Gout :: How Can I Reduce Uric Acid Level Of 13?

My uric acid level when checked yesterday is 13.0 mg/dl... ,how can i reduce uric acid level? also i read in internet that drinking lemon juice,eating tomato will reduce uric acid..is it true?

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How Long To Reduce Uric Acid? (naturally)

I had some blood tests and my uric acid level was high at 10.4.

After just under 3 weeks of not drinking alcohol and cutting down on the high purine food, this reduced to 8.9

Does anybody know how long diet changes take to affect levels?

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How To Naturally Reduce Blood Uric Acid?

Does anyone know out of experience through foods or drinks ....etc how to reduce levels of blood uric acid ?

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Uric Acid Level 9.5

just got my reports and Uric acid level is 9.5 mg/dL.

Have appointment with doc next week. Is this high enough to cause horrible joint pains which i am experiencing for over a year now.

Probably these levels affect each of us differently but just hoping to get some pointers.

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My Uric Acid Is 10 All The Time

My uric acid is 10 all the time, do i need medication ? is it dangerous to have it at high level ? i am male 43 years.

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High Uric Acid With One Kidney

My mother has only 1 kidney - she had a kidney removed in 1983. Lately she did a blood test and her uric acid (serum) was found to be high.

We are worried that her kidney might be failing. Can we have your insight please?

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Dizziness Due To High Uric Acid?

I'm 18 and i have felt dizzy for 6 month. recently i took a blood test and its results shows that my uric acid is more than higher allowed level ... may my dizziness be for uric acid?

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Menopause Related Gout And Uric Acid

I've just been told my Uric acid levels are dangerously high (7.5) has anyone else had or heard of this during menopause? I'm worrying now what with everything else going on during peri.

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High Uric Acid - Which Type Of Doctor To See?

I have high uric acid (hyperuricemia)problem, which type of doctor is best for me?

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Getting Gout Flares And My Uric Acid Is Not High

I am a 32 year old man and i had my first gout attack 5 months ago (right knee), my gp put me on allopurinol 300 mg daily . the medication brought my uric acid levels down to around 5 and my gp says this is the target , it took several weeks for the first attack to clear and left me in pain when i walk for months . my uric acid levels are still 5 ish and i have been getting really bad flares in my right foot quite regular 3 times in 4 weeks now , is it meant to be possible to have attacks when on medication . i feel like a oap with this , i don't drink alcohol anymore (since first attack) and eat a low purine diet , if anyone has any advise on this it would be good.

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Remedies For High Uric Acid And Calcium Naturally?

Has anyone been successful using natural remedies such as lemon juice and apple cider vinegar in lowering urine calcium and uric acid levels? After several episodes of gross hematuria it was determined that I have bilateral stones.  A 24 hr urine test showed elevated calcium and uric acid. I was placed on potassium citrate and hydrochlorothiazide but the medicines have horrific side effects. Also, has anyone experienced elevated blood glucose levels and elevated LFT's after taking these medications?

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High Level Of Uric Acid With No Severe Symptoms

I have been taking Zyloric 100 for the past couple of years, Uric Acid level was 7.5 prior taking medicine, but during taking medicine it was 4.5, my question, should I continue taking Zyloric, though I never suffered from severe illness, like toe inflammation.

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Reduced Uric Acid Level - Still Foot And Wrist Stiff / Pain

I am 26 years old, it's been more than 4 months I am suffering from pain in both of my foot, ankles and left wrist, I took all the test and found Uric acid was too high in my blood, doc prescribed me fuboxstate tablet and within 2 weeks it came down to 2.2, it's been more than 3 weeks since I lowered my Uric acid, but still pain is not going away and both if my foot and left wrist have swollen and stiff, I drink 2 ltr of water, have lowered my food intake,specially meat, chickens, alcohol and dairy products,

Just to add, in the first week of Jan2016 I met with an accident, had stitches on my right knee, that took approx 2 months to cure, but that time there were no pain in my foot, pain started in my foot when I got a new shoe in feb 2016, I thought it might go away with time as this was just bcoz of new shoe, also I started taking protein x powder without any exercise, I know it was a big mistake I made.

My question is,

1- Based on my above comments is there anything else causing pain as my uric acid is down?

2- is it possible any of my nerves misplaced due to the accident or new shoe and causing pain and swelling?

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Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery :: Tips To Reduce The Pain During Laser Hair Removal

Here are a couple of tips that can be used to help reduce the pain during laser hair removal.

Tips 1. Apply topical numbing creams

Topical numbing creams may be applied to the area prior to the laser treatment as they will not change the effectiveness of the treatment. Make sure to time the application appropriately as you don’t want it to wear off by the time the laser treatment starts and some may also take a while to kick in. Many numbing creams recommend applying 20 or 30 minutes prior but all creams are different. Be sure to read and follow the directions accordingly. This is by far the most popular method of preventing any laser hair removal pain.

