Men :: Small Genitals - 15 Years Old - 4 Inches Flaccid And About 6 Erect?

Alright guys I'm gonna smash on my girl, in a few days and I was wondering something... I'm 4 inches flaccid and about 6.1 erect by the way I turned 15 a month ago. I was just worried and thinking am I small for my age? Will I grow more?

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Men - 14 Years Old - Small Genitals (penis) Of 2.5 Inches Only On Erection

I'm 14 years old, i have already hit puberty and my penis is only 2.5 inches when its fully erected, i am really worried because i couldn't have kids, and do woman really care about penis size?

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Men :: Small Genitals (2 Inches) - 13 Years Old

My penis is about 2in to2 1/2 in long I am 13 is that bad will it stay the same when does it grow if it does

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Penis Won't Erect With Hand Giving Rub And Tug

I never use to have this problem, But I can't seem to get erect with my hand giving it a few minutes of rub and tug, could this be a sign of ED? Or blood flow is not routing properly? I could have a hot women about to have sex with me and I would have to play with myself a minute before I can?

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Penis :: Foreskin Retraction When Erect

I'm a 14 year old male. I haven't had sex yet and ejaculate about once a day. However i am concerned because i cannot pull my foreskin below the penis head when i am erect. I have been stretching it for a couple days and it seems to be getting a little better bit by bit but how long do you think it will take to stretch all the way? will it affect sex? should i use baby oil or something like that to help it go back easier?

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Penis :: Pain When Erect After Ejaculation?

What happens is after I'm done masturbating and I've ejaculated, the glans kind of seems to swell a bit and in the next, say, 6-7 hours, whenever I get erect, I feel a slight pain throughout the entire shaft, but mostly in the glans. Sometimes, urinating closely after ejaculating helps to lessen the pain, but it doesn't go away altogether. Because of this, I can masturbate a maximum of 2 times a day. And no, I don't furiously beat my meat so it hurts. Also, my penis is pretty below average, around 13.5 cm (5.3 inch), so maybe that plays a role as well? I'm uncircumcised too, if that helps in diagnosing.

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Penis :: Foreskin Retraction - Cannot Fully Retract While Erect?

I am a 17 year old uncircumcised male, and when erect I cannot fully retract my foreskin, i.e. over the glands, but it does go back about cm from the glands with minimal discomfort. While flaccid I regularly retract the foreskin all the way to clean although the bit of skin connecting the  foreskin gets a little tight. Will sex be painful or complicated if I cannot fully retract while erect?

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Penis Erect Apart From The Very Base - Full Pointing Upwards Erection?

I'm a 6"3 26 year old male, no notable health problems. 

However when I get erections the whole penis become fully erect apart from the very base. The base is very weak so under the weight of the erection it hangs at about 40 degrees.  I am able to have sex with no problems but girls have commented that it seems unusual and perhaps feels a little different because it doesn't naturally point upwards.

Is there anything a doctor could for me to perhaps strengthen the base so that I can achieve a full pointing upwards erection?

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Puberty Early - Teen With 7-8 Inches Penis And Thick Voice?

I'm a teen with a penis that measures (when erect, obviously) between 7 1/2 and 8 inches in length, depending on the environment or how excited I am. I hit puberty very early, and I can already grow a thick beard (not a long one though!!). I'm a little over 5'8, too. I have a pretty deep voice.

My main concern is that I'll stop developing early. Will how early I hit puberty effect when both my body and my penis stop growing, and will my voice stay this deep or only get a tiny bit deeper? I'd really like to know, and I think the size of my member right now is a GOOD size, but I'll be honest and say that I'm rather ambitious. I would also like to be able to reach at least six feet tall by adulthood.

That being said, is there any way I'll be able to grow taller than I would if I continued as normal? I've heard that certain types of food give you the correct vitamins or minerals to help you grow. If any alteration is possible, I'd be happy to go through with it and get a few extra inches on my current height.

BTW, my last question is concerning my strength. I'm a football player, but when games aren't in season I don't do much but sit on my computer at home. Even given the circumstances, I somehow have one of the strongest arms (strong throw, whatever muscles you use during arm-wrestling) in my school, and in the school I went to last year. I'm also one of the fastest people in my school. I'd like to know why this is. Is it because of genetics, or maybe because of what I eat

teen White Caucasian Male, 5'8, 155-160 pounds

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Men :: Extremely Small Testicles And Small Flacid Penis

I am 30 years old.

Well as the topic mentions i have really small testicles, so small that when my penis is erect they most likely go in me. 

My penis is extremely small when flaccid , prob 2-3 inches top if its a good day, but when erect it is about 6 or so ( apparently what they call a grower)
Now i have been suffering from this since i can remember, It has taking a huge amount of my life away, i feel as i would of been a more successful man if i didn't, i avoid at all cost going OUT yes it sucks that bad, i go out only when necessary. 

