Iron Deficiency Anemia And Vitamin D Deficient

I have been iron deficient all my life, but it's at a critical point right now. I see a hematologist on September 14th. It takes everything out of me to get up each morning and go to work. I come home and just want to sleep. I am freezing cold all the time and eat ice constantly. I'm extremely moody and my husband doesn't understand my condition, so I am turning to the internet for support and help. I'll be getting an iron transfusion and blood transfusion as well. I don't absorb iron like everyone else as I had a gastric bypass in 2008. I am also not absorbing my Vit D 50,000 IU pills once a week either. I'm just at my wits end here.

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Vitamin D Deficiency - Pain And Fatigue Are Becoming Unbearable

Had a letter from the rheumatologist to say that I have vitamin D deficiency which I can't understand because I get plenty of sunlight and I have a good diet.Going to GP today to discuss supplements.Rheumatologist also suggests that my GP checks my PTH which I assume is parathyroid hormone.Does anyone have any experience of this.My pain and fatigue are becoming unbearable and if vitamin D supplements could alleviate some of it this would be wonderful,but I Don't want to get my hopes up only to be let down again.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With Vitamin D Deficiency?

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with CFS/ME a year ago and since having surgery last November it has got so bad that I am unable to return to my job I am only 22 and it's really making me upset.

I have had all the blood tests available and all came back negative apart from today my doctor called and said I have a vitamin D deficiency and has given me 3 months worth of medication. Has anyone else with CFS/ME got a vitamin D deficiency? Also did supplements help your CFS? Or even cure it? How long did it take for you to feel better?

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Vitamin D Deficiency :: Fatigue Is The Main Issue

After LFT resulted in high GGT levels, my Dr. tested my vit D levels which were 43 and slightly deficient.He told me to take supplements for 3 months and recheck levels.

I feel awful. Fatigue is main issue and feeling very low. Should I stoo taking it? I take 25/1000iu per day

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Severe Vitamin D Deficiency - Fatigue, Depression - Joints / Arm / Legs Pain

I have recently been diagnosed with Vit D deficiency...the level in my blood was under 10 (it was actually at 3) when it should have been at least over 50.  I think it has been this low for at least a year. I didn't get any sunshine at all last year (severe hot flushes so avoided sunshine) without realising the consequences.  My diet has not been ideal either.  After several blood tests to test thyroid, and lots of other things, the locum GP came up with a severe Vitamin D deficiency.

Over the last 6 to 8 months my health has noticeably deteriorated with  severe tiredness, no energy, really bad aches and pains, with severe pain in my joints, disturbed sleep, very depressed, etc. Plus I am pre menopausal and have depression, all of which are being treated separately and fairly successfully.

Anyway a locum GP put me on 20000iu of Vit D daily for two weeks which I finished this week...and now my usual GP has put me on a long term daily maintenance dose of 800iu Vit D (and didn't seem sure why I was on a daily dose of the 20000).

Anyway I had a business trip yesterday, 6 hours total travelling and 6 hours in meeting, and half hour walks to the station and back....and the result on my body has been catastrophic.  Really aching all over, severe pains in my arms and legs, both much more than usual, bad back, and just generally feel awful.  Is this to be expected?  Is this normal with a vit D deficiency.  How long will it be before I start to see any benefits.  The doc mentioned it will be at least another 6 months before my blood levels are tested but I work full time, am a carer at home and really want to start feeling better soon.

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Vitamin D Deficiency :: Pain, Numbness, Paralysis, Loss Of Mobility, Fatigue, Bladder And Collapse

I've been ill for over 12 months, with chronic pain, numbness, paralysis, loss of mobility, fatigue, bladder, bowel problems, Total collapse falling to floor, shaking, tremors, head nodding, slurring, drooling, speech problems sleep problems

Had ct, Mri, evoked potentials, numerous blood tests, all clear , now it appears according to neurologist that this is all down to vit d deficiency? It's 12 have got 40000 iu to take once a week and been told to go to gp as he no longer needs to see me ?

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Vitamin B12 And Vitamin D Deficiency Experienced Nocturnal Anxiety?

