Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) Removed - Pelvic And Sex Pain

After a year of pelvic pain and pain during sex I had my mirena removed today.  I had one ultrasound done at my gp doctors office, a year ago when the pain during sex started,that stated my iud was seen within my endometrium and extending into my lower uterine segment.  My gp, that obvious isn't familiar with iuds at all, wasn't sure whether or not this meant it was embedded.  So I went to my gyno who did an ultrasound and said it was in place.   I've had 4 ultrasound showing small cyst over the past year but nothing to really explain my pelvic pain.   My gyno has been suspects endometriosis. Today I visited my gyno again with increasing pelvic pain and pain during sex mainly focusing on my left side.  I had an ultrasound that showed 4 small functional cyst on my left side and one on my right but no real cause for the pain.  So I asked to have my iud removed because I feel like I have to eliminate that as a possible cause before I could ever consider laparoscopy to check for endo.

The removal hurt. I hand multiple sharp pains and I felt popping while he was pulling my strings but it did come out.  After ward the iud had clear-yellowish stringy tissue attached to the top and bottom of the middle cylinder of the iud.  Does this sound like it was slightly embedded or is it normal. And if it does sound like it was slightly embedded is there anything I should watch out for or suspect post-removal?

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) - Cramping Is Normal

I been on mirena since last Monday and Sunday the 6th I have been cramping is it normal for that?

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Contraception :: Mirena (IUD) Cramping And Stomach Cramps

I had a mirena coil inserted nearly 3 weeks ago. I had some bad stomach cramps one night with some reasonable bleeding for a couple of days afterwards. This then stopped about 7 days after insertion.

As I stopped bleeding, 8 days after insertion, me and my boyfriend decided to have sex. I was apprehensive but there was no issues and have been no issues since.

One thing I have got though, is pink discharge. It's been on and off since last Monday with occasional drops of browny coloured blood when I go to the toilet which is when I notice the discharge mostly, although sometimes it is in my underwear.

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Birth Control :: Removed Mirena Myself

I removed my Mirena IUD on Monday night. I hadn't had a period at all since i had it in last year. i had a couple days of cramping but that has seemed to be gone. Last night I started having light but thick brown discharge. Is this normal? What signs of a problem Should I watch for? I did it but then I've been worried because I read it can cause problems if taken out by myself. If there was no bleeding at the time I didn't cause any damage did I? When should u expect a period?

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Fertility :: After Mirena Removed, TTC And Begin To Worry

I had mirena IUD for five years and in those five years I never had a period I was not regular before mirena and now that I got it removed in 4-14-15 I have only had 2 periods and i haven't been on any kind of birth control I have been TTC for 2 months now and I begin to worry that I can't conceive BC I haven't been using any birth control for 7 months now and I haven't gotten pregnant and now that I am trying to for two months I feel like its not going to happen I'm just worried,is it that I'm just being impatient? should I just relax and keep on trying?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Light Cramping 2nd Day No Cramping Just Spotting

Dlight pink thick discharge and after I went pee I had to wipe 3 times and all 3 times there was a lot of discharge I haven't had a period since May and it will be July in 3 days. I had 2 day bleeding. first day light cramping 2nd day no cramping just spotting I took a home test came back negative

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Contraception :: Mirena (IUD) - Sharp Pain On And Off

I have now had my birth control for 2 years and have been having pain on and off again since last night it was bad it felt like i was being stabbed it was a sharp pain and have had it for a few days on and off why.

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Cramping Pain On My Left Side Towards The Spine

I was wondering if anyone as similar problems to me. I have had alot of cramping pain on my left side towards the spine I have seen a gp about it and says it's musculoskeletal. A few days ago I woke up with the opposite side in agony and I phone the docs but they just said it is muscle spasm. I find it quite strange that the pain from my left seems to of gone and now it's top right of my back. Also how long does a spasm take to go thanks tracy

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Microdiscectomy (5 Months) - Still Pain In Right Calf And Cramping

I'm 5 months post op, Is they any light at the end of the tunnel for me?

I'm still in pain especially my right calf, feels like constant cramping.

I can walk ok, as soon as I stop I can't stand up straight due to my right leg feeling very tight.

It was a herniated disc at l5, s1 nerve.

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Sigmoidoscopy :: Pain And Terrible Cramping - Why Not Sedation?

Had Sigmoidoscopy yesterday and would need to be dragged kicking and screaming before having another! The hospital staff were lovely, I was given an enema before the doctor came to speak to me about what he was about to do. He was very nice and reassuring so up to then, all was going well. Then I was taken to the treatment room where I was asked to lie on my left side on a bed which had sides on (to prevent escape ha ha) and the procedure started. Boy oh boy, the pain I experienced was terrible cramping all over my abdomen like I had never experienced before (even child birth wasn't as bad as this). The nurses kept reassuring me and asking me to take deep slow breaths but this did not help and eventually having been unable to cope with it anymore, the doctor agreed to stop but did take two biopsies. However, because it was too painful for me to allow him to go any further, he said he was 20 cm short of where he wanted to see. Now here's the question. Why on earth don't they just put the patient under total sedation? This way no pain is caused to them, the doctor can look at the area he needs to see and all in all, every one happy. It seems a waste of time to me to put people through such agony when there is a simple solution. The doctor is unable to perform a full examination because it is too painful for the patient so its not cost effective, its cruel and it's a waste of everyone's time!

