Birth Control :: Mirena For 2 Years And Now Unable To Get Pregnant

Getting pregnant was never a problem for me. Simple, he'd look at me, and bam I have two children. That is until I had the Mirena (5yr) left it in for 7 yrs due to no insurance at that time. I am now 31 and had the mirena out for over a year with no luck getting pregnant. There are times I feel like I am pregnant I get sore breasts, cramping but then I start my period. This month however I am having the same symptoms and my period is late. I knew I was ovulating BC of the egg white like discharge(sorry if tmi)that was about 14 days ago I took a test this morning and result was negative. Maybe i don't understand how all this works completely lol idk but my periods are either at the end of the month or the first of the month. There's no way i could be having symptoms of pregnancy this early and its just my period warning sign. I'm starting to think that leaving the mirena in for 2 years over the time it was supposed to come out and not having periods in 7 years has done damage to my body.

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Contraception :: Mirena IUD Removal

After 5 years and 7 months I’m booked in now to have my Mirena IUD removed on the 24th of Feb.

A bit of background,

I’m currently 34 years old, Single, have no children and never been pregnant.

I have a top OBGYN, after many years and many problems I had the IUD inserted via a laparoscopy and D&C under anesthetic to help with Menorrhagia.

For me having the IUD inserted was never about birth control it was about assisting to reduce the extreme excessive bleeding I was having nearly every two weeks for 9 odd days at a time.

It took a few months for the IUD to settle and function correctly for me.

I am pleased to say that having the IUD did help with dramatically reducing the Menorrhagia.


During this time I have suffered dramatic hair loss, weight gained (40 kgs) approx. 88lbs twice and shed it again now twice, fluid like swelling in ankle and knee joints, developed both food intolerances to avocados and bananas, and also food Allergies (head to toe hives) from what exactly I’m still not totally certain of.  

About 3 years after the insertion I started to suffer bad cystic acne, on my body and face. I never suffered from pimples and bumps as a teenager so this has been an ongoing struggle that I thought was something to do with just growing older.  I’ve tried every over the counter product, spent thousands of $ nothing works.

Over the past few months I’ve been on 100 mg per day doxycycline it has helped slightly but nothing dramatic.

As I’m due to have the IUD removed I started searching information about the process, what to expect etc.

I know there has been a huge amount of negative press about the IUD over the past year or so and one has to air on the side of caution when exploring information on the net.

Here’s the thing I have read a lot of information about women gaining weight after the IUD and not being able to lose it.

To them I simply suggest the blunt honest truth, they are simply not trying hard enough to shed the weight.

That might be a hard fact for many people out there to swallow but people don’t need any more sugar coating.

While hormones do play an active role in potentially having an effect on a person’s body weight, in my instance they clearly didn’t prevent me from losing the enormous weight I gained twice.

As for the rest of my symptoms, I had attributed them to the symptoms of the dreaded aging process, that was until I started to research what I could expect after the removal of the IUD.

I’ve read about many people suffering similar symptoms.  I’ve also read about the “Mirena Crash”.

Personally I’m not currently sexually active so I’ve decided I just want to have my IUD removed and I want to stay off birth control and all hormones for a few months to see how my body copes with things now I’m older.  

If my Menorrhagia continues and my other symptoms do not go away after the IUD is removed then I will definitely consider going under anesthetic again and having another IUD inserted.

I’ve started this thread for a few reasons,

1 – To learn more about what other women experienced once they had their IUD removed ?

I expect there will be a period of bleeding (either a few days or weeks) after the initial removal.

I also expect that it will take a few cycles or months before my body returns to a normal kind of cycle.

2- If other people had the IUD removed and suffered any similar symptoms to the ones I listed above, did those issues clear up for you and go away after the IUD was removed ?  

If so, how long did it take for you to notice a difference ?

Clearly I cannot say for certain that the IUD has caused all my symptoms, and equally I don’t expect all my symptoms to magically disappear or be fixed once the IUD is removed.  

But I’d really like to get some feedback from others regarding their experience of life AFTER they had their IUD’s removed and I’ll post on my progress after my IUD is removed here as well.

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Contraception :: Mirena Or Copper Coil?

I'm going to have a coil inserted, but I'm not sure which to have, I leaning more towards the hormonal/Mirena/IUS coil but can I have that inserted if I'm not on my period?

Also with the copper coil, I've heard that the periods can get heavier, how long do they last for? Does it slowly get better at all?

