Ramipril (cough) And Losartan (pain In Arms And Legs)

reading the effects of above on other guests. I just wanted to confirm that I was put on 2.5mg ramipril last year , having suffered from Coughs for 3 months, asked my GP to change the drug ( as my mother had suffered 2 years before it was diagnosed and the doctor changed her ramipril, what a nightmare it was) and I was put on 25 mg Losartan, However I must admit  I am having aches and pains in my legs and my right arm and have been going to Physio every couple of months , assuming it was age related ( male 65).

I noted that one of the guests used candesartan so i will take it up with my GP next time I go and see him. many thanks for everyone's comments. I hope that the GP's are reading these columns too.

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Calves Cramp In Both Legs For Almost 2 Years

I'm 17 years old, 6 ft. 175lbs and frequent soccer player. Starting my sophomore year in Highschool I would get a cramp in both of my calves when I started jogging or running for long periods at a time. In pre season I pulled an area of my hamstring badly, not sure of the specifics but I believe it's the connector of your butt and hamstring. I had continued to play on it until I started physical therapy and addressed it( I would still get cramps when playing on it) I was diagnosed as having plantar fasciitis and began working on my calves and feet in physical therapy. Still nothing solved this, and I was fit while being only age 16 at the time. Still had calf cramps. I turned to custom orthotics which took months to break in until one game I noticed a huge change. I ran at a decent speed for a whole game, our team had no subs so I was forced to stay I although with little cramps, the day after I could barely walk. That was the last full game I played at center defense. Ever since that game I noticed that my butt sticks out more because it seems my pelvis is out of line. The cramps persisted after even though I had gone a game with no cramps. Conditioning still had no effect as after even 2 laps I would begin feeling strong tension. I ended up breaking my ankle junior season for soccer in Highschool and am now getting back into things, except that I can't run more than 5 minutes. My right hip is abducted( turns inward) and it was never like this before. I'm result my back is tighter, my knees rotate in, and basically my whole lower body is torqued and the muscles have unbelievable tightness. Wondering if this sounds like compartmentalism?

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Migraine :: Deep Cramp Pains In Legs?

Been suffering migraines since I was very young, junior school I believe. Am now 23 and for the most part learnt to live with migraines. I get them more commonly in hot weather but have always just dosed myself up and tried as hard as possible to get through the working day and broke down when I get home. Last sunday however I got a migraine which was relentless, on the wednesday I started getting sudden bursts of agonising pain on top of the migraine a few times an hour roughly which would have be wriggling about and then it would suddenly stop and go back to a normal migraine. I had this until the friday when I was sleeping and got this burst of pain so much worse that I was screaming into the bed and pulling at my hair, I either fell straight asleep or passed out briefly after and woke migraine free. On that friday and since ive been getting deep crampy pains in my lower legs. Anyone know of any of these symptoms or the leg thing and whether it's related or why it may happen?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Extremely Painful Calves Cramp In Legs

I know leg cramps are apart of pregnancy but I feel like I'm willing to saw to leg off at this point. I hydrate a lot and just have no idea how not to wake up with excruciating pain in my calves every morning !

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Ramipril :: Dreadful Cough

I have been on ramipril for about 8 months now. Have had a dreadful cough which has got worse the longer I have taken them. I also have asthma and the cough has been put down to that as it has triggered severe asthma attacks, which have caused me to go into hospital with blue light flashing. Not once has any doctor said this is down to Ramipril. I will be changing this medication before it kills me. BE VERY WARY IF YOU ARE ASTHMATIC!!!!!

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Ramipril :: Very Tickly Cough

I wrote on this sight about a month ago, declaring that i dont really have any problems with ramipril, other than contracting a couple of nasty colds with very tickly coughs since starting on it. How wrong was I. Every bug going has got me, I ache pretty much all of the time and constantly feel as though im about to undergo an attack of the flu. The tickly cough has stayed, sometimes keeping me awake at night! Ive just finished a course of antibiotics for a chest infection and was amazed when my doctor told me that the ramipril worsens any kind of cold, cough or virus! the scary part is though, my bp has been higher than usual and my doctor is monitoring it with the intent of highering my dosage if it doesnt come down.

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Ramipril And Dizziness And Cough

My elderly husband has taken ramipril 5.0mg for many years with apparently no or minimal side effects. But over the last two years he has suffered increasingly from dizziness in the morning. I think he also coughs a great deal more than he ever did.

I've been measuring his blood pressure regularly recently and the diastolic measure is consistently on the edge of 'low' (around 60). The systolic is just into 'high' and it creeps up a bit if he forgets the ramipril however. I wonder if a reduced dose of ramipril might still control the latter with less risk of hypotensive dizziness. Does that make any sense?

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Terrible Dry Cough With The Ramipril

I was put on Amlodipine for severe hypertension and the first night i was in terrible pain with my chest and that brought on a anxiety attack, stayed on it for a week and still had spikes in my high blood pressure and chest pain, went back to the doctor and told her and she looked at me like i was lying, changed my medication to Ramipril and the chest pain and anxiety went but i have got a terrible dry cough with the Ramipril so need to come of them too, my blood pressure was very high and i was told it may lead to a heart attack or stroke so now i am in trouble as i don't trust any medications because of the side effects.

