Men's Health :: Slow Healing After Adult Circumcision?

Hi, so I am now 19 years old, and I got circumcised two years ago, when I was 17, because I had phimosis.
Though the scarred area should be long healed by now, I think mine has been very slow. It is still a little red, especially when I get erections, and there are still marks from the stitches.

I would like to change this and make it fully blended, and I was wondering how can I do this?
I did use an antiseptic cream for a while, till I later found out that this can slow the healing process. Could this be the main reason?

Also, if I use Vaseline petroleum jelly, would that be helpful at this point.

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Penis :: Burning At Urination - Adult Circumcision At 63?

I am a 63 year old male. For several years I have had burning in my penis during and after urination. Burning is not severe, just annoying and I am afraid it will turn into something more serious. Burning goes away maybe an hour after I urinate. I have seen several Urologists and none can find cause of problem. I am uncircumcised. Last Urologist I saw suggested that I might want to consider having a circumcision. I was surprised because no other Urologist had ever made this suggestion as a cure for my problem. I'm hoping someone can offer some insight into my problem.

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Men's Health :: Swollen And Painful Scar/ridge After Adult Circumcision?

I have recently had a revision circumcision as the first time I had a circumcision due to tight foreskin done which was around 10 years ago it was quite a poor job, it looked messy and untidy and the scar on the top side of the penis below the glans was tender and painful. After years of just putting up with it I decided to get it done again. The surgeon was reassuring and said we can tidy it up and get rid of the painful scar etc. Anyway so I had the procedure done two weeks ago and I know it's early days and there is still swelling but I can see there is going to be yet another swollen ridge where the scar is on the top side of the shaft below glans. The rest of the circumference of the scar is healing fine, the underside and the sides are nearly all healed, swelling is going down and I can already see the scar will be level with the rest of the skin on my penis and there will not be tenderness or a ridge like there is on the top side.

What can I do about this? Why is it healing like this again? Do I just scar badly in that area? I put up with it for years before and often avoided sex because of it due to pain and embarrassment and I really hoped I could get it resolved but it looks like the same is happening again.

I see other photos of circumcisions and there is a smooth scar all the way around. The type of circumcision I have is quite loose so there is still excess skin on the shaft that can bunch up a bit behind the head, I don't know if this maybe causes the scar to roll up and heal thicker, whereas if the skin was pulled tight from head to base then maybe the scar would be flatter?

Im not sure what to do now, I thankfully was able to have this done on the NHS and can see them saying well that's it now there's nothing more we can do and I will be stuck with the painful scar. Has anyone experienced anything like this or has any advice? I would really appreciate it.

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Penis :: Half / Partial Circumcision?

My penis seems to be circumcised (no foreskin cover the glands) but there's a strip of about 1/4 inch that’s still connected on the top which makes for these two very small pockets (one on either side) where small amount of smegma build up.

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Cuts On The Inside Of My Vagina

Okay everybody i was at work the other day and i used their toilet paper and now i have cuts oh the inside of my vaginia and my boyfriend is scared. I need to know what gets rid of it asap what medicine can i use it burns and itches alot could it be a uti im 19 and sexually active i cant Sleep at night cuz of the itchyness.

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Paper Cuts On Both Vaginal Lips - Shaving On Labia Majora

I'm 18 years old i shaved a few days ago & yesterday the hair was growing back causing an itch. i must have been scratching to hard because now i have little paper cuts on both of my lips & between them where the skin is suppose to be pink. it started to bleed so i grabbed a towel with warm water and rubbed it but i did it too hard and my lips swelled but the right lip is worse than the left. i thought it would help if i soak in a hot bath it didn't now today i have this whitish discharge no smell coming out of me the cuts burn like hell what should i do.

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Hypothyroidism :: After Having The MMR Vaccine As An Adult

Anyone else develop hypothyroidism soon after having the MMR vaccine as an adult?

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Men's Health :: 24 Yo Adult But No Puberty Changes

I'm 24 but there are many things that make me think the last 10 years were all a dream and I'm actually still 14.

- I never grow a single facial hair, so never used a razor on my face to this day.

- My voice didn't change too much, many people still mistake me for a female on the phone.

- My manhood hasn't grown in size, so I still have a D the size of a 12 years old (HAHAHA).

- To compensate for the previous point, fortunately I don't have any libido either. I have no desire to sleep with women, and have zero interest in what other men are obsessed with (porn, sex, etc), pretty much like most pre-puberty boys.

- I have abnormally thin arms like children's, even though I workout frequently, the muscles just don't seem to grow there.

- My face is still that of a 15 yrs old. Though maybe that's just because I have a babyface...?

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Hormonal Acne In Adult Women And Its Cures?

I’m a 35 year old Indian woman, and suffer from acne that keeps coming back.

Here’s my history. I had mild to moderate acne in my teens, but into my twenties it got worse. I went to dermatologists who put me on antibiotics and creams and it turned into a vicious cycle. I got frustrated and tried Isotretinoin. I knew the rules, got my checks didn’t get pregers, and it was fine it worked. LOW dose isotretinoin. But not even a year later it was back – it was hit and try method for years later, sometimes my skin was tolerable and sometimes bad. I got married, it was a bad marriage. The added stress and sudden unexplained weight gain did not help. I tried diane – that resulted in no improvement but more weight gain. Isotretinoin take two – it worked again – I followed the rules and no side effects. The marriage broke eventually. The stress didn’t help and the weight was high. Isotretinoin take 3 – low low dose worked magically. No side effects I felt great. The weight also just dropped without that stress in the marriage.

