Cannabis : AKA, Spice And K2 (Synthetic Marijuana) Will Kill You

Smoking Synthetic Marajuana 'AKA' "spice" or "K2" will kill you! If you smoke K2 you will die no doubt about it. DO NOT SMOKE K2! 

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Cannabis Withdrawal Is Not A Real, Physical Withdrawal?

For those who are daft enough to think cannabis withdrawal is not a real, physical withdrawal....

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Cannabis To Cope Effexor Withdrawal?

I've been on Effexor XR for about four years, and about three years ago I attempted to gradually reduce my dose until I was off it, but once I did so I had intense nausea. It got to the point where I forgot what it was like to just be. I had to choose between hungry or being nauseous, and it was a battle every day keeping food down. I tried telling myself that it was just withdrawal and it would pass, but two months went by and nothing changed, so I went back on Effexor, and I could once again eat and digest food just fine. I then decided I needed to move on with my life, I couldn't revolve it around trying to get off this medication, so I've just been taking it ever since. I've been learning more about how cannabis can help with a wide variety of symptoms, and was hoping someone had experience with treating nausea withdrawal symptoms or, though I doubt it, if you know of someone that used cannabis to help them get off of Effexor.

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Cannabis Addiction :: How Long Does Withdrawal Last ?

So i'll get right to the point. I've been dependant on Marijuana to help me cope with various issues for quite a while now; my last breakup, low-mood (not depression) and social anxiety due to a speech impediment.

I've been using for 6 months now with week long breaks every month or so. 2 weeks ago (when I stopped) out of my own choice I started noticing withdrawal symptoms.

These include - increased heart rate, irritability, insomnia, nausea, lethargy, acid-reflux and decreased appetite. Now out of all these symptoms have dissipated (including social anxiety) with only lethargy (no motivation and energy), irritability, low-mood, anger issues and sore throat remaining. I'm on day 13 of withdrawal.

My question(s) are how long does Cannabis Withdrawal last? Will my low-mood and anger go away and sore throat go away? If so when? The thing that is troubling me the most is my sore throat. It's not extremely bad but it's enough to increase my anger and irritability. 

In regards to low-mood is this normal? I've usually been a happy go-lucky kind of person but now i'm just enraged sometimes and I hate it.

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Cannabis Withdrawal :: High In CBD With Little To No THC Marijuana?

I live in a state that is legal for medical marijuana. To improve my withdrawal I am considering trying some very high in cbd with little to no thc (thc is what makes people high). Does anyone know what effects this could have?

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Cannabis Withdrawal Increased Noise Sensitivity?

I stopped smoking weed 8 days ago, i'm 53 and i've smoked it from being a teenager, very light smoker, 1 or 2 small single skin spliffs a night, but not every night, i'm experiencing anxiety mainly due to sound, sounds seem magnified! my partner may put her knife and fork down after eating and i nearly jump out of my skin, its not good.... i play in a band and iv always seen it as part of being a musician, playing loud music is ok its these random small noises that are grating on my nerves..  anybody else experienced this?

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Substance Abuse :: Cannabis Skunk Withdrawal, How Long Will It Last ?

I've been a cannabis smoker for over 25 years now. I started off smoking solid then started smoking strong skunk about 10 years ago, for the last 4 years its all day every day. I gave up just over 3 months ago, then gave up smoking just tobacco 1 1/2 months ago and have been through all of the withdrawal issues. I'm still having trouble sleeping, I get to sleep ok but not quality sleep just mad dreams until about 3am then can't get back to sleep or if I do for a while I just dream again, this is causing me to be either stressed or depressed all day. Does anybody know how long this lasts ?

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Cannabis Withdrawal :: Cold Turkey - No Sleep And Appetite

i'm 18 years old and i have been smoking weed a little over 2 years but i have been smoking HEAVY a little over 1.  i stopped smoking weed cold turkey ill say about a week ago.. and i have been experiencing no sleep and no appetite. i know that those are due to not smoking marijuana but i have been getting short of breath lately and having chest pains and my heart is always pounding.  it feels like i'm gonna run out of breath and die. i went to the doctor and had an xray done and they said my lungs are fine.  the doctor said its most likely just the marijuana leaving my system so they treated it as asma and gave me an inhaler. this has been going on about 4,5 days ill say.. sometimes my breathing is fine but most of the time i feel short of breath IS THIS MARIJUANA WITHDRAWAL? 

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Cannabis :: Marijuana Abrupt Withdrawal Can Lead To Psychosis?

Our son starting using when he was 11.  We found out when he was 12.  Because he has the right to refuse treatment, he has refused - doesn't see his use as an issue.  He does have all the withdrawal issues if he doesn't use for 2 days.  We went to every drug program - no one had a recovery program for such a young user and no one would provide therapy to him unless he agreed.  He did not agree.   We took him to hospital when he had a melt down but they released him - the child mental health ward does not deal with child addictions We are at the point where we have called the police because they are the only people who can and will mandate therapy at John Howard Society - 3 whooping sessions! Next time we call he gets a criminal record at 13. I don't think jail will stop him from his addiction!!! We have gone for family counselling because as the parents of an addicted child we must have issues.  Which as with most families we do.  Still no one has even talked to my son.  In fact the social worker has advised that we do not encourage him to stop cold turkey as she has seen her caseload double with young teens developing a full blown psychosis trying to do so. We are trying as parents to deal with the emotional issues but how can we best support his physical withdrawal without causing him more harm?  Are there any medications/herbals that are safe to use to help him get over the hard parts and how do we help his withdrawal without making him psychotic? TRying everything possible

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Cannabis Withdrawal After 2 Weeks - Severe Anxiety And Panic Attacks

i've stopped smoking for 2 weeks now and the most serious symptom i am facing is anxiety i had two panic attacks so far. Can anxiety be permanent for me now?

