Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Turbo Started Whining At Low Speeds And Idling
I have a 2011 F250 that I bought new. It's been the best truck I have ever owned. It now has about 105K miles (170k Kms). Lately the turbo has started whining at low speeds and idling. Is this something I should be concerned about. I talked to a diesel mechanic (not Ford) and he said this is fairly common in some vehicles.
View 6 RepliesFord 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: No Response When Pressed The Throttle And Started To Move At Signal Light
2003 F350 6.0 cc 4x4 with 291k... Not sure if I have a problem or not, it happened at a signal light: The light turned green, I pressed the throttle and started to move. As I pressed more, there was no response. Second later it took off and I have had no more problem. What the cause maybe?
View 1 RepliesFord 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: 2016 - Audible Rattle And Turbo Spin Up Sound
Now first let me start off by saying the trucks is running great great mileage still tons of power no problems, however I have one small complaint it seems since the first oil change with Mobil 1 about five thousand miles , as I'm driving the audible rattle and turbo spin up sound is quite prevalent? It's getting to the point that on certain job site young guys are asking me when did I delete the EGR and whether I used a banks open exhaust system?? what the hell is a banks ?? I have a very good friend with a 2014 that so quiet you can't even hear it.
Will this be normal that it will continue to get louder , I honestly put off buying a diesel for this exact reason I didn't want to listen to a tractor chugging down the road I hear enough of that on my farm with my 3 cylinder tractors. Why are the 14 models so quiet what's so different about the 15 and up?? I know they said it has a larger turbo but it can't just be that ?? and is there anything I can do to quiet it down?? I know I am old, but even I can hear that rattle its getting old fast like me...
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: Fuel Filter / Pump Started Squealing And Making Vibrating Noise
Well, I last summer my fuel filter/ pump started squealing, and making vibrating noise, replaced the fuel filter changed the noise slightly, some times it would go away, sometimes the line going to the filter under the hood would vibrate, couple weeks ago truck warning light came on- "low fuel pressure warning" came on, hum... went out, came on a couple days later, then finally put me into limp mode, luckly only 1/2 mile from home... checked filter on frame/ tightness, it was tight, the pump on the filter housing was very noisey still, well, I figured 200 dollars cheaper than taking to ford....
I waited and pump arrived 3 days later, replaced it and low pressure warning still on, but pump was very quiet, and when I restarted low pressure warning and reduced power came on in driveway, hum.... I thought code was still in computer, I disconnected battery and turned headlights on to try and kill the code, started it and now the engine light came on, nothing else, and truck ran fine....hum.... went to autozone, and they pulled the code, low fuel rail pressure, p0087, guy said to drive and code should go off, truck runs fine. Drove truck a couple days and engine light went off, Truck runs great.......All is good.
Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: Power Steering Pump Making A Loud Whining Sound
My power steering pump was making a loud whining sound. No problem, changed the pump. Now after the truck is started I will have no power steering or brake assist, give the truck a little gas and you can hear the power steering pump "start". I have tried every way to get the air out, or is that not the problem. I even lifted the front of the truck off the ground with a forklift and with the truck off turned the wheel about six times stop to stop. Fluid level looks good and has since adding after the change.
View 4 RepliesFord 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: HPOP Making Noise / Sound Is Prominent At 1400 RPM
I've got a noise that I just can't find. Have replaced a bunch of stuff trying to eliminate this sound.. steering pump, both front wheel bearings, new pads up front, both caliper brackets and pins. Did a new turbo, verified the new pump is not air bound, brakes work, no noise with wheels up, lock to lock, pumping brakes the whole time.
Sound is prominent at 1400 RPM, does go up with RPM, seems sometimes to follow a steer to the right. When I shut down, not at full temp a clunk happens, like a mechanical stop. That clunk is less noticed once up to temp and it really started after the steering pump. Sparky came over, listened with a probe, says it's not the pump, my BIL and a close friend say the same thing.
Today, when I nailed it, rpm came on hard, tires smoked and when I let off quick, truck died, like something held the belt. It just slowed and died, restarted immediately.
Shawn listened to the transmission, says he heard nothing there either but did hear something above that near the back of the motor.
