Venlafaxine With Citalopram Causing More Anxiety

I have been taking venlafaxine for 4 weeks now 2 weeks at 37.5 with 10mg of citalopram and the last 2 weeks at 75mg a day on its own the last 2 weeks I have been experiencing more anxiety and feel tense all the time I'm more snappy with my kids too will this pass as Iv changed on to this medication as citalopram wasn't helping me any with anxiety and low mood. I just want to be me again I keep having racing thoughts which had all stopped.

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Anxiety Causing Vertigo Or Vice Versa?

trigger warning in case you are emetophobic or xenophobic

Wasn't sure to post this here or on the vertigo/dizziness board, but since I know I am diagnosed with anxiety, figured it'd be worth a shot.

From what I have read, my recent symptoms correlate with BPPV: recurring vertigo with nystagmus for about 10-30 seconds which happens when I move my head up/down/etc. Reading these articles I was certain this is what I have, but the causes don't really measure up. It's more common in older people, I'm only 21. It happens a lot in head/ear trauma or migraines, neither of which I have. sometimes BPPV has no real cause and just happens apparently as well

What I do have with absolute certainty, is severe GAD for over ten years now. Not severe enough to be hospitalized, but severe enough that I dropped out of high school. My anxiety attacks often are accompanied and even triggered by feelings of nausea and dizziness. I've been emetophobic all my life. This made me think maybe my fear of feeling dizzy and sick is part of this vertigo that seems to have no other cause. i mean dizziness has always been a BIG trigger for me. I don't like wide open spaces, can't go on planes, just thinking about being on a roller coaster makes me feel sick.

The vertigo attacks will occasionally last a few days to weeks, but often will just occur once and not happen again for some time. It feels like it flares specifically when I think i am having some clear weeks, anxiety wise. Then randomly I'll wake up and the room is spinning. this isn't lightheaded and faint, this is carousel holding onto walls dizzy.

i'm sure others with anxiety can relate to the worry that something is actually physically wrong with you and not related to your anxiety. I guess I'd just like to know something. BPPV isn't curable other than surgery and exercises (that have not helped). It would be nice to be able to just tell myself it's just my anxiety acting up, or to just tell myself I have vertigo and to grin and bear it til it goes away.

I've tried other things too: keeping very hydrated in case of low blood pressure, iron supplements, i count calories already so I know i'm not just hungry and dizzy, propping myself up when i sleep

is it possible to have such a severe reaction to anxiety like vertigo when it relates so closely to your trigger?

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Anxiety :: Antidepressant - Prozac Causing Nausea And Depersonalization

I was prescribed Prozac and and have been on 10 for 3 weeks then went up to 20 2 weeks ago. I've been so nauseous,feeling like I'm gonna throw up and worsened anxiety and depersonalization. So my doctor told me to stop and switched me to lexapro 10 mg when will I notice a change?

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Propranolol Slowing Down Heart Rate - Causing Further Anxiety

I'm been put on 10mg of propranolol daily for palpitations and pulse rate normal sits between 60-70 BPM and when I take these propranolol I feel like my heart beat is just going to stop which is making my anxiety 100% question is can't my heart just stop beating ? Can I half these tablets down to 5mg? Can't get this shaky constant panicky feeling away..

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Agoraphobia :: Lopressor 25 Mg Being Taken For Anxiety Is Causing Slightly Suppressed Breathing?

lopressor 25 mg being taken for anxiety is causing slightly suppressed breathing which is felt around bed time.if i switch to inderal will the same problem continue?also i have started taking 1.5 mg lexopro/lorazepam yesterday for anxiety /sleep problems and it did make me fall asleep longer than usual.Just wondering how long can i keep taking lexopro before becoming addictive.?

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Menopause :: Anxiety Causing Heart Palpitations And Increased Blood Pressure

My anxiety has been terrible since peri menopause started about 8 years ago.I am 46 now and the heart palpitations and increased blood pressure is getting to me. I had blood work,had a holiter monitor test for 48 hours and the results were normal.My anxiety is horrible which in turn makes everything else go up, can this really be normal?

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Unable To Cope Health Anxiety - Searching Internet Causing More Panic

I'm 25 years old and for the past 3/4 weeks i think I've been suffering from health anxiety. First I was having night sweats and google made me think this was the start of a serious illness. Next I had chest pains which I thought were strained muscles but it lasted for a few weeks and I convinced myself this was serious. I now have a pain in my left breast and now I'm convinced I have breast cancer and I'm losing the plot. I have two small children (aged 2 and 10 weeks) this is running my life and my partner thinks I'm mad. Every little symptom I get I google it and it makes me worry so much more. I've had my left breast checked and it's okay, also had an ECG and that was fine. I go from being fine one minute to panic and google searching the next.

I don't know what to do. I'm so upset and keep thinking about my children now growing up with a mum.

The pain I have is like a lingering pain from the back of my breast, sometimes i feels hot and the pain travels to my back. I'm also now worried about my other breast because the nipple has inverted tonight so I'm thinking this is serious.

