Bacterial Vaginosis Odour / Smell ? Rose Hips, Acidophilus, Tea Tree Oil And Folic Acid

I had BV a few years ago but it was very minor and managed w/ antibiotics... So my long time boyfriend and I recently got back together about 2 months ago and we were apart about 2.5 years in that time I had a few initiate relationships but never intimate enough to let them ejaculate inside me which leads me to believe my boyfriend's semen has caused the BV because it was almost instantaneous.. I am not suffering from any other symptoms other than the odor which is causing a severe problem with intimacy. We just got back together after so long and all we want to do is have sex but I feel extremely insecure. I've come to a point in my lifestyle where I would prefer to use natural methods rather than antibiotics which led me this discussion. I have purchased a number of different treatment options such as the vitamin c w/ rose hips, acidophilus, tea tree oil and folic acid. I'm not sure what to try first and how long I should wait to try another treatment if not successful. I'm ready to get my confidence back!

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Yeast Infection :: Recurring Yeast Beast - Folic Acid And Acidophilus

On and off (nope still on) yeast infections for 5 years? I have no clue what is going on! Ive done almost everything and it just keeps being the yeast beast i hate so much. Has anyone done anything really random that has helped?! Today i woke up took a folic acid and acidophilus. Then i crushed a acidophilus and made a paste rubbed it all over the naughty parts and boom no symptoms within 10 minutes! But i don't want to have to do this everyday and docs.

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Sjogren's Syndrome :: Atrial Fibrillation, High Blood Pressure After Taking Hydroxychloroquine?

Has anyone developed high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation after taking hydroxychloroquine?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: How To Stop Taking PPIs

I'm on 60mg Lansoprazole twice a day. This dose has had to gradually increase and I think the tablets are just causing my body to make more and more acid. I want to get off the wheel, but how?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Without Heartburn - Taking Prevacid

My body weight is normal, am only 35, and having gerd symptoms. I have read about Gerd and LPR etc. Previously had acidity but under control, few weeks back was getting out of control, ate bad food, and wondering if I have caused some problem?

RIght now I am on a very strict diet and limiting acidic foods, even logging my foods to help identify my food.

However, I have noticed I will eat some lentils for example or even vegetables and then all of a sudden I burp and then have reflux it might happen once but I am surprised. I have noticed that if I drink water then I get it after even 2 hrs of dinner. I eat around 5 so I give myself time to digest.

Question: I am taking prevacid 15 MG, and have zero heartburn, previously I use to get heartburn but when I take prevacid then I get no heartburn. However I get a random reflux and then it leads me to cough and get that feeling in my throat as if something is stuck.

I am eating every 2 hrs, eating the right foods, just cannot figure out what could be causing the GERD? It no severe but still I want to get it in control before it gets complicated.

I heard about LPR, I am hoping that if I eat right then can it correct it self, right now I am eating perfectly and all the right foods, so even though it happens once in a day I am worried since I feel, I feel the lump in throat after it happens.... help!

NOTE: It got worse all of a sudden, before heartburn but never reflux, how it happens when I eat even a light meal Right now what I have done is eat nuts, fruit Apple and pear, and drink vegetable juice with pulp (no acidic fruits or juices) and then one light meal and I still get this reflux.

I am really worried about it getting worse so want to deal with it and find a solution. It is almost in control, but only when on a strict diet. So that tells me something is wrong it seems.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Worse Symptoms Since Taking PPI

for over a week I have been on pantoprazole 40 mg and zantac 150 at night in an effort to get acid under control. before that I was on prevacid 20mg for 3 weeks. It really seems that my symptoms are worse since I started taking the PPI?

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Hyperthyroidism :: Benefits Of Selenium?

My daughter has hyperthyroidism and thyroid eye disease, her Ophthalmologist suggested she take selenium, along with her usual block and replace medication. Is anyone else taking this? Any comments would be welcome. 

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Stapedectomy - Risks Vs. Benefits?

I am deciding whether or not to get a stapedectomy done, and my doctor told me that it is only a 0.1% chance (1 out of 1000) that i will go completely deaf. i think i am going to go through with it...since i have been partially deaf my whole life, and am excited to hear the difference.

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Cannabis Oil And Its Benefits For Epilepsy In Kids?

I was listening to our local radio this morning .it was talking about cannabis oil and its benefits for epilepsy especially epilepsy in kids, it really helps . it also went on to say that the oil in drops helps pain , so i was wondering about you all on here from U.S.A  in the states that it is legal have any of you tried this oil . and if so did it help ?

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Atorvastatin Safe? Risks Vs. Benefits

i have been on atorvastatin 20 mg for about 4 years now. i was on simvastatin but i had muscular problems . just lately it's all you have been hearing on the news is there seems to some doubts about statins do the benefits outweigh the risks and what exactly are the risks , does anyone actually know.