I was diagnosed with with B12 and Vitamin D deficiency. Both levels quite low. I have been taking my Vitamin B12 shots for three weeks now. Also I am on supplements for Vitamin D 60000 IU once a week. Most of my symptoms like tingling numbness and headache have gone. But since a few days i have been experiencing this weird feeling in my chest and entire body, the kinds when we are nervous, with palpitation while sleeping. I wake up and sit for sometime and then I seem to be fine. However, it happens again when i am about fall asleep. My GP said its anxiety and prescribed clonazepam. It did help for three days. But yesterday I tried sleeping without taking clonazepam and the same feeling of anxiety and palpitation came back. Is it a part of the vitamin D recovery process? I don't want to take clonazepam regularly. Any suggestions? 

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Supplements And Iron Deficiency?

Since my symptoms started over two years ago (I was 22), I have lost 70% of my hair. My iron status at the onset of symptoms:

Hemoglobin 13.5 (11.7-15.5)
Hematocrit 39.3% (25-40)
Iron, total 160 (4-175)
Ferritin 18 (10-154)

After supplementing with 150mg of elemental iron for 6 months (per a dermatologist that diagnosed me with telogen effluvium and advised that I increase my ferritin to 70-80 to stop hair loss):

Hemoglobin 13.1 (11.1-15.9)
Hematocrit 39.6 (34-46.6)
Iron, total 103 (35-155)
Ferritin 62 (13-150)
Reticulocyte count 0.6 (06-2.5)

After supplementing with 100mg of elemental iron for about a year after that:
Hemoglobin 13.9 (11.1-15.9)
Hematocrit 42.0 (34.0-46.6)
Iron, total 82 (35-155)
Ferritin 59 (15-150)
Iron saturation 28% (15-55)
TIBC 291 (250-450)
Reticulocyte count 0.4 (0.6-2.6)

I stopped taking iron supplements because I was not getting better, and because I had a few doctors tell me that I should not be on iron supplements because my hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, and RBCs were in the normal range. So I stopped for 3 weeks. Yesterday, I had a ferritin test done with a result of 87. This makes absolutely no sense considering I have not taken an iron supplement.

A physician I saw theorized that I could possibly have anemia of chronic disease, due to a low reticulocyte count, low TIBC and normal MCV. But that doesn't make sense to me either because although my ferritin did increase for some strange reason, it was on the low side before I started supplementing. And, my RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit have always been in range, and do not vary much despite supplementation.

I'm nervous that I shouldn't be supplementing with iron. In addition, my TSH (3.3), and midrange FT3 and FT4 have not changed despite supplementation--one physician theorized that maybe if I increase my ferritin levels, my thyroid levels will get better and I will stop losing my hair. Also, when I went on Naturethroid (went up to 2 grains over 6 months), my TSH decreased, but my FT3 and FT4 did as well--I felt awful.

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Iron Deficiency Anaemia - Hb 3.7

Hb 3.7 iron deficiency anaemia

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What's The Cause Of My Iron Deficiency Anemia?

After noticing a recent decrease in my athletic performance, I sent a message to my doctor early last week. My primary care physician ordered blood work and sent me to a hematologist in oncology. The hematologist said it was "very unlikely" cancer and ordered more blood work. Further blood work confirmed I have iron deficiency anemia.

All my blood work was normal apart from the indices related to iron deficiency. Ferritin was low, indicating iron deficiency and not anemia of chronic disease. Bone marrow is producing a normal amount of red blood cells. I have not recently donated or lost substantial quantities of blood. I have not had any tarry stools or seen blood in my stool. A rectal exam was negative for the presence of blood. (This test involved a doctor inserting a gloved finger into my rectum and then testing the glove for blood.) I have no bruising and my blood clots normally. I have not seen any blood in my urine. I have no other ongoing health conditions.

For the last 5 years, I have run 52 miles a week. I eat very little red meat, no more than a few times a year. I do regularly eat poultry, fish, and eggs. I have had semi-frequent nose bleeds, averaging one a month, since childhood.

The hematologist put me on a high potency iron supplement -- 130mg of iron and 250mg of vitamin c per day.

All my doctors have discounted the possibility the anemia could have been caused by my running, despite there being ample evidence in medical journals that excessive exercise can lead to iron deficiency.

