Switch From MonoNessa (pill) To The Implanon Arm Implant

I'm going to be making the switch from MonoNessa (pill) to the Implanon arm implant. I just wanted to know if anyone has had any experiences with it and what kind of side effects they experienced. I'm terrible at remember to take the pills, so they just weren't practical for me, but I want to make sure I'm not making a mistake as I have heard horror stories of women losing fertility after using Implanon.

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Been On The Pill For 10 Years - Now Trying To Get Pregnant

I have been on the pill for 10 years. I recently stopped at the end of January as my husband and I are trying to get pregnant. I had a normal period at the end of January and February. In March I had bleeding and bad cramping 4 days before my period. I went to my doctor and they did a blood test and an ultrasound. The blood test was negative and the ultrasound came back normal. In April, I started a very light bleeding 4 days before my period was due. This lasted 5 days - I only had to wear a liner. My period never came. I took a pregnancy test 3 days after my missed period and it was negative.

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Cerazette - Women Have Gotten Pregnant On This Pill

I started Cerazette about 6 months ago as I'm in my late thirties and my periods were becoming more painful, plus, condoms were started to irritate me. since starting it I had one tiny bleed and that's it, it's a revelation but I am constantly worried that I'm pregnant as it's odd not having periods and I have read that women have got pregnant on this pill, I have always taken it correctly. I may be being silly but if I'm not getting periods does that mean that I am not ovulating either, hence, would not be able to get pregnant and if I was accidentally to get pregnant on the pill then would i still be able to use a pregnancy test whilst still on the pill, i.e. would it show up? I'm just paranoid that after my Husband and I have had sex that a week later I take a test!!! Any ones views on this would really put my mind at rest as I'm considering coming off it just to get a period even though I don't want one!!!

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Sexual Dysfunction :: Half Pill Of 100mg Viagra Equals A 50mg Pill?

I remember I read somewhere that it was not the same to take a 50mg pill than half a 100mg pill.

The thing here is that I usually take a 50mg pill before having sex, I'm used to that dosis, however last time I went to the drugstore I accidentally bought 100mg pills, I am not willing to take one of those since it's the double of what I usually take (and 50mg works fine with me) but I am not sure is by taking half of those pills it would equal a 50 mg one.

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Birth Control :: Continue Taking The Sugar Pill Or Do I Start The Active Pill

I used to be on the pill a while ago and I recently decided to go back on it. I accidently took the sugar pill on my second day of having my period not realising I was meant to start taking the active pills. Can I continue taking the sugar pill or do I start the active pill?

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Birth Control :: FromCombined (Gederal) Pill To The Mini (Cerelle) Pill?

I have been on the combined pill (Gederal) for a couple of years now but my doctor wants to change me to the Mini Pill (Cerelle). My Combined pill is perfect so i don't want to change. I mentioned that i had one migraine with visual disturbance and she explained to me that even one of these migraines is a reason to come off the combined pill. The combined Pill regulated my periods but she explained that this mini pill is now going to make me irregular.

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Unprotected Sex, Late Taking Pill, Could The Pill Harm Baby?

If my bf and i have unprotected sex and he cum in me an later that night i.take my birth.control late an a few days before.we had sex i skipped my pill,could i be.pregnant ? Should i stop taking birth control? If.I.could.be pregnant could i harm the baby by continuing to take the pill? How long should i wait till i.take a pregnancy test?

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Birth Control :: Accidentally Took An Inactive Pill Instead Of An Active Pill

i accidentally took an inactive pill yesterday and i got really scared so i took 2 active pills due for yesterday and today? what should i do. does this mean im at risk of being pregnant?

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Thick Mucus-like Breakthrough Bleeding On Mononessa

I've been on mononessa for about 8 months now. I've never had any problems. But for the last three days I've had breakthrough bleeding in the form of thick mucus-like junk, but only small amounts. It's much less than my normal period. I've been having mild cramps too. This started a week from starting the placebo pills, which last month I skipped. My husband and I last had intercourse about a week before this happened. I always take my birth control, varying the time at most by a couple hours. If I take it at that time, we don't have intercourse. Should I be concerned about pregnancy?

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Birth Control :: Switching From Mononessa To Tri-Sprintec

I just switched from Mononessa to Tri-Sprintec and I'm trying not to worry about the fact that I haven't spotted yet (two days into the placebo pills) though I've had other symptoms of my period (gassy, bloated, etc.). Can switching birth controls delay my period? I don't want to worry myself yet about being pregnant though I'm 98% sure I can't be..

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Birth Control Protection? Last Week Previfem To MonoNessa

If I took Previfem last week but my pharmacist switched me to MonoNessa this week will I still be protected this week?

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Birth Control - Mononessa :: Severe Stomach Pain And Nausea

I have been taking mononessa for almost an entire month. (I have 4 pills left then the reminders). I'm still suffering from severe stomach pain and nausea. Tonight I waited til almost bed time to take it hoping that it will help some. Has anyone else been on this stuff and had similar side effects? I'm to the point where if I am taking it at night and still nauseous all day I will have to stop taking it. Other options?? I need advice. I'm seriously considering tubal ligation but I've battled my weight for the last 3 years. I do not want to put any extra pounds on.

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MonoNessa Birth Control Pills :: Period Early By 4 Days

I have been taking the brand MonoNessa of birth control combined pills for almost 2 years now, at the same time every night (I have an alarm on my phone set to ring at the time to take it). I started taking them because my periods were so irregular.

I'm not supposed to start my period until next Tuesday/Wednesday, but this morning i woke up and as i was in the bathroom noticed some watery blood on my underwear, the same kind i get the day before my period usually begins. I put a pad on and just now I went back and noticed dark brown discharge on the pad. Is this what is called spotting/breakthrough bleeding on the pill?

