Can I Still Get Pregnant Without Fallopian Tubes

Can i still get pregnant without fallopian tubes, i am still having a menstrual cycle

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Getting Pregnant With No Fallopian Tubes

I had both of my fallopian tubes removed i had two ectopic pregnancies but i would love to have one more child how can i go by that is there any way to get pregnant without any fallopian tubes or is there need to be surgery done please advise ?

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Fertility :: Tube Ligation Burnt Procedure - How To Get Pregnant

I wanted to know how can I get pregnant if I already have the tube ligation burnt procedure.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Pregnant On Depo Shot? Back Pain, Cramps, Dizziness

I've been on the shot for 2 years . Im due for another one in a few days but I don't want to take it until im sure im not pregnant. Me and my boyfriend had sex 2 weeks ago and a week ago and the day after the last time I've been feeling pregnant. This would be my second child but with my first a test couldn't tell until I was almost out of my first trimester but i knew right away that I had to be. Now it's different because I don't have a period since im on the depo. I've been having back pain, thigh cramps, migraines, tired, dizziness, and my stomach has been cramping and feeling weird. What do you think?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Signs Of Being Pregnant And My Periods Are Irregular

I'm some signs of being pregnant and my periods are irregular and I missed my periods for months and not under any stress at all. My boyfriend and I use protection when we have sex, but we're wondering if I am pregnant.. Cause I haven't had my periods in months like I said. I'm keep getting nausea every time I eat or my stomach turns if I eat the food I crave I just lose it. I have gain so much weight within months, mood swings, tired as usual  less energy, heartburn that doesn't want to go away, there's so much signs I am having. I can't afford just yet to get a blood test done cause I don't have the money or the health insurance either. My boyfriend and I are worried if I am pregnant that our child is mostly like get my birth defect that I have. Chiari Malformation which cause a lot of headaches which leads me having really bad headaches. I not sure I am or not pregnant because of my tests I've taken say I'm not but my last test said it couldn't read it. I don't know what to do anymore I'm running out of ideas. I kinda have my hopes up that I'm pregnant and scared but then I'm not because of our money problems.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Could I Be Pregnant After Depo Provera? Having Symptoms

Could I be pregnant?

Right, so I had the implant in my arm for two years, had maybe two/ three periods in that time. Then I had it taken out due to health problems and had consecutive periods after. I had the implant put back in my arm maybe 7 months later then had it for the full three years with only a couple of really pathetic periods. But this time despite being healthy I out on lots of weight. May of this year as it was running out I had a chat with my doctors and they told me to try the injection, depo provera. So I did, but it was horrible, I was horrible. So after another conversation with my doctor they advised to let my system have a break and after I have a couple of months of normal periods find another method, so I let the injection run out in September. I have regular sex and we normally use condoms but as it normally takes your system a long time to recover from the injection I thought no bother, I also haven't had even a tiny period in over a year.

However, now I'm having pregnancy symptoms, extreme fatigue, nausea, mood swings, tender breasts, bloating and I'm complexed.
Naivity, maybe, let me to believe the odds of me getting pregnant were pretty much slim to none, these also could maybe just be symptoms of coming off constant birth control for so long however I don't know.

I don't want to completely scare my boyfriend and tell him I might be if there isn't a chance, so I haven't done a test as its something I'd want to do with him. We have been together three years, have a stable and loving home together, so although it wouldn't be bad if I was, its not ideal right now - however when is it ever?!

I just wanted to know if someone has had a similar experience, or if it's in my mind, or maybe it's a phantom. But I'm wondering if anyone can offer any experiences.

I will obviously do a test if the symptoms preserve but I'm not sure when to do one as obviously I'd need to wait a certain amount of time after the supposed missed period - which isn't there so I'm not sure if I did one now the result would be strong enough to be picked up as its so early. Any advice?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Chance Of Getting Pregnant From Precum

i am a 23 year old virgin. last week me and my boyfriend were making out, i was fully dressed (underwear and pants)

but he was naked, we were on the same bed but i made sure he never get near my vagina in any way (he wasent using a condom)- and he did not ejaculate at all.

(we did it on my 11 day of my cycle-which means i could be ovulating )

at some point he pulled down my panties and his penis touched my butt

i did though feel sth on the top of my butt i guess it was precum i pulled back my pants fastly it was for a couple of seconds that his penis touched my butt and i pulled him back as soon as i felt sth.

after three days i had a strange pain like period pain and a few blood spots.

i am afraid there;s a chance for me being pregnant i read about precum and that one can not really make sure it happened or not and it could get me pregnant. (even with thick clothes)

i know and im sure his penis never got in contact with my vagina and did not come near even but im a girl with OCD which means my concerns are doubled i got really obssessed with this i can study and concentrate. im highly concerned that precum on my butt got me pregnant.

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Fallopian Tubes Out Without A Hysterectomy?

Can you have tubes out and not a hesterectomy

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Infertility Due To Blockage In Fallopian Tubes

I was diagnosed with infertility due to blockage in tubes. The doctor said that after some more examinations he will propose me a surgical method for treating this blockage. He claims that these procedures are effective. I wonder what are treating options?

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Tips For Conceiving Without Fallopian Tubes?

I need tips to conceive without fallopian tubes.

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Contraception :: Anyone Has Their Fallopian Tubes Tied?

I am thinking of having mines done. I am 49 years old.

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ENT :: Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Or Something Else?

