Alcohol Consumption :: Home Detox - Antabuse

i went to my GP this week armed with all the info on Nalmefene and asked her to prescribe it to me. Explained that I had been in touch with SMC and the NHS but all this fell on deaf ears. She admitted she was clueless about the medicine and stated that she would need to have a conversation with my Alcohol Support worker. They have since both agreed that it will not be something they are willing to prescribe as the feel I need complete abstinence and doing this gradually is not helpful.

So the idea of dropping two units daily did not go well. Within one week I came full circle. Got down to 10 units and couldn't bear the withdrawal. Stayed at that for a few days before increasing once again. My alcohol worker stated that this was a test, to see if I was able to reduce on my own, which I clearly am not at this present time.

Now I have a home detox booked for two weeks time. Still clueless on who will be my support over the first three days as all my friends have young children and family members aren't real an option due to their locality and jobs. The plan is to start Antabuse after the detox, I'm done telling them how I feel about Antabuse.

Feeling hopeful, excited at the prospect of being alcohol free, whilst very fearful and grieving at the upcoming loss of my best friend and reliant. 

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Alcohol Consumption :: Detox Success At First Attempt?

I have just got through a one week detox using Chlordiazepoxide prescribed by the doctor after 6 months in counselling. I've drunk or misused substances for 15 years. The problem is as I can't sleep I'm still drinking. I'm not sure what to do next, another detox..? Bern keeping distracted so only drink in evenings after 7pm. Has anyone else struggled or succeeded at detox first attempt? 

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Alcohol Consumption :: Disappointed - Damaged Liver

I am so disappointed in myself I detoxed as a inpatient in the middle of June it was a two week detox which I was really ill I fitted and was taken in a serious Condition to a general hospital I was in intensive care and my organs were shutting down as my liver is seriously damaged but I am still here Thank god telling you guys my story I have posted in the past on this forum so some of you might know my story but after all of what I have gone through and even been told not to drink alcohol ever in my life I slipped up on sat and been on a bender for three days it was the anniversary of my father's death and now I can't stay of it I drink a couple litres of cider and a bottle wine a day I don't know what to do I know I should not drink but I just can't stop.

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Can Cranberry Juice Cure UTI?

Recently, questions like can the UTI be cured by cranberry juice or can cranberry juice cure UTI were posted on the internet and searched by netizen constantly. But can the UTI be cured by the cranberry juice?

Cranberry is a small sour red berry that grows on a small bush and is used in cooking. So the cranberry juice is a juice of the sour red berry. But In 2010 a study conducted by the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts showed that the ingredients in cranberry juice named condensed tannins limit the ability of E. coli bacteria to cling to other bacteria.

However, the study conducted in Massachusetts also showed that without other bacteria, E. coli's ability to grow and reproduce is limited. Therefore, the conclusion of the research is cranberry juice helps prevent UTI but cannot cure the UTI.

Since the cranberry juice can only prevent the UTIs for people, how to cure the UTI if one gets this condition? One herbal medicine named diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is highly recommended.

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Diverticula :: Anyone Tried Raw Garlic And Cranberry Juice?

I'm just trying to recover from a flare up and as I'm quite new to this horrible disease I am making some mistakes along the way. I've been on a low residue diet for two weeks & have been ok & felt fairly normal at the weekend, but then yesterday felt a bit constipated & bloated so I started taking my psyllium husk supplements & a spoonful of Aloe Vera juice, I only took two PH but this morning felt very sick again & had to rush to the loo so many times. I don't have any pain & the only way I can describe it is that my tummy feels very tender, so I think I've tried to rush things. I've been reading SO many different versions of how long it takes to recover & what you should be eating? I think I am fairly confident that I have been eating the right things so not sure why I ended up constipated? A few people have said that cranberry juice is really good & also that you should eat raw garlic as it acts as a natural antibiotic. I have read posts on here saying that you should avoid garlic.

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Atorvastatin Causing Liver Damage, But Helps Fatty Liver?

My Cholesterol was 7.8 and I was put on Statins 3 years ago.  Because they gave me pains in my legs and other areas I stopped them.

A year ago my Cholesterol was still high and I had changed doctors and was prescribed Atorvastatin 10 mg after 2 months my doctor sent me for blood tests and in a phone call when I was at work he told me that Atorvastatin had caused Liver damage.  He said I should stop taking the tablets immediately, pity this advice was not put on my notes so that when I phoned for my blood results a week earlier the receptionist could inform me to stop Atorvastatin.  She just said Doctor will be in touch via phone call next week

He referred me to a Liver Specialist.

