Metronidazole Reaction :: Flu, Dizzy, Chest Pain And Body Aches

I was prescribed metronidazole 200mg for a tooth infection, yesterday. I took 1 tablet as prescribed with a glass of water and food at lunchtime. Soon afterwards I felt confused and slightly dizzy, cheeks flushed. After work, approx 3 hours later I was frozen and aching all over - like a bad dose of flu, couldn't keep awake, kept getting stabbing chest pains, my back and legs were and still are very painful - keep taking paracetamol to ease the pain. I have quite severe head and neck ache and have no appetite. Have a dry mouth and have been drinking lots of water. As for the toothache - that seems to be the least of my worries. At the moment I feel very washed out and weak. The Dentist has given me a different prescription and can't understand the symptoms I have described. It is now 24 hours since taking tablet and I am now feeling a bit better.

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Anxiety :: Physical Symptoms - Body Aches - Chest / Stomach Burning

For about a week now I've had burning sensation in my chest and upper stomach, not sure if it's muscle or inside my stomach. I guess it's muscle as its sensitive when my clothes brush against it. Has anyone else had this? Also the other day I had weird sensation in my foot like a buzzing feeling and it radiated up my leg and now I keep getting aches, pinches and pins and needles in my leg which makes me worry I have a blood clot or something even though everyone is telling me it's just anxiety, I'm having hard time sleeping because of it. Does anyone else experience these things? I hate how every pain I get I think I'm dying!!!

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Carbimazole And Propranolol - Aches And Pains Everywhere

I have just started carbimazole and to be honest I feel worse. I have aches and pains everywhere. This has come as a bit of a shock. Within two

Years I have been diagnosed with PA and coeliacs and now this.

Can anyone tell me how long it will take for shakes to go and the general

of being unwell. I am now on 5mg twice a day, I was on 20mg, but my body shakes and tremors got lot worse. I am also on 10mg of Propranolol.

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Statins :: Atorvastatin - Constant Tiredness And Body Aches

I found this site by accident & on reading other views realise I have made a big mistake! I have been taking Atorvastatin 40mg as well as other heart drugs, for many years now. A chance remark to a nurse about my constant tiredness & she said it was the statins. I stopped taking them 3 months ago without saying anything to my GP (I continued to order them as usual) I felt human at last and a lot of my aches & pains also disappeared.

I am very susceptible to kidney stones having been born with a medullary sponge kidney, but have n't had any trouble for years. A routine scan in October 2010 showed no stones. An emergency scan 3 days ago revealed numerous stones - too many to count - plus a drastic rise in my cholesterol levels. Caused by not taking my statins!

Talk to your GP before stopping any drugs- in some cases the bad side effects are worth it and the drugs can prevent even more serious problems.

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Thyroid :: Parathyroid Tumour? Unbearable Body Aches

I am 48 years old and been suffering many years with pain all over my body, my hip pain is the worst, closely followed by shoulders, wrists and hands, then buttocks, more recently knees.  My history has been a bit of a nightmare - diagnosed first as fibromyalgia, then early RA, then back to fibro, abnormal antibodies (autoimmune disease).  Years ago I complained to my gp about mouth ulcers and was discovered I was low in vitamin D.  Two years ago I started suffering extreme head sweats and a few weeks ago I realised that I was still getting mouth ulcers even if I was just a few hours late taking my Calcium Vitamin D and told  my gp, adding that I was concerned that I was still low in vitamin D.  Blood tests revealed that I am, even though I never miss the tablets, get lots of outdoors when able, eat loads of fish, eggs etc.  So, doc thinks its a parathyroid tumour and according to the website the only 2 reasons you would have low vitamin D is 1- if you don't actually get any and 2 - you do have a tumour.  So its looking pretty much like this is the reason and I am guessing surgery will be necessary.  My concern is, my muscles and bones ache so much, I walk like a very old woman.

My life has really been mostly bed bound for the last few years with pain, having to use a stick a lot when I do go out - on good days I will be out as much as possible and walk as much as I can-yeah the consequences are usually the next day in bed, but I try to push it as much as I can.  I have put so many things on hold, work and social and missed out on so much.  Now, I am wondering - if and when this is sorted out, the tumour removed (if the doc is right and I do believe he is) will my aches and pains go?  Will I have a better quality of life?  If osteoporosis has set it - can it be reversed?  I have also noticed very recently things becoming much worse.  If I move my hand in a different way the pain is unbearable and feels like something has just broken - my index finger has started moving involuntary, kind of jumping - is this related to anything?

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Undiagnosed :: Body Aches / Headache And Stuffy Nose

I'm a 19 year old male in college and I have had symptoms for about a month and a half now. I got my flu shot in mid November and exactly one week later, I developed flu like symptoms. I felt warm (no fever though), body aches, bad headache and stuffy nose. I laid down for a couple days and went out two nights to visit friends. I was feeling okay, thinking that it was just a bad cold. A week passed and I didn't have much relief. I decided to go to the nurse the next week with little relief. I went there and had a 99.2 fever and still stuffy nose and headache and some body aches. She thought I had sinusitis and put my on amoxicillin. I took this for 10 days and still did lot have much relief. After being on winter break for two weeks and just basically relaxing and drinking a lot of fluids, I finally went to a doctor. They did blood testing for mono. I got the results back and they said everything was fine with my blood work. Ever since then, I still have had headaches, on and off stuffy nose and feverish feeling with no actual registered fever and fatigue. Recently, when I have blowed my nose, I have had some blood and I have tried taking multivitamins, vitamin C packs and Zinc pills. I've tried almost everything and I can't shake this. It gets worse with activity but I have been working out and for some reason, that helps. Has anyone had symptoms like these? I'm at a loss right now as to what this is as I am a generally healthy person who works out every day.

