Ford F-150 (2004-2008) :: 2006 - Whine From Motor Which Gets Louder With Increased RPM

My truck seams to have developed a whine. It gets louder with increased RPM. Sounds like its coming from the motor, specifically the front of the motor, maybe one of the pulleys? Water pump??? Alternator??? Im not sure but Im about to head out on a 2800 mile round trip pulling a heavy load and want my truck to be ready for the trip...? It sounds like its gotten louder in the last couple weeks but I think its just because I had a new manifold installed on one side and the truck is quieter making this seam louder.... But I don't know if I should be worried about it.. I don't want to waste money (right before a big trip) chasing a noise if its not something that is an issue..

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Lexus GX 2010+ :: 2014 - Engine Sounds Louder And Rougher Than Usual

I recently started noticing that my engine sounds louder and rougher than usual. I have a 2014 GX with about 25K on it. I get about 800-900rpm on idle and about 1800-1900 when cruising 70-75 mph.

Engine sounding louder all of a sudden. No "check engine" sign pops up. I also took the car to the dealer and mechanic rode with me on surface streets and of course , everything looked normal to him.

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Golf IV / Jetta IV :: Won't Start Smoothly - Engine Sounds Louder Than Usual

So, after driving my car around for maybe an hour without any warning lights, I turned my car off. I tried to turn it on 15 minutes later when it turned over twice, sounding much louder than usual, then nothing. Tried again and just a single click. So I fear the worst and check the oil which is low but still on the stick and the coolant is fine too. I thought maybe the battery was dead so I tried a jump and that won't turn the engine over either. I put a charged battery from another car in and nada. I tried turning cam gear and also the flywheel pulley with a cheater bar and it doesn't want to move. I'm totally screwed right? That same morning I fiddled with the purge valves for the evap system because of a trouble code which O got to disappear. The engine also sounded funny for like 2 days only during ignition. By funny, it seemed to be louder than normal but no horrible metallic sounds or anything. Is it possible for it just to seize like that for no apparent reason?

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Dodge - Stratus :: 2004 Running Hot Than Usual / Strong Smell Of Antifreeze

My 2004 Dodge Stratus has been spiking hot on the temperature gauge recently. For the last few days it has had a strong smell of antifreeze. I haven't seen and dampness on the passenger side floor board, so I don't think it is the heating coil. Seems to have been running a little hotter than usual recently (week). Coolant levels seem to be in good shape. Doesn't look low when hot or cool. Fan seems to be running when the car is on.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Wipers Not Working, But Can Hear Motor Running

Weather got cold last night and froze everything. When I went to start my wife's car she had left the wipers in the on position the night before and I did not notice it. Once I turned the car on, the wipers went to start moving but were frozen. Once I realized it I quickly switched it to the off position, but it was too late. After defrosting everything and cleaning the windshield, the wipers will not work. I thought first it was a blown fuse so I switched it out with a new one, but still no luck. After my engine turned off I could hear the wiper motor running but no moving on the wipers. I have checked the nuts that hold the base of the wipers in place and they are tight. I have a 2007 Prius as well.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Check Motor Light Came On - At Every Stop Engine Keeps Running?

Check motor light came on...... Now at every light I stop at.... The engine won't kick off.... Keeps running...

Coolant - check
Gas cap-check

Anywhere in Orange county we have trusted repair/diagnostics?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Engine Started To Make More Noise Than Usual

2005 has 130,000 trouble free miles. Recently during a long trip the engine started to make more noise than usual. This occurs during acceleration up until the point when you hear the engine really start to work.

I took the car to Toyota and they said it sounded normal. I am picky about my car and know a new noise. My wife even said she can hear it.

I think it sounds a bit like the old lifter rattle my 289 Ford made in my 67 Mustang.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 Car Started To Use The Electric Motor Steadily

06' prius that I believe to be abnormal behavior. Just took the car on a 360 mile round trip. After about an hour of driving (Interstate 78mph) I happened to notice on the Energy screen that the car started to use the electric motor steadily for about 5 minutes of driving on flat terrain (Kansas). I watched as the SOC went from 5-6 bars down to 1-2 (purple). At which time the car started experiencing bouts of high rpm on level terrain/small hills. It stayed in this state for over 20 minutes or so of driving. It acted like it knew it needed to charge the hybrid battery, however the level never increased until such time as I exited the interstate and started braking. I am assuming that the HV battery should rarely discharge that much traveling at highway speeds on flat terrain.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - Motor Whirring Sound After Turning Off?

