Breastfeeding :: Weaning Off A Son 5 Years Old

So I am a breastfeeding mom. My son is 5 and 1/2 months old. I introduced formula for supplementation when he was about 4 and 1/2 months old. When I got pregnant I set a goal of exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months. I only introduced formula due to the fact that my son ate alllll the time and when I would pump I was barely getting an ounce. So he only got formula like before bedtime and when we we're out and about. Now when I pump i get like 5 ounces. Now I am trying to only breastfeed in the morning when he first wakes up and at bedtime. But the reason for this post is because I am trying to find ways to wean my son from breast feeding. I know that it's a process and I don't want to just take it away completely I enjoy the bonding time and the comfort I can give him from it.

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Addiction - Weaning / Tapering Off Co-codamol After 7 Years

I was on cocodamol for 7 years and just recently weaned off using a taper plan and good planning.

I didn't realise just how mind and body controlling these drugs were.

Ok to cut a long story short I became ill and was prescribed 30/500 cocodamol the first few weeks I felt great yeah less pain and what a head rush.

I started to get addicted and needed my 2 tablet four times a day fix,was my injury gone I don't know I just needed the fix.

I tried a few times before to go cold turkey and ended up with the worse symptoms possible I sure you have had these.

The restlessness and aches in the legs were the worst I'm sure you will agree.

Through my dependency I became intolerant to any products containing caffeine as I noticed my body would itch and I had pain in my kidneys all the time.I stopped caffeine 6 years ago and cured that issue.

This time around I decided enough is enough and try a taper plan.

week 1

8 tablets a day

2 at 7am

2 at 1pm

2 at 6pm

2 at 8pm

for 7 day only then I started my taper plan and it really works.

week 2

2 at 7am

2 at 1pm

2 at 6pm

1 at 10pm

week 3

2 at 7am

2 at 1pm

1 at 6pm

1 at 10pm

week 4

2 at 7am

1 at 1pm

1 at 6pm

1 at 10pm

week 5

1 at 7am

1 at 1pm

1 at 6pm

1 at 10pm

week 6

1 at 7am

1 at 1pm

1 at 8pm

week 7

1 at 7am

1 at 8pm

week 8

1 at 7am

This worked for me and just remember plenty of water but not mountains of it as too much water can be deadly.

I would say to anyone who has just been prescribed co codamol just be aware that the come down after long term use will really spoil your day.

For the full impact of going cold turkey should only last around 8-10 days from sources I read but I will say this for a easier stage of coming off and less side effects try a taper.

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Tapering / Weaning Off Propranolol

I took Propranolol 60 mg sustained release for a brief time,  then reduced to 20 mg 2x per day.  Bad side effects, low pulse rate, bradycardia and irregular heart beats, weaned off the stuff over weeks. Now been off it for about 2 plus weeks and still have a low pulse rate of only 60 with low blood pressure particularly while standing.  Often feel faint with the low heart rate and BP.  How long does it take for the body to readjust after getting off this med or is the bradycardia permanent.  I had no problems before this drug and had bp around 140/80. now goes very low and sometimes high at night while lying down.  Very scary stuff, I'm afraid it will never go back to normal.

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Weaning Off Xanax - Getting Clean/sober

March 25th I made the decision to leave the entertainment industry and get sober. Since then I have slipped up and drank only 3 times and have no desire to sip a drink again... It always makes me feel worse/horribly depressed. It just brings me to a dark place. I have been taking Xanax for the past 7 years because it helped me deal with my job... Being in the spotlight... Having no privacy... And it also helped me deal with a very mentally abusive Husband who also happened to be an actor and active cocaine addict. I am proud to say that I filed for divorce and finally got away from a very toxic lifestyle that I felt was leading to my death.

I am weening off Xanax... I am down to 3 mg a day (I was taking up to 10 mg a day... Maybe more at my worst point) and I am under a doctor's supervision.

All of this is just so hard. My whole life is changing and I know it is changing for the better in regards to my health but this is so hard. Divorce, massive job/.lifestyle change, moving out of la, searching for a job and going through all my savings fast. It is SO SO hard not to get caught up in fear right now. I have been SUPER depressed and overwhelmed and I have been letting my depression and anxiety get the best of me lately. I'm feeling really defeated lately and super overwhelmed.

