Paper Cut Cracks In Vagina

Has anyone ever had this with a yeast infection?? Or at all? If so what caused it. Even I say cracks I mean it looks identical to a paper cut. I'm only 32 so menopause is not the cause. Testing for herpes has so far turned out negative but may be too early for accuracy....

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Negative Herpes But Random Blisters On Vagina But Tested Negative For Herpes?

Hello! I was recently back in February diagnosed with hpv. I had full blood work done and I have no other diseases or infections. I've also not had sex since before the testing. I recently noticed I have two painful blisters, one on the inside of my labia and the other on the other lip. I shave and I've had ingrown hairs but these definitely don't feel the same. They are super uncomfortable. I'm unable to go to the doctor until The end of the week and wanted to see if anyone knew what they might be? And any temporary ideas for pain relief? Over the counters pain killers do nothing. Also, I have extremely bad allergies to pollen and with the pollen, came these blisters, so I am not sure if they are related. I've added pictures below. Thanks for the help.

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Dermatology :: Pimples On Vagina - Herpes?

I first noticed a small hard bump on vagina like near the clit when i was younger (maybe 11-12) i have never had any sexual contact before. Sometime later i got another one and i scratched and it caused a bump like rash that was really itchy all over my vagina. It's been awhile since i've got them again but lately it has started up again. I have started to worry about it being herpes because i have become sexually active. They are single bumps (do not show up in clusters) that may be itchy or tender if i touch them but they have not formed blisters. I have gotten them about 4 times now in the past couple of months. Also i have started to get sores spots on the inside of my mouth

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Bump On The Inner Lip Of My Vagina - Herpes Or Shaving?

About 5 days ago I noticed a bump on the inner lip of my vagina. It is about the size of a pencil eraser. It did not hurt or look like it had fluid in it. Last night I got tired of it and tried to pop it (I know I shouldn't have) after a while of trying some white liquid puss came out followed by clear liquid and blood just as a pimple does. I stopped after that. Today the bump is still there and is swollen and now it is sore. Now it looks sort of raw (could have been my fingernail) and slightly yellow in color and there is red like stained blood or blood under the skin where it came out. I'm wondering if this is herpes. Like I said it did not hurt before I did all this and it was there for 5 days and didn't change until I messed with it. It did not look like a clear fluid filled blister but I know cases are different. I do shave also so I know that could have something to do with it. I've just never gotten an ingrown hair in this spot. It's on the inner lip of my vagina kinda on sensitive skin. So I thought that might be why if it was an ingrown hair or something it was sensitive while popping and hard to pop. I'm also having some vaginal discharge, burning during and after urination, and a smell. I think it's possible I have a yeast infection. But I don't know what the bump is and it's really worrying me. I've only ever been with one guy, we've used a Condom every single time. I try very hard to protect myself so I'm really hoping this isn't herpes. I haven't had any symptoms like fever nausea or abdominal pain either. I just don't know what this bump would be and I'm especially worried since I popped it.

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Red Bumps On Vagina - Razor Burn Or Herpes?

Alright so I went to the dr two weeks previous to having sex with a new partner and I was clean. I had pretty rough sex with this new partner a week ago and the lubrication wasn't very effective it was pretty painful. then developed a chest cold a few days later which I thought was normal because everyone in my family had been sick at the time. Well a day or two ago (a week after intercourse)I noticed bumps near my vagina. Now I shave so I figured it to be razor bumps. But I also noticed something that looked like a tear at the entrance to my vagina and I assumed it to be from the rough intercourse. At any rate it's probably too soon to tell but there's only three small red bumps and no head to them. They aren't painful to touch but very itchy. The tear is both itchy and slightly painful. I'm headed to the doctor in the next few days because I'm simply freaking out, but if anyone could take a look and give me some advice for ease of mind that would be great.

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Herpes :: Bump On Inside Vagina Flap

I just noticed yesterday that i have a bump on the inside of the flap of my vagina. Two weeks ago i saw my geno for hiv and my yearly pap which was negative. But im not sure if its herpes or a reaction to my new body wash.

The bump is hard and small. it does hurt a little bit if i touch it. I put hydroperoxide on it and it fizzed like when you put it on a sore.

