Fordyce Spots :: Small White Bumps On My Scrotum And Shaft Of My Penis?

I am currently 13 years old and I have these small white bumps on my scrotum and shaft of my penis I don't want to tell my dad or mom anything because I get very embarrassed about stuff like this because I'm sorta a runt and I have enough problems but I don't really know what they are I am willing to send a picture of what they look like if I have to it, but I don't really know what they are and if they are normal.

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Penis :: Flesh Coloured Bumps/spots On Shaft - Fordyce Spots?

I have flesh coloured bumps on the shaft of my penis i haven't been sexually active so i have read that it's rare that they are genital warts but i'm still scared, i am hoping that they are just fordyce spots ...

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White Bumps On My Upper Lip - Fordyce Spots?

I'm 17 and I was just looking in the mirror at my lips, because they had been really badly chapped two weeks before. I bought some kind of chap stick, and it worked really well... no more chapped lips. However I noticed today that I now have little white bumps on my upper lip. I've never noticed them before, and I was wondering if you could get these bumps from using too much chapstick perhaps.

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Women's Health :: Perineum Has Torn After Rough Sex

My husband and I had a rough "session" this morning and we had a bad mishap. my perineum has torn; it is approx 1 to 1 1/2" torn. This has never happened to me and I am quite worried. Its Sunday and my gyn office is not open. It looks deep enough that I may need stitches. I just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else and if I should purchase liquid band-aid.

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Vaginal Health :: Fordyce Spots On Genital Area Will Go Away?

I am a 15 year old female and I recently noticed about 2 days ago that i had what seem to be fordyce spots in my inner genital area. I have never noticed these before. I need help! Is there any way i can get rid of them?? I am currently on minocycline, i don't know if that helps as to why i have them

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Penis :: White Spots On Shaft And Scrotum - Fordyce Spots?

Well Im a male and Im 16 and not sexually active. I have these a bunch of white spots at the base of my shaft and like two mid shaft. and they are all over my scrotum. When they are popped, a white pus type stuff comes out (like popping a whitehead on your face or nose or whatever) I don't pop them, but i did when i first noticed it when I was about 13 years old. I've looked around and the closest thing i can come to is that it's fordyce spots? I really don't want to go to a doctor as this is pretty embarrassing even though its their jobs and all but yeah. Btw when i was taking accutane for my acne they sorta went away? Idk i cant remember clearly but i think i saw less of them but i don't remember. I'm off accutane now but yeah.

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Sexual Health :: Small White Bumps On Clitoris

I'm an 18yo female. I've been sexually active for 5 months, and lost my virginity 2 months ago. Recently, I've noticed small white pimples on my clit. I've seen one or two before, they come and go. But this time there are 4 white ones, and 2 that look like they're gonna be white after a few days as well. I inspected my clit in white lighting and found small indents that look like pimple scars as well. I'm kinda scared as they're uncomfortable and itchy when I focus on them. My discharge has been normal, and they don't look like genital warts from the research I've done. I have no idea what this could be? I don't want to go to the gyno as they ask if you're sexually active and my mom doesn't know that I am and she'll be the one bringing me there so.. If any of you have had this problem before, please tell me how you solved it!

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Sexual Health :: Small Bumps Near Vaginal Opening

Last night I noticed I had a few small bumps near the vaginal opening. They're not painful unless I touch them then it becomes a burning sensation and it'll cause burning when I pee. I have checked photos of genital warts and herpes and none seem to match.

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Vaginal Health :: Itchy With Small Painless Bumps On Labia

A few days ago my boyfriend and i went to the beach. I left my suit on all day after swimming, and we walked everywhere. I'm pretty sure there was sand in my suit also. We had sex that night like most nights. The next morning my vagina was sore- externally not internally. It's been about 3 days, and now it feels like there a little cut right where the lips meet at the top, and it is extremely sore right outside the bottom of my vaginal opening. When i pee, the urine hits my vagina and it burns like crazy! I also have about 10 small bumps that are beneath the skin, they almost feel like zits, but are not painful at all. Those also didn't show up until yesterday. My boyfriend has been my only sexual partner for over 6 months, and before that i had sex once over a year ago. So i doubt it's an STD. This is the first problem I've had down there so if it's something obvious.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Bumps On The Lips Of Vagina

I haven't had sex in 8 months. About . 

And haven't shaved at all either ... ..