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Pregabalin :: Weaning Of 75mg Lyrica

I've only been on lyrica for 6 days now. Im finding the 75mg dose to strong 1 a day is what i am taking.I was wondering if the capsule can be split in half so i take half of that per day .then was wondering how long does it take to wean off completely if i decide to come off completely off the lyrica. And is it safe to take half of the 75mg has i've noticed that dose is not listed on the patient sheet etc.

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Omeprazole :: Weaning Off Tips And Advice?

I need help in weaning of Omeprazole. I have been a 20Mg a day user since 2002 and the last 5 years have been hell. I am now at the point that I really need to get off this drug, whatever my GP is saying. Does anyone have any tips and suggestions on how they got off the pills. The daily symptoms I'm having is terrible.

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Substance Abuse :: Headaches Weaning Off Nurofen

I have just joined as I believe I may be becoming dependant.  Currently I take between 3-6 nurofen plus a day. It began with my job which is very stressful at times. O would get constant headaches at work and found this was the only thing which helped. I never take anymore than 3-6 as I'm so worried about my liver and kidneys. I've decided to wean myself off, whether I go cold turkey is another thing. So today I haven't taken any nurofen plus. This morning I had hot and cold sweats slightly as well as a bit of a runny nose but they seemed to disappear as the day went on (the sweats mainly). But the headache has been with me most of the day but just a very dull ache. I took some ibuprofen before to ease it as I read this will help with the initial withdrawal headaches. Does anyone hAve any idea how long these headaches will last for while I wean myself off?? =

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Narcotic/Opioids Dependence :: Weaning Off Oxycodone?

I don't know all the reasons why Doctors won't just tell a patient the truth about dependency, but, my best guess is fear of the unknown. In my opinion they are scared of Lawsuits. Scared of what this person may do.  If you are trying to stop taking Oxycodone like I was in 2011 then you probably felt like no one was giving you a roadmap to success. You felt like you had somehow acquired a PHD in chemistry and the medical field with all of the knowledge you had obtained through the internet. You asked and pleaded for help to stop taking these drugs. I read everything. I felt as if no one cared. I felt like my doctors were pawning me off to pain management doctors and no one was simply saying the obvious...Stop taking them! That is it.
I suffered a back injury, had spinal fusion, was given Oxycodone during recovery and was taking them for a year. As I felt my back injury and recovery or healing process of that surgery was over. I started weaning off the meds. Lowering my dosages. I did everything any normal person would do. I asked doctors, everyone, how? How to I stop taking this drug? The back injury and surgery was no longer my issue, the issue now was this feeling that I was a drug addict and it had to stop, in order to fully heal. In retrospect I would have gladly suffered the pains of the surgery, because, that was to be expected. After surgery it is going to hurt. You can expect to be in pain from that. What I didn't expect was becoming dependant on the drugs and being shunned by my own doctors who prescribed me the medications. Surgeons perform surgery. Mine didn't have any concerns with anything afterwards. I tried slowly weaning off the meds. I felt like c**p! I learned as much as I could from every media I could. I asked everyone How to stop taking these drugs. I asked all the questions one would ask? Will I die if I just stop taking them, How do I stop taking them? Is there someone who can give me a list of what to take and slowly taper them off of me? Nothing worked! Nothing....worked. After reading everyone's experiences and seeing everyone go through the same things I had been going through. I came across one person...simply said  "You people are stupid"....Stop taking the drugs. This was on a site where I had been reviewing probably fifty cases of people begging for relief, begging for answers on how to slowly wean off these meds. No one wants to feel pain. It's that simple, but, here's the reality....It's going to suck! You will feel terrible. Go to CVS and buy some circulatory leggings ( stocking to help bad circulation) They are tight fitting socks that go up to your crotch, put them on! Find your favorite pillow or large stuffed animal and get in bed, have plenty of Gatorade, pedialyte, anything to replenish the fluids and vitamins, you are going to need to keep drinking these fluids as much as possible! Tell your family to bear with you and forgive anything they hear come from your room. I screamed, I cursed, I cried and after a couple of days the worst was over. It was two Hard days. It was a hard week following, but the days get better, the weeks get better and the good news is...You will no longer be dependant or addicted to this ridiculous drug. I'm not a Doctor. I don't claim to be a drug Guru. I was a patient suffering from an injury and thrown away. My recovery process was just as important to me as my surgery. That was not the sentiment my surgeon shared. he performed surgery, that's his job and that's how he saw it. Oh , you're having difficulty with the medications? well here is a doctor who specializes in that, go away!  The pain management doctor wanted to substitute my addiction, dependancy? (whatever) with other drugs? Methadone, you name it, and told me he was there to give me whatever I wanted for as long as I wanted. I can call that guy right now and get drugs if I wanted! Stop taking them! That's no life. The pains you are experiencing on a daily basis regardless of whatever injury or illness you have are increased by these pain medications. They tell your brain this doesn't hurt ...but, now you have this pain...these doctors have no idea, what you are going through. They will give you drugs, they will perform surgeries, but, they are not going to hold your hand and suffer with you, this horrible suffering... you are going to have to overcome. Check with your doctors first, tell them your plan, get their opinions and make a choice.

