Quitting Smoking After 17 Years - Tried Everything

I've been a smoker for 17 years now. I've tried everything and still can't quit. Any methods anyone can recommend that helped you?

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Easy Way - Quitting Smoking

Now, you've probably clicked on this link and have some serious doubts about what I'm going to say.

Quitting smoking is the easiest thing you can do and why? Because you don't want to do it in the first place.

Example 1: Let's say I invite you to your favorite food, would you say yes?

Of course you would, it's something you enjoy and it's free.

Example 2: What if I invite you to eat dog poo. Would you try it? Hey, it's free, right! But, you would probably say no.

So what do those 2 examples have in common? The #One you want to do and the other one, not so much.

Well, let's pretend I chase around the house, work and every area of your life, telling you to eat dog poo. Would you just give up and try it? Like really?

Because that's what addiction does it pokes you and chases you until you agree to do it.

I could write a whole essay on this, but I'll post some main ideas first and then will specify on some things.

Addiction is not a habit. Look it up in the dictionary. Not the same thing at all and the words are very different, even though they sound similar.

Psychiatrists classify addictions as a mental disorder.

So first admit and you've probably noticed that by being a smoker, you are different than other people. You think differently and you're aware that your life is dominated by cigarettes. When to buy, smoke etc.

If you smoke a pack a day, that's like 1 cigarette every 45 minutes, without counting 8 hrs of sleep. That is like brushing your teeth the same number of times a day. Doesn't sound like normal behavior right?

So, let's summarize this, smoking is an addiction that pokes you several times a day. And here comes the catch, why do you have to do it, just as the example with dog poo.

Because you think you are getting something out of it. Not the bad consequences, but you think it somehow lets you decrease your stress or keep emotions in control... etc..

There are two types of addictions, physical and mental. The mental part of the addiction is usually what makes it seem impossible to quit.

But there's an easy way.

Add your thoughts in some things I've said or ask more questions and I'll write some other posts that go deeper on why smoking becomes a problem and it's our mentality that makes us fail.

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Quitting Smoking :: Day One Champix

So today I swallowed my first morning Champix tablet., I got them from my GP 3 days ago,. but had a real mind battle before making that 1st move.,I have smoked for 50 years,. this as taken a big toll on my Health & pocket,..hopefully now I have come to my senses to quit this awful habit,,my life can take on more meaning..

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Quitting Smoking :: Chantix Helps?

I just went to the doctor and got a prescription for chantix today I picked it up and I have not taken it yet because I'm nervous about side and a little scared about quitting but also very hopeful that this work for me. Both my fiance and I smoke and have for many years but we both want to quit and are going to try. I have been reading these posts and decided to join and write my own because I know that I will need help and encouragement to get through this. Everyone on here seems very nice and encouraging so I hope with the chantix and support from my family and this site we can be successful!

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Quitting Smoking :: Wellbutrin Helps

I am a 60 yr old woman and I have smoked for roughly 35 yrs. I have attempted to quit at least 3-4 times seriously. I've always had the horrible cravings even when using patches etc. this time I had my mind made up to do it finally and I just happened to be taking 300 mg of Wellbutrin at the time and I had actually forgotten that this could be helpful. I asked my dr to call in a prescription for the patches which he did. Anyway to say that it was easy is an understatement. You can imagine then my surprise to find out after using the 2nd box of patches that I had been using just the 7 mg patches all along. It Had to be the Wellbutrin that made the difference !! I was very surprised but extremely happy to become a Non-smoker !! It's been 10 months and I have no cravings. and I feel great ! I would gladly promote the Wellbutrin to any current smokers that really want to quit. I have put on a few pounds but that is well worth it to be able to live long enough to see my great grandchildren someday I hope and pray !!!

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Quitting Smoking - Withdrawal Symptoms?

I quit smoking 36 days back. Took 21mg patch sometimes for first 4 weeks and then taking 1/2 of 21mg patch (by cutting it). Went through the craving -
- not having any more. Here is what bother me now:-

* Feeling fever but no temperature

* Pains around the eye (sinus), headache, usual discomforts that comes with fever

* If my back is touched with little pressure (or rather rubbed), it feels like burning. If I bend, I feel a pain on the left side of mid-spinal cord -- but when sit straight it does not pain. (I do lift 2 five gallon water refills once in a while to 1st floor -- if can be slip disk)

* Felt similar burning pain in some other part (but less) too -- arms and probably the head (touching hairs pains little bit)

* Took crosin -- night time sweating many times now but the heavy head goes away with crosin

* Morning cough out little pinkish cold once or twice

* Oxygen level is 95% on blood (tested few days before)

Do I need to go for medication/see a doctor now or just wait and watch (is it a kind of withdrawal symptom or an independent issue)?

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COPD :: Quitting Smoking After 48 Years

I have just been diagnosed with stage 2 copd (emphysema). I have smoked for 48 years. I am 65 and told I have lungs of a 95 year old. I am struggling to stop smoking. If I cannot how fast will my progression be.

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Quitting Smoking - Acupuncture Helps

I think Many people don't know that acupuncture is a great tool to help you stay away from cigarettes. Needles will not make you quit, but they will help you stay on track. Acupuncture will help by lessening withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are (not limited to): stress, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, and emotional distress.

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Nicotine Addiction :: Feeling Ill After Quitting Smoking!

I quit smoking exactly 1 week ago today (though it feels much longer) after smoking for almost 7 years. 