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Herpes? Small Little Pimples (yellowish Pus) Around Vagina

About a week ago i started having pain i thought it was just from having too much sex (being to dry) but when i looked in a mirror i had small places around my vagina it looks like small little pimples i squeezed one and it is a hard yellowish pus almost like a pimple an after it came out it was a small hole left and it is still sore all the research i have done says that the drainage from herpes is clear i do shave all areas of my vagina and had sex right after. someone please give me some input and let me know if you think this could be herpes or what it could be

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Herpes :: Small Red Bump On The Right Side Of My Vagina - No Pus

I have a small red bump on the right side of my vagina, there is no pus and it isn't crusting.

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Herpes? Infected Mouth And Sores On Vagina

Two weeks ago I had sex with this guy, and gave him a little oral, surprise surprise he never called me back again. Then on Saturday I had sex with this guy a couple times and I have him oral, and he gave me oral, down to my anus (tmi).

I had no symptoms or anything until this past Monday when my clitoris started itching and my butt was sore like when I wear thongs too much. Then it started burning and I went to the doctor and I have a UTI and blisters amd ulcers down there. Possibly herpes.. Also, my monroe piercing in my mouth got infected Monday and I had to take it out. My lip is swollen with pus and I have a white bump on the side of my tongue and a sore throat.

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Genital Herpes Simplex :: Kick In The Vagina

Had lesions swabbed couple days ago. I'm still waiting on results. I feel like I've taken A swift kick in the aches so bad. Is that a normal herpes symptoms? I was diagnosed with a rare yeast infection and bacterial infection. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the sores are from yeast, but I'm so afraid it's herpes.

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Herpes :: Tiny, Clear Bumps (blisters) On Vagina

About a month ago, I got a few tiny bumps, or what appeared to be small blisters, on the top of my vagina. They slightly itched when irritated by my clothing, but if I touched them, rubbed them, or slightly itched them, it would kind of start to burn. I popped them in hopes of relieving some of the pain and irritation, which did seem to help. When I started googling what it could possibly be, everything lead the "Herpes." I am sexually active, but I am married and have been for two years now. My husband and I split up at the end of last year for about two months where we had both been with other people, me with one, him with two. So, seeing that these blisters automatically make people think herpes has me severely worried. I went to my doctor and they had already scabbed over by then, so she said she couldn't be completely sure, and to come back if they appeared again. Well, I noticed them again yesterday afternoon. It's a small cluster of about 5 of them. I left them alone until I went to bed (because I was very busy yesterday), but they started itching and bothering me in my sleep. I woke up and went to the restroom, where I popped them. It relieved some of the irritation, but they began to itch. I didn't mess with them, or even itch them. I just went back to sleep. Today I'm worried all over again about what this could possibly be. I set up an appointment with my doctor for later this afternoon, but I was hoping to possibly get some answers before then.

I do shave, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. My husband and I were tested by our doctors for STD's after we got back together and everything came back negative, except for Chlamydia, which we got treated for. So, I'm really hoping it's not herpes.

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Eczema :: Skin Cracks And Flakes?

My partner has a skin problem on his hand and fingers which is appearing to worsen. He has had it for several weeks. At first it starts as small bumps like blisters, these burst then turn into sores then his skin dries out, cracks and flakes. He has been back and forth to the doctors. The keep giving him antibiotics and creams none of which appear to be working. He is now on another 2 week course of tablets but the tiny blisters are now spreading further over his hands, starting to appear on elbows and feet also. I have tried to do some research and it appears very similar to Dyshidrotic Eczema in appearance. Can you recommend anything else we should be doing while he is waiting to have yet another appointment with his doctor. Any home remedies? I have read warm salt water can help but don't want to make it worse.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Ramps, Swollen Vagina And A Pain Inside Vagina

Me and my gf had a intercourse yesterday. We had it many times, let's say close to 7 in 2 days.. It was little rough. In the end, she started bleeding, a bright red in colour and also few spots for couple of hours. Now it's stopped. She had her cycle 16 days before. Also a month before she took an emergency pill. Today, she is experiencing abdominal cramps, swollen vagina and a pain inside vagina if touched.

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Herpes :: Asymptomatic Gentintal Herpes Transmission To Mouth By Oral Sex?

Recently found out that I have genital herpes. It's scaring me because I'm a lesbian and I feel like I will never be able to have sex again. I have a couple of questions.

I'm in a relationship with a woman, would she contract herpes by giving me oral sex when I don't have an "outbreak"? Can she contract the virus orally?

What's are the risks and probabilities?

Can you have herpes 1 in your genitals or is it only herpes 2 in your genitals. What does this really mean?

