Oxycodone - Cannot Sleep

Yesterday afternoon I had a d&c to remove a possible uterine fibroid the size of a golf ball. I was prescribed Percocet (oxycodone form) for pain. It's working, but is also keeping me wide awake. Is there any OTC sleep medication I can take while taking oxycodone that will help me get the sleep I need?

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Oxycodone With Alcohol - Effects?

Doctors found a clot in my carotid artery. This caused a few minor stokes, presumably 5 they tell me, called TIA's. These strokes caused 1 gran mal seizure and another seizure where I was doing the funky chicken for 1 1/2 hours, very scary. They gave me an immediate carotid endarterectomy, scraping the plaque out of my artery, 3 to 7% chance I  may have died!!  Mending well, but I still have pre- seizure spasms? I'm on 225mg of lamotrigine twice a day. The strokes and seizures caused numbness and pain in my left hip, taking oxycodone for pain. Doc also giving me 5mg zopiclone to mellow me,taken around noon every day, also take 5mg at night along with 30mg of mirtazapine for sleep Does anyone know the interactions if I have a few beer. If anyone has tried alcohol taking theses meds, what was their reaction.

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Oxycodone Hcl 5 Mg Addiction Concern

I am concerned about getting addicted to these oxycodone. I had back surgery and was told to take 1 to 2 pills every 4 to 6 hours. I am a recovering alcoholic also. I take 1 pill every 6 hours for the past month and in my mind I know when its been 6 hours. I have been reading a few of these posts about people on these oxycodone. I feel like I am hooked on these things already and I do not need that problem. It sounds like these are bad news. I still have back pain and need a painkiller. So my question is am I just paranoid by reading all the other posts or should I ask my doctor for another pain killer and get off these now?

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Oxycodone - Nightmares Are The Worst

I fell downstairs in november last year sprained both feet very badly as I have heart failure things do not heal well. And with all my cardiac meds I am only allowed paracetamol (acetaminophen) last month I visited my GP again for my very painful feet, I get Rx for a temporary low dosage oxycodone but every time I take it I get awful nightmares. I also have other side effects from this like mild nausea but the nightmares are the worst. Anyone had this?

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Oxycodone/contin Tapering Off

Fourteen surgeries, three major spinal in past year ...so yeah, I am struggling with the opioids. Last left hospital in September on a mix of about 350 mg oxycodone or contin.

I have two more surgeries ahead of me in the new year. But in the meantime I have become convinced that the oxycodone/contin is actually causing me pain. I have no idea how I am going to face the next surgeries but I CANNOT keep going on this particular road.

So I have weaned myself down to 65 mg per day. Even so I am so jumpy, legs restless, stomach cramping  ....it reminds me of quitting smoking (I was a 2-packer) except this is ten times worse. I am craving food but cannot eat. I am tapering another 10 mg every 4 days. Is this a good idea or would it be better to just STOP?

I am 63, retired and have a sweet supportive husband who wants to be helpful but does not understand. When he quit smoking he just stopped and did not miss a beat so he really does not have a clue what I am going through now. My health, aside from all the orthopaedic issues is good.

I've read some of the "recipes" on other sites for easing withdrawal but don't even know if I could get some of that stuff where I am (Canada).

I am starting to ramble but God bless you for listening. Also, any idea how I am going to handle the pain of surgeries in spring?

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Oxycodone Giving Headaches

Have had chronic pain for a year now and am on 60mg of liquid oxycodone and was on 10mg an hour of morphine thru buprenorphine patches and now im on 20mg boy does it give you headaches anybody got the same?

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Pain Management :: Oxycodone Dosage?

Long story short, I have two autoimmune diseases and I have death with chronic pain for about two years now. My doctor has me on 20MG oxycodone one every 6 hours. For the last month or so i have been taking two pills three times a day. So 2/20mg 3 times a day.

So when my doctor gives me 120 for a month it doesn't last and he know that I Have been using more for the unbearable pain. How do i Go about telling him that I can't keep staying at the dose he has prescribed because I am not getting any relief. I don't drink or do drugs and I have a bright future if I can keep my pain manageable. I am just concerned about what to say to my doctor without him thinking I am an abuser or him just prescribing the dose he has been prescribing that isn't working unless I double up.

