost 2 days. I'm only 22 no history of breast cancer in my bloodlines before .

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Breast Cancer :: Chemo - How To Manage Mouth Sores?

My best friend is going through this ordeal of BC, you all are very brave and I admire you very much.

Would any of you have any suggestions about how you manage mouth sores?


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Hypochondria / Health Anxiety Of Having Breast Cancer After Pregnancy

I have developed quite extreme health anxiety after having my baby four months ago and I feel as though I am making my husband's life, and my own, a living hell. We are currently on holiday where, there days ago I had a sharp pain in my breast and I am convinced I have breast cancer. My Grandmother had this and since. I got the thought in my head. I have been self examined almost continually to the point that I, and my family, have not left the house for three days and I have found lots of lumps and bumps that have only further convinced me. I have made an appointment for Thursday to see a private specialist when we get back. I am also having back pain near my epidural site which I am convinced is a cancer spread. Even as I write I can see how ridiculous this all is. A few weeks ago I had a melanoma scare and didn't leave the house for a week. It took three dermatologist reviews to convince me it was okay. I have seen my GP about my issues and I am due to start CBT next week but I am now worrying it won't be enough to help me. I am determined to get rid of this as I feel I am wasting so much precious time with my new family, but the irony is that this is all driven by a fear of leaving my baby to grow up without a Mummy. I cry every day about that thought and then I feel like such a bad person because I am healthy and there are people out there with genuinely life threatening conditions and I feel so pathetic. My husband is very supportive but doesn't seem to understand that I can't just 'talk myself out of it'. I don't know how to explain?

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