Anxiety :: Trouble Sleeping

I made an appointment for therapy. They said they would call me back, so..fingers crossed! Where I'm at right now, it's 3:23 AM and I can't sleep.. I've been trying to sleep for almost 2 hour's now. Every time I try to close my eyes & just relax, my heart starts beating fast, I get a slight lump in my throat feeling, and my head/neck feels tingly. I also, get a panicky feeling. It's driving me crazy. This always happens when I need to be up at a certain hour.

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Anxiety :: Trouble Sleeping And Horrible Nightmares

Well my boyfriend is having trouble sleeping but when he does sleep he has horrible nightmares that feel really real and now he won't sleep cuz the dreams terrify him what should I do?

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Citalopram :: Anxiety Out Of The Blue

My anxiety had seemed to have kicked in again out of the blue ! am currently taking 20 mg and have been taking this dosage since dec9/14, started out on 10 mg which eventually seemed to reach a plateau  hence the 20 mg dosage. this week past was that time of the month for me and is ordinarily a rough go without the cit. The past 2 days have been really rough with what seems to be anxiety kicking up , almost to the point if there was a way to climb out of my body i would. Doing all i can to keep busy along with walking 5 km a day, Up until my period things seemed to be good... not sure what is going on! my doctor didn't seem to want to address it and i'm not sure why, now it seems i'm gonna have to go back again.

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Venlafaxine With Citalopram Causing More Anxiety

I have been taking venlafaxine for 4 weeks now 2 weeks at 37.5 with 10mg of citalopram and the last 2 weeks at 75mg a day on its own the last 2 weeks I have been experiencing more anxiety and feel tense all the time I'm more snappy with my kids too will this pass as Iv changed on to this medication as citalopram wasn't helping me any with anxiety and low mood. I just want to be me again I keep having racing thoughts which had all stopped.

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Citalopram :: Nausea, Headaches And Anxiety

I started citalopram yesterday and today I feel horrendous. Nausea, headaches and my anxiety is a millions times worse. I literally feel like I can't function. I'm going to take the tablet tonight as can't cope with feeling so bad in the day. Did people feel the same and when is the best time of day to take it?

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Anxiety :: Constant Headaches, Detached Feeling, Trouble Sleeping

Okay, so I’m 16 and I’ve been suffering for about a year with constant headaches, although sometimes it feels more like pressure building up on my head, and sometimes it feels like its at the back of my eyes, I also find it hard to sleep because I have this weird pulsating feeling in my head. I don’t know if this could be connected but I also get some days when I just feel detached from everything and everyone and just totally spaced out and I have
to think really hard to remember things, like literally what I’ve done in the day, I have to recall my whole day to remember what I have done and I have a
really bad memory.  I also get random shooting pains up my back, I would really like some help to find out what this is if anyone has experienced similar or has any tips?

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Citalopram :: Anxiety Is Back On Increasing The Dose

I have been on cit for 4 weeks. My doctor decided this morning that she should increase my dose from 20mg to 30mg. I'm not sure why she decided to do this because I've actually been feeling close to myself for the last 2 days and I informed her of that. Since I've been home from the appointment my anxiety is creeping back in. I think it may be due to worry of increasing the dose. Should I expect to have increased side effects and/or anxiety after taking the new dose?

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Citalopram :: Anxiety Is Worse On Increasing Dose?

Hi I thought I had read on here that increasing your dose could be like starting again side effect wise ? I'm looking for explanations to why after a week of increasing to 20 mg my anxiety / and depression appear to be worse ? Anyone else had similar ? I have.a  Family wedding this weekend and am panic stricken / family staying at the house ( I have taken to wandering during the night time insomnia and couch sleeping  to help with the anxiety ) I can't imagine how I'm going to get through it !

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Citalopram :: Waking Up With Anxiety And Negative Thoughts

I've been on 20mg for 16 weeks and upped to 30mg 3 weeks ago every morning I wake up I have high anxiety and negative thoughts this seems to ward off about 5pm has anyone had this problem and will it get better with time.

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Anxiety Increased :: Reaction Between Citalopram And Propranolol

I took the plunge and took the tablets 40mls a day twice a day for around 3 weeks, then due to side effects, reduced to 10 mls twice a day.  

My constant panic attacks are not there anymore, just now and again.  I found that the tablets must of interacted with the citalopram 10mls as I felt really alert of them and couldn't sleep, general anxiety symptoms were increased.  Since reducing I am able sleep, my pulse rate is still up, but not as bad as before.  

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Anxiety :: Citalopram Helps Physical Symptoms?

I get physical symptoms from my anxiety and depression and wondered if Citalopram has helped anyone get relief from this ? Does it also work to relieve pain does anyone know ?

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Anxiety Worse In The Mornings - Citalopram And Propranolol

Does anyone else feel like this, I wake up (that's if I have slept of course) and I'm filled with dread.  My husband goes to work very early and I hate him saying he is leaving, my anxiety is dreadful in the morning and sometimes lasts all day, when I go to bed at night I already start worrying about the next day! I am on day 9 of 20mg of citalopram and propranolol so hoping meds will start working soon.  But does anyone fill withdrew due in the morning?