Ask your doctor this one question...Am I going to die if I quit taking these medications right now?

Once the drugs were no longer in my system (and I mean months, If not a year to fully regain my sanity of overcoming this) I was able to get my life back.

Do not flush your meds in the toilet! I do not want to drink from my tap water and worry about ingesting your meds. Empty the contents of your prescription bottles in the trash can and then dispense of the bottles themselves.  I finally threw all my drugs away about a year AFTER I completely withdrew from my addiction...I was not in my right frame of mind to part with them. I honestly kept them as a backup to end my suffering, but, one day the clouds separated and my eyes were finally opened enough and were clear enough, not to need them anymore.

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Weaning Off Zopiclone Addiction Without Side Effects?

I am taking 4 or 5 tablets a night (7.5)

i did this 8 years ago and stopped cold turkey when i was caught.

The side effects were terrible.

I want to stop now slower.

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High Cholesterol :: Weaning Off Statins Easy?

I have entrenched myself in a low-fat Mediterranean diet and now have much better lipo-gram figures. I now wish to wean off my statin tablets. Is this easy to do?

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Heart Rhythm :: Sotalol Causes Rebound Tachycardia When Weaning Off

Does anyone know if Sotalol causes rebound tachycardia when weaning off of it (or if you miss a dose).  The last few days my resting rate when I woke was 84. That's not normal for me. My rate is low 60's or High 50's most of the time.I am a 38 year old male (very athletic and in shape) and I work out vigorously 6 days a week. I don't know what could be causing this. I had an Aortic Valve replacement in 1992 and has been stable ever since. I am 6'0" tall 197 lbs 11% body fat. Low cholesterol LDL 61, HDL 52, Triglycerides 82. It seems like my normal day rate is elevated about 12-13 beats. I am very confused by this and a little worried.

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Weaning Off Mirtazapine - Cold Turkey - Liquid Form?

I've been trying to wean myself off this drug .FIrst time went cold Turkey big mistake reinstated got stable again doing ok until I got below 7.5mg so had to reinstate again at 7.5mg which I'm doing now but I have asked for the liquid version to help taper does anyone know if I do this without any comeback on it.

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Alcohol :: Detox Safe At Home? Weaning Off Slowly