For the past month and a half, I have had shortness of breath, which came on suddenly. I went to Urgent Care for it, and the doctor, after listening to me breath/listening to my heart, said "everything sounds good", and she said my shortness of breath is due to the fact that I have severe anxiety/panic disorder and a sinus infection. That was in the beginning of February... A couple weeks ago, my best friend's mom (who has been an ER nurse for over 20 years) listened to me breath, took my pulse/blood pressure, and she, too, said my lungs sounded "perfect", and my other vitals were good as well.
However... here I am, late March, and I still experience shortness of breath (though it has gotten somewhat better). 
Like I said, it's only been a week since I quit smoking (which I did BECAUSE I felt it might be why I was having shortness of breath), and the first couple of days? I felt great!

Now, I feel awful. I feel like I am dying. My depression has gotten much worse, my anxiety is acting up, I feel "empty" both mentally and emotionally... I have HA (health anxiety) and I fear I might have cancer, or COPD, or some such thing. 

Also, physically I just feel completely drained. I feel weak all the time, exhausted, sluggish, my heartbeat feels weak (to me), etc... I have difficulty thinking clearly, my concentration is horrible... 

But mainly what bothers me is how weak I feel... Sometimes I feel so weak that I am SURE I am dying. I lay there and think, "this is it, I am dying". It's absolutely terrifying! 

I use a nicotine patch, and it DOES seem to help when I have it on, but it only helps so much...

Is this all normal? Before I quit this past week, I had been quitting on and off for a couple months, but my "quitting" would only last 2-3 days. This is the longest I have quit smoking.

I just feel something must be terribly wrong with me... Could this all be just because I quit smoking? No one ever tells you what to REALLY expect when you quit... 

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease? After Quitting Smoking

I stopped smoking 6 months ago and to be honest feel worse for it. Currently i am suffering from

UC and mouth ulcers. I have never suffered with mouth ulcers before and my bowel has been painful since stopping smoking. What i need to figure out is this: is it worth taking up smoking again or do i need to put up with abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea, mucus and faecal incontinence and always

having to use pads. I am only 55 and feel like i am 85. I am beginning to think smoking is the lesser of the two evils!! Have read on many forums how people give up smoking and then suffer the indignities of UC. Is there any medical evidence on UC and stopping smoking? If not, why not?

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Quitting Smoking :: Dangers Of Electronic Cigarettes?

I'm new and concerned about my health I recently quit smoking and am using the electronic cigs. I feel great My concern is that it could be harmful as well. I know it is clearly a better choice than the poisons in tobacco does anyone know if there are dangers?

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Pregnancy :: Quitting Smoking - No Damage Before 13 Weeks?

I know I need to quit smoking. My dr said no damage is done before 13 weeks, but I can't quit! I've tried tapering, I've tried cold turkey, I've tried gum... nothing is working.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Haze After Quitting Smoking Marijuana

The last time I smoked marijuana was around the 13th of January, but I still have the feeling of laziness and like I'm almost looking through some kind of film or something. Like I feel when I'm high. Is this normal this long after quitting? Or is this "hazy" feeling potentially due to a medical cause. My sight isn't really impaired, but my sight is like I'm high still, like I'm looking through a haze.

I smoked multiple times a day for about a year and a half. It doesn't go away, and it hasn't gotten any better over the time since I've quit.

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Quitting Smoking After 40 Years - Tried Patches, Champix And Acupuncture

can anyone tell me which way they found the best, i don't really want to go on patches etc and i've heard bad reports on champix. I,ve tried acupuncture and found i cut down, but we all know what happens, creep back to full smoking again.

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Quitting Smoking After 3 Years - Feeling Lump In Throat

I'm 15 years old... and i've been smoking since i was 12.. i am quitting, but since yesterday i have had this really bad pain in my throat, it feels like there is a lump of some sort, that won't go away, but then today, i woke up with the same throat pain (but worse) it hurts to breath in, it also hurts my left shoulder blade/ arm when i breath in, my nose, and occasionally my chest.. I am having a really hard time breathing, and i'm really scared. help?

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Quitting Smoking :: 3 Weeks - Anxiety And Tingling On My Face

I just quit smoking about 3 weeks now doing good but last night i started having tingling on my face is this a part of Anxiety after you quit smoking.
I don't know i never felt this before till i stop smoking.

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Pregnancy :: How Long Smoke Stays In System After Quitting Smoking?

what if you stop but are still around it and inhale it is it still going to be in your system?

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Quitting Smoking (3 Weeks) - Chest Feels Tight And Always Inhaling

I've quit smoking for 3 weeks now after 32 years of smoking. I am using the patch and my doctor put me on zyban  when I saw her sept 5 because I couldn't stop crying. The crying has gotten better I feel terrible. I think I'm obsessed with my breathing to the point where I feel it all the time. My chest feels tight. I feel myself inhaling all the time. I've been to the emergency room twice now in two weeks. Chest films taken. They put me on high dose prednisone for. 5 days which made it worse! I think I'm going insane about this. I read that you should be coughing up old mucus etc... I'm not coughing at all. I think I need psychiatrist. Has this happened to anyone?

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COPD :: Emphysema Headaches 24/7

i was diagnosed with Emphysema in February and am having further tests. This has all come at me so quickly and caught me off guard. Is anybody else suffering with these headaches? 

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