Cold Feet And COPD

I know a lot of people that have cold extremities and they don't have COPD. My adoptive Mom was one of those people.  Her hands and feet were always freezing cold and she did not have COPD.  I've had cold feet and hands all of my life long before the diagnosis of COPD. 

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Hemochromatosis :: Cold Feet ?

I've been diagnosed with Haemochromatosis . My ferritin level was 1421.

I've only had 4 venesections so far but my levels are down to 700.

I know ferritin levels can fluctuate but to me this is a drastic reduction considering I've only been having treatment for a month.

Is this normal.

Also my feet get extremely cold at night if I'm just sitting down Reading or watching TV. I also have to wear bed socks at night as they are so cold. Could this be due to bad circulation and is it a symptom of Haemochromatosis.

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Cold Feet

Anyone else here experience extremely cold feet? Last night I was up till 3am because they felt so cold. When I feel them with my hands after repeatedly trying to warm them, they don't feel cold to the touch anymore but still feel cold... It got to the point last night where they were painful. They feel cold all day too though I'm able to ignore it somewhat when I'm walking around and doing other things. At night, it's not something I can ignore and it's keeping me awake. What do you do if you experience this? I should mention I've had numbness in my legs below the knee and feet for sometime now.

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Hypothyroidism :: Hashimoto's - Feet And Hands Are Always Cold?

So today I had an appointment with an endo for the second time. He said my thyroid levels are not normal and has diagnosed me with hashimoto's. He explained it has something to do with my antibodies or something. Could this explain why my feet and hands are always Cold?

Anyway, they are treating me straight away for it.

I'm still worried about adrenal Cancer and cushing's. But he said that Cancer isn't an option. And my blood pressure was fine so he doesn't suspect any adrenal problem

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Foot / Ankle :: Grayish Toenails And Cold Feet

I have suffered from cold feet for as long as I can remember. My feet are almost always cold and that is nothing new to me. Last year I did have a problem with some toenail fungus and I was able to take care of it. Even though the nails grew back now, they are still quite thick, Perhaps still recovering.

What I have noticed is that they are often/mostly (? at least when I am not wearing shoes I can notice this) a greyish bluish color...

Is this always related to bad circulation or could it be related to a fungus that is hopefully recovering?

I also have leg cramps of late - not sure it is associated as I recently switched jobs and went from sitting down most of the time, to standing up most of the time - so perhaps this had an affect on my legs.

I am mostly worried about cardiac related issues... of course I can go run to the doctor but they will just bounce me around to other doctors and I am curious to hear from people that might have first hand experience

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Cold Burning Sensation In My Feet And Arms

I am a 19 year old male. I have a cold sensation in both my feet and hands, this is accompanied by fatigue and heavy feeling hands making typing difficult. I also get relieved by a hot shower (which is weird as the sensation completely goes and this is atypical of MS). This generally causes issues for about 2 weeks at a time and attacks often come 6 weeks apart. I have noticed that sometimes and attack will start after a heavy night's drinking (no I am not an alcoholic and don't drink regularly) 

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Sertraline :: Zoloft Withdrawal - Gone Cold Turkey

Due to circumstances out of my control I have currently gone cold turkey from sertraline and am unable to get back on for a wee bit and am

Experiencing withdrawal and am very dizzy to the point I can't drive and have waves of nausea and cold sweats and aching body.

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Sertraline :: Bad Zoloft Withdrawal - Cold Turkey

I was taking 250 mg of Zoloft a day for about 5 months and decided to stop taking it cold turkey. After a couple days I started feeling the withdrawal start. I have the brain zaps, dizziness, loss of coordination, shaking and shivering, irritability and most recently some hallucinating. It has been 10 days now, I thought it would have eased by now, but it hasn't. I have tried taking Benadryl and Dramamine, but they haven't relieved anything. Is there anything anyone knows of that would work? This is awful, I almost want to go back on the meds just to stop this, but I know I'll only have to go through this again eventually so better to do it now.

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Anxiety :: Hot And Cold Waves Out Of The Blue?

My anxiety is much better, I hope everyone else has been feeling better...

But I still get really hot or cold heat or cold waves and it's just the worst.

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Anxiety :: Zoloft - Cold Turkey?

Is it bad to stop taking Zoloft cold turkey? It really works for my anxiety, but I've been taking other meds and I'm afraid of interactions.