And any tips before I go to the doctors on what I should prepare myself for? What the entire procedure is like? I know all these websites have talked through it but from people's own point of view, what's the experience like?

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) Always Had Troubles

I already had my baby almost 10 months ago. I got the mirena for my birth control. Ever since I got it, I think I've been having troubles. If you have or have had it did you have troubles with it and if so what were they?

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Contraception :: Mirena (IUD) - Sharp Pain On And Off

I have now had my birth control for 2 years and have been having pain on and off again since last night it was bad it felt like i was being stabbed it was a sharp pain and have had it for a few days on and off why.

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Mirena IUD :: Cramping And Pain - Should Removed?

I am 21 years old and I have been on birth control since I was a teen. I started out on the pill because I was experiencing very bad cramping that resulted in me missing many days of school per month. The pill worked fine for about four years but then I started getting bad cramps all over again. I went to my doctor and he prescribed a different birth control pill for me but that pill,and every other pill they put me on after that, made me nauseous and sick. I decided to stop taking birth control all together and just just used condoms but my cramps where just to unbearable and my cycles became long (i'm talking like two weeks, heavy flow). So after about a year of not being on birth control I went to a new obgyn who suggested I try the nuvaring. Well the NuvaRing didn't work either. First I had burning inside my vagina, then I had crazy liquid like discharge and lastly I was nauseous every morning. But, I only had it in for a couple of days, so I don't know if I actually gave it enough time to work properly. Soon after I received a lot of pressure from my mother to get the iud because her worst fear in the world is for me to get pregnant and I just moved far away from home so she worries a lot. I went to my doctor while on my period to get the Mirena put in, he tried to talk me out of it but I refused. He asked did I want to try the shot or the implant but I was reluctant to the shot because of the associated weight gain and I didn't want the implant because my mother had problems with it. Getting the Mirena put in was so painful, I guess since I have never been pregnant but it wasn't what people described. I literally thought I was going to die for about two days. I ended up become really dehydrated and lost my appetite for about a week. I have had the IUD in for a little over a month now but I've have issues. Issue #1, I cramp almost everyday. The cramping isn't as long as regular period cramping but it's equally as painful. It feels like someone is stabbing me in my right side for about 10-15mins. I went to my doctor after the first week to see if it was still in the right place and he determined that it was and I just had bad luck. Issue #2: I have been spotting for about two weeks now. Issue #3, The string poked my spouse for the first time today and I wasn't very happy. I'm very angry and stressed out. I feel like this is totally bull because I am going through the same stuff I was going though before I got the IUD. I was reading online about how the cramps should go away after about six months but what about the strings? I don't want this to ruin my sex life but then again I don't need any unexpected pregnancy right now. Some women have said that cutting the string helps but I am fearful that the IUD will get lost. I am so scared and don't know what to do. I know for sure that I don't want kids right now but I don't want this thing ruining my chances of ever having children. I need some advice, Please Help. I want to know if I should get the IUD taken out and if so, should I try another form of birth control like the shot or the implant? Or should I give the Mirena a couple more months? I've noticed that the stings seems shorter since my period stopped. Could that be caused by my period? I'm thinking that maybe the strings will become longer and my spouse won't feel them anymore. I don't know what to do.

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Birth Control :: Reliability Of Mirena IUD?

I've had the Mirena IUD since October last year and up until now my boyfriend and I have been using condoms as a second form of birth control. We are both monogamous and have been tested for STDs and STIs so I was wondering if not using a condom and relying 100% on the Mirena for preventing unwanted pregnancies was a option?

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Birth Control :: I Think Mirena (IUD) Has Fallen Out

I was on mirena for 4 years I recently think it had fallen out... I had two periods in a row and that never happened while I was on it so I assumed it did... Anyways a long story short I had gotten two pregnancy tests cuz I figured it wouldn't hurt to see if I was pregnant after that and it had taken a while for it to become positive I now know about the evaporation lines that can come and the rest of the pregnancy tests I took were negative, I had a friend say this happened to her while she was pregnant with her triplets... Any suggestions why that would be? I had another friend said that happened to her too...

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Birth Control :: Removed Mirena Myself

I removed my Mirena IUD on Monday night. I hadn't had a period at all since i had it in last year. i had a couple days of cramping but that has seemed to be gone. Last night I started having light but thick brown discharge. Is this normal? What signs of a problem Should I watch for? I did it but then I've been worried because I read it can cause problems if taken out by myself. If there was no bleeding at the time I didn't cause any damage did I? When should u expect a period?