Here is what is weird i guess the good part? i have never been ashamed in the sex act, i mean i wouldn't pull it out until my penis was erect but never had a problem besides a girl saying i had small testicles.

Now i am married and have beautiful children, apparently extremely small testicles does not affect this :) Grateful for that, as in the back of my head i was always concerned if i was going to be able to produce children.
Ok so the problem the big huge problem....

The bulge in my pants... yes many of you might think this is stupid but this is the reason i tend to hide from public. I have considered shoving a sock or something down there but i think it would be worst or maybe it is just the fear of looking funny.

Please do not say people do not look or don't notice because believe it or not they DO, some are even loud and shameless to say "did you see that guy"  some stare and some laugh, this goes without fail every single time i am out.  Well i will not drag any longer, simply saying that i am suffering in this body i was giving. I wear baggy clothes ( don't like them but have no choice)

Please please !!!! Any solution is welcomed , i have tried using... pumps, stretchers, pills etc nothing does the job, you might be thinking im stupid for trying any of these things put i am desperate and willing to try it all.  Sadly i was thinking in my head while someone was staring and laughing that i would gladly give an arm for a normal package ( i know that sounds extreme but it is true)

So again any help? i can not seem to find much information about the subject , i guess my main goal is the testicles since this would give me the bulge i want.

Money wouldn't be a problem, and surgery is very acceptable if it is an option, like i said there is just not enough info about anything.

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Penis :: Small Red Bumps On Shaft

I'm 26 and have had a steady partner for some months however I had unprotected sex with another woman just 4 days ago. A couple days ago I masturbated about 3 times in one day. I noticed yesterday a small red bump that resembled folliculitis on my penis. I noticed a bunch more of them today and don't remember seeing them yesterday. They are all separated, not clustered, and all located on the long shaft part of my penis. So far they don't itch or hurt when I touch them or anything. I'm wondering if they could just be infected hair follicles or if I caught genital warts from that woman, or what?Will likely have a doctor check this out because it's scary to think they could be lesions, even if they resemble folliculitis. One of them almost looks like a little blister and there is another spot that seems to emerge a larger flat red area. Don't know if I'm seeing it correctly because it's barely there.

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Small Bumps Around My Penis And Balls Ever Since

Ever since i can remember i have had these small bumps around my penis and balls. I have never had sex or oral sex. They look sorta like blackheads or some sort of pimples. I squeezed one and it looked like some puss came out but didn't go away. I'm concerned to what they are and if there is treatment for them, or are they contagious. 

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Small Bump On Penis (glans Underside)

Around 3 months ago, I noticed a small bump on my penis. It looks like a skin tag. It is close to the glans (glands) but it is on the shaft. Then I noticed two more just on the underside of the glans (glands).

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Itchy And Small Sores On Penis With Use Of Condoms

Every time I use a condom I get watery, itchy, small sores on my penis in numbers of at most 2. I got a treatment but it keeps on reappearing every now and then the moment I use condom. I'm scared I have herpes, but i want to make sure before I go assuming things. Also, I feel like I might be allergic to condoms because every time I use one the thing reappears as early as the following morning. If anyone knows what this could be or has any advice on what to do I would greatly appreciate it.

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Sexual Health - Men :: Very Small Penis 19 Years Old

i am 19 years old boy my penise is so small so how can i get to be bigger?

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Men :: Small Genitals - Till What Time Penis Grow

I am 14 and have few pubic hairs around my penis and am wondering how long it is until my penis grow

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Men :: 17 - Late Puberty, Small Penis And Baby Face

Im 17. Voice really high. baby face. Got patchy pubic hair. 5'11 100 pounds. My penis hasn't grown since like the age of 13. Grown a little bit but not much. am I hitting puberty or in the starting phase for it thanks.

My parents said that my uncle and my dad were late bloomers as well thanks for the help have a great day.

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Penis :: Tiny Red Rash With Small Black Dot Under Shaft

I'm 16 years old. Never had sex. I did masturbate last night. I hump my bed to masturbate. I woke up this morning with it. I got a urine test in the past July. Everything was fine.

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Penis :: Small Painless Lump Under Skin On Shaft

I'm 16 and have a small lump a little more than half way up my shaft, underneath the skin, on the front side of my penis (the side towards me). i have had it for years and was just wondering what it might be. it has never been painful or changed in size If anything it has felt good if i put pressure on it when i masturbate. It is colorless, hard, and about the size of a grain of rice. It is most noticeable when i am erect but is not very noticeable unless you feel for it. it can be felt when i'm soft and stays about the same size.

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