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Omeprazole :: Causing Rash - Lapromazole Causing Diarrhoea

I have a horrendous rash on my feet, upper arms, back and hands. I have been taking Omeprazole for about 6 weeks, and am due to see a consultant in a few days. As no one had mentioned a rash to me, I assumed it was a heat rash, as I have a habit of warming my feet by the fire, but the rash has got much worse, and now I have ENORMOUS blisters on my big toes and small ones elsewhere on my feet and hands. I have phoned the GP surgery as I see this is listed as a possible side effect, and was told to stop taking the omeprazole which I did yesterday. So far there is no improvement, but it is only 24 hours, so I am hoping there will be some improvement very soon. I have also lost my sense of taste and smell which may be due to a bad cold, but I have a very dry mouth and a horrid taste in it when I wake up in the morning. This is also a listed side effect. The doctor I spoke to seemed to think the rash IS due to the omeprazole. Incidentally, I took lapromazole for 2 weeks previously, but it gave me dreadful diarrhoea, so the consultant changed me to omeprazole. I will post another message on here when I have seen the consultant.

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Anyone Burping Excessively? More Like Belching

Anyone burping excessively? More like belching I have to admit. Like when guys drink too much beer. Not just once but 3-5 in a row! And all day long everyday!

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Constant Burping After Neurosurgery

I'm 62 and recently have undergo a neuro surgery. I am 2 weeks post op and encounter lack of appetite and will feel nausea once I have my meal.

Also I'm constant burping as well. Kindly advise.

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Gallbladder :: Burping After Having Oatmeal

I sound like a man after I eat! I now burp so loud after eating it is embarrassing. I could never burp loud before. I hope this subsides. All I had was oatmeal. Anyone else experience this?

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Nausea :: Burping Before And After Vomiting

When I feel vomit coming up I run to the toilet/bucket and it feels like vomit is coming up I get watery mouth and try to steady my breathing ready for vomit and then I burp like I burp at least 2-4 times (long slow weird sounding burps) before vomit actually comes up, it's almost like the burp is replacing a "gag" but I still do gag As Well and after I vomit I'll burp more and vomit more the most I've burped in one go before throwing up/in between vomits was tonight and I burped at least 7 long slow weird almost frog sounding burps before actually vomiting what does this weird burping while throwing up mean?

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Asthma :: Belching/ Burping

For the past couple of months I've started belching /burping ,it's not acid ,I get a feeling of a lump at the back of my throat and feel the need to rub my upper chest / throat to help relieve it.

I have asthma to ,not sure if the two are connected ,it's a new problem for me ,I'm 69 and was diagnosed with asthma back in 1992.

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Continuous Burping With Bronchiectasis?

Does any Bronchiectasis sufferers have a continuous burping condition that came along after a year or so of diagnosis please?

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Omeprazole :: Excessive Burping

i think this may be caused by the omeprazole.

flatulence is mentioned in the side effects but i do not know if this include the burping. it is awful! for at least a half an hour burping keeps annoying me, again and again after i take omeprazole.

i must take it with diclofenac. last time i was on diclofenac i got gastritis. now i have to take these two together.

other people take the omeprazole on empty stomach.

but if i have to take these two medicines together, i must take them with the food. i cannot take diclofenac on empty stomach, can i?

which way would be the best?

do i have to take them together? should i not use omeprazole straight in the morning on empty stomach and then diclofenac later on with a meal?

generally, i do not have strong acid or reflux. i only take omeprazole because i have to take diclofenac.

how would the omeprazole react with contraception, which i also take straight in the morning?

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Thyroid :: Involuntary Burping After Parathyroidectomy?

Did anybody experience involuntary burping/ trapped air/ flemy lump when swallowing after their Parathyroidectomy? Mine started 4 days after op i'm now on my 3rd week of recovery and it's still there. Went back to hospital yesterday and she said the scar/lump which is going down nicely is normal, yet she has never heard of the involuntary burping/ trapped air , she said it could be because of where they have moved stuff and it's settling down. I still have soreness and bruising and this is starting to go down.

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Pregnancy :: Burping Means Little Ones' Hiccups?

I Have A High Pulse Feeling In My Tummy Does That Mean My Little Ounces Got The Hiccups

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Weak Esophagus :: Excessive Burping 24 / 7

I burp 24 hours a day. It is constant. It seems like just air. I have had the barium test and it showed my gall bladder is fine, my liver is fine, and everything looked great except for my esophagus.

My esophagus is weak and it is not getting the proper signals of when to work and when not the doc says.My doc prescribed Reglan. It has done no good at all. Many times I vomit up a meal due to all of the burping.

The burps are loud, embarrassing and very uncomfortable!

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Gastroenterology :: Uncontrollable Burping And Loss Of Appetite

This took place about 2 months ago now and started with loss of appetite, I could go all day without even getting hungry. when i would realize how long it had been seine i ate i would make myself eat, but it would cause stomach cramps and pain so i started just not eating. i felt fine never getting hungry or even feeling weak. I am sure this wasn't good but eat became quite painful. it progressed to if i would eat i would burp literally constantly the rest of the day. So now i am back to not eating at all and still burping constantly. I know i need to eat but don't know what i can do to help this, tums and over the counter meds have done nothing so far.

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