Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Charging Is Decreasing With No Definite Reason

I have a 2012 Prius plug in. Initially when fully charged, the recorded range was 12.2 miles. The car has now 40,000 miles. When it hit 25,000 miles , the fully charged battery went from 12.2 to 11.5, 11.0, 10.5 and finally down to 9.5. It makes no sense. My driving pattern has remained the same. No AC or heating use different than before. I took the car several times and I was told that there was nothing wrong. I try charging the car at a different place than my house ( I have a educated outlet ) and I obtained the same results.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Loss Of Capacity In Battery?

What is "reasonable" for the loss of capacity of the Prius Plug in battery? Ours started out with a max at 11.7 miles when fully charged. After 6,000 miles and 7 months it is down to 10.0 miles. This seems like an excessive loss to me. I have read the tips for maintaining capacity and we don't do all the them. e.g. we charge out battery asap so it will be ready for the next trip. Our schedule is not fixed enough to determine when the car will be needed next.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: How Fast HV Without Battery Capacity Decline

On page 93 of the Prius PHV Owners Manual, under the heading "Capacity reduction of the hybrid battery (traction battery)" is the following language:

"By observing the following precautions, battery charge decline can be suppressed."

"Avoid driving near the top speed for EV driving ( --P.40)"

To me this says don't drive EV 60 MPH, don't drive EV 55 MPH, maybe 50 MPH is OK is not uphill, probably 45 MPH is OK.

The manual also says "Also, if the hybrid battery (traction battery) capacity reduces, the EV driving range decreases. However, vehicle performance does not significantly become worse."

I wonder if this is a statement that the warranty will not cover capacity decline?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Scheduled Timer For Plug-in Charge Only Shows Finish Time?

After my 25k service it seems the timer scheduler when the square button is pressed/held flashes at 7am. When i press the H button the hour advances to 12am then closes. I want to start the charge at 12am and finish at 5AM. The timer windows closes when i move the finish hour to 12am and then my regular clock hour changes. It used to be when i pressed/held the timer button the start time would show at 12 am and after setting it would go to the finish hour.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Warm-up Time Before Turning On The Fan?

When trying to get the most out of EV mode first thing in the morning, what's your experience on how long the car needs to run before turning on the heater? It's disheartening to see that solid MPG line suddenly plummet when I put the heat on!

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Prius (Gen 2) :: 2007 - HV Battery Might Cause Decreasing MPG?

I have an 07 Prius great car I drive 92 miles/day round trip to work and back home everyday. I bought my Prius with 98k miles and it would get 42 to 45 MPG all the time.

I now have 172-k on it and it is still running great, but about 4 or 5 months it dropped to 36 to 38 mpg. I did the normal things, changed the plugs, air filter, checked tire pressure. No change in mpg. I thought it must be the HV battery. Because sometimes when I start it in the mornings the MFD only has the 2 pink or red bars showing but builds up to green within the first about 20 miles of driving.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: EV Mode Takes A Certain Amount Of Time Before Activating

I have a 2010, the EV mode ( as you know) takes a certain amount of time before it kicks in, depending on the weather. I do a lot of very short(3 mi) trips.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Engine Revs At Very Low Rpm / Hard Time Keeping It Below 80 Mph

When I drive the PiP in EV Boost mode, the gas engine rpm stays very low, so is the engine sound. It sounds like it is just idling since it revs at 1,000 rpm.

When I am going 75 mph, the engine revs at very low rpm and I had a hard time keeping it below 80 mph. My mind is tricked into believing I am going slower than the actual speed. I think I am using the sound of the engine to judge the speed or something.

It felt like I am driving a different car, one with two more cylinders.

EV Boost is when you are in EV and go above 65 mph. ICE comes on and blend gas with electricity.

Is it just me? What are your experience in the EV Boost / Blended mode?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Not Getting Charged While Driving

PIP does not charge the plug in battery while driving....

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Temps In Mid To Low 90s When In EV Mode

Wondering if there is another factor involved here...such as the wrong gauge. I'm routinely seeing battery temps in the mid to low 90s even when it is pretty warm weather and I am in EV. Is this possible? On my old Gen3 even when I use the battery just a little bit on warm days it would go over 110. Does the lithium chemistry just keep it that much cooler? Or does the cooling system keep it that much cooler? Or both? What are other people seeing for battery temps?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Fan On While Inching Into The Garage?

just came home and while inching into the garage on EV, noticed that the battery fan was on.