If it's not cancer and i'm not losing blood through my gastrointestinal tract, what is causing it? I do feel improved since starting the iron supplement on Monday, but my athletic performance is not where I'd like it to be. I don't have any further doctor visits scheduled at this time. I am to have blood work in 1-2 months to test my iron levels again.

My blood work is below:

VIT B12 549
FOLATE 17.62

HGB 10.6
MCV 75.6
MCH 23.5
MCHC 31.0
MPV 8.7

HDL 43
LDL 74

HGBA1C 5.4

BUN 21
AST 21
LDH 157


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Iron Deficiency Anaemia - How To Take Pills?

I have been low iron since i was born.  Only recently has my doctor been checking my levels and trying to raise my iron from anaemia.  My doctor says that i should be getting between 800 - 1000 mg of iron a day.  That means i have to take an iron pill four times a day.  So when should i take the pills?  Do i take them right after or before meals?  I will go back in two months and they will draw blood to see if my iron has improved.  I am just wondering what to do in the meantime to improve my iron results?

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Iron Deficiency Anaemia And Its Relation To B12

I've been on ferrous fumarate for 3 months and doctor says my results are improving (hemoglobin has reached normal and ferritin has went from 1 to 12)

My symptoms were continuing so I was tested for B12 deficiency and got result today. B12 came back as 276. The doctor left a message to say continue with iron for 3 months and that was it! I am really down as I don't know whether the iron will up my B12 or not? I don't know if this means my B12 is on the up or if the iron tablet has nothing to do with it?

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Iron Deficiency With Several Autoimmune Disorders?

I've just heard from my GPS surgery that my most recent blood test shows I have virtually no iron! As I have several autoimmune diseases including autoimmune hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE (lupus), Raynauds, Sjogrens, acquired autoimmune hypothyroidism) , I'm rather afraid that this could be pernicious anaemia or hemolytic anaemia, as I've never had a low iron level until now. I was taken off methotrexate due to respiratory problems (side effect) and am on prednisone 25mg/day. Does anyone have any experience of sudden iron deficiency please?

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Iron Deficiency But Hemoglobin And Hematocrit Are Normal?

I had a baby back in April 2014 at which time my other labs were within normal limits except for my Hgb and Hct (7 and 24 I believe). I recently followed up with my primary care doctor for symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath (especially with exertion), and the biggest symptom- extreme fatigue. When I get up in the morning I feel like I've never slept, and by the afternoon I feel like I need to go back to bed for the rest of the day. I realize I have a 3, almost 4 month old baby, but she sleeps through the night for the most part, so it's not like I'm not sleeping at all through the night. I had labs drawn last week and the main results were as follows:

Ferritin, Serum- 7 (15-150)
TIBC- 415 (250-450)
UIBC- 368 (150-375)
iron saturation- 11 (15-55 %)
iron, serum- 47 (35-155)
rbc- 4.93 (3.77-5.28)
hemoglobin- 11.5 (11.1-15.9)
hematocrit- 37.5 (34.0-46.6)
mcv- 76 (79-97)
mch- 23.3 (26.6-33.0)
mchc- 30.7 (31.5-35.7)
rdw- 17.1 (12.3-15.4)
platelets- 317

WBCs, Thyroid, B12, and HgA1C all looked good. From what I've read, it seems that I may have iron deficiency, but because the hemoglobin and hematocrit are within normal limits it is not classified as anemia. What I don't understand is I just spoke with my Dr. office, and the nurse said the doctor checked off my lab results and didn't put a note in that she needed to see me for a follow-up. The nurse asked me if I had any concerns about my lab results. I guess I'm just not sure if my lab results are "off" enough to be causing my symptoms, or if something else is going on. Should I be started on iron supplements? I'm just not sure where to go from here.

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Anemia - Blood Work :: How Bad Is My Iron Deficiency?