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HIV :: Penis Rubbing To Vagina With Vagina Fluid Can Cause HIV

Few days ago , I was sex with a SexWorker in Bharian . Only for one time and after that I am in fear of HIV.

First of all I don't know if that girl has HIV or not . I kissed her and also fingering then I try to put my penis without condom , but it's not happened as it was not hard then I try to make it hard with my hand and touches the vagina top with penis (foreskin pull back) where vagina fluid present, and within few months I ejected in top of vagina with rubbing my penis without insertion in fact not get time to insert . Her vaginal fluid touches my penis top . Is that any chances to get HIV+. Please help me out , I am very scared. What should I do now.

My Rapid HIV 1/2/O after 33 days Nonreactive with fingertip

Rapid HIV 1/2/O after 40 days Nonreactive with fingertip

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Herpes? Angular Cheilitis? Angular Herpes?

27 YO male. Been tested a few times with negative test results for HSV 1 and 2 IGG tests. However, from time to time, I get these little sores on the very corner of my mouth (generally on the right side, VERY small, and singular). They don't hurt terribly bad and don't really leave any crusting. Sometimes they are tender and red, but generally not painful (barely noticeable most of the time). I was curious to know if this has happened to anyone else and they found out what it was? I don't think it's herpes, but it shares some symptoms.

I'm fairly sexually active, but I am very cautious as to whom I sleep with, always wear condoms, and give a good check of someone's oral region before I engage in anything. Thoughts?

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Herpes :: Impetigo Or HSV 2?

I've been in a monogamous relationship with my boyfriend for about 4.5 months. We started getting physical about a month ago. I'm a virgin and have yet to do anything physical with a man. He has limited experience. He told me he was tested last May after his last relationship ended and it came back negative. I'm the first girl he's been with since May. We started having oral sex about a month ago. We've gotten carried away and had it unprotected three times.

I got a rash between my butt cheeks about a month ago. No blisters, lesions or burning when i pee. After a week, it scabbed over. I noticed the scab was perfectly symmetrical on both sides. It was like one long scab on each side of my butt crack. Then, I noticed an increase in vaginal discharge. It scared the crap out of me. Normal color and consistency. No odor. Just a lot. I got tested for everything. It all came back negative. It was three weeks after our first encounter. One week after our last.

I went to the doctor. She diagnosed me with impetigo. As it turns out, me shaving that area and then wearing a tight thong and skinny jeans was a bad idea. I've used the cream faithfully and the rash fell off and went back to normal. A bit of itching but I think that's because skin is growing. I talked to my boyfriend about it. He insists that I have nothing to worry about and that in the only girl he's had unprotected oral with. I asked him to get an STD test and he complied. We have to wait a week for the results.

Over the past week? I've noticed a slight itching and burning around my pubic area. No bumps or lesions. No pain when I pee. Plus, I feel an excess of discharge when I wipe. I went to another doctor who gave me a prescription for Diflucan for a suspected yeast infection. She also did a Pap smear and sent it off to test for BV, trich, syphilis and chlamydia. However, in worried about herpes. I made a mistake and went to WebMD and everything points to herpes. Does this sound like herpes? Herpes wouldn't be completely symmetrical. Right?

Other facts that may be important.
I just started to use tampons instead of pads
I douched about three days before I got the rash.
I never wore cotton underway before this. I like cutesy underwear.

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Herpes :: HSV 1 Was 67 Percent And HSV 2 Was 2.75

My daughter recently had an encounter with unprotected sex with her boyfriend, he proceeded to tell her after sex that he had herpes and had only had it for 7 months with only 2 outbreaks, who knows if this is true or not.  She broke up with him and I told her to go to the gynecologist and get screened for STDs.  she has had no outbreaks and they have not had sex for 2 weeks.  they said her pap smear was fine and they did blood work on her for hsv1 and hsv2.   the MD called and said that her HSV1 was 67 percent and HSV 2 was 2.75.  he said this was very low and that she has probably had it for a long time and did not contact it from this recent partner.  I also read that combined testing of hsv1 and hsv2 can be false positives.  she has had absolutely no symptoms at all.  does this mean she has genital herpes or is there any other test that can be done to make sure she doesn't have it.  she is 22 and having major panic and anxiety or this, it is breaking my heart.

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Herpes :: My Second Recurrence

I was diagnosed with herpes when I was 19 years old. Fast-forward 35 years... I am experiencing my second recurrence. How common is this? Has this happened to anyone out there?

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