Tips 2. Bring an icepack to a session

Bringing an icepack to a session and holding it on the area for about 5 - 10 minutes prior to the laser treatment can also help numb the area if you do not have any numbing cream.

Tips 3. Select laser type has a cold air attachment

Some hair removal laser types hair removal laser types come with air attachments that blow a stream of cold air directly onto your skin while the laser is in action. This is used to soothe the area and help reduce pain. If your selected laser type has a cold air attachment, a trick is to ask the technician to blow the cold air all over the area for a minute or two prior to the laser treatment to help number the area even more. If the area gets too cold, get them to stop and proceed with the laser treatment immediately.

Tips 4. Ask the technician to experiment with pace

Ask the technician to experiment with pace. Technicians all have their own technique when it comes to using the laser. Some perform in quick bursts, while others use a slow, continuous pace. One technique may feel better on your skin than the next. Determining what pace feels the best for you can help reduce laser hair removal pain.

Tips 5. Avoid during menstruating

For the ladies, try not to schedule your session when you’re premenstrual or menstruating as your hormones may greatly increase your sensitivity to pain.

Tips 6. Drink a gallon of water prior to the treatment

Drink a gallon of water starting about 4 to 6 hours before the treatment. Going without a drink can make you more sensitive to pain, a study has found. Although there is the danger of drinking too much and getting sick, but you will not feel a thing through out my session. It's easy and free.

Tips 7. Avoid coffee and anything else that contains caffeine

Avoid coffee and anything else that contains caffeine the day of your treatment. Caffeine has been said to increase sensitivity.

Tips 8. Ask the technician to stop when the pain becomes intolerable

If the laser hair removal pain becomes intolerable, you can easily ask the technician to stop. They can give you some time to recuperate before you are ready to proceed with the rest of the procedure.

Tips 9. Try to have the hair as short as possible

The length of the hair makes a difference. The longer the hair, the more painful it is going to be. Technicians will advise you to shave the area a day or two prior to your appointment. To avoid more pain, try to have the hair as short as possible, but still visible.

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Acid Reflux Caused By Gabapentin

Only been on Gabapentin for 2 weeks and at a low dose but I have developed acid reflux. I have been off this medication for 6 days so I was hoping the acid reflux would go away. It hasn`t. My doctor told me to try Zantac but that hasn`t worked. I fortunately do not have heartburn but the bitter taste in my mouth constantly is just taking it's toll.  I'm cutting out dairy and changing my diet but of course I am in the early stages so have just not got into this sudden dietary change.  I read so much on the next I would have thought there was a prescription drug or over the counter drug that would help.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Caused The Crackling In My Lungs?

I have had Gerd daily for last 2 months. Prescribed lansoprazole and gaviscon, but still not improved. Chest started getting worse so doctor checked my lungs and said they were crackling. I was prescribed antibiotics and inhaler. I still feel no better. Starting to think it will never improve. Have appointment tomorrow hopefully will sort out an appointment for endoscopy. One of my many symptoms is excessive saliva. Does anyone else suffer from this??

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Kidney Stone Of 7mm (uric Acid Stone)

I am 27 yr. male and I had a Kidney stone in May-2015, I got treatment by an urologist who supplied me medication so that the stone could pass out thru ureter but when X-ray and IVP done after 2 months medication the position of stone was above 20-25mm of bladder and it got stuck there due to its large size. Doctor then advised me to remove it thru ureteroscopy. But my parents were little bit worried about surgery. So we contacted one homeopathic doctor who gave me some homeopathic tablets and also advice to take juice of one herb root. I had done that also but still it pains during urine. So pls. advice me some perfect solution on that. Stone is of 7mm in size (uric acid stone) and its already 6 months has been passed while I am treating on that.

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Acid Reflux Getting Worse After Gallbladder Removal?

Is there a connection between gall bladder removal and reflux getting worse? I suffered from acid reflux before my surgery 6 weeks ago but boy am I ever suffering now...what could cause this?? My surgeon said it takes 8 months for the body to get used to life without a gb...I didn't like what he had to say and offered no explanation as to why..has anyone experienced this and how long did it take to resolve itself because at this point I find it hard to believe that this will resolve itself.

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Gallbladder :: Acid Reflux And Heartburn Post Removal

I got my gallbladder out two weeks ago. A week ago I started experiencing painful heartburn and acid reflux. I'm terrified of putting anything in my mouth for fear of setting it off again. The doctor prescribed me PPIs 40 mg and it's my end day taking with not much relief. I just want to know if others out there have experienced the same post op and will it get better? I had these issues prior to removal and the doctors blamed the gallbladder. Now I'm thinking it may not have been all along. I had gallstones and a 4mm polyp and the doctor said the gallbladder was inflamed when he took it out so I keep telling myself I did the right thing otherwise I'll drive myself crazy.

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