I have not noticed this before, except for when the battery is actually charging.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Still Charging When Battery Was Full?

My wife plugged in to the EV charging station at work for the first time today. She was supposed to receive an email when the charge finished but wasn't notified because there was a still a trickle charge being registered by the EV station even though the battery was full.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Apparently Discharged / No EV Range

I picked up our Prius plug in on Thursday evening, fully charged from the dealership in Oakland. We drove it home, about 4 miles, in EV mode and then plugged it in for the night. In the morning the car was fully charged. At 8:00 a.m. I drove the Prius up hill about 1.5 miles in EV mode to our car pool pick up point and left it parked on the street for the day. Car was parked on up hill slope. I believe all lights were off. When I got back at 5:30 p.m. to drive it home the battery was apparently discharged and there was no charge or EV range when I selected EV mode. I drove home on ICE in hybrid mode.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Does ICE Charge Battery When Idling In EV Mode?

I have noticed this, and thought it strange. I don’t see the charging arrows in the display.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: EV And Hybrid Mode Run On Same Battery Pack?

Does PIP have two different batteries for each mode (EV and Hybrid) or is it the same battery?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: No Complete Charge - Battery Not Working?

On my last few charge cycles, the PiP's battery has not been charging completely. Even when I get the "charge complete" message, the top part of the battery indicator remains unfilled and I'm only getting 14.1 estimated range.

For comparison, last month I used to get 15.2 to 15.6 of estimated EV, when the battery icon filled completely after each charge. I always use the charge timer to set charging to finish 10-20 minutes before I need to drive the car.

My M-F routine:

- car finishes charging at 8:30 (13.8-14.1 estimated EV)

- I drive 8 miles to work at 8:20-8:30 (5-7 estimated EV remain, depending on traffic)

- I set charge timer to finish at 6:30 (13.8-14.1 estimated EV)

- I drive 8 miles to home at 6:30-6:45 (5-7 estimated EV remain, depending on traffic)

My weekend routine is obviously different, more driving, more charing, and not using the charge timer. Could it be because i'm not using all the EV so the battery is being lazy and not feeling like charging more than I need? Are there any known side effects of mixing 110V and 220V charging?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Charge Stacking While Parked

I had been running on EV then parked in the cold to wait for the wife. Turning on the heater started the ICE (of course). It charged the battery about 0.6% then stopped charging, ICE still running. So I switched to HV and it restarted charging about 0.3% and then stopped charging. So I switched back to EV for a few seconds than back to HV and the charging resumed another 0.3%. Once the coolant temperature reaches 130 degrees the ICE stops. Nice heat until the coolant gets down to 118 degrees and the ICE starts again. Back in EV and the battery is charging and the HV/EV switching continues to add more charge. Until time to leave I picked up about 5% SOC, kept warm. Not good for mpg but 5% SOC is nice.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Buzzing From Battery Area / Fan Noise After Shutting Down

I got home yesterday around 5 pm, and after 5 1/2 hours, noticed a buzzing noise from the battery area. It was 50 degrees out, so I don't think it needed cooling? Anyway, I plugged it in for a minute and the sound changed, then unplugged and after a few minutes the sound shut off. Never experienced this before, so long after shutting down. No sound this morning and charging now, no problem so far.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Car Left In Idle For Two Days - 12V Battery Drained

Yesterday when I went to start my week old PIP, the battery was drained. There was no power to start and no power to the dome lights etc. I got out the owners manual and on page 594 there were instructions to jump start which I did. I drove it to the dealer and they checked it out. They said the 12V battery state of charge was 50% after being jumped and driven for 30 minutes. They then charged it to a full state of charge. They couldn't find any other drain overnight.

I am trying to determine why this happened. The reason was not apparent. No interior lights were left on. There were no other electronics attached. We had driven the preceding two days in EV mode virtually exclusively. I don't recall if the ICE came on. The car sat unused for 36 hours. It had been plugged in to charge the traction battery and it charged via the timer without any apparent errors.

The service tech wondered if the battery had been fully charged prior to delivery. I know the traction battery had not been fully charged because I was anxious to take delivery. Could this be a consequence of driving in EV mode almost exclusively?

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