ok, I have struggled with insomnia and anxiety  my entire adult  life, hard to go to sleep, so I began drinking about 10 years ago, only from 5-9 pm a few glasses of wine, sometimes a bottle. Im being honest. I was also on zoloft for 16 years , weaned myself off about 6 month ago to see if I could function without it. I recently started having severe panic attacks on Tuesday, so I decided to start back on my zoloft, since it worked so well to control the anxiety. I know it will take weeks before I can feel the results and be anxiety free again, but something strange happened, I decided to stop drinking one night and woke up the next day with horrible tremors, nausea, anxiety, fear, so I took a half a xanax , I only take as needed which is very rare, this calmed me down, and I read some forums online about tapering off alcohol safely at home, and how to do it. so the past several days I have cut my wine down to 2 glasses, and it said switch to beer, one per hour if needed and I haven't needed that much i had a beer this am to calm my shakes down and was able to snap out of panic mode, around 4 I started feeling that anxiety again ha a beer and am fine, so my goal is to be alcohol free, and when they say taper they mean taper, if i was drinking from -9 every day sometimes 1 bottle of wine a night, I Feel relieved that I have come a long way and am safe, I know quitting alcohol cold turkey can be fatal, my doctor has agreed with me on this method, and if I get worse I can go to detox, but that is so expensive, so I'm trying does anyone out there have experience safely detoxing at home too?

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Weaning Off Co-codamol With Ibuprofen And Codeine - Can't Go Cold Turkey

I have found a UK based online Dr that is willing to prescribe me codeine phosphate tablets. My idea is to taper the dose myself  and replace the co codamol 30/500 and Nurofen plus with these instead and come off them gradually. I can't go cold turkey, I've tried and the withdrawals are the most significant problem. My dr did this once before so I am going to follow the same tapering process. When I am down to 0mg I will ask my gp for a non opioid based strong pain killer for my 6 herniated spinal discs. It's going to cost overall far less than I am spending on packets of Nurofen plus. Feeling very determined to do this for good his time.

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Nortriptyline - Can Cause Dependency?

Following my appointment to the neurologist, I have been prescribed Nortriptyline 10mg for 4 weeks. I was previously on Amitriptyline, and felt really bad while taking them. I did tell this to the neurologist hence why the 10 mg. My only concern is becoming dependant on these tablets for a long period of time which as a 21 year old I do not wish too. Can anyone offer me any advice? I am finally getting sleep on my own as my body got used to the Amitriptyline. 

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Nortriptyline For A Pain In My Leg ?

Just been given nortriptyline for a pain in my leg ?

i thought these were for depression ...

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Nortriptyline - Did It Help The Dizziness And Anxiety?

I have MAV, and recently tried amitriptyline and had increasing anxiety on it, so the ENT took me off of it. He said the nortriptyline is in the same family as the ami but has less side effects.

I am afraid to try it, I don't do well on meds have lots of side effects. I've tried many SSRI's but cant take any of them.

I wondered if any of you have been on the nortriptyline and how you did, did it help the dizziness and anxiety? When you stopped using it was it hard to stop? Did you have side effects and which ones?

The Ent says the only way to know if its MAV is to try the meds. The ami stopped the dizziness and my tension headache but boy it activated some awful anxiety. So he said yes you have MAV coz the med stopped the dizziness.

My symptoms are, started out with this awaul rocking and swaying sensation that lasted for months, I've had this for a year in July, dizziness of course, falling feeling, I get slight dizziness that is preceded by either headache with neck pain or dizzy with upper shoulder pain and tightness, vision is off at times, when sitting feel like I'm moving and that goes thru my entire body, fear and worry, legs ache sometimes from having to stabilize my balance, off balance when walking, feels like the floor is going up and down, when I bend forward in the shower or vacuuming or mopping I get bad dizziness that will last for hours to days, just showering make me dizzy when washing my hair, I don't even have to put my head back just moving my hands up and down on my scalp will do it, doing dishes the looking down can cause it, looking down to write will do it, sinking feeling when sitting and more but thats enough I think. Do any of you have these?

Does your dizziness go on all day and sometimes on and off? Do you have anxiety with it? Gosh I had awful anxiety for months I just couldn't get use to the thought of having this forever. But my ENT and VRT therapist say it will go away.

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Nortriptyline - Was There Any Side Effects

I have just been put on nortriptyline for my pain has anyone else had this and did it work was there any side effects.

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Nortriptyline - Did It Help Your Dizziness And Or Headaches

My ENT gave this to me today because I had worsening anxiety on the ami. He said this has less side effects. I'm wanted to know if anyone took ami and had to switch to nortriptyline and how did you do? Did it help your dizziness and or headaches? Did you have anxiety done fire taking it and did it affect it?

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