This started around late November 2013, I started getting my normal Winter allergies and then came down with what I now believe was a sinus infection. Non-stop mucus, post nasal drip, face hurting, head throbbing etc.. This lasted for about two weeks. During the end of this and soon after, my ears slowly became more and more congested. I attested it to these allergies/sickness and thought it would slowly go away.

It never did. Instead, it started getting worse. Towards mid-December, I began to get slight ringing and more fullness in my ears. Soon the tinnitus grew worse and worse. My tinnitus during this point was extremely loud high-pitched noises, sweeping in and out. Coupled with 24/7 hiss, like an air conditioner was on in my room. Can't hear high frequencies anymore. A loud tea kettle-esque whistle in my right ear if I hear something of a certain pitch or something too "loud."

I saw my primary care doctor on two separate occasions, who said he saw a little liquid in my ear but that my eardrums appeared fine. He gave me Prednisone. No help. I got recommended to the Head and Neck specialist.

The first specialist I see, he doesn't really care to listen to me to say the least. He does get me a hearing test within a few days though. The hearing test shows a curve that they say can be attested to sensorineural hearing loss that someone my age (23) shouldn't have, and that since my hearing dropped with the timeliness of my sickness, that it was odd.

I see a different specialist next trip. He attests it to allergies and says that my eustachian tubes seem to be blocked up. He looks in my ears, up my sinuses, etc.. He recommends I just use a sinus rinse and to not get my ears drained because that will probably make things a lot worse.

I began to do so for the next week or two, and my symptoms did not seem to change at all. I had already been taking flonase and allergy medication as well, to not much help for my ears.

Lastly, I saw another specialist about a week or two ago. He told me that my hearing test showed what he typically would cite as congenital hearing loss, and kept implying that I had been born with bad hearing (That's definitely not the case, this has been a HUGE shift!) He had me do bloodwork for environmental allergies and other tests and a CT scan. I also asked for antibiotics just to rule things out- those have been used up now.

To say the least, I had to call back a few times as a follow-up. They didn't even bother to get in touch for my results, and all I learned was that I did have mild allergies (something I've known my whole life) and that the CT scan was "fine." I ordered those results to be sent to me to see for myself, but either way I guess he hasn't much interest in seeing me again. Do I see ANOTHER specialist now?

Right now, my tinnitus is not as bad as it was then (I could barely sleep then) but still extremely irritating. The tinnitus is still like that of an air conditioner, and there is still a constant ring that goes on, although it is a bit quieter than before. My hearing is still congested and full, and I can hardly hear someone talk a few feet away from me, I'm afraid my hearing may be permanently damaged or getting worse. I can no longer hear certain frequencies. Sometimes I feel like there is liquid in my ear, but maybe not. Wouldn't the CT scan or other ear examinations show that? Is this actually ETD?

I've done all the advice shown around (Proper Flonase spray to the tubes, Sudafed, (extremely careful) Afrin use, etc. I feel like I'm not getting better. My passion is music and I'm afraid I'll never be able to hear things "right" again.

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Trying To Conceive :: Blocked Tube

I have one blocked tube ( my right one ) which my doctor thinks is due to having a ruptured appendix. I have been to fertility clinic today and the doc has put me on the waiting list for a lap to remove the right blocked tube. I am not sure how this will help? I have never fallen pregnant and I have been trying for 3 years ? Why would removing the blocked tube help? I cannot receive IVF as my partner already has a child with his ex, so apparently that means i'm not entitled. I really need some answers i'm really pulling my hair out and I am so frustrated.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Possible With Precum?

My boyfriend fingered me and then pushed his dick inside me once or twice a little, he had precum on his penis and I don't know what to do, am I pregnant? For example, is it possible to get pregnant from precum?

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Can I Get Pregnant With Precum

I had a dry humping with my bf and he just put his tip into my opening. No ejaculatjon. But i'm not sure that there was precum or not.can i get pregnant in this situation. My period has aldy 4 days late when we made it

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Pregnant With Precum?

So I was on birth control (tri cyclen 21) for 6 months but my doctor made me come off of it because I had found a lump on my breast so I stopped with 4 days left in my pack, I got my period when I would have normally (3 or 4 days after I went off the pill, on Friday) and it ended on Wednesday of next week and I had unprotected sex on Thursday. He pulled out quite a bit before he came and I guess I was just wondering the chances of pre cum getting me pregnant. He hadn't ejaculated for a couple days before we had sex and obviously had urinated lots before we had sex, so what are the chances he had sperm in his precum also. I don't want to be pregnant right now and I know this is irresponsible of me and I know there is always a chance of pregnancy but I just wanted a better answer from someone

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Unprotected Sex - Could I Be Pregnant?

I had unprotected sex with someone. I haven't gotten an actual period in two months. About a week after the unprotected sex I just had a day of light bleeding and cramping. My breasts are sore and I've noticed the area surrounding my Nipples has darkened and it really hurts to touch them. I can't even wear a bra without pain.

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Possible That Precum Could Get Her Pregnant?

My girlfriend gave me oral and I ejaculated twice I didn't go pee but after an hour or so we had sex without a condom I wiped the pre cum before I put it in and I didn't ejaculate in her is it possible the pre-cum could get her pregnant?

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Pregnant? Cum In Mouth

My Girlfriend had Gave me oral I cummed in her mouth , about 10 minutes later we had sex but not long maybe 15sec BC I was nervous about it when she gave me oral it was very sloppy so I couldn't tell the difference between my cum and her spit ik all of it got in her mouth I had a condom on and I did not come when we were having sex could she be pregnant?

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