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Contraception :: Mirena (IUD) And Mood Swings

I posted yesterday on depression forum but after doing some research think the problem may be with the Mirena Coil.  I have had the coil for a number of years now.  I can't remember if I had any problems with my first coil but since getting my second one fitted in 2012 I just don't feel right.  My head is not clear and I seem to have a constant cycle of a couple of average/low mood weeks, followed by a week where I feel really low and anxious (I get the feeling this would be the week I would have menstruated) then the following week I feel on top of the world and can take on the world and round and round it goes.  I have now got to the point where I feel I can't carry on on this neverending cycle anymore.  Has anyone else had problems with moods with the Mirena Coil?  My mood swings are terrible and often feel angry and irritable.  I don't know if the problem is anxiety/depression or whether it is connected to the coil.  As it is I am thinking of having it removed, to remove that possibility if nothing else.  Anyone had the Mirena removed and then felt better?

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Breast :: Whitish Discharge - On Mirena

I have a whitish discharge from my breast i am on mirena and i know i'm not pregnant i also have inactive thyroid.

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Depression With The Menopause And Mirena Coil

I've suffered with depression on and off for years but this past year has been like a rollercoaster. I'm 53 and peri menopausal. I'm on antidepressants anyway and also have gels to rub in from the gynecologist. Had the mirena coil fitted but it made me feel worse so had it taken out.

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Norethisterone Following Failed Mirena And TCRE

I was prescribed Norethisterone yesterday by my consultant following a failed Mirena Coil and failed TCRE. I am now on a waiting list for a Hysterectomy. I have been told to take these as an interim period, but must take 3 tablets a day from day 12 - day 29 of my cycle. Has anyone else been prescribed them in this way and what effect did it have. I was given a prescription for stopping my periods for a holiday many years ago but can't remember what they were called. All my husband and I can remember is that we both described them as 'grumpy pills' because of my moods, so I am anxious about taking these.

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Fertility :: After Mirena Removed, TTC And Begin To Worry

I had mirena IUD for five years and in those five years I never had a period I was not regular before mirena and now that I got it removed in 4-14-15 I have only had 2 periods and i haven't been on any kind of birth control I have been TTC for 2 months now and I begin to worry that I can't conceive BC I haven't been using any birth control for 7 months now and I haven't gotten pregnant and now that I am trying to for two months I feel like its not going to happen I'm just worried,is it that I'm just being impatient? should I just relax and keep on trying?

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) - Cramping Is Normal

I been on mirena since last Monday and Sunday the 6th I have been cramping is it normal for that?

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Contraception :: Mirena (IUD) Cramping And Stomach Cramps

I had a mirena coil inserted nearly 3 weeks ago. I had some bad stomach cramps one night with some reasonable bleeding for a couple of days afterwards. This then stopped about 7 days after insertion.

As I stopped bleeding, 8 days after insertion, me and my boyfriend decided to have sex. I was apprehensive but there was no issues and have been no issues since.

One thing I have got though, is pink discharge. It's been on and off since last Monday with occasional drops of browny coloured blood when I go to the toilet which is when I notice the discharge mostly, although sometimes it is in my underwear.

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Birth Control :: Mirena IUD - Side Effects?

I'm getting the Mirena in a week or 2. They didn't really explain much since it's pretty much the only choice of birth control I have. They only told me that my period could stop and it was good for 5 years. what are the side effects?

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) Fell Out Today

I am very concerned and confused because my mirena fell out today.  I am having symptoms of pregnancy. I didn't think that was possible

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) - Loss Of Libido

My gf went to have her Mirena replaced by a new on in December 2014. She had no issues during the first one. The first one had grown stuck and it was a VERY painful experience to remove it.

After having the new one fitted, its been more than a year now where she has ZERO interest in sex. Before that she was normally the one initiating it at least once a day! Now we've barely had any sex in a year.

So after much convincing and offering to pay for a follow up from my side, she went back to the OBGYN in September. He did a bunch of tests and checks and says everything is normal, the Mirena can't possibly cause it. I just have a hard time believing its not the Mirena as the problems started exactly when the new one was fitted.

For the sake of completeness I should mention that during her checkup the OB GYN picked up that she has high blood pressure and cholesterol. He referred the results to her GP who now has her on medication and the matter seems to be under control, except that she's fainted twice in 4 months from low BP.

Should we spend the money on seeing another OBGYN for a second opinion, or is the first guy correct that it can't possibly be that? My idea is to remove the damn thing and see what happens for a few months, if things do improve I will consider getting a vasectomy. Opinions?

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