I went to see Liver Specialist after having Liver Ultrasound.  Fatty liver was diagnosed and Liver Specialist promptly put me back on Atorvastatin claiming this would help my fatty liver.  I couldn't believe it but what could I do?

Local GP had advised me to have bloods done again after being on tablets for 2 months.  When my results came back the Locum doctor I saw said "whoa your Liver is not happy" STOP the tablets and have a blood test in 2 weeks.

2 weeks later Liver levels are coming down so thats a good direction.  Dilemma is I have to see my Liver Consultant 16 June 2015.  Wish me luck!

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Alcohol :: Experiences With A Home Alcohol Detox Using Valium?

I am possibly thinking of paying for a private home detox. They have suggested it will be using valium as opposed to Librium. I was just wondering if anyone else on here had been through one?

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Cabbage Juice Helps Reducing Acid Reflux And Gastritis (due To H Pylori)

Wanted to share with everyone here that cabbage juice does indeed help in healing gastritis! I did it for a week and it worked for me! I am not cured completely, but I am much much better than I was. Last 2 days I have had no stomach pains, acid reflux is almost gone (added advantage that I didn't expect) except for a bit of post nasal drip and feeling almost normal. Fingers crossed and hope to heal completely soon!

Just to give you a small background, I had acid reflux (silent reflux) starting last Oct (2014). I had never had acid reflux in my entire life, I am 28yrs old. Not once. And then this suddenly started. I have reflux day in day out. I panicked and underwent terrible stress. I tried all sorts of natural remedies. Nothing worked. I was scared of taking PPI after reading about side effects on the internet. A naturopath misdiagnosed me with candida (I think they over diagnose candida infections) and put me on an anti candida diet. I lost more than 20 lbs (which I didn't need to) and felt worse after 2 months on the diet. I looked thin, was terribly sick and I thought my life was over. Sometime during this period, I guess I developed the gastritis as well although blood tests and stool test for h pylori kept coming back negative. 

I needed a break. I went home to India. Went to my family doctor, got myself checked by a GI. Had ultrasounds, CT scans (they thought it was my gallbladder initially), blood work and gastroscopy. Ultimately they diagnosed me with gastritis due to H Pylori (positive through gastroscopy), acid reflux (LPR) and vitamin D deficiency.

I took the triple therapy for H Pylori and and PPI's. I took injections and soft gels for the Vitamin D. I guess the pylori is gone as I started feeling better after taking antibiotics but the gastritis was still there. So i continued the PPIs and switched to a low fat diet. No milk and dairy except lots of homemade yoghurt. I started feeling better but not completely. I would still have lot of bad days and few good days.

Last week I decided to do the cabbage juice. I did 4 cups of cabbage & carrot juice a day for 6 days and I can make out a huge difference now!I havent had stomach pains in 3 days, not even after eating. i even went out to a nearby restaurant and had a buffet, Nothing, no pain, very few burps. Also, the acid reflux suddenly came down. I am happy to report I am almost feeling normal. 

I am not cured completely but I wish I had continued the cabbage juice for another week. But I couldn't drink it anymore

The cabbage juice did cause me to feel a bit tired and crappy (maybe because it is known to affect the thyroid) and caused some gas. But I persisted. I thought if I continue to feel worse I would give up the treatment but after 3 days I started to slowly feel better. Now I am left with a bit of post nasal drip sometimes in the afternoon(reminding me of the reflux but much better than before). But other than that, mostly feeling better. Will wait for a week and update again on the forum!

So guys, go ahead and try this if you think you can tolerate drinking cabbage juice and if you do not have any thyroid issues!

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Viagra Can Be Taken After Alcohol Consumption?

I am interested if Viagra can be taken after an alcohol consumption. Do you think it is dangerous?