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica And Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

I was diagnosed last year with PMR and at moment have managed to get down to 7mg of pred, but I also have to take two calcium tablets daily and 1 x alendronic(?) acid tablet on a sunday, the one where you have to sit up straight for an hour, I experience usually about Tuesday a bad tummy but the dr says that is probably the alendronic acid

I have been in so much pain when walking that my doctor advised for me to go for an MRI scan, which is showing wear and tear on my spine and problems with my sciatic nerve, which is probably causing the pain when walking - I can only walk for approx. 5 mins(sometimes not even that) and the pain is so bad I find it hard to lift my feet one in front of the other and I get breathless - surely at 56 I should be fitter than that. I also find that going upstairs can cause the burning sensation in my leg and I have to sit down for a few moments until it eases As for housework well....................... I really enjoy cleaning my house ( probably because it is such a change from when I am at work sitting at my desk all day) but I find after about 10 - 15 mins I have to sit for a few moments and then carry on if I can it is so frustrating. My doctor after the results of the scan has now put me on Co Codamol and I have to take 2 x 15mg tablets four times a day. I only started them yesterday and cant say there has been any difference yet in my pain.

I have also got the "hamster" face from taking the pred and have put on a lot weight around my stomach area, my doctor has now told me I have to go on a very low carb diet. He advises porridge in the morning and then for the rest of the day just either salad, fish, lean chicken and veg. I am to have no extra milk(he says I will get enough calcium from the tablets) and no bread, potatoes, pasta(don't like it anyway!) or rice.

I have my breakfast at 5.00am every morning so by 9.00am I am starving and then it just gets worse throughout the day - although oddly enough this morning I had porridge instead of my usual two slices of toast and so far I am not terribly hungry.

A friend of mine says she drinks between 60ml and 120ml of aloe vera juice every day and she feels great - she hasn't got PMR or any illness for that matter but she says the juice helps with her weight loss and is entirely natural so shouldn't do me any harm. She also says it helps with inflammation.

Has anyone else experienced this juice that has had PMR and was there any benefits to it?

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Epsom Salts Benefits To Relieve Constipation And Bloating

I've posted on here about my now-frequent bouts of constipation.  Have relied on Stool Softeners which have done the trick. I eat veg, not keen on fruit and can't stand fruit juice, Have upped my water intake: good results. But I don't want to take these for long periods.

Well for some reason I was remembering my dear ol' mum and her issues around constipation.  I believe she, myself and one sister had this tendency: the rest seem to go as often as a racing Greyhound!!

Well, I remember my mum each morning making up a small concoction  of Epsom Salts, mixed to a paste with water then washed down with a cup of tea.  Within half hour she was flying past us to the loo!

When I was feeling completely bunged up, I did wonder if this might work for me. But I have to say, as great as she was, my mum had some funny ideas about medicines etc, so wondered if this was just one of her many 'alternative' ideas she'd come up with herself!  She would have been 95 now, and died (not from constipation!!) at 81, so she had a good innings.   

Well, that funny lil ol' girl was doing something right for once!  I read a really good article about Epsom Salts  and their health benefits.  The article name-dropped Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham soaking in E'salt baths to reduce bloating (what?  on them two - who they kidding?!).  But more importantly it went on to mention soaking in a bath with the salts to help aching joints......

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Tubal Ligation :: Benefits, Risks And Alternatives - My Experience

I've seen lots of threads on here about how much TL 'ruined' women's lives. Sex drive, attitude, etc. Many I've read on here are upset because they want to have more kids now, 1, 3, or even 10 years later.

If you're considering having a TL done, remember that the doctor shouldn't be blamed. At the doctor's office, prior to surgery, you HAVE to sign an Informed Consent form. I work in medical records as a registered technician. I see this forms all the time - and I signed one for my procedure. When I review a medical record, I have to look for the phrase "discussed / reviewed Benefits, Risks and Alternatives.." in the patient history and physical. If your Dr. is not reviewing those 3 things with you, you have 2 choices: be proactive about YOUR body and ASK or find another doctor!

My dr. did not go over the risks, but he did try to get me to go a different route (alternative) and discussed how beneficial it would be vs. hormonal methods or implants (IUD). However, I hold nothing against him. I did my research prior to the ELECTIVE surgery. SO, just saying, it's not all on the doctor. Patients need to take responsibility for their decisions.

I've heard a lot about PTLS - post tubal ligation syndrome. I do find it interesting so many women share the same effects, however I am curious as to how blocking the fallopian tubes messes with hormone levels. Very curious , as I've not seen anything on the PTLS boards linking them. I won't discount it though. However, maybe a small handful of those women who have PTLS have lack of sex drive because they are depressed. Maybe they are depressed because they regret their decision to have a TL done. Those with heavy bleeding, consider what your period was like before you were ever on a birth control pill. So many of us have spent many many years on BC hormonal pills that we get used to a predictable period that is identical every month. Pills regulate the cycle - pills dictate when you will bleed. Take that  away and you give your body a chance to do it's own thing. Most women though stop the pill to 1-switch to another, 2- get pregnant or 3- have their tubes tied. If you go straight from pill to pregnancy to TL, you don't know what kind of period is normal for you.