But just today out of nowhere .. when i took a shower I felt something I haven't ...... two small bumps not inside the vagina .. but outside on the lip. A small bump that feels like a pimple. And another one upper by my clit but towards my leg. Not on the clit...

It sort of hurts. Like a bruise. .. 

I'm not sure if it's because I took a really hot shower last night. And I had the hot water aiming at my vagina ... or if it's because a day ago for two days I sorta did the hump movement for self pleasure ...........what can this be ???

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Penis :: How Fordyce Spots Look Like?

I have a weird cluster of bumps on my penis. I have always had this and never thought much about it, but i just want to be sure. I researched a bit about it and it looks like fordyce spots. I want to know what is exactly is and why it has appeared. Is there a way to show you what it looks like?

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Accutane Will Clear Fordyce Spots

Will accutane clear fordyce/sebaceous prominence, how much and fur how long should I take accutane for my chronic fordyce condition?

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Penis :: Fordyce Spots Treatment?

I have FS before 7-8 years and i am 17years old. I don't like to see this...i need some treatment..

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13 And Fordyce Spots On My Foreskin And Scrotum

I'm 13 and I have these spot on the inside of my foreskin and on my scrotum and quite a few on the scrotum have pubic hair growing out of them I'm worried because although I've seen on her there okay and nothing to worry about all the people who have said they have them said they got them when they were 15

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Penis :: Fordyce Spots Irritating After I Tried To Pop It

I am a 21 year old male. About three days ago i noticed one of the fordyce spots on the shaft of my penis was a little larger than the rest, so i decided to try and pop it...after i squeezed it it turned red and has been irritated ever since..i little white discharge came out but no is still red and looks a lot like a white head now....should i be worried or is it just a little irritated from me messing with it too much?

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Penis :: Are Fordyce Spots Contagious?

Can anyone who's been in a relationship tell me whether or not they think they developed fordyce spots (on their genitals or lips) shortly after having contact with another person who has it, or who had it before the relationship and the person they're with developed it after the relationship began.  I know doctors say its not contagious/infectious but I want to try and make absolutely sure before I get into a relationship, especially after reading a post by a person who noticed the spots shortly after dating someone who had them.

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STDs :: Herpes Or Fordyce Spots

I'm a male, 25 years of age, who has braces, so I chronically get some ulcers in my mouth due to the braces and drinking and such. This past week I drank an abundant amount of alcohol. I also smoked some dabs (very concentrated form of marijuana) which I normally never do. During the week I drank out of multiple random beverages that people had drank out of. I also kissed a girl/ she gave me oral sex, which happened about 2 days ago. I messaged the girl asking if she had ever come into contact with any STD's. She said no. I have an ulcer or two in my mouth and on my tongue that I chalked up to heavily drinking and the braces (figure I may have bit my tongue being so drunk). They looked fairly normal compared to any other ulcers I had received in the past and began healing as usual. I noticed some small white bumps or spots (because they aren't really bumpy) on the upper part of my lips and in the corner of my mouth (still on my lips). When I do research on the bumps they closely resemble the pictures I see for Fordyce Spots. They don't really resemble the pictures for oral herpes.  They aren't posing any problems of pain either. I was heavily exposed to the sun this week (almost everyday) and didn't really possess the best hygiene. I went to the doctor today and he really wasn't much help because he didn't even really look at my lips. Just asked if I had been sexually active, I told him yes and what happened. Then he automatically assumed it was probably herpes and prescribed me some meds. Then said to come back in two weeks and get tested. I plan on getting tested this week and then again in two weeks as well, but I'm not sure if it's Herpes or the Fordyce Spots or just me being paranoid. Or if it could be something caused by smoking the marijuana and heavily drinking. I also don't know if it's an allergic reaction of some type. But I'm freaking out.

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Accutane For Acne Will Help Fordyce Spots As Well?

I have acne and have just started accutane course (two weeks in). I also have fordyce spots on penis before treatment, fairly little and i could live with it. I read online many people think accutane gets rid of them and they do short term unitl you stop the drug but when they come back they come back 10 times worse. I really don't want this to be the case, and am seriously thinking stopping the course coz i dont want my penis covered when before I had them but could live with it just about.

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Penis :: Treating Fordyce Spots With Tazorac Gel

tazorac .1 gel would be a safe and effective topical treatment to many fordyce spots on the shaft of a penis?

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