Now its (the acne) back again – and here’s my story. I’m attractive, I want to find love and be a mother. As the years went I didn’t focus on my body clock. Now I do not want take isotretinoin just for clear skin I don’t want to lose my chance on becoming a mother one day….because I’m on a vanity project!!!!. At the same time the acne needs to go. So here’s what I plan to do. Do the candida cleanse for three days. Apples and enema really ……I have eaten badly recently so I’m willing to give my all. I tried googling reviews etc and my head just got boggled but one thing that did pop out was that what I do get is hormonal acne. I have severe PMS and my acne almost always has been on the chin and jawline. I need serious reviews on estroblock – bottom line I cant google acne cures its mind boggling – I want to take this out from the root.

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Adult Chickenpox - Fever, Sore Throat, Aching Leg Muscles

l am in terrible pain right now, had fever, sore throat, aching leg muscles, l have now got terrifying pimples all over my head,face,mouth,chest and back. l don't remember having chickenpox before.l have had vaccination to protect me,so what has happened?l have looked up on the internet there is very little or none mentioned on adult chickenpox. Is there anything unusual about me?

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Knee :: 2nd Partial Replacement On My Other Leg

I am booked in for my 2nd partial knee replacement on my other leg ( on 28th August it has been nearly a year since I had my left knee done although it is a lot more stable and loads better than before I still have some soreness i. e . I wondered if this is the the same experience for others  at this length of time as i have heard it will continue to improve up to 2 years , I have done lots of cycling since i had the 1st partial knee and have been able to do a 100 mile ride  which is great news and encouraging for anyone having theirs done . I m 54 years old.

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Partial Knee Replacement - Yes Or No ?

I am having a partial knee replacement in the next few months but have read quite a lot of articles mostly negative and I am now wondering if I should go ahead with it or just put up! 

Im 57 I like to walk each day I wear sensible shoes and have soles in them from the podiatrist to keep my leg aligned. Will I still be able to walk each day once fully recovered and if so how far will distance be restricted?

i have also read that your sleep is very disturbed after this kind of operation is this correct and if so is this forever or just during recovery.

Also very occasionally I wear a heal about 2.5 inches if I go to a function or have a meal out I only have them On for about 4 hours so would this still be possible after a partial knee replacement?

Finally am I right in thinking that have a partial knee replacement leads to a full replacement within a couple of years?

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Partial Knee Replacement - Should I Do It?

My knee joints are worn out on the medial side (inside) and I get pain and stiffness but I can still ride my bike for hours and walk the dog for half an hour and I don't limp since I started the APOS therapy and had steroid injections. But I want to be able to walk longer distances, jog, ski and be nimble like I was 10 years ago. The surgeon will do a half knee replacement on both legs, but am I taking too much of a risk?

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Possible Miscarriage With Partial Tubal Ligation?

Possible miscarriage with partial tubal ligation.

The tubal was done six and a half years ago and I have not had a pregnancy since. I was getting my period and suddenly was in excruciating pain and very quickly covered in a extremely large amount of blood. It has slowed to where I only need to change my sanitary napkin every 2 hours but this is still a very large amount of blood and I am unsure if I could have miscarried.

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Partial Knee Replacement :: How Many Years Will It Last?

I am 43 and need a partial knee replacement, trying to live on pain killers as my surgeon says if I have one it will only last around 3 yrs - is this really the case? I lead a busy life but thought one would last longer than that?

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Fibromyalgia And Partial Knee Replacement

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1996 and since that time I've managed to keep it under control with a combination of prescription drugs (amitriptyline), nurofen, reflexology, rest......and numerous hot water bottles!  However nearly 9 weeks ago I had a patellofemoral arthroplasty (knee cap and trochlea) replacement after waiting 11 years for this, I am only 56 now so was considered too young before. Everything going ok, scar healing nicely, and I've been massaging scar and surrounding area with vitamin E oil and bio oil. Doing exercises, particularly on static exercise bike which really 'loosens' up any stiffness! However, as day wears on my knee goes really stiff and I can barely bend it.  I don't trust myself to walk on it, and I am currently using a stick to enable me to hobble about! It is very frustrating as I'm reading that this type of surgery has a quicker recovery time than TKR. Is all this normal or, as I'm presuming, my fibromyalgia is exacerbating this as it considers surgery as "trauma"? I have been posting on this forum under  "knee problems" but have now decided to also post under the "fibromyalgia syndrome" in the hope that someone out there has also had knee surgery and can offer any advice.

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Pain After Partial Knee Replacement

I had a partial knee replacement 8 weeks ago n the medial side. The first month or so pain was tolerable, I figured it was healing pain. Since then the pain has become increasingly worse. I had talk to the doc twice and was told that if it does not look infected not to worry pain is a normal part of recovery. My next follow up is this week. I still go to pt 3 x week, they say it is healing great looks great and pain is normal. So my question is how much pain is normal. I feel like it is pinching below and to the side of the replacement. Today my knee completely gave away and scared me. Has any experienced this and does it sound normal.

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Endometriosis :: Partial Hysterectomy - All Symptoms Are Back

I had a hysterectomy done in February of 2013,  I had a partial, just my uterus and cervix removed so all that is left are my ovaries. Within the past month all of the same symptoms are back that I had before surgery. Severe pelvic pain, bloating, back pain, not sleeping, hurts to urinate and so on. I'm 27 years old and no kids and I felt it was my only option because I had so many laps done and there was nothing more to do other than the hysterectomy. So if there are some women out there that has had a full hysterectomy could you please tell me if its worth asking doctor to remove ovaries.  Could really use some advice now or just to know there's more women out there around my age going through the same thing.  Thanks for taking the time to read. 

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No Uterus (Partial Hysterectomy) But Colostrum Coming?

I am 22 and the last couple weeks my breasts have been really hurting. The other night I noticed I had colostrum. I had a partial hysterectomy and only the uterus take out. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative what could be causing all of this.

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