Vaginal Health :: Pea Sized Lump On My Labia Majora

The last few times i had sexual intercourse i have noticed a pea sized lump appears on my labia majora along with the normal swelling, then it disappears after about 10minutes. after the swelling goes down, there is no trace of the lump. is this something to worry about?  

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Vaginal Health :: Herpes? Irritated Bump On Labia Majora

First I want to say that I am only 19 and I have been with the same person for 3 years and 8 months and I have never done anything sexual with anyone else and he has not either. I am pretty sure this isn't herpes from what I've read but I am concerned. Two days ago I became very itchy down there. I looked down and saw what looked like a big zit and with closer observation it looked like a canker sore with a white center. I also have a white to yellowish discharge. I am fighting a sinus infection at the moment so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I was wondering what this could be and what I could do to get rid of it. It itches and hurts a lot.

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Vagina :: Lump On Labia Majora?

I am a teenage girl. I take pretty good care of myself and usually have no major issues. However, a few nights ago I noticed a small bump on my labia majora when I went to the bathroom. Besides minor soreness to the touch, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, so I assumed it was just an ingrown hair or pimple and vowed to deal with it in the morning. When I woke up it had grown and was more painful.

It's been only 3 days since the initial sighting and it has multiplied in size. It's also become more painful. (I'll post symptoms below)
I've taken sitz baths, thinking it may just be an abscess or something, but it won't come to a head, and honestly it doesn't feel fluid-filled at all. (I had an abscess on my shoulder last month) The lump is now covering my clitoris, I have to move it out of the way to wipe properly (ouch).

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Lump On Upper Inner Labia Majora

Last week I noticed that a small bump was on my inner labia majora towards the top section, rather than the vaginal opening. Last morning the bump has turned into a slightly hard, but movable lump that hurts when touched. What's going on? Who should I see about this? Help please

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Vagina :: Small Lump Or Boil On Labia Majora

The other day I found a small lump on my labia majora (no larger than a pinky fingernail), and taking a closer look at it, it seems to be a spot or boil of some form, though there doesn't seem to be a head. It's red around the area, a little painful and it seems to have some pus like liquid just under the skin.

After having a hot soak this morning it appeared to have had a pin prick sized hole and yellowy fluid started seeping out. I'm unsure if I should continue squeezing it to get the pus out, or put some tissue on it and wait to see a doctor.

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Fusion Of Labia Minora And Majora

I am 33 years old and have just been diagnosed with LS.  I also have been diagnosed with vitiligo.  I really have no symptoms other than loss of color and a little bit of fusing of my minora to majora.  The doctor prescribed me Clobetasol to use twice a day and then he said we will monitor it and eventually use it twice a week.  Since I have not experienced pain with sex and my opening is good he told me to continue having sex.  I have really read nothing but horror stories online.  The doctor made it out like I will use this cream and it should control the LS.  I know this a life long diagnosis and there is no cure.  My question is...will my LS progress even with treatment?  Plus, what is a flare up? 

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HPV Or Herpes :: Small Bumps On The Inside Part Of My Labia Majora?

I am 25 years old, married and 3 months pregnant. In august of this past year I had a Pap smear that came out fine and normal. I then noticed these two small bumps on the inside part of my labia majora. They are not next to each other or in a cluster. When I pull the lab is outwards, it seems they are on the same row as little pores. The two bumps are flat, one is a little darker in color and the other is the color of my skin. They are both flat, do not hurt, soft to touch, but one sometimes gets "swollen" and resembles a skin tag. These have not spread anywhere, my husband does not have any, and two weeks ago I had another normal Pap smear. Is it possible these are HPV?

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Women's Health :: Vaginal Sore From Shaving

I looked around for someone with the same problem, but I can't find it. Just in case anyone mentions it, it's not herpes or anything. It's just a stubborn ingrown hair wound that refuses to heal correctly...

I've had this one vaginal sore for months now. Sometimes it's healing well then it opens back up again with blood and sometimes pus. I find it really hard to stop this cycle. It's on the far left, so that every time I walk, my upper thigh rubs against it and irritates it. Taking a shower will soften any healing tissue, rendering it useless. Then there's the fact that the area is just naturally moist, so that will also soften the healing tissue.

I clean it and administer neosporin if the wound opens. Sometimes I try to cover it with a band-aid but... ouch. Usually, I try to keep it covered with some sort of gauze, but that doesn't work out well because it moves around.

Does anyone have any advice for getting this thing to heal?