Again, not discounting PTLS, BUT I want those considering a very effective surgery ( or even Essure now! ) to not be scared if they truly want it.
Now, remember, it is considered a "major surgery" , even in laparoscopic form as I had following birth. I won't lie , for me the recovery was horrible. I elected to be awake for the procedure, with just a spinal block. I did this so I wouldn't be too groggy to see my baby afterwards. Also, it was really interesting participating in conversation during the procedure!! Anyway, when the numbness wore off, I could not even walk to the bathroom without feeling like "please, let me just pee in my pants and someone clean me up - don't wanna move!". Eventually it got easier to walk, but getting up was the worst for about 9 days. Glad I didn't have a Csection, I now can't see why anyone would elect one of those! but I digress.. SO, after I was healed, stitches dissolved (small piece not completely, but I just pulled it and it came right out and I was fine.. granted this was after 3 weeks, I'd NEVER recommend this ), I couldn't wait to have unprotected, uninhibited sex with my husband! No worries of another baby, no worries of "did I take my pill?" (and no worries of affording the pill!).. Maybe I was and am not depressed and losing my sex drive (it's increased ten fold) because I genuinely 100% know for a fact that I am done having babies. My husband is done. We are happy with the 3 miracles we have and are enjoying our newest baby. Sure, I'm tired sometimes, but I have a 15 week old baby. I take care of myself, eat well and exercise 6  days/ week. I am active with my kids. I work a full time / over time job in the hospital.

I just wanted to put it out there that not ALL women who have a tubal ligation live to regret it (I've seen so many "you will regret it" posts, and I think, how do you know what I will regret?!)
Good luck, I hope I've helped at least one person! Not to sway you into it or away from it, but to give you insight into a positive experience.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy :: Benefits Of Estradiol And Progesterone?

I'm new to hormone therapy and just today started 1 mg estradiol once daily and low dose progesterone. I am 28 and my last blood work shows that my hormones are very low. I have been basically going through menopause..although my cycle had remained somewhat normal until this last month.. I have experienced weight loss.. and I have trouble keeping weight on..mood swings and hot flashes are present..and a General just not feeling well is the biggest complaint I have .. I would like to ask if anyone could explain to me what I can expect from the treatment? What benefits might i see as a result of taking these two medications..

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Little Benefits From Gluten Free Diet

I have suffered from IBS for over 10 years, my main symptoms are abdominal pain, stomach cramps, spasms, burning sensation in sides. My GP keeps insisting on me adhering to a gluten free diet to manage my symptoms. I have done this in the past but felt very little benefit from it. Has anyone else tried a gluten-free diet and felt that improved their symptoms?

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Methotrexate And Alcohol

I've begun taking a dosage of 10mg of Methotrexate and that was on 10 of May, I have a party to attend on the following Friday the day before my next dosage. I know that alcohol is not suggested on Methotrexate and up to two drinks is permitted but it will be a day before my dosage so that means i've only taken one tablet, there wouldn't be enough in my system to start inhibiting it would there? I plan on drinking more than two standard drinks and I need some help to know if I there will be any drug interaction producing liver problem or illness.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis :: Methotrexate For RA?

And what would you say your side effects are? And how good is the drug at easing your condition?

For me, and I have been taking it for around 2 years now. My condition has improved greatly. But, my elbows and wrists are still not fully flexible, I was tempted to ask my GP for some 'one off' steroid injections to ease the swelling in some of my joints. But other than that awesome.

I do get tired though quite easily, particularly the morning after the methotrexate intake. Folic acid probably eases the side effects though, which I take the following day.

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Arthritis :: Methotrexate And Bad Teeth

I am starting MTX on Friday and am a bit nervous to start it, mainly because I have some dental work that needs to be done and I cannot afford it. Does anyone know how MTX affects the teeth? Will it make my teeth worse? We do not have dental insurance and I have one tooth that probably needs a root canal and didn't know if the MTX would make things worse.

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Psoriatic Arthritis - Alternative To Methotrexate?

My partner has been taking methotrexate for two years but due to the effect of it lowering his immune system he has suffered many infections and problems with wounds healing etc.  As a result he has had to take various antibiotics, almost continually, for the past year.  He has recently had a severe bout of mouth ulceration which, after research seems to have been caused by the excessive amounts of antibiotics creating a build up of the methotrexate.  Does anyone out there know of an effective, natural alternative to methotrexate

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