How would you go about this?

Also, what is the maximum amount of oxycodone one can take in a day I find that a lot of my nasty pain comes from breakthrough pain.

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Pain Management :: Alternatives To Oxycodone?

I have been suffering from chronic pain since 2008 after I had my daughter, which triggered a downward spiral of health and pain. I currently have a laundry list of problems from rheumatoid arthritis, nerve damage in both hands, spinal stenosis, bulging disc, spondylosis from L1-L5 and both of my knee cartilage is "going out". My GP had tried me on any and all NSAIDS and that left me most of the time in the hospital for uncontrollable vomiting and severe abdominal pains. Steroids left me feeling like my head was spinning out of control. Finally my GP put me on hydrocodone 10/500, which at the time took the edge off the pain to where I could function and take care of my disabled daughter and family. After a while the pain started to get to out of control and the lortab was not cutting it so my orthopedic surgeon put me on oxycodone 20mg and somas 325 mg, 4x daily. WOW....I was able, to get myself out of bed and take care of my daughter, clean my house (a little at a time), cook, actually go grocery shopping and enjoy getting out all without my husband or family member helping or doing it for me. I have not been able to feel like a normal person in a long time and it felt better than the person I had became because of the chronic pain. So after 3 months of oxycodone, I go into my regular appointment and see signs everywhere stating (among with a couple other prescriptions) my doctor could no longer prescribe oxycodone. A few patients did not test positive for their meds and were caught selling them. So I was put on percocet 10/325, even though it's still oxycodone with acetaminophen I feel like I am back to taking hydrocodone 10 mg again, back to barely being able to handle the daily things I need to do. So after my long spell I have an appointment coming up in a week and was wanting to know if anyone has any knowledge or experience with something that is equal to oxycodone or something better? There has to be something else that can get a handle on my pain and if my OS can't prescribe oxycodone for me then I need to know what else is out there.

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Pain Management :: Oxycodone Withdrawal

I wrote in march about my anal fissures driving me to despair. Meanwhile I had 5 surgeries including 2 botox injections into anal sphincter without success, one double sphincterotomy that should have fixed the problem but wound infection occurred. One surgery with laying open of perianal fistula and the last one was a drainage of a perianal abscess. The last two led to hospital stays of several days. I have been prescribed oxycodone 10 mg since mid feb but usually only took two doses in 24 hours, on bad days 3. Approximately last three weeks I have been on targin 10 /5 mg twice a day . As my pain drastically improved after last surgery a week ago I stopped slow and fast release oxycodone 3 days ago.

Since last night I am suffering terrible withdrawal symptoms that leave me restless, agitated and unable to sleep. How nan I deal with it?"tried valium yesterday, temaze tonight but it doesn't stop. Can't stop moving and twitching but I am dead tired...

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Substance Abuse :: Oxycodone To Suboxone

I've been addicted to oxycodone for a few years and today started on suboxone. I took my last 15mg of oxycodone  and then waited until I was in withdrawal (about 8 hrs) to take the suboxone (2mg)  I felt like it helped the w/d symptoms for a while, but started feeling bad again after 3 or 4 hours so I took another 1 mg sub ( half a strip). I still don't feel that great and I don't know what to do. Do I just need to take more sub or did I not wait long enough after using the last oxy for the sub to work? when will i feel better?