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Alcohol Consumption :: Withdrawal - Day One

After many tries at stopping, today I decided enough is enough.  I've felt very alone dealing with this issue, but obviously trying to stop on my own hasn't worked.  I also don't want to go to my doctor because I don't want it on my health record.  I'm hoping talking about it with other people will help this time stick.  So, here's my story.  This is my first time being totally honest and telling it. I'm a 42 year old woman. I've worked up to drinking about 4-5 shots of vodka almost every day. My liver hurts, my face is getting an overall red tone and I've almost really messed up my marriage by picking nasty fights with my husband while drunk and flirting with a friend of his once also while drunk which thank God the friend never told my husband.  I drink when making dinner or when doing art (I"m an artist).  The buzz puts me in a good mood to face the doldrums of housework and gets my creativity flowing, so I'm going to have to figure out how to not do that.  The reason today is hopefully the day is that last night I woke up to find my husband not in the bed.  I thought he was up playing video games.  But in the morning he came back into the bedroom with his pillow and blanket.  I'd forgotten that I got so drunk the previous night that I'd picked a fight with him so bad that he went and slept on the couch.  On so many levels, that about sums up the things that terrify me about what alcohol does.  So, today I'm doing two things I've never done - talking to others about my problem and making a contract with myself.  Here's what my contract says:  

" I, __________, have decided to stop drinking alcohol as of today, July 1, 2015.  I have chosen this goal because, today, I am afraid of alcohol. I am afraid of the damage it has already caused to my body, marriage, friendships and life, of my inability to stop, and of the potential it has to make things much worse. 

If I don’t stop drinking, I WILL lose the things that I treasure most - the love, admiration and friendship of my husband, the roof over my head and the food that he provides, my memory and ability to think clearly, the healthy functioning of my body, my physical beauty, and the ability and motivation to live life to the fullest.

If I stop drinking, I will be vibrantly strong, beautiful and active! I will be proud of myself and able to fulfill my life’s purpose.  Not one more drink.

My husband wants me to be able to drink like a normal person like he does (a few on the weekends) but he doesn't understand that what I really need is to not be around alcohol.  He loves me (well, not so much after last night) but isn't supportive in that way, so that's something else I have to deal with. He thinks I should be able to just decide not to drink and refuses to not have his bottle of Scotch in the kitchen when I've asked repeatedly not to have any alcohol in the house.  In order not to drink his Scotch and to hide how much I drink, I've been keeping a bottle of vodka in my art studio.  Both sides of my family are full of alcoholics.  My mother has turned into the family pariah and my dad hates her because of her drinking.  I don't want to turn into her or their dead marriage!

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Alcohol Consumption :: Day 1 Of My Recovery

Today is day 1 one of my recovery. I have tried to give up alcohol a few times before but hopefully this time will be different. I'm 28 years old and have drank almost every day for 13 years. There are times when i think i'm controlling it and other periods where it's controlling me. I'm getting to the age now though where I need to accept that drink isn't a good fit for me and needs to be left behind. Whilst almost all my happiest memories are of good drinking/drug taking sessions so are all my worst and i can't be bothered with the shame, sickness and anxiety and having no food in the house anymore (as well as all the other problems it brings that we all know them intimately). I no longer want to be defined by alcohol. I want to pursue my other interests and be healthy and happy.

I have been to AA but like so many other on this forum the higher power element it doesn't sit well so if anyone has any tips for me I would be extremely grateful.

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Alcohol :: How To Take Librium For Detox

I've been drinking since script today for 10 mg librium to start  tomorrow morn..told i can't start now cos i'm drinking soon can i take it? Want to b in work tomorrow..if i get up early and take it round 4 or 5 will it help me.

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Cutting Down Alcohol Consumption And Bad Dreams

Although I'm trying to cut down etc and make my life better which I am , I'm suffering the most terrible nightmares!

Since I moved to my new house last August I've had the most terrible dreams ! Has anybody experienced sleep paralysis ?? I've researched this as have experienced this before but recently in this house I have periods where its terrible ! Last night was awful but I coped better because I knew what was happening , although awful ! . I don't want to explain exactly what happens because I don't want people thinking of this before they sleep . Just wondered if this was linked to drinking ?? I think this is perhaps linked to psychosis ?? I'm worried . I drink a bottle of wine a night , sometimes more but not normally and have done for 15 years . There is a family history of alcohol addiction plus mental health in my family!  

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Alcohol Consumption :: Find Myself Way OUT Of Control

i have had an alcohol problem for years. I've had a gp controlled year and a half being able to " keep control"  Now I find myself way OUT of control.  Has anyone got any advice on how to deal with this ?