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Vaginal Health :: Shaving For First Time And White Head On Right Lip

I'm really worried about my vagina area, yesterday i had a hot bath and i masturbated 3 times in a row. then i got out the bath and shaved the upper part of my vagina because i was worried my friends would see it over my pants when i went for sleepovers. then i went and watched and i discovered a white head on my right lip i just left it. today i tried popping it and it just hurt too much so i left it now it is all swollen and very painful when i walk, i don't want to ask my mum because i don't really want her too look down there but im really worried about it also it was my first time shaving what do i do?

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Swollen Vaginal Lips After Masturbation

will a hot washcloth help the swelling go down? does anybody know another home remedy without using vinegar?

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Vaginal Pimples And Bumps Inside My Vagina Lips

A few days ago, my boyfriend and I had (rough) protected sex which left my vagina very sore especially around the outside. Upon returning from the gym today, I noticed a few bumps inside my vagina lips / right around my vagina hole. I haven't worked out in a while and I will be getting my period in the next two to three days, so could it just be acne? I looked at images of possible stds but did not find anything that looked like what I have. They are very small, not too sore to touch, red pimple like bumps.

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Vagina :: Lots Of Hanging Skin On Vaginal Lips

I have been masterbating for 6 years. I noticed about a year ago that my vagina lips have skin a lot of skin hanging off of them. I think it was maybe masterbating to much or to hard. I looked in a porno and I saw girls have the same thing . I just want to know if its normal and if not can I get it surgically removed.

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Vaginal Health :: Bumps Filled With Pus On My Vagina Lips

Over the past 3 days I have noticed a cluster of small bumps that look like they are filled with puss on my vagina lips I can't even tough them they are so painful or even walk properly as they rub on my underwear I am also getting a lot of discharge

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Yeast Infection? Vaginal, Clitoris Itching With Swollen Lips

I'm 19, 2/3 months ago I was diagnosed with a Yeast Infec. so the doctor prescribed me a pill and it cleared up but around the end of January I had unprotected sex with someone and couple weeks after that I've been experiencing vaginal itching, my clitoris is swollen, my lips are swollen and my vagina opening. Also my vagina opening was white. I told my mom and she told me it's just another yeast infection & gave me Monistat I took it around February 4 and it did help with alittle my itching and my vagina opening wasn't as white as it was but my other symptoms are still present. I did start my period today and will go to doctor after I'm done but I just wanted some insight beforehand if you guys think I might have an STD?

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Black Lump On Labia Next To Vaginal Opening

About 4 months ago I found a black mark on my labia, next to vaginal opening, it isn't painful, and hasn't changed size or colour during the time I've know it is there. Yesterday a lump appeared next to my clitorus it hurts when touched, is quite firm and is the same colour as surrounding skin. Will it go away? Is there something wrong with me? Please help I am really worried, oh and I am 15, not sure if that helps.

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Vaginal Health :: Lump In Labia Minora

I'm 17 about to be 18 in a week and a couple of days ago I found a pea size lump on my labia minora. I wasn't sexual active until 2 months ago. My boyfriend has been checked for stds and he was clean. Its fairly hard, skin colored, and can hurt a little if its touch. I did try to pop it and a little pus came out. However it hurt so I stopped.

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Vaginal Health :: Swollen Clitoris And Labia

I'm recently getting over a bacterial infection and uti. I was given antibiotics taken for 7 days. Then got a yeast infection on top of that. My clit was swollen and my libia was swollen at the time couldn't walk cause they were swollen so bad. I took all the med and the swelling went down. And now my labia and clit is swollen again don't have the discharge like I had when i had the uti and infection. Could it be something else that is causing the swelling?

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Vaginal Health :: Little Bumps Between My Thighs And Labia - Itchy

I had this little bumps between my thigh a labia and It kinda feels irritated not itchy just uncomfortable nothing popped or came out of it it's just irritated it's appeared about 4 weeks ago after I shaved and hasnt gone away its felt more irritated after I shaved again yesterday my mom said it's prob a ingrown hair but i can't see a hair in it I'm scared help What does this sound like..

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Vaginal Health :: Irritated White Patches On Labia (HPV)

I'm 18 and 7 months pregnant with my 2nd child. I also just found our my ex gave me HPV. We had had sex even after I got pregnant and it kinda hurt but I figured it was just the pregnancy b/c that's how it was when I was prego with my son but for months now my whole "area" has been itching and burning really bad. And now I have this really creamy discharge type stuff all over my labia and these little flat bumps. I'm not sure if they're warts or not. I still need to talk to my gyno. But I can't have sex and if I touch or scratch that area or pee is hurts really bad. But I'm worried b/c it hurts and burns and itches sooo bad and I've heard all kinds of things about cancer and warts and whatnot so I could really use some advice.

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