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Substance Abuse :: Oxycodone Addiction

I have been on oxycodone prescribed for 5 years 30 milligrams 4 times a day. I would say three years have been nothing but a struggle to not run out of my meds every month. I am going in to see my doctor on Friday to put me on a 12-hour extended-release narcotic, I have had two major back surgeries and I'm not eligible for a third one because of so much scarring around the surgical site. The last 3 days I've been taking 6 oxy's which is 180 milligrams a day. My script doesn't get refilled until the 24th and I only have 12 pills left. My question is if I wean off of 180 milligram down to 30 milligrams or 60 milligrams is this dangerous question mark my second question is if I am put on a Time release narcotic will that help the withdrawals from running out of the oxycodone. I have read so many stories on here that are identical to my story and it makes me feel better than I'm not alone but I do feel all alone and I know this is a crazy crazy drug and I didn't even know anything about pills until I had my back surgeries and now I'm one of the people that are drastically hooked. This is the first time I'll have ran out 7 days early, I've ran out 2 and 3 days before but never 7 and I'm very scared about it and I'm hoping this time release narcotic will help me. It's nice to know after reading all of these forums for years that I am not alone when it comes to this issue but at the same time I feel alone. I never ever thought I would have an addiction problem to Pills and I actually don't have an addiction problem to any other pills it's just the oxycodones, I love them more than life and I can't live without them and it's terrifying to me. So any help would be appreciate it so much.

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Substance Abuse :: Oxycodone Withdrawal

I need some guidance.  I've always been a responsible person with a good job and good morals. A few years ago my boyfriend was using pain pills regularly. If I had a bad migraine or something he would give me one. I never thought I was in danger of addiction.  I've never had an addictive personality. Well I began to use recreationally occasionally.  Like take one every couple months at an event or something like that.  

Nearly two years ago my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. I was devastated. She died 3 months later and it destroyed me. Absolutely destroyed me.  Being a late stage cancer patient, she had thousands of 10mg oxycodone around.  I took all of her medication and began taking it regularly. I now realize it's because of the anti anxiety effects they had.  I knew it was wrong and I was upset w myself but I was so caught up in grief I didn't care. I took up to 4 a day.. Sometimes 2 a day, and other than knowing it wasn't right, I really didn't think it effected my life. It gave me more energy when I couldn't even get out of bed..and it made me feel like living. A couple weeks ago I realized I was going to run out.  So I had to make a decision.  Find a way to get more, or quit. I chose to let them run out.  I knew my boyfriend went through withdrawal when he quit so I was expecting some kind of withdrawal, but I was never prepared for this. I took the last dose Sunday (today is Wednesday). Monday I didn't feel good but I didn't think much of it.  

Monday night I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night.. My legs felt restless and I couldn't seem to find the right temperature. I went from hot to cold in a nanosecond.

I still didn't realize this was withdrawal. I thought it was just anxiety.  Tuesday was hell. I work full time so I went into work feeling like I had the flu. I assumed it was because I didn't get any sleep. I've battled w insomnia since my mom got sick so I still didn't put it together.  I had no energy during and after work. I had no appetite. I got diarrhea so I thought I had a bug, having never read up on withdrawal.  The thought of going from the parlor to the bathroom seemed like an impossible task. I tried to go to bed early and tossed and turned.  My legs felt like they were on fire. I couldn't keep still. I had full blown chills and was drenched in sweat. I was hot and cold and sweating and miserable. I fell asleep for about 15 minutes and woke up drenched, and I mean drenched in sweat. I may have gotten another hour sleep after that. I began to realize that it was possible this could be withdrawal and made a note to check the symptoms tomorrow at work. So here is day 3. I'm miserable. I feel like I was hit by a bus and have the worst flu of my life. I looked up the symptoms and was shocked to see that I had been experiencing precisely what cold turkey withdrawal is. Over the counter sleep aids haven't helped at all.

Nobody in the world knows I was using these pills so nobody knows what I'm going through. I was debating trying Xanax to help me sleep but read up on benzodiazepines and they seem worse than opiates. Since I became addicted to pain pills, I can no longer trust myself w narcotics and don't know if I should use the Xanax to try and get sleep. I don't know how many more days of work I can take without sleep and don't have a day off coming until Sunday.

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Substance Abuse :: Oxycodone Withdrawals

Ok so I was taking oxycodone painkillers for about 1 1/2 years for my back issues. 10 mg pills and I was only taking anywhere from 1 to 1 and a 1/2 a day. Never exceeded that. However I started getting nervous that long term probably isn't good on my stomach. So I lowered my dosage last week to 3/4 of a pill for about 5 days then I quit last Friday.