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Alcohol Consumption :: First Steps Towards Abstinence

Today is my 9th Day alcohol free. I have successfully detoxed at home with the support of my local alcohol recovery Centre and my excellent GP.

I have to say this is my that was my third detox, The 1st two being in a secure unit.

I have agreed with my alcohol support worker that I will visit one group session a week for at least six weeks. I also have to see my MH Key worker every week and my doctor every month.

I'm not too sure what the expect with the Campral but hope it will help to ease the cravings. I'm pleased that the weather is okay at the moment as I'm trying to distract myself with gardening. I've got so many little projects on the go I'm flitting around just trying to do something different in the afternoons when I would normally be starting drinking.

First steps towards abstinence.

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Alcohol Consumption :: Can't Stop Drinking

I've been drinking since I was 14. I'm now 39. For most of that time I've been a binge drinker. Often, like 2 or 3 times a month, drinking till I can't remember how I got home or what I was saying or doing. Now I drink most nights. Not loads every night but I do think about drinking  most days and look forward to the next time I can get melted.

Recently it's been affecting my relationship. My girlfriend has warned me that my drinking could be the end of our relationship. I love her more than anything but still I can't stop drinking. Sometimes I lie about what I've drunk or I hide empty bottles from her. I've  promised myself I'll cut down or I'll just have a couple instead of loads, but it never works.

I think it's now the time to stop all together but I'm not sure I can. I have a lot of good friends but socialising with them usually involves a night in the pub and I don't think I could do that without getting drunk.

I've also been trying to stop smoking for about 10 years and haven't really managed that either! I think I have an addictive personality and not sure what to try next. 

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Alcohol Consumption :: Sober For 90 Days

I've been sober 90 days. I just wanted to share it somewhere, to mark it somehow... I hope it doesn't sound (too) self-congratulating.

I was never sure that counting days was a good idea - I try not to dwell on how long it's been but I can't help it really!

It feels like a big moment (a quarter of a year!) but as ever I'm taking each day as it comes, being careful not to get complacent. Sometimes I go days on end without temptation, some days the temptation is like a fly buzzing in front of my face. Only last night, when I was feeling quite down in the dumps, the temptation to have a drink was suddenly very strong indeed. I just kept thinking 'oh go on, you've done so well - a couple of cans of lager would really take the edge off and you've earned it'. 

For me, exercise has really helped. Booking an early morning exercise class for when I'm a bit stressed creates the impetus to have an early night. A couple of friends have said 'you're getting addicted to exercise' - maybe true but as I now know there are worse things to get addicted to!

I've been having treatment for anxiety for a few years, and I've been surprised at how going sober has lessened my overall anxiety. My old notion that alcohol de-stressed me was a myth I had come to believe. Last month I overcame my fear of flying and got on a plane for the first time in 10 years. I can't link this *directly* to sobriety but maybe it isn't a coincidence. 

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Alcohol Consumption While On Selincro / Nalmefene

Oh well... here we go again.  Miserable as can be.  I am taking my medication, like a good angel... BUT... why am I still having "BLIPS"?  I have just "lost it".   Units, Schumitz !!  Mega... lost it.  I had wine today... and more and more and more.   I am trying to beat the demon drink, but I think it may be a lost cause.  

How can I still drink to excess, while taking Selincro/Nalmefene?  I thought things were improving ... when... glug, glug, glug, NOT IMPROVING.  Has anyone else been on this "roller coaster"?

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Alcohol Consumption :: Tapering Off Wine Using Beer

Okay. So the last time I posted on here I was tapering off wine using beer. That doesn't work. I had one day when I had one beer, was really proud of myself, then had three bottles of my favourite wine to celebrate the next day.

I've tried reducing my intake, as recommended by some lovely people on here. I have come down from three bottles to two. I actually had less than a bottle one day last week and felt really good the next day. Well, as you all know, the next day I celebrated my less than one bottle of wine day by drinking a hell of a lot more.

I have been to my doctor. I was told that what I was drinking wasn't enough to worry about. The fact that I have stomach problems, palpitations, night sweats must be due to my age. He prescribed me with peppermint oil!

Yes, I might be on the perimenopause, I'm 45. But I can't get any help from my GP. I have PTSD. All my GP did was double my dose of my usual medication, prescribe me peppermint oil and send me home. Is it always this difficult to get help?

Are there any other methods I can try to get off this damn demon alcohol?

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