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Ramipril :: Taken Off - Blasted Cough

Just spoken to my GP who has taken me off Ramipril because of the blasted cough. I'm now on Candesartan, which I've never heard of. Anyone out there have any experience of this drug?

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Ramipril :: Persistent Dry Cough At Night

Prior to taking Ramipril I suffered from a persistent dry cough of which the cause had not been diagnosed.

On taking Ramipril the cough was very considerably aggravated particularly at night: codeine gave some relief ( as phoschol and 15mgm tablet) but sleep was reduced to snatches between coughing bouts.

This lasted for 3/4 months until I was advised to stop its use.

Within a week I retrurned to the status quo ante with considerable relief.

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Ramipril :: Cough Side Effect

I had a heart attack 5 weeks ago and since have been on various medicines one of which is 5mg Ramipril every night. I read the booklet which explained that a side effect is a cough but agree with other inputs here that the cough is very depressing. It constantly disrupts my sleep pattern and it's so dry ! Im off to the GPs Tomorrow and hopefully he can prescibe something else. Is there anyway else of stopping the cough ?

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Beta-blockers :: Ramipril - Very Congested Cough

My experienced with ramipril for high blood pressure was that I had a very bad cough, not a dry cough, but a very congested cough which I suffered for about three months. Although I returned to the Doctor after having the cough for about 6 weeks they still didn't take me off the ramipril - but gave me antibiotics this was despite me saying I felt it might be the ramipril - sometimes they don't listen. I was told to come back after 3 weeks which I did the anti biotics has done nothing - what a surprise and I was beginning to think I had developed some sort of severe Lung problem. I could hardly speak without coughing, I could not sleep for coughing, my chest felt like it would burst, I was physically sick from coughing. Doctor then thought it may be a good idea to stop taking ramipril I am now taking Atenolol - watch this space.

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Ramipril :: Side Effects - Dreadful Cough

have been taking Ramipril for 3 months now and at first didn't link the dreadful cough with this drug until I researched it on the web. I have developed a dreadful dry tickly cough which starts at the back of the throat and immediately starts to make my eyes water. The coughing then starts to go into a spasm and its worse at night - I haven't had a full night's sleep for weeks.

Also my chest is beginning to be sore due to all the coughing, its very distressing and I am going to be back at my gp.

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Ramipril (cough) Vs Amlovasc (pins And Needles, Tiredness)

Been on Ramipril for 2 1/2 years, always suffered froma bad cough with it, most annoying. Saw new Dr few months ago whos took me off ramapril because of cough. New tablet (evil drug) called amlovasc terrible side effects, pins and needles to the face, legs, and arms, severe tiredeness, swelling to ankles and knees. Took myself off these tablets. Going back to GP tomorrow morning, prefer to put up with the cough

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Ramipril :: Acid Reflux Daily And A Dry Tickling Cough At Night

Been taking ramipril 5mg for a year. And also bendroflumethiazide I have acid reflux daily and a dry tickling cough at night. Is this caused by the tablets does anyone know.

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Ramipril :: Dry Mouth And Difficulty In Swallowing ?

I've been taking ramipril now for 9 years with no significant side effects, but lately I've developed a dry mouth and difficulty in swallowing. I've had various blood tests which have all been ok. Could Ramipril cause this condition after so many years ?

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Ramipril :: Dizziness, Dry Mouth, Incessant Thirst

I have been a nurse for over 30 year, i have never realized ramipril could and has such a dramatic effect on a person,i.e. severe fatigue,very severe dizziness, dry mouth, incessant thirst, loss of appetite due to nausea,i feel hopeless as i can and do normally be able to help, but the worst of it is despite going from 2.5mg to 5mg things are going from bad to worse? i am at a loss how to help,the blood pressure is still way to high,he is on his 3rd week of medication.

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Diuretics :: Atenolol And Bendroflumethiazide Overdosing?

For several years now I have been prescribed both Atenolol and Bendroflumethiazide to control high blood pressure. The medication appears to have been successful, as my b.p. is well within acceptable limits, but lately I have noticed some bouts of giddiness and a kind of 'floating on air' sensation, not unlike mild inebriation. This was unnerving, so I went to my doctor and he checked my b.p. as 110/70, which he said was too substantial a drop to accept, so advised me to discontinue the Bendroflumethiazide and return for a re-check in 3 weeks. Perhaps the two drugs working together are simply more than I need? I am aged 62, non-smoker, light drinker, moderately active (10km charity walk recently) and in good general health. It is possible that, with increasing age, my body has self-adjusted and no longer requires such a level of 'help' to sustain a safe b.p. Time will tell, but for now (and perhaps for good) the Bendroflumethiazide is abandoned, as it was apparently making me feel unsteady and occasionally dizzy. I say 'apparently', because presumably the Atenolol could equally be at fault, but we have to start our experiment somewhere.

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Viral Infections :: Cough Syrup Suppresses The Cough?

I am at the end of a cold (2 weeks)and I have a bad chesty cough. I'm up in the night like a cat with a furball.

I saw my doctor who advised to use honey and lemonade, and Vicks vapour rub, but said to stop using the covonia chesty cough syrup, as it suppresses the cough.

Is that correct ? I always believe it contained ingredients to help break down the congestion.

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