I initially found out I had mild iron deficiency about 6 months ago and the GP didn't tell me to take anything. I've been taking floradix on/off (finished a bottle) and redid my blood work with a new GP. The results seem to have gotten slightly worse, but this new GP also just recommended to take a multivitamin. Neither doctor seemed concerned. Anyway, here are the latest results (this new doctor didn't test ferritin; my old result 6 months ago was a 3)

Hemoglobin - 11 (low)
MCV - 78 (low)
MCH - 25.2 (low)
RDW - 15.6% (high)
TIBC - 538 (high)
UIBC - 480 (high)
Iron Saturation - 11% (low)
Iron Serum - 58 (normal)
Vitamin B12 - 348 (normal)

Anyone know exactly how bad my case is? I am located in NYC; if anyone has a good doctor that takes iron deficiency more seriously, can they recommend the doctor?

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Chronic Kidney Disease :: Iron Deficiency - How To Keep It Up?

I am 25 I was diagnosed with stage 5 ckd at 14. We found this issue doing blood work for my Crohn's disease. So needless to say between the two I have a hard time keeping my nutrients up. Every time I get blood work I am anemic. I told my nephrologist that I was taking vitamins with iron to try to get it up and he said it is pretty much pointless because people with ckd do not absorb it orally like normal people. So my question is what do you do to try to keep your iron up? It has been such a struggle being so young and never having energy to do anything.

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Polycythaemia Rubra Vera And Iron Deficiency

i was diagnosed may 2015 with PV and thrombocytosis. I had 10 straight weeks of venesection and now 2 monthly. My iron levels have become very low and I am struggling to have enough energy to do what I need to do. I know I cannot have iron supplements otherwise I will need more blood letting. Does anyone know a solution to this problem?

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Blood Work :: Is This Iron Deficiency Anemia?

These were done during a regular physical exam and my regular dr. said I was definitely anemic, but she never did do an iron panel. After thinking back on my symptoms, I had several..headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, rapid heart rate with exertion, and shortness of breath with exertion. Three weeks ago I was started on iron supplements. Here are my abnormals or near low normals from 3 weeks ago:

RBC 5.45 (4.00-5.36)
Hgb 12.5 (12-16)
MCV 74 (81-98)
MCHC 30.9 (31.2-35.2)
RDW 24.2 (11.0-14.5)
anisocytosis present
hypochromasia present
ovalocytes present

She determined that my anemia was due to menorrhagia and I then made an appt. with a GYN.

The GYN looked at these labs and said this is NOT anemia. She then ordered an iron panel, which she said was normal:

Iron 142
TIBC 356
Ferritin 14

She called today and again said this is not anemia, but some other blood issue must be going on. She mentioned thalassemia and suggested that my regular dr. refer me to a hematologist. I am so frustrated and confused. I can't see my regular dr. until Mon. but I'm thinking it's still anemia?

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Iron Deficiency Anemia? Here Is My Blood Work

Here are my lab results:
WBC 6.6 (4-10.8)
Ly 25.8 (20.5-51.1)
Mo 9.7 (1.7-9.3)
Gr 64.5 (42.2-75.2)
Rbc 3.74 (4.2-6.1)
Hgb 10 (12-18)
Hct 30.3 (37-52)
Mcv 80.9 (81-99.9)
Much 26.8 (27-31)
Mchc 33.1 (33-37)
Rdw 14.5 (12-15)
Plt 218 (130-400)
Mpv 8.2 (5-10)

My iron and ferritin were normal (don't have a copy of the results, just was told they are normal). Also, b12 and d are normal.

What kind of anemia does this look like? I DO have a history of iron deficient anemia, but my ferritin was like a 3.

Below are my symptoms. Saw the doc about a week ago, and symptoms are much worse than then. I am on an iron supplement.

Extreme exhaustion
Shortness of breath
Chest pains
Extreme lightheadedness/dizzy spells/near syncope

Basically I am hardly functional. I have gone home early and missed a couple days of work, because I literally couldn't do it. I have had to spend almost whole days in bed. Very small things wear me out. I was placing items in a box (that was on my lap) at work today and got weak and short of breath.

Does this not seem crazy for a hgb of 10?? I have been in the 8 range, and while I felt really, really bad, I was not this dysfunctional.

Also, I have been having the dizzy spells/lightheadedness/near syncope and some actual syncope for over a year. The drs are still trying to figure this out. They are a good deal worse right now.

Any thoughts or advice?

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