That's where the problems started. First 40 hours I felt like I had a strange low grade current running through my arms/legs. Not painful more like annoying. Almost like I just had to twitch or move my arms. That finally wore off and now I feel absolutely terrible. NO energy, NO desire to move, headaches for 3 days straight, I just feel like rolling in a ball and dying. And to top it off I awoke last night at 2AM and couldn't fall back asleep. So my long and drawn out question is...................Is this truly all from the withdrawals? I mean I am just having a hard time believing that this stems from taking pretty much 1 lousy pill a day. I understand 1 1/2 years is a long time, but 1 pill a day?

And then of course it leads me to my next question......How long is this going to legitimately last? I have been soooo tempted to just take a pill and get the pain over with but I really need to stay off of these.

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Pain Management :: Hydrocodone Vs Oxycodone

I'm about to have an artificial disc replacement in my neck. I've had cervical and lumbar fusion and am glad I did.  (don't know why so many are afraid of surgeries).  I know doctors are leery about giving pain meds to patients, as well they should be, but there are instances where it's necessary.  My question is why do I get nauseous when I take hydrocodone and not when I've taken oxycodone?  I asked an er doctor for oxycodone instead of hydrocodone and told him why.  He gave me hydrocodone anyway.  I also told him I am not an abuser of prescription drugs because I have personally experienced the outcome of it.  I lost my son 3 1/2 years ago from accidental mixed drug intoxication.  He had been addicted to pain meds for 18 years and his girlfriend decided to share her xanax with him.  Needless to say, he didn't wake up the next morning.  

I know I will probably be needing pain meds after my surgery.  I just hope the dr will give me what I know works for me.  And I will only ask for a 30 day supply and no more.  A friend thinks the reason the er dr gave me the low dose hydrocodone was because he probably thought I was predisposed to addiction because my son was an addict.  Because of that I have and will continue to only take any pain meds for one month and not any longer regardless of how much pain I'm in.  I did that after my previous surgeries. (neck fusion, lumbar fusion and rotator cuff repair) and it worked fine.  I didn't have withdrawals and just used 600mg ibuprofen once a day after that.

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Pregnancy :: Oxycodone Effects On Baby?

I'm 36 weeks pregnant . I'm a recovering addict . My husband past away while pregnant and I relapsed for a few weeks using oxycodone . At 27 weeks I quit and have been clean ever since . Will my baby still go through withdrawal .

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Oxycodone Withdrawal With Sleep Disturbance

I cracked a couple discs in my back & have been using Oxycodone for a couple of months. I'd like to get off of them, but find I am wide awake. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get off them & be able to sleep at night?

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Addiction Recovery :: Oxycodone Treatment Relapse

I have been using oxycodone 30's for 2 1/2 years. The dose I was using was up to 9 a day I finally reached a breaking point and decided to get clean I started out with suboxone 8/2 3x a day then I stepped down to gabapentin 400mg 3x a day, clonidine 0.1 mg a day and baclofen 20mg 3x a day. I have been on these meds for 2 months and as much as I don't like it I relapsed 3 weeks ago now I went back on my meds but I'm still getting detox symptoms when I'm off of them. I get headaches runny nose over heating aches and pains but not as bad as if I was coming start off Roxie's. now my question is how long does it take for me to go back to normal or even if ,

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Narcotic/Opioids Dependence :: Weaning Off Oxycodone?