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Oxytetracycline Body Aches And Swollen Legs - Side Effect?

I have been taking oxytetracycline for the last 5 months or so to clear up spots on my chest and back.But lately i have had pains in my knees,pains in my back and sometimes slight pain in my stomach area.I have noticed my legs,from the knees down especially around my ankles are full of fluid after my work.I was wondering if this is due to something else or has anyone else out there had anything like this after taking oxytetracycline.I have noticed my eyes are a bit blurry at times.But it's the pains and the fluid i would like to find out about.

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Statins :: Body Aches And Bruises - Fast Heart Beat

Had a minor Heart Attack 7 weeks ago, been put on 80mg Atorvastatin. I am now getting a very fast heart beat,got bruises all over my body,pains in chest and back,so tired but cannot sleep.Getting really fed up,want to go back to work,but don't feel well enough.

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Anxiety :: Propranolol Reviews? Anyone?

Just been prescribed 10mg for my physical Symptoms.. Does anyone else take them? I've seen good reviews about these, was just wondering if anyone on here takes them?

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Anxiety :: Coming Off Propranolol?

I really want to get off propranolol but I can't seem to do it without getting horrible withdrawal symptoms like racing heart, sweats, dizziness and breathlessness! Has anyone successfully got off it and if so how did you do it? I have tried tapering my dose I have went from 120mg per day down to 10/20mg a day but this last hurdle is messing with me!

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Anxiety :: Muscle Aches In Both Calf Muscles?

I have been dealing with anxiety for the last 4 months but woke up the other morning and both my calf muscles were sore lime I had run a marathon but of course I hadn't. I did feel anxious or anything but they say you can get the symptoms without having it and was wondering if this is anxiety symptoms at its best.

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Propranolol For Anxiety Making Me Depressed

i take this medication for panic attacks but it makes me feel so depressed that i don't want to be on planet earth anymore.

ive suffered depression and anxiety for almost 10 yrs on and off now, i'm only 26 and going out of my mind.

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Propranolol Vs. Anxiety Vs. Blood Pressure

My doctor gave me 10 mg of propranolol for anxiety and she said it was ok to take with my bp. My bp ranges from 95/70 to sometimes 102/70 when my anxiety gets up. My pulse is usually around 75 resting and once I get up and my heart palpitations are bothering me at 75 beats per minute and I feel like I need to get up and move around which is like an akathisia feeling, my heart rate will go over 100, usually 104 -110 when I have to get up and walk around. Should I take 5mg or 2.5 mg just to see how it does since my bp can run low and my resting heart rate is 95/75 - 90/70? I have the sweaty palms and headache also during these times. My Paxil is not working anymore and it's causing this anxiety.

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Anxiety :: Propranolol Worked But Breathing Difficulty

I started taking propranolol last last and it made a huge difference in my anxiety feel like a new person today.. but the only thing is after taking it i feel like i couldn't breath like my airflow was being restricted ?

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Anxiety :: Coming Off Propranolol - By Cutting The Tablet?

I have been on 10mg PROPRANOLOL for a few years for anxiety attacks which would last 4 days of continuous sickness and sweating, also heart palpitations.

I have managed to control this over the past 2 years and very rarely get panic attacks , if i do the sickness and palpitations last a day.

I was taking this medication twice a day, however the beginning of last year i weaned myself down to one tablet a day (10mg) and then eventually stopped taking my tablets all together. i then became very anxious and had to reverse back to 0ne tablet daily. This is with the odd attack.

A year later and having no attacks i would like to try again and wean myself of completely but scared i will revert back to being sick an anxious again. However putting that to one side and thinking positive i would like to stop them.

Can i cut the tablets with a drug cutter and reduce the amount to 5 mg daily and stop.

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Anxiety Increased :: Reaction Between Citalopram And Propranolol

I took the plunge and took the tablets 40mls a day twice a day for around 3 weeks, then due to side effects, reduced to 10 mls twice a day.  

My constant panic attacks are not there anymore, just now and again.  I found that the tablets must of interacted with the citalopram 10mls as I felt really alert of them and couldn't sleep, general anxiety symptoms were increased.  Since reducing I am able sleep, my pulse rate is still up, but not as bad as before.  

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Anxiety Worse In The Mornings - Citalopram And Propranolol

Does anyone else feel like this, I wake up (that's if I have slept of course) and I'm filled with dread.  My husband goes to work very early and I hate him saying he is leaving, my anxiety is dreadful in the morning and sometimes lasts all day, when I go to bed at night I already start worrying about the next day! I am on day 9 of 20mg of citalopram and propranolol so hoping meds will start working soon.  But does anyone fill withdrew due in the morning?

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Propranolol Slowing Down Heart Rate - Causing Further Anxiety

I'm been put on 10mg of propranolol daily for palpitations and pulse rate normal sits between 60-70 BPM and when I take these propranolol I feel like my heart beat is just going to stop which is making my anxiety 100% question is can't my heart just stop beating ? Can I half these tablets down to 5mg? Can't get this shaky constant panicky feeling away..

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Anxiety :: Propranolol - Consult Doctor If You Start Or Quit Smoking?

I was wondering if anyone has even been on propranolol 40mg once a day for anxiety and stopped smoking and if so did you feel fine!

I want to stop smoking but on the leaflet it says consult your doc if u start or stop smoking.

I did ask my gp but he dismissed the leaflet and just said stop smoking - I kinda didn't trust his answer.

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