No Hormonal Imbalance But Weight Gain After Tubal Ligation

2 years ago I had a tubal ligation and since I have gained a lot of weight (especially the last year). Before the tubal ligation I was thin and no matter how much I ate, I couldn't gain a pound.

I have been to many doctors and I have checked my hormones (estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH) as well as my thyroid MANY TIMES during the last 2 years.

My hormones and my thyroid are fine, and there is nothing wrong.

I have read about tubal ligation syndrome, but all these side effects after tubal happens BECAUSE OF A HORMONAL IMBALANCE  and I don't have any.,

Why am I gaining so much weight?

What about you that gained weight after tubal? Do you have hormonal imbalance or do the blood tests come back normal as mine do?

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How To Lose Weight After Tubal Ligation?

How to lose weight after tubal ligation?

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Getting My Tubes Tied After Pregnancy - Vaginal Or Cut Open? - Tubal Ligation

I told my dr that after i have my daughter i would like to get my tubes tied. She told me that if i had her vaginal that she would tie them 8 to 12 weeks after delivery. So i was wonder how that process goes do they cut you open or do it vaginal?

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Women's Health :: No Period In Over A Year After Tubal Ligation

I am 24 years old and have 2 daughters. After my second daughter I had a tubal ligation during my second c secsection and even then I only bled for about 2 weeks right when I had her. I haven't had a period since then and she will be 2 in Feb 2016. I do experience mood swings and bloating, even back pain like I had when I was menstrual. Even with diet change I cannot lose weight. I had my thyroid checked, even got tested for diabetes and the doctors don't know anything except the absence of my period isn't normal. Has anyone experienced this? What can I do?

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Women's Health :: Tubal Ligation After C-section And Period Pains

I used to get severe period pains as a teen and then into my late teens they settled however I could never use tampons.I was doing great until I had my tubal ligation nearly 7years periods slowly became heavier and sometimes I am in agony but it might be a lighter period.My vagina and entire genital area feels like it is raw and being shredded. It's painful to sit to stand or do anything.I also get severe back pain and pain around my c section site.I don't bleed a lot between periods but its generally old brown blood. I don't have any std's and I do not want an implant in my uterus. I know something is wrong and I have approached both my doctor and nurse and I have been told there is nothing that can be done.I am in chronic pain and every period makes it worse. I can't have a uterine infection because I have just been on so many antibiotics, all 3 of my children arrived via c section but I was ol until I had the ligation.please please please help me pain medication ibuprofen,voltaren,paracetamol none of it helps even taking it every 4 hours.please help me the pain is unbearable.

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Vaginal Health :: Cryoablation After Tubial Ligation And The AFTERMATH

I had my tubes tied (burned) whatever you'd like to call it in 2006. The day after having my son (which happened to be Mothers day) lol. Then 3 years later in 2009 my periods had slowly gone from bad to worse so I decided to get the cryoablation done. You know you see the ads in the paper and valuepack and on TV eventually you consider it. Well.... now they tell you its ok to do after you have the tubule and after babies as long as you don't want any more. I think they are wrong. I have heard of a few other women with the same symptoms I'm having and it seems to be only if its done after the tubal. Every month around that special time... haha... the pain that I've always had with my period but has gotten worse over the years is still here. Back labor pains.... those are my cramps... breast tenderness ... and some pain up inside my vagina... All I'm missing is the 7 days of tampons during the day and diapers at night. I was told that I could be starting menopause because of the procedure or I could just "still be having my period" don't ask me how that works. Well I guess that's my question, is it my period? or is it menopause? or am I just dying of some rare kind of cancer no one's ever heard of? lol I just wanna know what's up with this? and how many women have really had this problem? My Dr. blows it off like its no big deal he's to busy to deal with such a small issue (for those of you that are going to tell me to go to my OBGYN) Which by the way told me I would only have small cramps after surgery... haha.... took 2 shots of dilaudid at the ER 4 hours after surgery so that I could stop whaling from the pain worse than childbirth. ANYWAYS.... Please let me know if you've heard anything about this happening.

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Vaginal Health :: Aunt Flow After Tubal Removal

On July 5th I had both my tubes removed because they were blocked/scared as a result of a ruptured appendix. I couldn't start the IVF proceed until they were removed. I am all healed after a month and I am still waiting for AF to come to start the IVF testing....What has the wait been for others after tubal surgery? It's hard and strange to wait for Aunt Flow!