IPR is spot on 21.8%, ICPV is .80-.82 and [email protected] However, it has been dropping to lower numbers recently, saw 15.4% and it often sits near 19.4%-20.4% for periods of time. Tap the throttle, right back to 21.8%.
I'm at a loss. I've tested everything I can think of. I can power brake the truck, no trans slippage, it spins the tires easily around 10lbs boost. The A/C seems low on the charge, it is freezing the dehydrator and I added some freon, 18oz can, the clutch is not frozen. Turn it off, compressor stops spinning like it's supposed to. The tensioners are not frozen or squealing, water pump is not making noise, temp is 200 on the dot. Trans is full, no burned smell. Motor oil is fresh, filters clean.
It sounds like a grinding noise and I'm about to tear the cover off the HPOP. I'm at 150k now and know it will need replaced soon, I've spent $2500 in the last 2 weeks, but before I tear it apart......
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: 2012 F350 - Making Clonk Sound In Front?
I have a f350 2012 that makes a strange clonk sound in the front when I go over bumps the problem is that we dont have too many us ford dealers here.
View 2 RepliesFord 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: 2006 F350 Making Chirping Sound And Sputtering Under Load
I have a 2006 f350 PSD 6.0l that blew the turbo a few months back. Has 102k miles. I had a large truck diesel mechanic near where it blew up replace the turbo. Everything seemed to be fine but started noticing a chirping sound that would start at 2500 rpm but only with a load like pulling a trailer or going up steep grade. I have looked everywhere online to try to find something similar with no luck. The problem is getting worse and I need to find out what it is. Now the noise has gotten worse and it sputters after each chirp. It is now between 2100 and 2750. The more I push it on that rpm range the more it will sputter. If I push it enough that it down shifts, it all goes away and drives fine although seems like less power..
I am running the stock program and have changed the fuel filters, batteries, pulled off and looked at everything coming and going to the turbo and just can't find anything. I'm not sure if there are some other gauges I should be looking at while driving but I haven't found any that look like they show anything while it's sputtering and making the noise. Also I feel like it does not have the power it used to have before the turbo blew and was changed.
I also added a clip of the exhaust. I put the 5" turbo back AFE. I'm not sure it's sounding quite right. Seems to hiss a lot more than I thought it should, Don't know if it's related to my problem.
In the video I'm hauling a 14' dump trailer with very little weight in it. 2006 f350 lowres - YouTube....
Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: Loud Gargling Sound / EGRs Went Up To 1050 And Started To Spit Out Black Smoke
I was pulling a empty trailer and my boost started to act up. it would take a few seconds then I would get boost. my EGRs went up to 1050 and started to spit out black smoke. I got home everything went well after. Next day I went to another town no trailer and it started to sputter going down the highway. When I gassed it and let go it had a loud like gargling sound. But it would sputter and throw out black smoke every time it did it. I finally got to my destination and turned the truck off for about 30 minutes. Left to go back home and the motor ran as if nothing every happened to it. What is it. I have a 2004 F250 stock with new air filter and juice with attitude.
View 4 RepliesFord 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel :: No Turbo Pressure?
Weird thing happened today. Was out running errands, and upon pulling out into traffic I felt the truck lag a little. I figured it was the typical trans hiccup we all experience from time to time. As I continue driving, I notice I don't have any turbo boost.
I'm cruising around 55-60 and when I slowly give it gas......No boost. I stomp it and the turbo gauge slowly climbs to about 12 psi. At this point I waiting for the truck to throw a warning message and none came.
As I'm reaching my destination, the speed limit is 30 so I'm just putting along and any acceleration I did, the boost needle wouldn't move. I arrive at the store, and when I got back in 5 minutes later and drove off, My boost was back. Truck operated normal for the 25 minute trip home. I thought a similar thread was started but I couldn't find it.
Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: Turbo Up To 30 Psi Normal?
My truck is all stock and I am running in performance tune? And my friend the former owner said I need to let her loose about 75 percent of the time I am driving it because it's my DD and I do not tow anything on a regular basis. I do not want to stretch my bolts by unnecessary pushing, I don't know if I'm even pushing it hard but I normally get the turbo up to about 30 psi is that to much?
View 8 RepliesFord 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: How To Get Oil Tube In Turbo
Still working on this E450. Now, I'm trying to get the turbo back on and I don't know how the heck to get the oil tube in.