We are only one week in to owning our 2006 Prius! Question is why does it sound like a motor whirring sound after turning it off? It only lasts 20 to 30 seconds, just wondering if this is a normal sound?

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - HVAC Blower Motor Replacement?

I am struggling with it, and need to get it done - by myself, as I can't afford a service job. I am handy, and comfortable doing it, But I am confused about how to get into the blower housing.

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Lexus SC430 :: 2003 - Air / Blower Running More Frequently Than Usual

2003 with about 140k miles, radiator was replaced a couple years back, recently replaced timing belt (#2) and some valve cover gaskets in advance of a road trip.

On the road trip, used no cooling air, occasionally used heat at night with the roof down. At one point, I thought I heard my engine louder than normal, but decided it was actually machinery nearby.

The next morning, after only about 1 hour of leisurely driving through a civil war park for about an hour, I confirmed that in fact it was my vehicle making the noise.

It was fairly frequent, and basically sounds and feels (hand on air filter) like the blower kicking on, as if to cool the car off.

But the air temp was cool, the car temp was solid and cool, so there wasn't a good reason for this to be happening.

Because I had just had the timing belt & such done, I stopped at a dealer. The engine light came on as I pulled in.

They indicated that they saw a MAF sensor failure, and that while it needed to be replaced, it wasn't a problem to finish my road trip. They indicated the check engine light was related and also ok to drive with. They then lost a lot of credibility when they tried to ask me if perhaps the AM radio was the noise I was hearing...

Despite that, I continued on (had to be somewhere and they said it was ok to drive). The engine light actually went off the next time I filled up, so I decided perhaps that was actually a gas cap pressure issue (saw that once before in my ~6 years of driving the car).

Back at my home Toyota shop, they confirmed the MAF replacement need, and have also suggested spark plugs (fair enough).

But re: the air, they don't believe it sounds 'wrong'. I agree with that- it sounds 'right', as in when the blower kicks on, and I vaguely recall that it was something I heard back when my radiator actually rusted out / failed.

My issue is that it seems to be happening MUCH more frequently than normal.

So while I don't recall hearing it at all over the past couple years or only on very rare occasions under load, or when the radiator failed, it seems to be almost routine now, where at a given stop light (even in just a few miles of driving in town at low speeds), I'll hear the extra noise.

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Chevrolet - Silverado1500 :: Running Hotter Than Usual And Heater Does Not Work?

I have a 2005 Chevy Silverado, and recently it has been running hotter than usual (I dont know the exact numbers, but it usually runs at the halfway mark, and is now at the 3/4 mark) and the heater doesn't work... as long as I'm going UNDER about 60 mph. When I get on the freeway, the water temp goes back down to the 1/2 mark, and the heater comes on! Occasionally when I'm going around 30 or even stopped the water temp gets even hotter, and it tells me that the engine coolant is hot. I've tried adding more coolant... maybe I have a leak? I also know that I need new AC/Serpentine belts, could it have something to do w that?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Exhaust Noise Has Been Getting Louder

So recently (since Thursday morning last week) I noticed the exhaust noise of my prius has been louder. Today I experimented a bit and I'm pretty sure it's exhaust related. The car is pretty loud if there is any load on the engine, although still mostly quiet if it's idling. There are no errors presenting and mileage is still great.

Otherwise, it's loud and resonates at a few different rpm points, and I found that when the engine spins under breaking (foot-off coasting over 42mph or in B mode) it also makes noticeable exhaust noise of the same type.

I'm guessing the exhaust is leaking (the sound seems to be coming almost from the left rear seat area? Behind me when I'm driving at least).

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - A/C Blower Speed Slows Down When Set To High After Running For A While?

I have a 2006 Prius and lately, the fan will stop blowing hard on long drives on hot days when the fan is set to High. This happened on a 3 hour trip on the interstate and again when I was driving some back road for about 2 hours. The first time, I noticed the cabin temp was getting hotter so I went to switch the fan speed higher and noticed it was already on high. It was not set to Auto.

When I got home, I let the car cool down for about 30 minutes and when I turned on the car, the AC was blowing full speed and was getting cold like normal. When the fan speed slowed down on its own on the interstate, it was probably blowing at a speed similar to what the fan would normally blow if set to the middle position or maybe even below that. Why the fan would slow down on its own when set on high.

I also just checked the temperature coming from the vent after running the AC on LO temp for about 10 minutes. It was reading 50 degrees with a digital meat thermometer and 46 degrees with an infrared thermometer. So, when the car is cool, the AC seems to be working fine. Just wondering about the fan speed and the fact that the car gets really warm when it slows down on its own.

