Honda - Cr-v :: Car Won't Start After Sitting For Over A Year

ok so i have a 1997 Honda crv 4wd 2.0l with 133k and its been sitting for over a year and a half. 5 months ago i decided to get it running so i replaced the battery changed the old oil and coolant and the power steering fluid and freed the brakes up and did a flush. The car started and ran fine. I drove it up and down the block fine no problems it had a little bit of gas right above the E mark when i stored it. SO 5 months ago i was going to insure the car but never did. now im trying to and it wont start.

Symptom Car turns over but does run. What i tired so far:

* Checked for spark by removing spark plug and ground it
* replaced battery
* sprayed engine starting fluid and can get the engine to run for a short time maybe like 20 secs if i keep spraying engine starting fluid in there but when i stop it stalls.
* recently put 5 gallons of fresh gas still nothing

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Honda - Element :: 2003 Won't Start After Sitting For More Than A Day

Honda Element 2003 187K miles ... The problem started awhile ago when I went out of town for 4 days and came back and the care would not start. It has been getting worse now to the point that it is less than a day and I have trouble starting it up. I will have to jump the battery to get the car going. The Honda service center has checked the battery and alternator several times and they are good. I keep thinking it is an electric problem but i can turn everything off and it still happens.I really can not afford a car note and I have kept up with all my on schedule maintenance for the car. I have had to redo the motor mounts before, brakes, and fuel gauge switch in the last year. The dealer is suggesting to replace the alternator anyway but why if their test says it is ok. The battery has been replace in 2010 also.

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Civic - Honda :: 2001 Car Won't Start After Sitting For A Few Months

I have a 2001 honda civic. Its been sitting for a few months, and now it won't start. The battery is fine (radio, lights come on just fine). It tries to turn ( kinda does a "wrr wrr" sound) and stops, and then it makes a clicking sound. What do I do? I was thinking about using starter fluid to get it start.

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Honda - Odyssey :: 2005 - Won't Start After Sitting Overnight

About a week or 2 ago my car wouldn't start. So i jump started it and i thought that was all there was gonna be with that. I ran to a couple of stores and every time after each store it started just fine. I go to get up the next morning and start my car...does not wanna start. so i put a new battery in it. the van started right up after i put the new battery in. I ran to my moms and some other places and after everyone of those places it started up just fine.

I accidentally left the interior lights on the other night and did need a jump yesterday but i went a few places again yesterday and shut my car off and never needed a jump all day every time I went to restart my car.....and then i go to get in it this morning and it does not want to start....i have taken the positive cable of the battery off while its running and it doesn't stop and someone told me that if it doesn't stop running its not the this true? what might be wrong my van?!?!

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Honda - Accord :: 2000 Won't Start After Sitting For 4 Months / No Crank Nor Click

Car ran great prior to sitting for 4 months. Tried to jump it and it wouldn't turn over, so i figure the battery was dead. I replaced the batter with a new one, had fresh fuel added.

I then thought perhaps it might be the started, so I removed it and had it tested and it passed (it's working). Car still wont crank. I turn the key and there is nothing not a sound, except the fuel pump. No crank nor click? Not sure where to go from here?

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Civic - Honda :: 2007 - Hard To Start After Sitting Overnight In Cold

My 2007 Civic Hybrid is having trouble starting. This happens when it's cold out, it's been sitting outside overnight (I don't have a garage), and the IMA battery is low. I've taken it to the dealership but they were not surprisingly no luck. The car has about 65,000 miles and a new battery - the one in front - was put in not too long ago and tests fine.

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Honda :: 1998 - CRV Won't Start

I have replaced the fuel pump and filter and all 4 plugs are getting spark what else could it be...

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Civic - Honda :: 1998 - Rolls Over But Won't Start

I have 1998 Honda civic 2 Dr and i was trying to switch cd players in it and blew some fuses so i checked all and replaced the blown ones but now it won't start.

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Honda - Accord :: 1998 Only Start When It Is Warm

My accord 1998 only start when it is warm (between 12:00 and 3:00). I changed the fuel pump, spark plugs, and fuse. but it is still the doing the same thing.

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Civic - Honda :: 1998 Sedan Won't Start When Hot

I've got a 1988 Honda Civic Sedan. 151, 000 miles. Runs great,except when I have to stop for gas or I pop the clutch maladroitly to get going and kill the engine. Then it won't start up. It used to do it once or so every five times I stop to gas up. I don't drive it much and have to re-charge the battery every month or so--even the new battery. It started this herky-jerky thing last summer but the tow guy convinced me it was a bad gas problem. A gas additive seemed to clear it up, but not the starting problem.

Just last night I recharged the battery,let the engine run 15 minutes or so the next morning, then shut it down and tried to restart it; turned over but wouldn't start. In general, when it cools down about an hour or so later, it starts fine. So engine heat seems to cause it.I've giving up trying to gas up at the cheap stations. Instead I go to the local station two blocks away so I can push it aside and come back later to get it if it stalls. Could this be something simple I could fix?

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Civic - Honda :: 1998 Won't Start When Left Outside

I have a '98 Honda Civic that is regularly maintained and seems fine with the exception of a starting problem when left outside. I have it in a garage normally and have never had a problem starting it. But when left outside, it usually takes a couple of hours for the car to warm to the outside temperture as it rises. The battery is new and the spark plugs seem fine so I am at a loss.