There's so little room that I can't lift the turbo up. Just getting it in and out is a chore. I was able to pull the oil tube out with some difficulty when I was removing the turbo, but if it put it in first, the turbo won't go over it to get back in. If I leave it disconnected to get the turbo in, I have no way to reach under it to get the oil tube back in.
I only messed with it for a little while - it's physically difficult bending over inside the van to wrestle with it - and will go back at it first thing in the morning. I know there's gotta be a way, I've just never done this before.
Do I stick the tube in the turbo first, in the engine, or neither until I got the turbo in place?
Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: 2006 F350 - No Power At All / Turbo Was Not Kicking In
I have a 06 f350 superduty with a 6.0 I have had injector problems before with the motor even hydro locking no start this is the problem my truck started blowing white smoke with a strong diesel smell everyone said it was oil cooler but I took it to a ford garage the guy said I had 2 injectors hung open and wasn't hydro locking and suggested to put all 8 in so I did 3400.00 not I went to pick it up had no power at all turbo was not kicking in so I took it right back to them they checked it out said turbo was sticking had to clean it it would take 6 hrs. said the fuel In the motor caused it it was working fine when I took it to them now they say maybe a new turbo are they giving me the run around or is this possible....
View 9 RepliesSaturn - Sc :: 2001 - Making Noise Like Small Pop Plane?
Okay, I have a 2001 Saturn SC2 with 180,000 miles racked up. Lately, when I'm out driving, it sounds like a small prop plane. Yet, when I move the steering wheel just a bit to the left, the noise vanishes, until I steer back toward the center.
I'm dreading taking it to my mechanic, even though the shop is quite good. What this might be before I head in to the Temple of Doom?
Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: 2005 - Power Loss With CEL - Turbo?
2005 F250 SD, Crew Cab, Diesel 6.0L...
Hauling my jeep (close to 16,000 pounds all in F250+trailer+jeep) on a highway going a little over 70mph up a hill when I seemed to have lost some power and the check engine light came on. The turbo PSI was well over 20PSI (according to the gauge in the dash). I have a Scan Boss but I have not been monitoring turbo boost PSI.
I was only 10 miles from the final destination so I continued without stopping. It seemed that the turbo was limited for the rest of the trip. Later in the evening, no more check engine light but I haven't really driven the truck since then.
What do you think the problem was? What should the course of action be?
Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: CAC / Boost Tube Keeps Coming Off Under Power At Turbo Connection
Having this problem, what to do to correct it? There is no hole in the boot and this just started about a year ago. Does not do it all the time.
View 4 RepliesFord 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: Started To Crank And Slowly Started To Whine Down
I turned the key and it started to crank and slowly started to whine down. Tried it a 2 more times and it did the same thing only with less strength and on the third try all I hear is the starter clicking. Both batteries read 12.57 on my multimeter while not cranking. Does this sound like an alternator? All my electronics seem to have plenty of power.
View 14 RepliesFord 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: 2004 - Turbo Won't Have Boost?
I have a 2004 Excursion with the 6.0. Lately it seems like the motor just doesn't have the boost it should. Funny thing is that the boost reading through the edge cts seems to be right. Under full acceleration it will pull 27 psi boost and 3900+ ICP pressure. No codes are being thrown. It just doesn't "feel" right (seat of the pants) and it also sounds louder but I don't known this for sure.
Where does the CTS get its boost reading from? The truck has new boots on the hot side from riffraff. Anything I can check?
Ford 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel :: F450 - Turbo Malfunctioning When Hot
I have an F450 with a 6.0 turbo diesel with 267000 miles std trans. 4wd and just bought it a few weeks ago. When the engine is cold, the truck runs fine but after driving for 15 minutes, I loose power in 3rd, 4th, and 5th gear. The gauge for the turbo drops from 20 down to 5 and the truck starts blowing black smoke. This starts at 1500 rpms and stops when I am past 2200 rpms.
Before 1600 rpms and after 2200 rpms, the truck has lots of power but withing those ranges, the truck has almost no power at all. When I first got the truck, the problem didn't start until I was up to 1800 rpms. No codes showing up either. I had the truck serviced by a diesel mechanic and the filters replaced using Ford parts. Problem persists and only exists when the engine is warm.