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Anxiety :: Sertraline From Gabapentin

I've just come off gabapentin severe withdrawal and doc just changed me from 10mg citalopram every other day to 50 mg sertraline every day and 5mg Valium to help. Can't decide if horrible sick anxiety feeling is withdrawal or symptoms off new tablets can't eat and feel so ill anyone else had similar probs can't go to work and I don't want to be at home.


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Anxiety :: Dizziness And Cold Top Of Head With Headache

So I've been fighting anxiety for about 8 years now, compounded with some pretty unpleasant experiences including having one of my friends die in front of me from heart failure and then having to personally ensure his incineration and bringing his remains home to his family.  I've spent about 7 years of my adult life on military or private military missions overseas in third world countries. The last few months I have been getting a lot of dizziness/lightheadedness when I'm overseas, but almost none when I'm home with my wife. Just recently I was briefing something and the room started spinning and I had to close one eye to concentrate on the slides, this lasted about 90 seconds I think, then another 90 seconds of unsteadiness, after which the top of my head felt cold and achy. I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something like this?

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Anxiety :: Tapering Off Xanax - Cold Turkey

I was never told by doctor 2 important things.  1) Only take Xanax when you feel a major attack coming on. 2) DO NOT stop taking it cold turkey.  After being diagnosed with Anxiety a few weeks ago, I started taking .12mg of Xanax 3 times a day, it did make me feel better, but after experiencing some harsh side effects. I decided to see my doctor. He then told me that I only should be taking it when a major attack comes on and that I need to stop taking it 3 times a day.  Well, I have not had any major attacks, but now I am starting to feel heavy chest pressure, shooting pains, and headaches.  After doing some independent research, I found that these are most likely the effects of stopping Xanax cold turkey, which is strongly discouraged.  My doctor never told me this.  So now I am trying to figure out what I should to resolve these latest issues.  Everything I read points to taking the Xanax again, but tapering off of it slowly.  Any advice as to how I should go about this?  Should I take .12mg twice a day, regardless of an attack, and taper off from there?

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Anxiety :: Physical Symptoms - Body Twitching And Stiffness In Hands / Feet

I have had some sort of anxiety for about 2 and a half years, and have experienced some awful physical symptoms.

Such as all over body twitching constantly, however for the last couple of months I have also had stiffness in my hands and feet and with joint pain and they constantly makes loud noise every time I move.

I'm a 28 year old male.

Has anyone have or had the same?

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Sertraline :: Anxiety And Leg Cramps After Starting

I've been horribly depressed for the last six months after stopping Zoloft which I had been taking, successfully, for years. Thought I might not need it anymore but I definitely do.

I remember feeling horrible the first time I started taking Zoloft. I was nauseous, nervous, shaky, dizzy and had horrible anxiety. I was given an antianxiety medication to help me cope back then .

Today I just hit three weeks and have been titrating my dose each week to where I am now at the dose I had taken prior to stopping Zoloft. Overall I've had a bit of nausea but nothing like the first time. The symptoms that seem at their peak at the moment are chest gripping anxiety, a feeling of internal shakiness, and leg cramps.

Anyone had these symptoms and remember if, and when, they went away or what you did to cope with them?

I live by myself after being divorced and feel frozen a lot of the time. I think I'm suffering from PTSD due to traumatic events of the past.
Thank you!

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Sertraline :: Day 14 Of Zoloft - No Anxiety But Depression?

Hi all. I'm on day 14 of Zoloft. I was put on it for anxiety & I would feel depressed the odd time. Iv noticed while I no longer feel anxious I feel depressed instead. I'm hoping this will lift as it's still very early days & maybe I'm still having side effects.

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Anxiety Normal On Sertraline (Zoloft)?

I started taking sertraline two months ago, after it turned out that my sleep issues were caused by depression. However, even though I’m on 100mg dose, neither my sleep or emotions feel like they are getting any better. If anything, I’m feeling worse since I’ve started taking it.

I was rarely anxious before sertraline/ Zoloft and now I have to go through several bouts of anxiety, usually triggered by everyday things which I was able to do normally before starting Zoloft. Is it normal to experience increased anxiety when you’re on sertraline?

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Anxiety :: Sertraline With Alcohol Effects?

Just wondering whether I can drink alcohol on sertraline? Iv been 50mg daily for about 2 weeks now. Not intending on getting drunk but just want to see how the effects are on other people first.  

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Sertraline Or Anxiety? Negative Thoughts

Does anyone know if Sertraline causes negative thoughts or is it because of my anxiety it just i'm not as depressed as before but can't get rid of these negative thoughts and I think it's that what's making me feel down been on 5g for 5 weeks then 100mg for a week

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