Menstrual Cycle :: Alternating Between 19 Day Cycles And 44+ Day Cycles

Lately my periods have become increasingly strange. (I'm 22).

They have always been irregular (23-34) day cycles, 4-7 days long and moderately heavy but not horrible.

The past few months they have been alternating between 19 day cycles and 44+ day cycles.

Periods from the long ones start of so heavy that soak through tampons because I can't keep up with changing them for the first 2-3 days. I'm dizzy, nauseated, I can barely breathe when I stand up and almost black out even just walking around sometimes, intense migraines, indigestion, constipation, need to pee all night and my entire pelvis hurts, my hips hurt and pain shoots down both legs. My lower back aches but not horribly until after my period is over.

The short cycle is such a light period I barely have any blood on a tampon after 12 hours for the first 4-5 days and that's it, occasionally it will end in a single day of heavy bleeding and then be over. The pain is still there 2 weeks before these periods and is so bad in my hips that just standing or sitting for too long makes it worse, same with laying face down. I have intermittent pains in my left pelvis. I haven't been able to get pregnant in 2 1/2 years after having a child 6 years ago without a problem.

I had a pelvic exam done and my gyno said my uterus was enlarged and ordered an ultrasound. I had my hormones tested but they looked normal and I'm so confused by this. I had a csection 6 years ago could this be the cause of it since it doesn't seem to be hormonal?

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Trying To Conceive :: Moringa Seeds Help To Ovulate? Irregular Periods

My period are irregular and i want to get pregnant can i b using moringa seed to correct it n will it help to produce ovulation.

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Started Mastrubating And Getting Late Menstrual Cycles?

Since I have started masturbating, I'm getting late for my monthly cycles so is daily masturbating a reason for my late monthly cycles ? What should I do ? What are the reasons for getting them late ?

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Menstruation :: Abnormal Menstrual Cycles And Severe Pain

should i see a doctor because i haven't had my period in 6 months and experience moderate to severe pain in abdominal area?

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Acne And Black Hairs On Chin, Long Menstrual Cycles

Is it normal for menstrual cycles to be 36-59 days in length? For the past year this is what I've been dealing with, sometimes I will get a couple months where my cycle is 28 days but then the next 2 or 3 months it's out of whack again.

I've also got acne all over my chin, lower cheeks, and jawline. Before I started my period at age 13 I had perfect, almost porcelain skin. In the past year it's gone from bad to worse.

On my chin and neck I keep getting coarse black stray hairs that I have to constantly pluck. I've also got hair all over my neck that is so long I have to shave it. Is this "normal" for some women?

I also have those same black hairs on my breasts and chest area, not really patches but just random black hairs all over that I have to pluck (OUCH!).

My weight is also a problem, I was a small child but when became a teenager I started putting on weight, I am currently 5'1" and 160 lbs. Last June I put on about 15lbs in a week and a half without doing anything differently. I have worked out, tried to eat right and nothing will help me lose the weight.

I made an appointment with my doctor to address these issues but I just want to know, am I crazy? Are these things that happen to everyone or could there be something wrong with me? I don't want to go to his office and be looked at like a hypochondriac.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Sleeping And Not Sleeping Cycles With CFS/ME

I had a very restless night last night and ended up taking a sleeping tablet in desperation at around 3am... the trouble is I still have the side effects going on the next day 12 /14 hours later, I only take a sleeping pill when all else fails and I have gone well past/beyond the nodding off stage.

On other days, I just sleep a lot of the time and have a trouble staying awake. Goodness only knows what people think one minute I’m too tired the next I’m saying I can’t sleep

Does anybody have any wisdom on this issue of sleeping and not sleeping cycles with CFS/ME.


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Trying To Conceive After Depo

I have seen a lot of women who say they have problems ttc after taking depo, for those women can you tell me how your bodies reacted while on it? Did your body take depo well or did you have a lot on complications with it? 

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Was On Depo Then Microgynon, Trying To Get Pregnant

was on depo i took 3 shots last year then stopped and took microgynon for 1 week earlier in the year. But i have been having normal period for 3 months now. I am actually trying to get pregnant.

Good day. I have had a light pinkish bleeding 11 days after period has ended then it followed straight into my normal period. I am always tired, i did a pregnancy test but it was negative. And d bleeding before my period lasted for 2 weeks. What could this mean?

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Abortion, Depo-provera And Then Sex

On february 6th I started a medicated abortion at planned parenthood. Then a week later I went for my follow up appointment on february 14th. Everything was fine, and they injected me with my choice of birth control, depo provera, that day. Well of course it was Valentine's day, and the physician said it was okay to have sex again. I wasn't intending on it but me and my boyfriend ended up having sex that day without a condom, and he accidently came inside of me. I feel so stupid because my physician didn't tell me how long it would take for the depo provera to take effect, and I forgot to ask because of my nervousness. My question is that if it was possible I was ovulating and that I could get pregnant again?

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Trying To Conceive :: After Depo-Provera?

I took depo for about 2 years in high school, (without breaks) and it was a full year before I got a period again. It's been a total of 22 months since I stopped taking depo and now I'm trying to conceive with my fiancé. I miscarried a month ago at 14 weeks.