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Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: Vibration More Than Usual - Running Rough When Turning Into Parking Spot

So I'm coming home from the gym and the truck is running fine all the way until i get to my apartment and I notice its vibrating more than usual and as I am turning into my parking spot the truck starts running really rough, like when idling in drive it doesn't just go forward it lurches forward and then the rpm drops and then lurches forward and then the rpm drops.. Know what I am saying? I was low on fuel (light had just came on) so I was worried maybe i was running out of fuel (kind of seemed like it) and turned the truck off immediately because I didn't want to run it out of fuel.

Went to the gas station got a 5 gallon can and filled it up with diesel turn it on and its still running rough, like when you put your hand over the exhaust its not a constant flow but more like a puff puff puff and you can hear it too, I tried again this morning thinking maybe it would magically go away but nope still the same thing, if i put it in drive and try and let it idle it struggles even more. Should I be worried about letting it run or driving it while its running bad? I was thinking maybe it would go away if i let it idle for a while? but I don't want to ruin anything so i just turned it off.

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Prius C :: Sound Of Running Motor When Car Parked In Garage

When my Prius C is in the garage for awhile and then I open the driver door to get in the car there is always the sound of a running motor - "rrrrrrrrr" coming from the engine compartment. The sound is of a motor running. The sound always lasts the same lenght of time - about 9 seconds. Then the sound stops. Since it happens all the time, I think it is part of the Prius C computer start-up software program. What is the source of this running motor. Is it the power steering motor or a fuel, oil or cooling pump?

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Prius C :: Noise Like Some Small Electric Motor Running?

I went out to my garage a minute ago and heard my C making a weird noise. Like a small electric motor running. I finally pinpointed the sound to the bottom of the car back towards the fuel tank. At this point I thought my fuel pump was powered up because it sure did sound a little like that. I was saying to myself at that point that I am sure glad the car is still under warranty. So I went to get the SKS fob to start it up, hoping the sound would just go away. While sitting in the car prior to starting it, it occurred to me that maybe I should remove the fuel cap first. While opening it a slight "whoosh" occurred blowing fumes in my face when removing the cap and the farting promptly went away. The tank is down to two segments level wise, it is cooling down this time of the day, but I did get back from a long drive a few hours ago, so I can't see how the fuel or vapors were expanding enough to release through a pressure valve. So if you car is farting, remove the gas cap first before panicking.

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Nissan - Murano :: 2004 - Motor Is Making Noise While Running / Idling

I have a 2004 Nissan Murano. Recently I noticed that the motor is noisy while running and idling both - no difference. I can't really hear it outside of the car, but I sure can inside. It's even worse when it's cold. Is this something to be concerned about?We took it to a local mechanic who could hear the noise, but what was causing it.

The last time we had several trips to mechanics with no answers, we wound up replacing a transfer case that went kaplooey. We had at least three mechanics on that one. No one knew why it smelled like burned oil, or leaked a little. Until it went out completely.

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Subaru - Outback :: 2004 - Motor Won't Stay Running When Car Started Intermittently?

I have a 2004 Subaru Outback. This fall I started having intermittent problems starting the car. It would run like a champ, no problems. Then every once in a while when I would try to start it, typically happens after it has sat all night, it would turn over just fine, motor would catch, then the motor would quit running (almost immediately upon start). It is kind of like the old days when your carburetor was not adjusted quite right and you would have to keep one foot on the brake the other on the gas while stopped at a stop light to keep the motor running.

The first time it happened we added "heat" as we thought it might be water in the gas line somewhere. It started, then ran just fine. This winter the problem started recurring more frequently. We added injector cleaner, it seemed to work a bit, but did not solve problem. We took it to the shop, and they could not figure out what was going on as nothing is registering on the computer and the car would start just fine for them. Brought the car home it worked OK for a week or so, then started up again.

The motor would catch then would quit running almost immediately. We were able to get it running good enough to get it to the shop (kept one foot on gas at stop lights, etc so would not kill). My car has been at the shop for two weeks now. It finally misbehaved on their watch, and they replaced a sensor, but they are not sure it fixed anything. They are keeping it so see if they can get a better diagnosis.

My first thought was the gas pump, but they said they had never seen a subaru gas pump fail and usually when a pump goes out, it goes out. They thought it could be electrical, but not sure as the problem is so intermittent. I would like to get my car fixed and back home. It's a great car; when it is running it runs great. The shop we work with is very good, and they are reluctant to start just replacing parts if it is not going to fix the problem.

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