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Positive For Leukocytes - Dripping, Pain And Cramping During Urination

For a few weeks (on and off) I've been getting really bad urges to pee. Also, sometimes when I do pee (not every time) I have brownish/red little squish clumps come out and my pee is never colored but sometimes the dripping afterwards is slightly red. When I have those times when I have to pee a lot, I have bad cramping down in the pelvis area or I feel very uncomfortable down there.

So, I bought a UTI at home test and tested positive for Leukocytes and negative for Nitrates. Should I go to the doctor? Is there anything to try at home? I've been drinking a little bit more water and 100% cranberry juice.

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Pregnancy :: Sharp Pain With Period Cramping In My Right Side

I'm 20 weeks pregnant with my second child and I'm getting this sharp pain with period cramping in my right side and then every time it happens I feel like I'm peeing I go to the bathroom and it's not like a flooded my pants but there is a tiny bit of fluid each time anyone experience this?

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Diverticula :: Pubic Pain - Cramping And Bouts Of Diarrhea

I was diagnosed 2 years ago .  After complaining of left sided pain .

Since then I am having pain left sided going over to the pubic bone area . Does anyone else have this ??

I admit I am also have lots of  cramping and bouts of diarrhea  and constipation but keeping pain  under control with paracetamol only .

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Gallbladder Removed :: Constant Bruise Type Pain Comes And Goes.

Ok I had my gb removed October 15. Prior to my op I would have occasional constant pain in gb/liver area this could last days at a time and was different from an attack as I could still carry on my daily tasks but always aware of this gnawing bruise like pain. I assumed this pain would go after op I'm thankful I no longer have those awful attacks but this pain still comes tho not as often as before.

Does anyone have the same? Should I be worried? Or is it just something I need to put up with? I had liver function and renal bloods done recently and all were normal.

I've also since December started to have burning stomach pain in upper abdomen but that probably isn't connected just thought I'd mention in case someone has had similar since removing gallbladder.

Thank you

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Spleen Removed 6 Years Back - Still Pain In The Area

I had my spleen removed during bariatric surgery because the surgeon accidentally ruptured my spleen.  The surgery was in 2010 and I still have pain in that area quite often.  My surgeon says if I see another doctor about the pain he will drop me as a patient. Why would my spleen area still hurt and what tests can I have to find out what is causing the pain?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Headache, Nausea, Cramping, Back Pain And Sore Breasts

I am 20 years old and for the past week have had constant headaches, nausea and back pain. I have been feeling slight cramping like period pains but less severe and my breasts feel very sore, I had 1 alcoholic drink a couple of days ago and was sick straight after. My boyfriend and i  had unprotected sex a week ago, could i be pregnant?

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Menstruation :: Spotting, Irregular Periods, Cramping, Heartburn, Abdominal Pain

My period is normally a 28 day cycle and it last 7 days. normally it would come on on the 28 of every month. well this year back in march it started switching around and every month it would come on on a earlier day in each month but it would always be a different day. well today is july 29 and this month my period came on on the 1st and went off on the 7th. i started spotting on the 14 and it lasted for two days. at first it was light pink and i have never spotted in my life, but then that 2nd day it was brown when it was stopped. now, i am spotting again today and cramping really bad and has been feeling sick lately and i have had heartburn for a whole week now.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Cramping And Pain In My Lower Abdomen Lasts For Days

My boyfriend and I don't have sex, but will "fool around", and I have noticed after foreplay, I have cramping and pain in my lower abdomen that sometimes lasts a few days. It sometimes feels like a bloating feeling, but it is painful. (I have had problems of painful cramps during my period and my doctor has put me on oral contraceptives.) Is he being too rough, or is there something else that is causing this pain?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Discharge, Lower Back Pain, Mild Cramping, Late Period - Negative Pregnancy Test

I keep track of my period using a tracker, and it hasn't failed me yet- I'm always right on time, but last month that changed. My husband has been overseas for a year and just got back last month, the day my period was due, but it ended up being 5 days late. I put that into my tracker and it updated my "schedule" for this month.. But again, I'm almost 4 days late. We only use the pull out method, so I'm worried I might be pregnant. I've been experiencing lower back pain, and mild cramping like I have when my period is coming.. Also, there's a white discharge but I haven't noticed any spotting or anything like that. I'm wondering if it's the stress of having my husband home again after so long, or could my hormones possibly be messing up due to having sex regularly after not having it for a year? I've taken 4 home pregnancy tests and they've all been negative. They were all "early detection" tests and I took 2 before my period was due, one the day it was due, and one after I was 2 days late. Clear negatives. I really don't want to be pregnant right now and was planning on getting on birth control after this period.

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