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Anxiety :: Citalopram Teeth Chattering, Jaw Clenching And Toothache

I've been on citalopram 10mg for 2 weeks.

Iv started getting really bad teeth chattering and jaw aches.

Should I stop taking the medication and ask my dr for a new antidepressant or should I increase the dose to 20mg?

I was prescribed citalopram for anxiety.

I didn't have any physical symptoms of teeth chattering prior to taking cit.

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Citalopram :: Decline Of Effects After 4 Weeks - Anxiety, OCD And Panic Attacks

I've been on 20mg of cit for just over 4 weeks now almost 5, and at first it was great. My mood picked up, anxiety went way down, and my OCD drastically went down. But now, I've been on a steady decline for almost 2 weeks and i feel like I'm at square one again. High anxiety, OCD, panic attacks, and no appetite and depression all over again. Obviously I need to something differently but I'm wondering if I just need an increase or just try a whole new med?

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Sleep Disorders :: Too Cold Sleeping In Afternoon, Too Hot Sleeping At Night

can you help me, when I sleep in the afternoon I get cold and wake up shivering but when I sleep at night I get to hot and have to sleep on top of the blankets

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Sleeping And Not Sleeping Cycles With CFS/ME

I had a very restless night last night and ended up taking a sleeping tablet in desperation at around 3am... the trouble is I still have the side effects going on the next day 12 /14 hours later, I only take a sleeping pill when all else fails and I have gone well past/beyond the nodding off stage.

On other days, I just sleep a lot of the time and have a trouble staying awake. Goodness only knows what people think one minute I’m too tired the next I’m saying I can’t sleep

Does anybody have any wisdom on this issue of sleeping and not sleeping cycles with CFS/ME.


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Thyroid PX Not Helping Hair Loss

My Naturopath prescribed a thyroid medication called Thyroid PX. It`s not helping my hair loss at all. Also, I have headaches. Don`t know if the medication is the cause.

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Cannabis :: Helping My Boyfriend Off Weed

This is a bit lengthy so I will try to shorten it the best I can. Please note that this is dire. About ten months ago my boyfriend and I rekindled our friendship and we ended up being together. At first, before we started dating he was into drinking and smoking (weed), but I refused to date anyone who has done those things because I personally couldn't handle being around stressful environments, (I am diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar 1).

So, he claimed he came to stop smoking and drinking if it meant us being together. Through the months, we had terrible, terrible fights - usually I blamed myself because I become manic on occasion - but as of just a week ago he's been acting even far more stranger. We usually never go anywhere without the other, but he started talking to a guy friend at work he met no longer than five days ago and he was invited to a party. He told me he was going to go whether I wanted him too or not, so I asked if I could go along and he was fine with it but demanding I act appropriate. (Which I am not all that bad around public).

Before we went we got into a fight, he shouted at me that he never got alone time and I asked if he'd choose his new friend over me. He said, he's going to the party no matter what and I was going to leave...But then he broke down in tears. Later on that night, he told me he wanted me to accept him for himself. He claimed that his true self was the guy he was before dating me, the one who was drinking and smoking. He said he didn't need to drink but he missed the smoking. That he needs it in order to keep positive and stress free so he doesn't yell at me. Breaking every moral I had, I agreed to let him do it - we went home so he can go smoke but I didn't want to have to see it so I tried to leave. He came to me before I left and said he didn't do it and he was sorry. Sorry that he choose the party over me and sorry for yelling at me and making me cry. He claimed he didn't know what he was doing or why.

Eventually through the week, he promised he wouldn't do it again until yesterday. He called me after work and said he needed to go to his friends house to say goodbye because he was moving. He demanded I stay home. I wanted to go with, I was already going through a manic episode and needed, yes, need, to be watched over. (if left alone I can get a little suicidal, not meaning too.) He refused to let me go. My friend, whose my other caretaker, came over to find me at a complete distraught. She was angry and took me over to his house just in time to catch him before he was going to leave.

When he saw me, he burst into tears, saying he was sorry but he needed to tell me something; that he had been still smoking through the entire relationship. He claimed he was trying to stop the whole time, that at first he was only taking a puff once to twice every week until recently where he went to once every week and that every time we got into a fight was because he hadn't take a recent puff. He said that the recent fights we got into were because he was scared of telling me about his smoking and how he didn't quit while the entire time I thought he had. He broke down and is begging for my help, thinking I can help him through but I have no idea HOW too.

I suffer from severe manic episodes, and if I am unlucky, psychotic ones also. We have little to no money at all, even for me to go see a psychiatrist for the meds I need for my mental conditions. I will not leave him...but I so desperately need help to help him.

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Coming Off Xanax - Mirtazapine Is Helping

This is really an update I have cut back on the xanax to .25 down from .05 The mirtazapine sort of helps me sleep.I skipped 2 nights of the xanax and just took the mirtazapine slept ok then came back the next night with .25 mg of xanax with half of a 15mg Mirt. then Back to just the Mirtazapine so far i feel ok just some depression but it is not bad as i express these feelings in a journal form it helps me work them out. I am not feeling any issues

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