When I consulted my doctor she told me firmly that YES. IT IS BECAUSE OF DEPO. going on it for long periods of time can cause infertility and I was told that I will not be able to carry a pregnancy to term for anywhere from 1-5 years- if at all. I've also been told to stay if any other birth control as that can increase my chances of not being able to give birth.

Has anyone else had similar events happen to them?

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Contraception :: Depo Provera ? Think Again

I used Depo from 1999 - 2006 on my G.P's advice that it was perfectly 'safe' and had no side effects other than no periods. In September '06 after reading online risks I demanded a Bone Density Scan and to my horror Depo has caused Osteoporosis. I am 30 yrs old!! My skeleton is equal to that of a 70 yr old woman thanks to Depo. I had no period for 7 yrs, my oestrogen levels are now extremely low and indicate I've gone through early menopause, my G.P refuses to test for this at this stage. I also had 4 stone weight gain - which I have now lost with extreme dedication, mood swings, blurred vision, chronic abdominal pain, lack of lubrication , exhaustion and more.I continued with the Depo unaware it was the cause for 7 yrs. I thought it was work stress causing it all. Only on a friends advice end 2006 I Googled Depo side effects, what I found was shocking. To all you women out there on this crazy drug, look up the side effects, go to the manufactureres website -, GET a copy of the patient info sheet,Google it, this is no good for you. I've been off it 4 months and no period yet. Side effects still there, I have had sore nipples for 5 days now, thought I may be pregnant but not - luckily! I have terrible hot flashes in the night I wake up saturated in sweat in the groin and underarm area, I still get totally exhausted toward the end of the day and have to just lay down, at my age!! Stomach pain has ceased now and still losing weight.

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Depo-provera, Off And On And Now Want To Get Pregnant

In 2010, i got on birth control(depo provera) i was on it off and on until april 2012 when i finally decided not to get it anymore. This past month my husband and i decided we wanted to have a baby, so we starting having unprotected sex. Lately i have been having symptoms such as back pains, acne, cravings and cramping for about 2 weeks (like period cramps) i've also be feeling like i want to throw up but i can't. Could i be pregnant ? My period is not due until next week.

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Trying To Conceive After Depo-provera

I come off depo in January this year i've just got my first proper period am I back to normal? is my fertility back? i've had bleeds before now but I know this is my first proper period raging pmt and cramps I actually feel sorry for my partner he can't do nothing right.

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Depo-provera And Infertility

I'm nearly 16 years old and I found out some pretty horrible news about 3 months ago and it's been playing on my mind.

When my mum was younger she went to her doctors for her first depo contraceptive injection, her doctor didn't give her a pregnancy test but little did they know she was pregnant on me (my mum clearly didn't know either).

2 injections down the line and my mum was having problems and her stomach was swelling the doctors said that it was a stomach ulcer (it was me aha) after a while my mum insisted on having a pregnancy test and found out she was having me.

They said it could lead me Into having fertility problems.

They have said in the future if I try before I'm 25 and I am infertile that I will get ivf and any other treatment for free but..

I just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else and if they have had problems with getting pregnant or of there is any advice in knowing if I am infertile like symptoms and stuff like that

I know I'm young and won't be having children yet it just worries me.

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Am I Pregnant? On Depo-provera

Recently am on the first shot of depo, no birth control usage before this.

Ive always had pretty normal periods, lasting 3-5 days and itll go away.

Once i got on depo, i missed my period the first month completely.

The second month(which is now) i got my period, and so far its lasted 3 weeks and in 2 days itll be 4 weeks..

I should note that I do have unprotected sex with my husband, we are not looking to have a child anytime soon.

My period this month was a normal/heavy flow for about 2 weeks. And the last week its just been spotting sort of red and brown blood mixed together. I also should mention that on the first week of having my period this month,(TMI) a HUGE and i mean HUGE about the length of your hand, piece of tissue came out...It looked almost like... a piece of fish fillet. One side was white and the other side was kinda bloody gray dark looking. It was strange I panicked and threw it out.

Ive been repulsive to smells lately especially in food. I haven't gained weight. I have this weird sensation.Almost like a "gross" feeling inside my body. My breasts arent tender. I am wondering if i am pregnant. I took a pregnancy test before my period started this month and it came as negative. Not sure if maybe stress or pregnant?

Does implantation bleeding even last a week plus?

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Hair Loss :: Depo For 3 Years

Im new to this, but basically i have been experiencing hair loss for the last four years and i only just turned 21. i was on depo for 3 years and was experiencing hair loss within two years of taking it, i decided to stop and they put me on a pill, i assumed when i stopped this my hair would stop shedding but it has not. i don't know if i should mention after being off depo for two years my period still has not returned, could this be connected? i have tried all sorts of natural hair loss supplements but it seems nothing is working, and i hear minoxidil is only good while you use it.

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Birth Control :: Best? Besides Implanon, And Depo

what's the best birth control besides pills, implanon, and depo?

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Depo Provera And Prolonged Period

I just recently got the Depo Provera shot last month and I got my period 1 week later than it suppose to be. It's been almost 2 weeks now and it seems not to be stopping! Is it normal? My boyfriend and I want to be intimate with each other but I keep on bleeding.

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Trying To Conceive :: Been Off Depo-provera For About 2 Years

i been trying to get pregnant and for some reason we haven't, i was wondering how long does it really take for the shot to wear off i am worried

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