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Bronchiectasis :: Stem Cell Research?

I have Bronchiectasis and live in the states.

Has anyone hear of Stem Cell Research involving this illness?

there is the Lung Institute here in the states and I signed up for a webinar next week.

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Stem Cell Research Progress

This is a very small study, a little more than halfway complete. The study is of HSCT, hematopoietic (blood cell-producing) stem cell transplantation. Participants own stem cells are harvested and stored. Their immune cells are then destroyed using chemotherapy. The harvested stem cells are then reintroduced. The goal is to reboot the immune system. The latest results show 78% of the participants have had no MS relapses after 3 years. The details can be found at link below.

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Cannabis Addiction :: THC, The Psychoactive Chemical In Cannabis Sativa, Cause Diarrhoea

Does THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) the psychoactive chemical in cannabis sativa cause diarrhoea as well?  I have no idea if thisis the case as all I know is that every time I use Cannabis, well I have to make several urgent detours to the loo!

If not THC, then what else could be in CS that would cause diarrhoea?  (Some people claim that they experience real bad cases of the runs upon discontinuing the use of pot. Now in my case as I do NOT smoke the stuff, as there is already enough air pollution to go around, why pollute the lungs even further? Therefore I eat it in certain baked goods such as the old fashioned Alice B. Toklas brownies. (Could this be the cause of diarrhoea)?

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Diazepam Withdrawal

Withdrawing from diazepam is not as easy as some site may make out. I was taken off diazepam in 20 days. after being on it for four months. The senario was horrendous. After two months I was still experiencing withdrawal symptoms particularly anxiety and tremor. I contacted CITA and was told that I would have to reinstate and withdraw more slowly. THIS WAS TOTALLY INCORRECT ADVICE! I was not taking the drug and would eventually have ceased the symptoms. I am now back where I started. It is absolutely essential that anyone wishing to withdraw from diazepam should seek professional medical advice and ensure all senarios are discussed with the doctor or consultant. Diazepam is an evil drug and must be treated as such.

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Gabapentin :: Withdrawal Won't Go Away

Was on Gabapentin for a year and worked up to 3200 mgs a day. Was taking it for Osteo Arthritis in feet and knees. Didn't do much for pain so decided to get off of it. My Dr said to take 1600 mgs for 5 days the drop to 800 mgs for 5 days! This was 3 weeks ago still fighting withdrawal. It's eased up some but still have some anxiety and like pressure in my chest. Almost makes me feel short winded at times. Has anyone else had this and how long will the withdrawal last? Have heard the longer you was on it the longer it takes. Tired of it just want to feel normal again.

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Anxiety :: No Withdrawal On Day 4 Without Zoloft

In January I was prescribed 50mg of Zoloft for anxiety. Recently it started making me feel "drugged" and I weaned off with doctor's permission. Sunday was my last dose of the Zoloft and I am going on day 4 with no Zoloft. So far so good. I was wondering if I would have already experienced withdrawals from the meds by day 4? My doctor doesn't seem to think I will suffer major symptoms cause I was on a low dose and not for very long.

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Sertraline :: How To Get Off Zoloft Without Withdrawal?

I started Zoloft 25mg  on 5/18/15 today is 5/21/15. The side effects are wicked and I don't want to take these anymore. Should I just cut the tablet in half and take for a couple days. Does anyone have any experience with this?

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Mirtazapine :: No Withdrawal Symptoms Yet - Day 17

This is day 17 of tapering from 45 g to 30g alternate nights 22.5g and odd nights skipping it.  So far i've had no withdrawal symptoms.  I know it's early days and have to be careful, I just wanted to share my experience so far and perhaps give a glimmer of hope to anyone out there!  Also my stagnant weight has finally shifted.  Coincidence?  

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Experiencing Bad Duloxetine Withdrawal

just wondered if anyone else is experiencing the hell that is duloxetine withdrawal?

This is my 5th day of being off the duloxetine all together. Im now on Mirtazapine. I dont know if what Im experiencing is the duloxetine withdrawal or the side effects of Mirtazapine :?

I am so spaced out its unreal. I get brain shocks constantly that really take your breath away and literally stop you from doing anything. I go to get dressed and zap, there it is. I bend down to pick up my jeans, and zap. Turn round to look at something and zap. I ache from limb to limb like a 90 year old with arthritis!! Im exhausted physically and mentally and I am just unable to do anything. I haven't been out of the house for 8 days, and haven't got dressed for 6!

I'm so sick of this med roundabout. I've been ill for little over a year now and have sampled 8 delightful anti deps, 3 anti psych and 2 relaxants. I feel like a junkie. Every time I move onto a new tablet, I have to go through some sort of withdrawal. These meds are supposed to be non addictive, but I'm beginning to think otherwise. They said that Valium wasn't addictive when that came out, now look.

I'm just so sick and tired of this whole roller coaster. As if it's not bad enough being depressed and out of your mind with worry and fear in the first place, but to then take tablets that are supposed to help the situation, but actually just add to your problems!

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