My boyfriend and I are sexually active, but we don't always have sex, preferring to do other things. However when we do have sex we always use condoms. This month we have not had any sex at all, again preferring other things.

I can honestly say I have never experienced this before on the birth control pills. BUT I have experienced this before I started taking the pills. I have had perfect "periods" every month that start on the same day and have the same symptoms. Currently I have 0 symptoms of what my pill period is usually like.

Like any young adult who is startled by something appearing for the first time I immediately googled my symptoms and found that a lot of other people seemed to have dealt with this before. But now I would like a professional on here to give me some much needed advice; is this normal? I am pretty sure I am not pregnant, since we didn't have sex this month and the times we did do stuff the semen was no where near my vagina. Is any birth control pill supposed to do this? This has never happened to me before. Will it happen again? And can I expect my normal period to still happen even though I'm having this stuff today?

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Birth Control :: Ovulation And Birth Control Pill, Still New To Taking Pill

I consider myself to still be new to taking the pill as a form of birth control. Just when I think I have it figured out, something new would happen which would make me doubt it's effectiveness.

I am currently using Chateal, which contains 21 active pills and 7 placebo pills. After 6 months of taking it as directed, I assume my body should be used to the side effects. I would get nausea from taking it so I switched to taking it at night. I have been taking it that way for 3 months now.

But I have noticed since first started taking it, I would get severe cramps and backaches during the second week of the pack for a few days. I assumed I was ovulating while on the pill because I noticed my cervical mucus changes throughout the month. My understanding though is the pill is to prevent ovulation thus preventing pregnancy.

Can you ovulate while on the pill? Is my birth control pill type too low of a dose for me? Could it be something else?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Pregnant On Depo Shot? Back Pain, Cramps, Dizziness

I've been on the shot for 2 years . Im due for another one in a few days but I don't want to take it until im sure im not pregnant. Me and my boyfriend had sex 2 weeks ago and a week ago and the day after the last time I've been feeling pregnant. This would be my second child but with my first a test couldn't tell until I was almost out of my first trimester but i knew right away that I had to be. Now it's different because I don't have a period since im on the depo. I've been having back pain, thigh cramps, migraines, tired, dizziness, and my stomach has been cramping and feeling weird. What do you think?

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Orlistat :: Taken The First Blue Pill

Okay so I've finally plucked up the courage to take my first blue pill (after nearly 3 weeks of putting it off and many meals out wit friends later)

I just wondered if anyone had any examples of meal plans and what they've been eating just so I can start off on the right food and avoid any accidents early on which I'm sure will put me off completely.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Pregnant Naturally Without Both Fallopian Tube?

I'm 34yrs ,I had removed both my fallopian tube due to ectopic pregnancy,the dr told me that I cannot pregnant naturally and I have to go for IVF. Reading all of the stories now I got interested. I just want to know did any of you get pregnant naturally without both fallopian tube, how does it happen?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Signs Of Being Pregnant And My Periods Are Irregular

I'm some signs of being pregnant and my periods are irregular and I missed my periods for months and not under any stress at all. My boyfriend and I use protection when we have sex, but we're wondering if I am pregnant.. Cause I haven't had my periods in months like I said. I'm keep getting nausea every time I eat or my stomach turns if I eat the food I crave I just lose it. I have gain so much weight within months, mood swings, tired as usualĀ  less energy, heartburn that doesn't want to go away, there's so much signs I am having. I can't afford just yet to get a blood test done cause I don't have the money or the health insurance either. My boyfriend and I are worried if I am pregnant that our child is mostly like get my birth defect that I have. Chiari Malformation which cause a lot of headaches which leads me having really bad headaches. I not sure I am or not pregnant because of my tests I've taken say I'm not but my last test said it couldn't read it. I don't know what to do anymore I'm running out of ideas. I kinda have my hopes up that I'm pregnant and scared but then I'm not because of our money problems.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Could I Be Pregnant After Depo Provera? Having Symptoms

Could I be pregnant?

Right, so I had the implant in my arm for two years, had maybe two/ three periods in that time. Then I had it taken out due to health problems and had consecutive periods after. I had the implant put back in my arm maybe 7 months later then had it for the full three years with only a couple of really pathetic periods. But this time despite being healthy I out on lots of weight. May of this year as it was running out I had a chat with my doctors and they told me to try the injection, depo provera. So I did, but it was horrible, I was horrible. So after another conversation with my doctor they advised to let my system have a break and after I have a couple of months of normal periods find another method, so I let the injection run out in September. I have regular sex and we normally use condoms but as it normally takes your system a long time to recover from the injection I thought no bother, I also haven't had even a tiny period in over a year.

However, now I'm having pregnancy symptoms, extreme fatigue, nausea, mood swings, tender breasts, bloating and I'm complexed.
Naivity, maybe, let me to believe the odds of me getting pregnant were pretty much slim to none, these also could maybe just be symptoms of coming off constant birth control for so long however I don't know.

I don't want to completely scare my boyfriend and tell him I might be if there isn't a chance, so I haven't done a test as its something I'd want to do with him. We have been together three years, have a stable and loving home together, so although it wouldn't be bad if I was, its not ideal right now - however when is it ever?!

I just wanted to know if someone has had a similar experience, or if it's in my mind, or maybe it's a phantom. But I'm wondering if anyone can offer any experiences.

I will obviously do a test if the symptoms preserve but I'm not sure when to do one as obviously I'd need to wait a certain amount of time after the supposed missed period - which isn't there so I'm not sure if I did one now the result would be strong enough to be picked up as its so early. Any advice?

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