I don't know all the reasons why Doctors won't just tell a patient the truth about dependency, but, my best guess is fear of the unknown. In my opinion they are scared of Lawsuits. Scared of what this person may do.  If you are trying to stop taking Oxycodone like I was in 2011 then you probably felt like no one was giving you a roadmap to success. You felt like you had somehow acquired a PHD in chemistry and the medical field with all of the knowledge you had obtained through the internet. You asked and pleaded for help to stop taking these drugs. I read everything. I felt as if no one cared. I felt like my doctors were pawning me off to pain management doctors and no one was simply saying the obvious...Stop taking them! That is it.
I suffered a back injury, had spinal fusion, was given Oxycodone during recovery and was taking them for a year. As I felt my back injury and recovery or healing process of that surgery was over. I started weaning off the meds. Lowering my dosages. I did everything any normal person would do. I asked doctors, everyone, how? How to I stop taking this drug? The back injury and surgery was no longer my issue, the issue now was this feeling that I was a drug addict and it had to stop, in order to fully heal. In retrospect I would have gladly suffered the pains of the surgery, because, that was to be expected. After surgery it is going to hurt. You can expect to be in pain from that. What I didn't expect was becoming dependant on the drugs and being shunned by my own doctors who prescribed me the medications. Surgeons perform surgery. Mine didn't have any concerns with anything afterwards. I tried slowly weaning off the meds. I felt like c**p! I learned as much as I could from every media I could. I asked everyone How to stop taking these drugs. I asked all the questions one would ask? Will I die if I just stop taking them, How do I stop taking them? Is there someone who can give me a list of what to take and slowly taper them off of me? Nothing worked! Nothing....worked. After reading everyone's experiences and seeing everyone go through the same things I had been going through. I came across one post...one person...simply said  "You people are stupid"....Stop taking the drugs. This was on a site where I had been reviewing probably fifty cases of people begging for relief, begging for answers on how to slowly wean off these meds. No one wants to feel pain. It's that simple, but, here's the reality....It's going to suck! You will feel terrible. Go to CVS and buy some circulatory leggings ( stocking to help bad circulation) They are tight fitting socks that go up to your crotch, put them on! Find your favorite pillow or large stuffed animal and get in bed, have plenty of Gatorade, pedialyte, anything to replenish the fluids and vitamins, you are going to need to keep drinking these fluids as much as possible! Tell your family to bear with you and forgive anything they hear come from your room. I screamed, I cursed, I cried and after a couple of days the worst was over. It was two Hard days. It was a hard week following, but the days get better, the weeks get better and the good news is...You will no longer be dependant or addicted to this ridiculous drug. I'm not a Doctor. I don't claim to be a drug Guru. I was a patient suffering from an injury and thrown away. My recovery process was just as important to me as my surgery. That was not the sentiment my surgeon shared. he performed surgery, that's his job and that's how he saw it. Oh , you're having difficulty with the medications? well here is a doctor who specializes in that, go away!  The pain management doctor wanted to substitute my addiction, dependancy? (whatever) with other drugs? Methadone, you name it, and told me he was there to give me whatever I wanted for as long as I wanted. I can call that guy right now and get drugs if I wanted! Stop taking them! That's no life. The pains you are experiencing on a daily basis regardless of whatever injury or illness you have are increased by these pain medications. They tell your brain this doesn't hurt ...but, now you have this pain...these doctors have no idea, what you are going through. They will give you drugs, they will perform surgeries, but, they are not going to hold your hand and suffer with you, this horrible suffering... you are going to have to overcome. Check with your doctors first, tell them your plan, get their opinions and make a choice.

Ask your doctor this one question...Am I going to die if I quit taking these medications right now?

Once the drugs were no longer in my system (and I mean months, If not a year to fully regain my sanity of overcoming this) I was able to get my life back.

Do not flush your meds in the toilet! I do not want to drink from my tap water and worry about ingesting your meds. Empty the contents of your prescription bottles in the trash can and then dispense of the bottles themselves.  I finally threw all my drugs away about a year AFTER I completely withdrew from my addiction...I was not in my right frame of mind to part with them. I honestly kept them as a backup to end my suffering, but, one day the clouds separated and my eyes were finally opened enough and were clear enough, not to need them anymore.

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Pain Management :: Detox Off Oxycontin And Oxycodone

I am getting ready to go to a "medical stabilization" center to detox off of 120mgs of Oxycontin, and 120mgs of IR oxycodone a day, along with 2mg Klonopin, 3 X a day. Have any of you ever done this before? If so, how do they help you? I am supposed to come in full withdrawal, 24 hrs free of medication....but she said I will be there 3 to 5 days, and will leave totally drug free.

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