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Civic - Honda :: 1998 - Turns Over But Won't Start - Link Error / CEL Comes On

I have a 98 1.6L Honda Civic DX with 200,000 miles and standard transmission. It was running great. Then I was going up a steep hill and it lost all power plus no rev from gas peddle. after tapping the gas it started powering again. CE light was flashing and staid on. The next day the light went off but the problem kept happening and sometimes the light would come on. It started stalling in 1st gear sometimes(not having power when I first hit gas)but then it would catch and pick up. then when shifting into 2nd or third gear it would loose power again but then catch. I got codes read p0302 and p1399. problem got worse and worse. now car won't start. it turns over and almost sounds like it will, but doesn't, ignite. I also noticed there's too much oil in tank from last oil change. My mechanic has no idea.

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Honda - Accord :: 1998 - Intermittently Won't Start / Engine Not Turning Off

I have a 1998 Honda Accord that intermittently won't start. When the issue occurs the dashboard lights, radio, etc all work just fine, but the engine won't turn over (no clicking, no noise at all). It's standard vehicle, but I definitely have my foot all the way to the floor to depress the clutch safety switch. The issue only seems to occur when the car is warm (i.e. it never happens on the first start in the morning), although it's been known to happen even after 2hrs of cooling down. The issue used to only occur 1 out of 100 starts, but now it's getting closer to 1 out of 4 times. I'm able to get the car going by jump starting it, but that's getting old.

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Civic - Honda :: 1998 - Occasionally Won't Start / Smell Of Fuel

I have a 1998 Honda Civic (160,000 mi) that occasionally wont start. It usually happens when I have been to the store or something, when I come back out and try to start the car, it just cranks and cranks with no starting. The first time I left the car for a few hours because I though the engine might be hot and if it cooled down it would start. After leaving it for a few hours, it started right back up, no problem.

More recently when this happens, I let it sit for 10 to 15 min trying to start it every once in a while and eventually it does start back up but it really smells of fuel (I think it flooded). Also, on the freeway I can feel it misfire a little bit but to me, it's not a huge problem. Also, occasionally when at a light or something it will rev up and down until I start driving again. A few months ago, my friend replace the distributor, wire and plugs and timing belt but the problem still persisted.

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Ford F-150 - 1997-2003 :: 1998 Truck Not Starting After Sitting Overnight?

I have a 98 F150. The motor was replaced three months ago and have had no problems until now. The truck had trouble starting so i put an alternator on it. Fixed for a while and then it started blowing fuel relay fuses. I replaced fuel pump and filter. Truck has trouble starting after sitting overnight. When I am driving and floor it, once it hits about 4,000 rpms, the truck bucks like its the transmission but the rpms drop and then pick back up. Fuel pressure is right where its supposed to be.

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Toyota - Camry :: 1998 - After Sitting For 3 Hours, RPMs Shoot Up To 2000 For 3 To 4 Minutes?

I have a 1998 Toyota Camry , whenever I start it after its been sitting for 3 or more hours the rpm's shoot up to2,000 and stay there for 3-4 minutes straight, if I hit the gas they don't go down, if I turn my heat on they come down a little bit.

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Civic - Honda - Overheating Only When Sitting In Idle

'04 Honda Civic-1.7LFirst the car started overheating only it was sitting in idle. As soon as you would go or if you revved the engine the needle would immediately drop after a few seconds. Replaced the thermostat. It seemed fixed, but started doing it again, put in a new thermostat incase other one was faulty. Still having same problem.The system was pressure testing and everything was fine. Then had the system flushed and new thermostat put in. It worked for about 150 miles and started doing the same thing.Brought it in for the water pump, the old one was corroded and warped so it seemed like the problem.

After about 100 or so miles still overheating when idle.We had the radiator replaced, the old one was complete junk, thermostat replaced too. I drove it like normal in town for a day, the next day it started overheating, this time it was doing it while driving, got to about 3/4 up. Turned the car off for a bit, and it didn't do it anymore on the way home.Today I was driving and it was fine for 4 miles, I sat idling for 1 minute, after driving 1 more mile it started overheating, temp gauge got to halfway.

I parked it for a bit and started driving, there was no heat coming from the heater, I had it full blast, nothing but cold air. The car started overheating again, once again halfway. Parked for about 3 minutes and then turned it on, temp was fine and it was blowing full heat out, the car temp was fine the whole way home, no more overheating.

The next step we will take is to replace the head gasket and/or heater core. Is there anything else that this could be? Literally the same week the overheating started, the rear lights were having issues and one time there was no power to the windows. Then the door locks would stop and then work again intermittently. The door locks no longer work at all. Not sure if it is just a coincidence, maybe everything is breaking at once. But there has been no loss of coolant and the oil and coolant consistency have been normal too.

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Civic - Honda :: 2003 - Overheating When Sitting In Traffic

This has been happening intermittently for a little over a year now. When sitting in traffic, my car begins to overheat. I've had two different mechanics look at it - the first swapped out the radiator cap.

The second said my coolant levels were low, but he pressure tested the system and found no leaks. He recommended I check my levels before taking long trips - so this weekend, before driving 380 miles to Phoenix, I checked my levels. They were a bit low, so I topped everything off with coolant and everything was fine on the drive out.

On the drive home, however, stuck in traffic, the car began to overheat. I pulled over and checked the reservoir and it was mostly full of coolant, but I added a little more, let it sit for a while, and then made my way through the traffic and home.

Also, I tested the fan, and it comes on.

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Honda - Accord :: 2007 - Leaving The Car Sitting For A Year

I'm a Marine about to deploy to Afghanistan for a year. What I should do for my 2007 Honda Accord before I leave? I'm not planning to have anyone start it while I'm gone and it'll be in my garage while I'm gone.

My plan right now is to detach the battery and leave it. I'm going to buy an air compressor to put air back in the tires when I get back and I'll jump start it also since I'm anticipating the battery will be dead.

How I should leave it? Any recommended repairs before I leave? I just got the oil changed, transmission flushed, and throttle body cleaned since I just passed 60k miles.

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