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Tubal Ligation And The Chance For A Tubal Pregnancy?

I first want to start out by saying that I had a tubal ligation after my twins were born 12/13/2006. I have four living children and one still birth.

My period was due to start on Tuesday (December 4th) it is now Friday (December 6). On Monday I had some very light spotting for a few hours and then it stopped. My period has yet to start. I know that there is a rare chance that the ligation did not take. How long should I wait before calling my ob doctor? What things should I keep an eye out for? Any suggestions would be great as this is scary to me since I know that there still is the chance for a tubal pregnancy and do not want to think of my children having to go through life without me.

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Anyone Gotten Pregnant After Tubal Ligation?

Has anyone ever got pregnant after having a tubal ligation?

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How Effective Is The Tubal Ligation?

I'm 27 yrs old and this is my fourth baby.. I wanted to have my tubes tied but I also wanted to know how effective it is.. I really don't want anymore kids but I don't want the IUD even though it's for ten years .. my husband doesn't want me to get it but I feel that it's because he wants more kids, btw my third and this one are his.

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Could I Be Pregnant After Tubal Ligation?

I am 38 years old and have had my tubes cut and burn. My cycle is 30 days and last 4 days. It is a heavy flow and most of the time clots are present but this month it came the day it was supposed to. On time. Only it was & is watery red/brownish, have lower back pain and cramping, headaches, nausea, very bloated. My boyfriend said I look like I was 3 months but lol I know that can't be. Please help. My flow is 4 days but on day 5 & still spotting. Not enough to use a pad or full a tampon. What could it be? I'm a very fertile before I had my tubes done I have had 7 pregnancies and 5 live births. But if God blesses me one more time I will be so happy and so will my boyfriend. We both want a baby together.

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Possible To Get Pregnant After Tubal Ligation?

I'm a 35 year old who had a tubal ligation a little over 4 years ago, this month I had my period but not when I was suppose to and it was very light which i usually never am, I've been xtra moody and my breast very tender can I be pregnant?

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Possible Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation?

I had my tubes tied 2 1/2 years ago and my cycle had been regular up until this month. I'm 9 days late and my breasts are sore, I'm always tired, minor cramping, nausea and constipation. Could I possibly be pregnant even though I had my tubes tied or is it something else?

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How Is It Possible - Pregnant After Tubal Ligation

I'm 28yrs old,have 4 children and had unwanted tubal ligation surgery in 04/2013,according to my surgeon i had 2 inches cut off each tube and was not able to conceive ever again,im now 19weeks pregnant and am still scratching my head as to how in the world this could have happened with the type of surgery i is it possible to get pregnant after having tubal ligation?

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Weight Gain On Prednisone - Just Water Weight?

All I have eaten while on the 40mg pill for five days is fruits, veggies, lean protein, and whole grains. I've drank lots of green tea and water.

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Possible To Get Pregnant After Both A Tubal Ligation And An Ablation?

I am a 29 year old who 6 months ago had both my tubes tied and an ablation i have still had my period every month since i did this and have in recent months lost a lot of weight and have been feeling sick with everything i do and eat for a few weeks now i have very tender breasts as well and am concerned about being or falling pregnant again i have 3 beautiful girls my youngest being 6 and my eldest being 12 but made my choice due to the trauma of losing babies hand over fist with my last partner , my new partner would love me to have a baby but i am very worried about the health risks to both me and any potential baby who do i speak with about this as my gp is no help here at all and neither is my rn do i need to try and get hold of a specialist ?

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Tubal Ligation :: Certain Age To Get Your Tubes Tied?

Do u have to be a certain age to get your tubes tied?

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Tubal Ligation :: Can Tubes Become Untied?

I am a 44 yr old woman have had 6 babies all adults now got tubes tied about 13 yrs ago but lately I missed 2 periods I'm sore in boobs nauseous in mornings can tubes become untied and being my age cud I be prego?

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Anyone Experienced Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation?

Anyone experience pregnancy after Tubal Ligation? Please share your stories so I don't feel so alone. I'm 43 years old now. Had a T/L nearly 20 years ago and have now had 2 miscarriages within the past year and a half.

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